A Matter of Perspective
There is never a serious debate as to whether Homer was a man or a woman among the ancients. There is never a truly serious debate as to whether Homer existed. The debate among the ancient Greeks, however, did rage about the period in which Homer lived in.
The same kind of debate is reminiscent of what should be said in our own day, regarding the reign of David, king of Israel. There is no real debate of King David’s existence in the ancients. Instead, the record is silent of such Orwellian rewriters of history...perhaps moreso to ease their consciences than scholarly investigation in lower critical support for such wild hypotheses.
There is no debate on whether Christ existed in the First Century as a real person: even by hostile writers who lived in His times, and within a generation after Him. Why is that? Why are those who are closest to the times unwilling to challenge the existence of Christ, or David who preceded Him by over 1,000 years, or Moses who preceded David by some 500 years more?
The answer is, because the ancients cannot always be held responsible for the intoxicated canards of its future generations. If the future descendants choose to discard truth for a lie, and live on in an hallucinogenic state, they do it willingly -- knowingly --and of their own free will. An unwilling mind can learn to talk himself into disbelieving just about anything.
Josephus' alternating Gr./Heb. calculations open the way:
The calculation of the last year of the Trojan War is affirmed in the ancient witnesses utilized by the Church Fathers: as being about 1031 - 1034 B.C. Now 1031 - 1032 B.C. is the 4th year of Solomon’s reign -- making both King Solomon, and his father David, as of an older date than modern “Intellectuals” will lead you to believe.
Using a separate Jewish calendar,
Josephus: reckons a total of 477 years and 6 months between the destruction of Jerusalem in 586 B.C., and the building of Jerusalem by King David (Josephus, Wars of the Jews 6.10.).
This places David in Jerusalem in ca. January-February of 1063 B.C.
But in his Antiquities of the Jews, 8.3.1. Josephus uses the reckoning of the familiar Greek calendar (of his Roman audiences) to state that Solomon built the Temple 592 years after the Hebrew Exodus, before switching gears and reverting to the Jewish calendar of reckoning again.
Josephus knows the Scriptures use 480 years, as according to Hebrew reckoning, in I Kings 6:1.
The Greek calendar years of 592 times our inter-calculatory fraction is about 480.05 …or rounded off, 480 years.
In Antiquities of the Jews, 20.10.1, in discussing the lineage of the high priests from Moses to the A.D. 70 destruction of Jerusalem; Josephus gives a similar length of time (612 short years). When calculated against our inter-calculatory fraction, we are given a new insight into Biblical History.
Josephus cites a rule of the high priesthood for the last 16 years of the 40 years in the wilderness, when Moses was 104 - 120 years old. This was followed, again, by a 480-year gap between the entry into the Promised Land by Joshua, and the Temple of Solomon’s dedication.{1}
Thus, Josephus also uses this methodology for preservation of Jewish history, when mentioning the Greek calendar, in Caesar’s library.
The testimony of the Galilean Israelite, Josephus, is that he agrees with the Greek reckoning that puts King David, in Jerusalem and building it, in circa 1060 to 1063 B.C.!
It appears that a few years elapsed before the actual major construction began. Thus, David’s reign is calculated to have begun no more recent or later than 1075 to 1070 B.C David reigned in Jerusalem for 33 years, and based on Josephus’ calculations, until ca. 1037 to 1036 B.C. (I Kings 2:11).
Therefore, for Solomon to dedicate the Temple in the fourth year of his reign (2 Kings 6:1), and for it to be 480 years after coming into the land from the Exodus: the Exodus entry into Canaan must date to ca. 1512 - 1511 B.C.
In I Kings 6:1, the literal reading show us that “…it was 480 years from the lasa’ah of the children of Israel from the Land of Egypt.” That is, it was the finishing moment, the end destination, the conclusion to -- leaving Egypt, being the end of 40 years in the wilderness, and the feet of all Israelites touching both sides of the Jordan. This makes the entry a certainty at 1511-1512 B.C.
