Ancient Greek Historical Aids to the Natural Born Citizen Issue
Yesterday, I was checking back with the writings of the ancient Greeks and how they would have viewed the citizenship issue with regards to the NBC, and how certain of the Founding Fathers may have been influenced in regards to their writings.
But let me start with how Liddell, Henry George ; Robert Scott; A Greek-English Lexicon, (Revised by Henry Stuart Jones and Roderick McKenzie) Oxford. Clarendon Press. 1940...defines the ancient Greek word autochthon αὐτό-χθων as:
"Sprung from the land itself" and as the adjective "indigenous, native".
Herodotus, in his "Histories", uses autochthon in the sense of both original and ancient. Hence, one who is native and of long standing in the land...often in the sense of ages and many centuries before others came and attached themselves or pushed out those that preceded them.
Herodotus, The Histories, 1.171.5
A. D. Godley. Cambridge. Harvard University Press. 1920, translates as:
“…the Carians themselves do not subscribe to it, but believe that they are aboriginal inhabitants of the mainland and always bore the name which they bear now.”
The relevant Greek text reads αὐτόχθονας for the English translation of aboriginal. Later in the same translation of Herodotus, The Histories, 4.197.2, the Greek text reads:
αὐτόχθονα and αὐτόχθονες for the below translations as aboriginal
[2] I have this much further to say of this country: four nations and no more, as far as we know, inhabit it, two of which are aboriginal and two not; the Libyans in the north and the Ethiopians in the south of Libya are aboriginal; the Phoenicians and Greeks are later settlers.
When looking to Plato for advice, we see that he places the emphasis on a plural of fathers (2 forefather generations or more) that are required to be born in the land as well as the one born, or 3 generations born on the soil, to be called indigenous or "natural born" stock. It is a nuance most people miss in the first reading.
Plato, in Menexenus 237b - 237c, states:
[237b]: "… thereafter we shall exhibit the character of their exploits, how nobly and worthily they wrought them. Now as regards nobility of birth, their first claim thereto is this -- that the forefathers of these men were not of immigrant stock, nor were these their sons declared by their origin to be strangers in the land sprung from immigrants, but natives sprung from the soil living and dwelling in their own true fatherland; and nurtured also by no stepmother, like other folk, but by that mother-country [237c] wherein they dwelt, which bare them and reared them and now at their death receives them again to rest in their own abodes.
W.R.M. Lamb translates autochthon as a native sprung up from the soil in 1925. The immediate above passage comes from: Plato in Twelve Volumes, Vol. 9 translated by W.R.M. Lamb. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann Ltd. 1925.
The SAME translation was consitently done in the following year with Demosthenes, when the equally credentialled team of C.A. