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I am a Natural Born United States Citizen with NO allegiance or citizenship to any nation but my own, and will use this site as a hobby place of sorts to present my own political and religious viewpoints, as a genuine Constitutional Conservative and a genuine Christian Conservative.

Thank you for coming.
In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Obama in China...his actions state to the effect of: "Hu, I wanna be your lap dog. {woof!}"

On November 16, 2009, Barack Obama stated a firm commitment to have the Copenhagen Treaty (for the One World Government and Carbon-taxing) signed in the International Summit in December 2009.

On Tuesday 11/17/2009, Chinese President Hu Jintao to the effect said that "China and the United States would work together for positive results at the Copenhagen summit slated for December this year."

And yet,"China and the United States underlined that each country and its people have the right to choose their own path...."http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90776/90883/6815677.html


In the Chinese Government newsource, Xinhua: Obama "called on world leaders to strike a deal at the December Copenhagen conference during which they would make differentiated commitments to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
...Obama has said he wants to cut U.S. emissions back to 1990 levels by 2020 and 80 percent further by 2050...
China should not take the same obligations as the United States since it has a much larger population living in poverty, he said."

According to China's People's Daily Online, they reported on 11/17/2009 that unnamed top leaders in the Obama Administration are going around openly and boasting publicly in China that they wish to go to Copenhagen to see Obama sign "a comprehensive deal during next month's climate change summit that will "rally the world."

In other words, Obama tells America he will not sign the Treaty, and then he advocates for the Treaty with the clear intention of signing the Treaty and relinquishing US Sovereignty -- and this is publicly echoed by his entourage while they are overseas! Where are the frigin' US Journalists Front Page and Top of the Television Media News reporting this back in America? PHHHHT.

Even though the UK Timesonline reported on 10/24/2009 that Obama "personally" may not go to sign the Copenhagen Treaty...
...what he told the Chinese and the World Media there is that an official Obama Administration US Government Representative WOULD.

China's "People's Daily Online" reported on 11/17/2009 that: "Liu Qi, deputy head of China's National Energy Administration...said at the Sino-U.S. Clean Energy Roundtable that the two countries have...signed a 10-year energy, environment framework and held several energy policy negotiations as well as forums on oil and natural gas. [A] Sino-U.S. clean energy center was established this year." http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90778/90862/6815350.html

"...the Ten Year Framework on Energy and Environment Cooperation (TYF)... [was Public Relationed as] energy efficiency improvement in industry, buildings and consumer products through technical cooperation, demonstration and policy exchanges...." Each country will build a bi-national "Clean Energy Research Center"...[which] "will have one headquarters in each country, with public and private funding of at least 150 million U.S. dollars over five years split evenly between the two countries. Priority topics to be addressed will include energy efficiency in buildings, clean coal (including carbon capture and sequestration), and clean vehicles.

On the promotion of the peaceful use of nuclear energy, the two sides agreed to consult with one another in order to explore such approaches...."
reports Xinhua.

In other words, while we have a physical picture of Obama bowing to the King of Saudi Arabia, and to the figure-head Emperor of Japan, Obama will yield - bow - and consult the Chinese before he discusses with Iran or North Korea their intents on "nuclear energy". Doesn't this sound like a President or someone who goes around the world, wetting his pants, and wants to be praised for it?

When Obama spoke with a group of Chinese students on his trip there, one of them (MNPundit) recorded this entry at 1:55 pm. : "As President he wishes he could restrict information so he wouldn't hear being criticized so much...But because information is free, even when criticizes say all sorts of things, it makes the democracy stronger because he must deal with dissenting opinions and forces him to reevaluate his daily actions."

If he wants to listen and reevaluate his daily actions, he can start by releasing his Long Form Birth Certificate, his school and college transcripts, his passports, and allow a Quo Warranto challenge to be met in the closed chambers of the US Supreme Court (since Bob Bauer will be on the Government dole to defend him)...and put up or shut up. Make Democracy stronger? His actions in the past year has had the complete opposite effect, just like his likely Russian KGB recruited mentor, Alice Palmer, probably once encouraged.

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