This is hundreds of years before Rameses, and places the Exodus as being during the reign of the Hyksos! Therefore, Rameses now becomes Ra- Ameses or Ra-Amosis: ‘the wicked and afflicted Ameses’. Can that really be? The Egyptians priests, such as Ptolemy of Mendes, in his 3 volume work “Chronology”, cites “Amosis” as being king during the Hebrew Exodus; Inachus being his contemporary in the colony of Greece (Clement, Miscellanies, 1.21).
In the same source, we read that Dionysius of Halicarnassus, in his “Times”, told the ancients that the Argolic states were founded first by Inachus, and later evolved to the Hellenic states of his day. There are some who would tell us Ah-mose was a woman ruler, and that Thutmose I was the husband. So, what is the truth?
Pharaoh Histories in Chronological turmoil
In examining the Chronology of the Pharaohs that is recounted by Manetho, we find that unlike the Bible, the histories of Egyptian rulers are F.U.B.A.R.{2}
Modern Egyptology fails miserably in attempting to reckon its dates to any accuracy near the Biblical record. We are then to understand by the priests of Egypt, through Herodotus, that there are 330 rulers of Egypt from its beginnings until his time in the 450s B.C.
Upon closer examination, this is not the case. We find that the same ruler of Egypt may go by several names during his reign, and that a vice-Pharaoh subjoins him. That is, a Chief Executive Officer, and his Chief Operating Officer rule Egypt. There is also a sub-division under this of an upper and Lower Egypt that is also portioned out, in which the number of rulers multiply, while the generations reduce yet again.
So if for 800 years, Pharaohs “A” rule upper Egypt, while Pharaohs “B” rule lower Egypt, and each have 25 generations: then the number of Pharaohs become 50, with 50 more vice-Regents. There, in just 800 years, you now have 100 of the required 330. If each of the Pharaohs alone have a second identifying name in those 800 years, we now add another 50 names to the 330 cited by the Egyptian priests to Herodotus, and have now reached almost half our required number: 150 of 330. That is a total of 150 or almost half the required number of the 330, in just 800 years!
The notion of a neat and orderly chronology, as Egyptologists try to fancy, just obliterates like the tobacco off the end of a lit cigarette.
The dilemma becomes a question of who was really the de facto potentate. In the Bible, we have clear distinctions of Israel and Judah and its kings, their names and years of rule, and their genealogies. In Egyptology, we have guesswork. Upon closer examination of Manetho’s 3rd Century B.C. Histories of Egypt, we find that A-mosis is really both Ahmose, and Tethmosis (Thummosis) - the son of Alisphragmuthosis. Under his leadership, says Josephus in Against Apion 1.14, while citing Manetho, 480,000 Egyptians rallied around the city of Avaris, and expelled the Hyksos families of those who perished in the Red Sea with their king, Assiss (Asehre Khamudi). These families were expelled along the northern route out of the country, and settled in Judea.
In Manetho’s Chronology, through Josephus, we find a man called “Jonias” as the Greek equivalent of the Hyksos name of Moses’ step-grandfather. Modern Egyptologists disbelieve his existence, although he reigned 50 years and 1 month, his name -- and the length of his rule -- having been stricken from the histories by them. When dealing with this kind of mutilation of history, one is at the mercy of the prevailing opinions of the field, until the carnival tricks and literary slights of hand be exposed for what they are. This is why the Bible is so much superior to any religion or history of the world: it is consistent, it is reliable, it is verifiable, it is historical and outside the bounds of ready alterations, and it is above rational reproach -- against any work the world has to offer in its place.
Manetho’s Time-line adjusted and reconstructed -- B.C. format:
Dates and months are approximated to Manetho.
Name --------------- ----------------Reign
Tethmosis - Amosis March 1551 B.C. to July 1526 B.C. 25 Years 4 mos.
