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I am a Natural Born United States Citizen with NO allegiance or citizenship to any nation but my own, and will use this site as a hobby place of sorts to present my own political and religious viewpoints, as a genuine Constitutional Conservative and a genuine Christian Conservative.

Thank you for coming.
In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Be Prepared: Water Crisis Considerations.

EU Eco-Idiocy strikes again:

 Europe has entered its own stage of insanity, and declared that water, the same water which has given sustenance to mankind since the beginning of time, that water can somehow magically no longer rehydrate a human being because they say so http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/eu/8897662/EU-bans-claim-that-water-can-prevent-dehydration.htm
and that if any bottler of bottled water or other person advertises that drinking water can rehydrate you, then beginning in December 2011, you could face two years in jail for merely stating or advertising this fact publicly.
    The law was passed based on "A meeting of 21 scientists in Parma, Italy, [that] concluded that reduced water content in the body was a symptom of dehydration and not something that drinking water could subsequently control."  

Has anyone drug tested these 21 quacks for mind-altering drugs or given them psychological proficiency tests?  Of course not.  But they should.  Let them name one liquid substance that a human drinks that HYDRATES and does not contain a majority of water in its ingredient makeup.  Even specialty hydrating liquids used in sports, such as Gatorade, depend on WATER as its 98% makeup.  And if too many chemicals or waste are in the blood, what best flushes it out of the human body in most circumstances (except for the very rare emergency detox IV drip)?  H2O...water. 

And in 2008, there was also the EU scare in which the EU, based on another similar study, tried to outlaw banana and cucumbers having a curve to them.   EC Commission Regulation No 2257/94
It took until the next year before the ban was lifted.   I thought quacks of this kind of corruption in mind and financial waste  were laughed out of Europe...but I guess not. 

Since I have readers in the EU, let me go on record, now and in December 2011 and ever after: 


Cyber Attack from Russia strikes US Water Treatment facility in Illinois and shuts down water pump. 

We are only just learning that a cyber-terrorist attack destroyed a water pump at a Utility Plant in Illinois.

It is a reminder that we all need to have a minimum of about 10 days of potable water on hand (preferably twice or more, at a rate of a gallon per person)...the same as if we were preparing for a known coming natural disaster days ahead of time, but doing so all year round.  If you knew that a major ice storm, a class 5 hurricane or major typhoon, an 8.0 or higher earthquake was coming, and in the best of circumstances, your home was virtually undamaged afterwards, how would you handle going without water (as well as power)?    The shutting down of major utilities, especially water supplies to large population areas, presents such a precarious situation.

Preparedness in mind and in physical means removes confusion and fear, as confusion and fear and unpreparedness lead to a societal panic.  Panic is the fastest means of crisis escalation that needs to be the most averted from, and the more people that are off the streets and prepared for the crisis, the less of a panic and the less likelihood for systemic breakdown so that if vandalism or other events occur, they can be quickly isolated and removed, and repairs most quickly performed to achieve the regularity of service and professionalism that makes us, the United States of America,  the best damn country in the world.  (Read that Obama)

Water Contamination Concerns...many tested US Cities have tap water to consumers already  contaminated with dangerous pharmaceuticals. 

But it is not only cyber-attacks that should worry people, but what is already in much of the water already. Philadelphia had 56 different drugs in its tap water, while California had anti-epileptic and anti-anxiety medications mixed in their dispensed tap water, and so on. 




Made in 2009, "Tapped" warns us to be aware of the fragility of our water infrastructure for drinking and survival.

{Note: within 12 hours of this posting, the free full video was removed from Hulu.com.  As a reference, I am posting this alternative preview of the same 75 minute documentary movie.  -- Brianroy}

Added filtration standards ought to be applied, such as a possible secondary water filtration at the home from the water main or in the plumbing that can be made a commercially viable interest to those inventors in the world, but this solution suggests that there is also personal responsibility on our part. That does not go to a passing of more laws and regulations on the US Consumer, but it does apply to a common sense approach used by the Boy Scouts which used to be held up as a role model to America's youth when we were young.  A motto that says:  "BE PREPARED." 

BE PREPARED.  Are you able to survive 10 days or more without a Government supplied Water Source?  If not, please prepare now to avoid a possible panic later. 

What if there is a temporary crisis in which you cannot get to a store, or there is a run at the local markets because of major water main breaks, shut downs for maintenance, Government induced rationing, or an alleged terrorist attack on the tap water supply (be it a cyber fatal flaw shut down or actual chemicals induced into the water that need to be flushed out)?  

You will want to have a minimum / basic 10 day supply of water (1 gallon of water per day per person) always on hand just for drinking.  The use of 5, 3, and 1 gallon and containers is often the best bulk storage method, but some may prefer the .5 liter or 1 liter bottles.  Whatever is best for you, please consider budgeting and making room for that home supply. 

You will also want to consider an option of having at least 1 gallon per day for other uses, as well as having alternate manual water purifiers on hand.  To cut down on possible water consumption for bathing, you may wish to consider a purchase of two 32 oz bottles of 70% rubbing alcohol per person to have on hand and a set of small disposable wash-cloths to wash.  It is recommended this type of bathing be done once every 24 to 36 hours, and 64 oz. should be more than sufficient to last through a 7 to 10 day time period if used properly.  Be absolutely sure to avoid the eyes, nose, and mouth when using this product. 

