(Updated 12/21/2010 - two end sentences with two links added. )
Howard Dean admits that the Obama Campaign was driven by Saul Alinsky tactician
that along with California's new "Cap-and Trade" laws
and the looming $550,0000,000,000 pension commitment collapse (at a rate of $25-30 billion per year and rising)
will all work together to collapse the California economy beginning on January 1, 2012. because:
By Jan 1, 2012 - GHG rules and market mechanisms adopted by Air Resources Board take effect and are legally enforceable
Once that economic collapse happens, there is a high probability in early 2012 that there will be intentional sabatoge to California's delta system in the north, perhaps more specifically to Sherman Island (et. al.) by those in the illegal Obama Administration, in order to force out some 20-25 million Californians from central and southern California into other parts of the United States.
The Petrobras Research unveils a possible GE Capital Connection
It has been a while since I have seen or heard the Petrobras issue spoken about. The last time being perhaps months ago by Glenn Beck. You would think that with his hiring his own journalists and starting the Blaze.com, he would have at least done a follow up. It is a story that has been on the minds of some Americans since 2009, though the details may not be as fresh as they once were.
In 2009, the Usurper Obama decided to advance a 2 billion dollar "loan" to Petrobras, a Brazilian State-owned oil Company in which George Soros owned the second largest stockholding stake. Bloomberg reported a discrepancy from the initial amount proposed in April 2009 http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=aogq9sBiBhYo
and how that Petrobras wished to ambitiously have an unheard of $174,000,000,000 expansion over the next 5 years...such an astronomical amount that people should have scratched their heads and asked Bloomberg if they meant to report 17.4, rather 174 Billion.
The repayment plan of Petrobras to its own Brazilian National Bank (the Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social or BNDES) is set for 13.3 billion dollars to be paid over the course of 19 years and 8 months, with the first payment made 6 years from now in 2016.
The annual profit of 14 billion dollars times 5 years would generate 70 billion dollars in revenue, with approximately 10-12% that could be set aside for shareholders instead of reinvestments and payment of debts. So the 174 Billion dollar expansion is feasible if Brazil wishes to build refineries that would rival the Middle East. And at a payment of 700 Billion dollars to foreign exporters a year, the United States market would seem a potential 200 - 300 Billion dollar a year client by 2016 (allowing for inflation) if Brazil was able to capitalize and cut-out much of its Middle East competition altogether.
The problem with such a venture is the current global structure of nations and population dispersements. The United States, if it were to see Brazil's deep water fields as its new replacement of Saudi oil, allowing the Chinese and those of the East to purchase Mid-East oils while the West develops and purchases it own newly mined supplies, requires a relocation of some US populations. Southern Louisiana would be prime mega-refining complex lands, with a need of up to 200 square miles for refinery development, storage, and industry worker housing and support.
The problems of risk -- drilling at depths of almost 3 miles of ocean before even the first sediment is pierced, the uncooperative multiple and often contrary underlying currents that can shift and stretch and strain the piping through which oil might be lifted through, the loss of revenue and the inability to reconnect if the piping or connection is severed at almost any depth -- lends itself for any US National Interest to be to that the US should drill its own oil and buy its own oil, recycling its revenue and paying down the National debt; instead of urinating its cash flow out to foreign powers. Macro-economics quivers at such a notion, because it enables the United States to fully recover and get debt free in 25-30 years (if I understand it correctly). So why should the US Government be so directly involved in giving Petrobras $2 billion dollars to create a South American oil dictatorship? Obama would rather that we give away our rights and sovereignty to our own US Natural Resources, be it uranium or oil, he doesn't care. His goal is to once and for all destroy the United States of America and go down in history as a hero to the enemies of freedom around the world as the Greatest Deceiver ever...and the one who brought down and killed the greatest nation on Earth, killing much of Christianity and the spreading of the Gospel in the process. But getting back...
On August 18, 2009, the Wall Street Journal raised some questions about the Petrobras loan, after some consideration.
This was followed up on August 20, 2009, at Foxnews, when it was said that a $2 billion dollar investment in Petrobras did "not pass the smell test,"
between China's $10 billion dollar loan and George Soros personally owning many hundreds of millions of dollars in stock in Petrobras.
The Export-Import Bank of the United States is a federal entity within the Executive Branch of the US Government, run on its ability to freely use and trade US Treasury dollars as a credit loan outfit. Because they are a profit-making entity, even though part of the Executive Branch of US Government, they view any monies they spend or even loan to Petrobras as their own private revenue, and not related to the US taxpayer in any way.
This, in spite that its executives must be Presidentially appointed, and the Export-Import Bank of the US must answer to any President of the US as his direct boss. In the April 14, 2009 minutes of the Export-Import Bank of the US, we se that the approval of the Petrobras loan was left as unspecified, and as simply above 20 million dollars.
