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I am a Natural Born United States Citizen with NO allegiance or citizenship to any nation but my own, and will use this site as a hobby place of sorts to present my own political and religious viewpoints, as a genuine Constitutional Conservative and a genuine Christian Conservative.

Thank you for coming.
In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Barack Husssein Obama Jr., British Natural Born Citizen, not US

The Obama Sr. File was uploaded onto Scribd from www.heathersmathers.com and contains an original birthday of  June 15, 1934 for Obama Sr.

Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio has asked to see the original of Obama Jr.'s Media hyped long-form birth certificate on its original microfilm roll (as it is alleged to so be stored in Hawaii's vaults).
Pictures of 3 differing versions of the same form are posted at this above WND article link.  

The Obama Long Form Birth Certificate Forgery released by the White House, the one Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio has a problem with,  mislabels Obama Sr. as being 25 years old  on August 4, 1961...or misdates  Obama Sr. as being born in 1936, rather than "1934", by Obama Sr.'s own hand in 1961.

For the June 18, 1934  birth date of Obama Sr., see pages 1,3, 9, 19, 32, 35, 37, 39, 43, 45, 49, 51, 52, 54 of the Scribd link

At least 14 times, Obama Sr. is documented as born June 18, 1934.

Barack Hussein Obama Sr. Immigration File

Only in the post-1961 dated documents,apparently, is the June 18, 1936 birth date is found ...and these are on pages:
7 (dated 07/22/64),
14 dated (04/21/1964),
25 (dated 06/06/63),
31 (undated, but appears to be related to page 32 as what should have been a throwaway for a corrected 06/27/1962 form listing the June 18, 1934 birth date).

In other words, no completed official document before April 21, 1964 makes any claim to a 1936 mis-dated birthday for Obama Sr., and the very earliest on file corrected listing very likely does not precede June 27, 1962.  

The birth date of Obama Sr. was altered to June 18, 1936 some 4 times, and only on or after June 27, 1962.  If Obama Jr. was born on August 04, 1961, his alleged Birth Certificate or Long Form Birth Certification should most certainly NOT have this post-1961 discrepancy..  

On page 7 copy and on page 14 et al.,  we find that Obama Sr. arrived in the USA on August 9, 1959.  You will also note below that Obama Sr. is clearly BRITISH in July of 1964 (listed as page 10 to bottom right of photo,) even after Kenyan Independence was declared in December of 1963.   (See also page 49 for a 1959 document listing the same, Obama Sr. as a British subject,  available at the Scribd link above),

On page 39 in the "Memo to File", the bigamist marriage of Obama Sr. to Ann Dunham is mentioned as being on February 2, 1961 in Maui, Hawaii. 

British East Africa, also officially called the East Africa Protectorate, was annexed by the United Kingdom / Great Britain in July 1920 and renamed after Mt. Kenya, assuming the name of the "Colony of Kenya".
In Joyce v. D.P.P.
“Apart from the Naturalization Act, 1870, the general principle still holds good. Nemo potest exuere patriam. Nothing a man does can make him a British subject and nothing he can omit to do can prevent him from being a British subject if he was so born.

According to British Statutes, and viewed collectively --
25  Edward III, Statute 2
7 Anne, Chapter 5, Section 3  (1708);
4 George II, Chapter 21, Section 1 (1731);
13 George III, Chapter 21         --   (British Nationality Act 1772)
a person whose father (even being inclusive of a paternal grandfather) whom was born within the British dominions as a British subject, that child of such a British subject is deemed a natural-born British subject, even though that child were born abroad outside British dominions.  

According to the UK Border Agency (Britain's version of our Immigration and Naturalization Service) 
The rules about British subject status changed in 1949 and again in 1983, so those dates are important when deciding if someone is a British subject.
Until 1949, nearly everyone with a close connection to the United Kingdom was called a British subject. And all citizens of Commonwealth countries were British subjects until January 1983. Since that date, very few categories of people have qualified as British subjects.

However, the British subjects of the nation of Kenya was only separated from British Citizenship as of January 1, 1983 through the British Nationality Act of 1981 (if that is the case, assuming he was able to lose a Natural Born British Citizenship).  At birth Barack Hussein Obama II was a British Natural Born Citizen, regardless where in the world he was born, because of the British Commonwealth Citizenship held by his father. 
In most cases, you became a British citizen on 1 January 1983 if you were a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies by birth, descent, legal adoption, naturalisation or registration in the United Kingdom, or if you lived in the United Kingdom, while a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies, for at least five years at any time before 1 January 1983.