Pure liquid bleach (and iodine drops or pills, such as in Military surplus for Canteen use)  can act as water purifiers, but should only be as a last resort.  It is better to have clean and trusted water on hand now.   Boiling water to a rolling boil for 2 minutes is especially desirable, but it may present its own complications, such as when it is not an option circumstance and location,  as well as if there are dangers of gas leaks or fire danger.  That is when the manual pitcher comes in handy to have on hand, and can be used at home or camping out of ones own vehicle (if properly cared for and stored).    One example would be this item with back up filters:  http://www.zerowater.com/

For those in rural and even many sub-urban areas, you have options those in the city will not have.  Some of you may be able to build, purchase and utilize rain barrels with your rain gutters (which you will have to keep clear of debris), but most will not have access to these.  Those who can, i.e. homeowners, in my opinion (in most cases) should have at least two 30 gallon or more rain barrels to their home if they are concerned about the possible coming water crises, and wish to be better prepared. Those who don't want to prepare, won't prepare.  The Boy Scout motto was "Be prepared".  Does America remember why that motto existed?  Being prepared saves lives and reduces injury and hardship.  It is also something that the older generation wished to pass to the new to reduce hardship on them, and make the future better, easier, safer, and healthier. 
Even an inverted raincoat or rain poncho can be turned inside out and upside down and staked out to capture rainwater into a sturdy bucket on a level surface with outside the bucket wall supported (be it bricks, rocks, logs, or such objects so as to keep the bucket from tipping over) method.

  Most everyone who accesses a tap or natural clean running water source from a household source not normally used for drinking water directly (usually a garden hose or water heater) can use the following method, but common sense and caution must apply.  I know some survivalists say drink water out of a toilet reservoir is okay, but I say DON'T.  DO NOT DRINK FROM THAT SOURCE.  But YOU use your own judgment as you will know what is or is not best, here. 

  It should already be clear, and from a trusted source not likely to be contaminated.  Sometimes this might be as close a your own water heater or garden hose, or it may be a local creek or river.  You will then next prepare  a very fine screen kitchen strainer and a fully clean 100% cotton cloth flat completely over and dropping an inch or more within a funnel that itself is placed within a glass bottle or jar (such as a mason jar).  You can also use multiple coffee filters or even higher-grade paper towels such as Bounty for short durations.   Pour the water in through the strainer and clean cloth carefully. Stop pouring when the water in 2 - 3 inches from the top.  Pull the funnel (etc.) out of the jar or bottle.   Cover the jar or bottle up, and place in direct sunlight 7-8 hours. The water in most circumstances should be potable / drinkable.

Preferably, afterwards, you will still boil the water at a rolling boil for at least 2 minutes (the US Government says a rolling boil for 1 minute)  in a clean pot, and for 20 minutes at a rolling boil if the water is in any way suspect, but still unknown, being clear, free of chemicals to your best judgment, etc.  When it cools down, it is ready for potable/drinkable  use or storage in a clean container.  If a funnel is needed for this task, be sure to use a separate and clean funnel specifically for that use (a "clean water only" funnel you have designated as thus).  You will need to have enough jars on hand to give each person a ration of a minimum of 2 quarts of water per day, but 3 to 4 quarts is preferable (and 5 quarts will likely be a hydration necessity for those laboring more than 4-5 hours to the point of sweating/perspiring  during the day).

The above technique employs a natural ultra-violet radiation sterilization from the sun, and the boiling is a double precaution.


DOH Pub 821-031
Revised - January 2009

Purifying Household Water

The treatments described below work only in situations where the water is unsafe because of the presence of bacteria or viruses. If you suspect the water is unsafe because of chemicals, oils, poisonous substances, sewage or other contaminants, do not use the water for drinking.

Storing water safely
  • Store one gallon of water per person per day.
  • Store at least a three-day supply of water per person.
  • Collect the water from a safe supply.
  • Thoroughly washed plastic containers such as soft drink bottles are best. You can also purchase food-grade plastic buckets or drums.
  • Seal water containers tightly, label with date, and store in a cool, dark place.
  • Replace water every six months.
  • Never reuse a container that contained toxic materials such as pesticides, solvents, chemicals, oil or antifreeze.
  • Water purification
    There are two primary ways to treat water: boiling and adding bleach. If tap water is unsafe because of water contamination (from floods, streams or lakes), boiling is the best method.
  • Cloudy water should be filtered before boiling or adding bleach.
  • Filter water using coffee filters, paper towels, cheese cloth or a cotton plug in a funnel.
  • Boiling
  • Boiling is the safest way to purify water.
  • Bring the water to a rolling boil for one minute.
  • Let the water cool before drinking.
  • Purifying by adding liquid chlorine bleach
  • If boiling is not possible, treat water by adding liquid household bleach, such as Clorox or Purex. Household bleach is typically between 5 percent and 6 percent chlorine. Avoid using bleaches that contain perfumes, dyes and other additives. Be sure to read the label.
  • Place the water (filtered, if necessary) in a clean container. Add the amount of bleach according to the table below.
  • Mix thoroughly and allow to stand for at least 30 minutes before using (60 minutes if the water is cloudy or very cold).
    Treating Water with a 5-6 Percent Liquid Chlorine Bleach Solution
    Volume of Water to be Treated Treating Clear/Cloudy Water:
    Bleach Solution to Add
    Treating Cloudy, Very Cold, or Surface Water: Bleach Solution to Add
    1 quart/1 liter 3 drops 5 drops
    1/2 gallon/2 quarts/2 liters 5 drops 10 drops
    1 gallon 1/8 teaspoon 1/4 teaspoon
    5 gallons  1/2 teaspoon 1 teaspoon
    10 gallons 1 teaspoon 2 teaspoons

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