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In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Luke 22:14-20 A Communion Study Aid with Greek amplification, and relevant Hebrew prayers

Luke 22:14-20 A Study Aid

14) And when the hour came to pass,
He [Jesus] reclined, and the 12 Apostles with Him.

15) And He said up to and alongside of them,
‘With a strong desire and longing,
I have set My mind with affection on this…
To eat the Passover in your midst and among you,
Before undergoing the experience of My suffering.’

16) ‘I lay before you these definite words to you,
That never – in any way may I eat out of it again –
Until when it is fulfilled in the Kingdom of G-D.’

17) And readily, and deliberately receiving and taking a cup
Brought Him by another, having given Thanksgiving and gratitude

Barukh atah YHVEH Elohaynoo
Melekh Ha’Olam
pri Hagafen

Blessed are You YHVEH our G-D,
Sovereign King of the Universe and of Eternity,
Who creates - Brings Forth – Makes Fat As A New Thing
the Fruit of the Vine.

He (then) spake,
‘Take this, and through division, divide it up into parts among yourselves.

18) I lay before you these definite words to you:
That in no way may I drink of that which is generated - produced - brought forth of the Vine,
Until when the Kingdom of G-D comes.’

19) And actively taking and receiving with the hand (unleavened Matzoh) bread,
Having given Thanksgiving and gratitude,

Barukh atah YHVEH Elohaynoo
Melekh Ha’Olam
HaMotzi Lechem Min Ha’Aretz

Blessed are You YHVEH our G-D,
Sovereign King of the Universe and of Eternity,
Who brings forth Bread from the Land - the Earth.

He broke the Unleavened Bread as though breaking off leaves,

[The Greek appears to indicate that if we take a Matzoh, and pull at its edges, while spinning it around, the activity is like breaking off leaves.Hence, while the left hand holds, the right thumb and one or two fingers snap and pull. Therefore, a plucking motion using either 7 or 8 fingers. As if the Bread itself were fruit being harvested from a tree, after a sense. Perhaps, the act of picking the Tree of Life's fruit in Paradise, will be the Heavenly version of partaking of Communion in the Kingdom, after this action, and in rembrance of what Yeshua did on a Tree (i.e., at the Cross).]

And gave of His own accord and good will, bestowing to them,
Laying before them these definite words, saying,
‘This is the body of Me,
being offered and given as a gift and posession for you;
this manifest as an outward completed action
into the recalling to mind of
My Memorial - Remembrance

20) In like manner and the same way.’
And the cup, after having banqueted and eaten,
Laying before them these definite words, saying,
‘This, the New and Better Covenant,
Unrestricted by time,
(is) the Cup,
in the Blood of Me, for you,
(which) is being generously spilled and poured out. ‘


Three relevant Kingdom passages to the promise of Union in the Communion in the life and age to come are these:

“AND IN THAT DAY, it will be that the mountains will rain down YHVeH’s Spirit,
as though flowing down forth an intoxicating New Wine;
and the hills will gush forth and flow with fatness;
and all the deep channels of Judah shall flow forth with Living Waters;
and an overflowing River shall pour forth as a spring from the Mountain of G-D -- from out of the House of YHVeH will it go out;
and a refreshing and a watering will it give,
as it fills even the Valley of the Pierced Tree.”
(Joel 3:18, my translation, fully amplified with word pictures from the Hebrew)

We see that in the last verse, the Pierced Tree refers to the coming Cross of Jesus / Yeshua. According to Revelation 11:8 (taken with Jeremiah 19:6, et al.), that outer valley (sometimes translated 'street' from 'plateia') of the Cross is the Kidron Valley. In Revelation 22:1, we see that the river which fills this valley, is that which proceeds from the throne of G-D and the Lamb (Christ Jesus); and because of this submersion or constant baptism of living waters, there shall be no more curse. In Revelation 22:2, on either side of the valley of the Cross, shall be the tree of life, and each month of the year, people shall eat of the tree a new fruit in its month, and take communion with G-D and His Christ for eternity.

“AND IN THAT DAY, will the BRANCH of YHVeH be glorious and beautiful,
and the fruit of the Earth (will be) for glory and for pride for the survivors of Israel.”
(Isaiah 4:2)

AND IN THAT DAY -- “The days will come when the vines will grow, each having 10,000 shoots; and on each shoot 10,000 branches; and on each branch 10,000 twigs; and on each twig 10,000 clusters; and in each cluster 10,000 grapes; and each grape when crushed will yield 25 measures [ca. 150 gallons].

And when one of the Saints takes hold of a cluster, another cluster will cry out,
‘I am better. Take me. Bless the L-RD through me.’

Similarly, a grain of wheat will produce 10,000 heads; and every head will have 10,000 grains; and every grain (will yield) 10 pounds of fine flour, white and clean.
And the other fruits, seeds, and grass will produce in similar proportions -- and all the animals feeding on these fruits produced by the soil, will in turn, be harmonious toward one another, and fully subject to man.”

-- Papias…who was a hearer of John and…saw John the disciple of the L-RD, recalled having heard how the LORD used to teach about those times…and he goes on to say [that Jesus, the L-RD, said]:
‘These things are believable to those who believe.’
And according to John, ‘when Judas the traitor did not believe, and asked, ‘’How then, will such a growth be accomplished by YHVeH?’’, the L-RD said, ‘’Those who live until those times will see.’’ “
Irenaeus, Against Heresies 5.33.3-4 (2nd generation student from John)

One shall live unto those times by taking hold on eternal life, and believing into Jesus Christ as their L-RD and Savior, he who as atoned for their sins upon the Cross, and has the power and authority over death to save them.

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