Chebron July 1526 B.C. to November 1513 B.C.
13 years
Amenophis November 1513 B.C. to July 1491 B.C.
20 years 7 mos.
Amesses (Hatsheput) July 1491 B.C. to April 1469 B.C.
21 years 9 mos.
Memphres April 1469 B.C. to February 1456 B.C.
12 years 9 mos.
Memphramuthosis February 1456 B.C. to October 1432 B.C.
25 years 10 mos.
Tethmosis (II) October 1432 B.C. to June 1422 B.C.
9 Years 8 mos.
Amenophis (II) - Osiris {3} June 1422 B.C. to April 1391 B.C.
(Gk. diety as- Bacchyus) 30 Years 10 mos. (credited as though unbroken)
(Gk. diety as Dionysus) w/ Queen Isis {4}
Orus April 1391 B.C. to February 1354 B.C.
(Gk. diety as Apollo){5} 36 Years 10 months
Acenchres February 1354 B.C. to March 1342 B.C.
(Ikhnaton/Amenhotep’s wife) 12 years 1 month
(Egyptian - Nefertiti: “the beautiful one has arrived”)
(Gk. diety as Artemis/Diana){6}
Rathotis March 1342 B.C. to March 1333 B.C.
(Egyptian - Tutankhamen) 9 years
Acencheres (I) March 1333 B.C. to August 1321 B.C.
12 years 5 mos.
Acencheres (II) August 1321 B.C. to November 1308 B.C.
12 years 3 mos.
Armais November 1308 B.C. to December 1304 B.C.
4 years 1 mos.
Ra-Ameses (I) December 1304 B.C. to March 1302 B.C.
1 year 4 mos.
Armesses (Miamoun) March 1302 B.C. to May 1242 B.C. {7}
(perhaps Ra-Ameses II) 60 years 2 mos.
Amenophis (III) May 1242 B.C. to November 1223 B.C. {8}
19 years 6 mos.
Sethosis November 1223 B.C. to November 1210 B.C. {9}
13 years
Ra-Ameses (III) {10} November 1210 B.C. to November 1143 B.C.
67 years
1 There were only 13 high priests ruling in all that time. 480 divided by 13 is about 37 years per high priest’s tenure. Contrast this with the 28 appointed high priests in the 107 years from Herod I to Titus’ conquest, in which the average high priest served for a little less than 4 years because of robbery and political corruption of the office.
2 A clear example can be seen in lineage trees that are drawn up for the dynastic families. One tree actually shows that Thutmosis - Isis - Akhenaten all share the same era of rule as though brothers and sisters, children of Amenhotep III and Tiye (Archaeology, Mar/Apr 2002, “All in the Family” by Mark Rose, p.22). It is a high affront and insult, for Egyptologists (in general) to reckon demands for stringent requirements of lineage upon Hebraic Kings and take great fabrication liberties and myth-making endeavors upon their own craft. If the world of academia did not take them so seriously, we would be permitted to equate their historical Egyptology “craft”, (at times), with base humor and thespian slapstick. Josephus is clearly at odds with these modern historians, citing that “Pharoah” was as much a “household” representation of the royal family as was “Caesar”. We would not place Brittanicus, son of Claudius, as a ruler of the Roman Empire simply because he was called a “Caesar”. But that is exactly what Egyptologists do with the history of the Pharaohs.
3 What few bones were left of Osiris, (if there are any), was buried under the Sphinx of Egypt, about 300 feet below the surface. (e.g., Archaeology, Sep/Oct 2000, “Tales from the Crypt” by Angela M.H. Schuster, pp. 30-33).
4 Isis was known as IO, Ceres, and Demeter among the Greeks. Demeter was known as the goddess of grain harvests. Therefore, upon marriage to Osiris, she not only brought culture to Greece, she was its grain benefactor as well.