Country BRAZIL PC084193XX
Guarantor NONE
Project Name NONE
Product Description VARIOUS U.S. GOODS & SUPPLIES
Ex-Im Bank Liability (Millions) $20+
PC Expiry Date 05/14/11
Board Decision APPROVED
Is there anything for us to worry about? On the surface, as with many criminal enterprises, it would not seem so. But as one gets deeper into the connections, there seems that there IS much to worry about.
Soros Fund Management (as of the summer of 2010) holds (or at least then held) assets in the range of some $24 billion, and besides Petrobras at some $900 million plus, Soros also oversees major stock investments in the Hess (oil) Corporation, as well as large investments in Global Ship Lease (export/import of truck/train/van container vessels). http://www.hoovers.com/company/soros_fund_management_llc/ckrcki-1.html
Through the Cayman Islands and other outside the US Banking networks, George Soros is allegedly connected to Venezuela via Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA) and Hugo Chavez through the Hess Corporation.
This is the same George Soros who has boasted of enjoying using his wealth to bring down or overthrow Governments by being a "subversive", and it makes him almost as happy as when he was a 14 year old Nazi informant pointing out and getting fellow Jews killed off, playing "G-D".
In his speech to Cloumbia University, George Schwatrz-Soros stated @ 3:16 to 3:24 on the video
"Rational human beings don't base their decisions on reality, but on their understanding of reality; and the two are never the same."
Therefore, we must allow for such virtually irrational scenarios because those like Soros are the ones who have set what the "ground rules" of Communist-Socialist macro-economic and geo-political engagements are.
In case people have forgotten, not only does Hugo Chavez deal with and support dictatorships and rogue nations, he also wants to arm his nation with Medium range Ballistic Missiles to one day strike the United States of America. While some foolishly believe Chavez will give up power and step down in a few more years, he is on record as saying to the effect that he will not do so. BBC, for example, reports that Hugo Chavez is not content with his Marxist-Socialist Revolution in Venezuela, and that "he needs another 10 years for what he calls Venezuela's socialist revolution to take root." (Or words to this effect).
Through the Global Ship Lease Company, ownership based in the territorial US Marshall Islands (Soros had access to a legal shuffle point, a US connect and disconnect point of operations).
Going back to the initial Bloomberg article cited at the beginning, Petroleo Brasileiro SA (Petrobras) was reported on July 30 2009 by Bloomberg
to have been given the option of borrowing $5 billion from the US Import-Export Bank on top of a $10 billion dollar loan from China. The one issuing the loan for the US Import-Export Bank was Fred Hochberg, installed to the post by Obama in April 2009. Therefore, it was Obama who joins the Communist Chinese in joint overseas deep sea oil drilling investing, doing so as quid pro quo for George Soros and to the Chinese, through a radical homosexual activist placed in charge of the US I-E B.
And we find that it seems that Hochberg sought out Petrobras to give them the loan, they did NOT come to him...he went down to Brazil to them.
Here, he is quoted as saying thus
"I chose Brazil as my first international destination for good reason: Brazil is a powerhouse among South American economies and offers tremendous opportunities for U.S. exporters in many sectors. I want Brazilians to know that Ex-Im Bank has the will and the capacity to finance their purchases of U.S. equipment, products and services," said Chairman Hochberg."
Not only is Hochberg proactive in banking, but as an Obama ideologue, it may be that Hochberg could potentially be exceeding his authority is trying to dictate Global Warming and Carbon Tax politicking in his bank practices.
Getting back to Brazil, and Petrobras, whose loan Hochberg sought out.
click on the white dot at Brazil.
There we find that in 2004, Hess Oil had partnered with Exxon-Mobil, and both Hess Oil and Exxon-Mobil shared a 40% stake in drilling explorations at the BMS-22 block, and Petrobras owned but a 20% stake. It now appears that along with the rise of State Capitalism (Communism owning and buying more and more stock in the Capitalist Marketplace), that Hess and Exxon-Mobil will eventually be squeezed out by nations going into the oil business...Brazil and the Chinese, with the US as a major stock-holder in the venture that will merely donate our shares back to Brazil or hand over as either collateral or interest payment to the Chinese on our Treasury Debts.
However, Hess might not be entirely squeezed out, because it turns out that Hess isn't really Hess Oil as we know it in this investment, but instead, what appears to actually be (if I understand this correctly) as a co-Venezuela and a co-Hugo Chavez venture via Hovensa LLC.
"HOVENSA, L.L.C., A joint-venture between Hess Corporation and Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA)."
The Citgo link above, informs us that:
"The Venezuelan State is PDVSA’s sole stockholder under the provisions of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, and represents the economic and political sovereignty exerted by the Venezuelan people over oil...."
Again, when the British Broadcasting Company reported that:
"…Chavez has said he needs another 10 years for what he calls Venezuela's socialist revolution to take root."
did they mean via "State Capitalism" in cahoots with the Communist Chinese as well as an adaptation of Sharia banking and laundering with or for the paranoid Islamo-fanatic leadership of Iran?
Which brings us to the Europeans, whose banks Obama bailed out in the tens of billions of Stimulus dollars.
The Royal Bank of Scotland, "the French BNP Paribas, the Swiss UBS and the German Deutsche Bank."