 Notice the statement is an "or", not an "and"  lived in the United Kingdom, while a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies, for at least five years at any time before 1 January 1983.  Therefore, under Treaty, Barack Hussein Obama II may have been a British Subject as a US illegal alien who took the oath of office of State Senator in Illinois, and was only separated in his British Nationality upon taking that oath on January 18, 1997 at the alleged age of 35 (allegedly born in August of 1961).

 Barack Obama has never proved he was USA born.  He refuses to submit a hard copy into Court record under penalty of perjury, etc.  Under US Law,  Barack Obama had his allegiance renounced by swearing fealty to the Indonesian flag daily in Menteng - 1 in Jakarta Indonesia, being an adopted Indonesian Citizen where the step-father took him to the renunciation of all other allegiances, including the United States, to the consent of the mother.  However, she made this declaration of denouncing the Government of the United States rather than the British Consulate, as far as we know.  If the UK Border Agency was not informed, and we have no reason to believe it ever was, we have no reason to believe that Obama ever lost his Natural Born British Citizenship. 

Barack was recorded as Barry Soetoro (Soebarkah) -- his adopted and legal name in Indonesia -- had 4 years residence in Indonesia, and would visit Hawaii and stay temporarily for up to 3 weeks at a time, and attend Elementary School as a visitor pending his removal and return after his mother finished vacationing in Hawaii with her parents.   The primary residence of the mother was with her husband in Indonesia, and the primary residence of the child was with his mother.  Hence, there was no permanence of a US Domicile at any time for Barry Soetoro / Barack Obama until he was about age 10 or 11 and moved in with his grandparents at that time.

In Jakarta's Media story: Indonesians Pray for Obama to win US Presidency, Obama was listed as enrolling as a MUSLIM when spending time in the Catholic School (probably spent there primarily only for extra-curricular assistance in learning to speak the language of that nation).  
Antara News March 11, 2008   (from: Jakarta, Indonesia)
“…Obama, 46, was enrolled in two primary schools in Jakarta in the late 1960’s. 
      ‘We are very proud to have one of our students being a candidate in the United States presidential race’, Kuwadiyanto, headmaster of SDN (State Elementary School) Besuki, told Deutsche Presse-Agent ur dpa. 
…Teachers, schoolmates and friends in Indonesia remember the young Obama as a smart student. 
The SDN Besuki, now known as SDN Menteng 01, is located in the posh Menteng residential area, one of the most affluent parts of Jakarta.   Founded in 1934 by the Dutch colonial administration for the children of Dutch colonists and Indonesian nobility, the school has attracted mostly middle to upper class students, among them several children and grandchildren of the late dictator, Suharto.
…Before attending the SD Besuki school, Obama went to a Catholic school, Franciscus Assisi, where an old document showed he enrolled as a Muslim, the religion of his stepfather….
“He spent 3 years here in this school,” said Israela Darmawan, 64, Obama’s 1st grade teacher in 1968.   “We recognize him as Barry Soetoro because he was registered here as Barry Soetoro.” 

At the alleged age of  7, Obama was already a year behind in his grades.   To make matters worse, 
Obama's Mother declares Obama Jr. lost his US Citizenship as of August 13, 1968

Stanley Ann Dunham Obama Soetoro-Passport Application File-Strunk v Dept of State-FOIA Release-FINAL-7-29-10

The above passport file information on Barack Hussein Obama II's mother reveals that  
Barack Hussein Obama II 
has NO 14th Amendment US Citizenship,
and de facto, 
was sworn under signed oath by his Mom
to no longer be a Citizen of the United States
as of August 13, 1968!!!        (See page 3 of the above Scribd documents.  This file appears to have been updated, and the page numbers may eventually change...so save a download just in case). 

The immediate form following the opening letter has the mother sign under oath on the back page of  Form FS-299 of 7-64.

Following the instructions:
"I have not (and no other person included or to be included in the passport or documentation has), since acquiring United States citizenship, been naturalized as a citizen of a foreign state, taken an oath or made an affirmation or other formal declaration of allegiance to a foreign state; entered or served in the armed forces of a foreign state, accepted or performed the duties of any office, post, or employment under the government of a foreign state or political subdivisions thereof; voted in a political election in a foreign state or participated in an election or plebiscite to determine the sovereignty over foreign territory, made a formal renunciation of nationality either in the United States or before a diplomatic or consular officer of the United States in a foreign state; ever sought or claimed the benefits of the nationality of any foreign state; or been convicted by a court or court martial of competent jurisdiction of committing any act of treason against, or attempting by force to overthrow, or bearing arms against, the United States, or conspiring to overthrow, put down or to destroy by force , the Government of the United States.