5 The Tel Amarna tablets are written to the Sun deity, Orus (a type of counterfeit Messiah): in 1384 B.C. His city, and that of his father, is Heliopolis. The Greeks name the “sun” as “Helios”. Thus, to the Greeks, Heliopolis becomes the city of the sun deity, Apollo. The Romans call the sun after the Greek as “Teitan” or “titan”. In the Greek, this designation corresponds Gematrically to 666, the number of Anti-Christ and the Beast (Irenaeus, Against Heresies, 5.30.3). In Greece, the priestesses of Delphi conferred “oracles” in Apollo’s name, being a cult of ‘Apollo’.
6 Artemis / Diana continued the work of her mother or grandmother as a benefactor of Attica. In Rome, she was remembered as the one who brought about the wharves of the Tiber, and fed Rome from Egypt -- justifying Rome’s relationship with the breadbasket economics of Egyptian wheat.
The Greeks may also have called her as Kore / Persephone, who was raped by her father (identified for us here as Osiris) by force. This activity appears to deal with the mother of Nefertiti as being either the victim of, or the offspring of Osiris. Based on the Chronology of Manetho, the raped child would have to have been anywhere from 1-10 years of age at the time of such an occurrence. This act was the reason why Osiris was slain by his own brother, who chopped him to pieces, scattering him to the far reaches of Egypt; to which we now call Osiris ‘Hades’, and ‘Pluto’, and the “Sphinx’ (under which what was left of Osiris is thought to be buried. Yet, this later offspring of rape is deified as love and beauty, whose Egyptian worshipers remembered her mother and grandmother’s angst by ritually beating their breasts.
As Nefertiti, Artemis/Diana married an Ethiopian from Thebes who moved the capitol from Thebes to Amarna. Amarna was about 130 miles north of the then Ethiopian controlled region of Egypt, and was probably a marriage contract for peace between two nations. Together, Nefertiti and her husband worshipped a sun deity, (the “Helios”) -- her deified “brother” Horus, whom was later, renamed “Apollo” in Greek adaptation of the mythology, was more than likely her uncle.
Egypt refused to continue abandonment of all its other deities upon her death, supposedly some 13 years after assuming the throne. Amarna wall inscriptions show she lost at least one child in its infancy, but that she was happily married with several children. The Egyptians eventually revolted against the racial crossbreeding of their queen, erasing her memory across Egypt; and then reinventing her history through worship and the mythology of Artemis/Diana. Although Orus was remembered as “a deity among the many”, there was never again a sole deity of Egypt.
7 In 1292 B.C., Saturn/Bellus comes into prominence, colonizing families Greece, Crete, and Italy (which is then called ‘lesser Greece’). The Jews call the Romans the children of Bel, and Beelzebub. Thus, the act of slandering another Jew by this name, is the same as accusing that one of being a ****, or illegitimate child of Roman stock, without the furnishing of proof.
In 1271 B.C., Ceres / Isis is deified by both Greeks and Egyptians, perhaps being the 100th anniversary of her death.
8 In 1231 B.C., Tyre is founded, either within or just beyond Egyptian military influence. The lineage is traced directly from Saturn, a Hyksos descendant born in the Egyptian colony of Greece.
9 The Babylonian language wanes as the universal - language of communication in the Middle East’s eastern Mediterranean region, circa 1211 B.C., as Egypt begins to expand its influence yet again.
10 This Ra-Ameses is listed in Judges 13:1 as being at Kadesh, 331 years after the Exodus!!! The testimony, as discussed in the next section, is supported by a victory relief in Karnak, Egypt. The fact that the myth of a wrong Ra-ameses, and other factual errors have existed for centuries, was probably based more on anti-Semitic and anti-Christian bias, than upon historic fact. Even just a few casual observations, discussed in the next section, make this clear.
Welcome! Jesus Christ is my LORD and Savior! Romans 10:9-10,13; John 3:16
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In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ 2025
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