The Swiss UBS was given 165 billion, German Deutsche bank was awarded 97 billion, and the RBS 92 billion dollars.
At this time, in my limited capacity, I have only connected the dots between the Royal Bank of Scotland and its possible and probable scandalous implications as being a "payoff" to GE, and by implication perhaps even to George Soros and his hedgefund, because as I understand it, Soros preferred RBS as one of his primary European Fiduciary locations of "banking", especially as it was in relation to his financial attachments to Petrobras and Hugo Chavez in Venezuela...if I have correctly read the collective data.
It seems that for nearly 20 years, the French and their private sector nuclear scientists and their banks have allegedly assisted Iran in its nuclear programs, even as they had allegedly simultaneously took billions in the notorious oil-for-food programs with Iraq via United Nations diplomatic immunity under Saddam Hussein. And if we follow the money, it seems that we run into America's own private sector "help Iran build its nuclear reactors" entity in General Electric, one of the financial world's under-reported worst kept secrets.
And how does GE (allegedly) access the stimulus money, later washed through the French Banks as payment to build Iran's nuclear reactors?
Try via the Royal Bank of Scotland, (RBS Factor S.A.), acquired 100% by GE Capital earlier this year which has those very well established and very open French Fiduciary connections. The United States gave GE Capital (via the Royal Bank of Scotland) $92,000,000,000 in stimulus dollars.
The same data was read on the air by Rush Limbaugh, http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/home/daily/site_120210/content/01125109.guest.html
and is less likely to be purged from the Internet, short of Obama using the FCC and its professed Hugo Chavez loving Marxist head to shut Rush down, the FCC head being described as one who might as well be a neo-black panther for his black man first bigotry and literal Communist and Dictator loving public pronouncements of his personal ideologies (and agendas).
GE Capital takes its cut of 92 BILLION dollars on top of the $16 BILLION it got at a 3300% return in 2008
and then, it seems, apparently washes some of those billions through its French Fiduciary connections for projects, payoffs, and investments unknown.
In other words, in spite of its claim of losing money in helping Iran go nuclear, by blindly backing and pushing an unvetted Obama, and waging a post-election campaign of disinformation on any who dare question an illegal President (never having a US Citizen Father at birth), the Communist-Socialist machine in Congress, along with Obama, guaranteed a billions of dollars payoff to GE, the owners of MSNBC, NBC, GE Capital, etc.
But then, GE Capital also brings us back into the earlier cited International Transportation Industry,
the same International Transportation Industry that George Soros bought into via the Global Ship Lease, Inc.
organized under the laws of the Republic of the Marshall Islands...and for all we know, a company allegedly involved in shipping nuclear materials to Iran for GE. But such possible, even probable shipping of GE parts and materials for nuclear use, for now is speculation, but speculation that reasonably could well have occurred, and needs full public disclosure if it did occur.
GE Capital has in its portfolio: Orion, China Transmission, Southwest windpower, Codexis, A123 Systems, Tpi, Gridnet, and Advanced Electron Beams
So could the 92 billion be an advanced payoff against what GE might stand to lose in real value assets and the cost of relocating operations from all that it owns in Southern California? That sounds a bit of a stretch. But if the United States becomes part of the G-Cube restructure in the New World Order, a plan that has already been released and outlined (as I have already reported) via Carbon Trading (i.e., Cap and taxing http://brianroysinput.blogspot.com/2010/04/beck-and-foxnews-exposes-obama.html )
it will have to rezone the US borders and become a singular entity of some sort with Mexico (as well as with Canada). The quid pro quo of such a Mexican acceptance requires new lands for them. The principle of Atzlan or Aztlan is behind the resistance of Arizona's Illegal Immigration Laws, as I previously posted.
If "Global Governance Restructuring" deal offers southern California to Mexico as part of the G-cubing process, the only way to drive Americans out by the many millions is to forcibly drought them out...cut off the water and offer the possible permanence of the contamination any surpluses (for years to come, or to this effect), and millions will be forced to relocate. That will allow those in Mexico by the millions to come and claim the homes and businesses of millions of Southern Californians in a grand wealth redistribution scheme, set perhaps for 2012, to perhaps no later than 2013. It may also conceivably be intended as a de facto cross-trade multi-national (joint US-Mexico) Pacific Operations Area extended from http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2010/03/138926.htm
even as reported by WND that Obama appears to be intending to especially erase some of our Southern US Border with Mexico http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=240045
Well, anyway, that's my personal editorial opinion on the matter.
I call for a full Media and Congressional investigation and disclosure on these issues: on the intentional soon coming collapse of the California Economy; the gross negligence to the California Water Delta (when monies were bonded to protect it years ago); the Petrobras Factor between Obama, George Soros, GE and the Royal Bank of Scotland, US Stimulus monies to foreign banks; and the investments and collusion of China, Brazil, Venezuela, and Iran.
And that's my input.
Welcome! Jesus Christ is my LORD and Savior! Romans 10:9-10,13; John 3:16
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In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ 2025
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