{If any of the above-mentioned acts or conditions have been performed by or apply to the applicant, or to any other person included in the passport or documentation, the portion of which applies should be struck out , and a supplementary explanatory statement  under oath (or affirmation) by the person to whom the portion is applicable should be attached and made a part of this application.}

Ann Dunham wrote Barack Hussein Obama (Soebarkah) and struck his name out to indicate that he was legally to no longer be a United States Citizen, and the document stood to apply all relevant passages that could apply to a 7 year old who lost US Citizenship by naturalization to Indonesia with a renunciation of his allegiance and renunciation of his citizenship by both he and his mother and his step-father for him. 

Again, his own mother on August 13, 1968, before a Department of State consulate, denounced her son Barack Hussein Obama  as having foreign allegiances and foreign naturalization to Indonesia, and signed to this effect in form FS-277, writing and striking his name out.  

 Ipso facto and de jure, Barack Obama II is most certainly NOT legally President of the United States in the eyes of the US Constitution because he was born a British Citizen,
and his entire occupancy in the White House is therefore legally voidable.
When the Minister of Lands of Kenya addressed Parliament, he in no uncertain terms speaking for the Government of Kenya, stated Barack Obama Jr. was born in Kenya. 

Thursday, 25th March, 2010
The House met at 2.30 p.m.

p. 31 ...2nd paragraph   (Mr. Orengo, Minister of Lands of the nation of Kenya, speaking):

"...how could a young man born here in Kenya, who is not even a native American, become the President of America? It is because they did away with exclusion."
Now, one thing I would like to point out.  If Obama Sr. didn't FUBAR his birth year as 1936 until on or after June 27, 1962; then it follows that the alleged Certified Copy presented by a Press conference rather than into evidence in a Court of Law to refute Birther Attorneys, that alleged microfilm copy is clearly a fraud, because the age of the father -- Barack Obama, Sr. -- is based on what would have been present only after placing a Delayed Birth Certificate...an issue allowed up to one year after the actual date of birth in a Foreign Country.  Therefore, the White House released forgery blew it by labeling Obama Sr. to age 25 instead of 27, because this very mistake affirms the claim of the Government of the Nation of Kenya that Barack Obama Jr. was originally a Delayed Birth Certificate issued for foreign births, and that Obama was born outside the United States, and most probably where Kenya says he was born...IN KENYA.  
I'm of a mind that since John Brennan (i.e., he or his Company Employees at his direction) stole Obama's passport right out of the Department of State 
that he probably may also be responsible for stealing Obama's birth certificate out of his mother's Divorce records from Obama Sr. and is somehow involved in the missing Obama Birth Certificate that got Governor Abercrombie's first Dept. of Health Director, Dr. Neal Palafox, fired in January this year after the Certification of Liver Birth was found to be absolutely missing.
and on January 25, 2011http://brianroysinput.blogspot.com/2011/01/obama-confession-and-more-on-non-extant.html
it was almost conclusive in the journalistic sense, that the only thing on file in Hawaii as regards Obama is a data entry of : "Obama II, Barack Hussein, Male...." instead of any United States Birth Certificate or Certification of Live Birth.
  You will notice the bottom right handwriting of the Ann Dunham Obama - Barack Obama Sr. Divorce Papers, that in reading the page numbers, they are absent a page 11 (likely the Birth Certificate in which Barack was born in Kenya to the stipulated parents of the divorce decree, possibly at Lady Griggs Maternity of Mombasa, and possibly as early as January 1961, which Obama Jr. told Central American leaders and the News Media laughed it off).  
(H/T to Highlander Juan for saving these on Scribd.)
Stanley Ann D. Obama Divorce 1-23-64

 In earnest, the issue of Obama's lack of Constitutional Eligibility should be most front and center BEFORE going to the Primaries for the 2012 cycle.  It is a legal issue that needs to be resolved legally, peacefully, and immediately in a Court of Law for the good of the nation and the preservation of our current Constitutional Republic.  And I applaud Arizona's Sheriff Joe Arpaio for looking into the issue.  If Obama can at least be thrown off the Arizona ballot, others may immediately follow...and the issue will wind up where it should have been resolved years ago, in Court, expedited very quickly before the US Supreme Court. 

Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137 (1803)@180
states that

“a law repugnant to the constitution IS VOID. . . .” and
“in declaring what shall be the SUPREME law of the land,
the CONSTITUTION itself is first mentioned;
and not the laws of the United States generally,
but those only
which shall be made in PURSUANCE of the constitution,
have that rank.”

May everything Obama signed be voided out, and the US Federal Government be forced to return to a January 19, 2009 do-over, with Obama and those who conspired with him doing 30 years to life in a super-max facility at the minimum.   That's my input.  

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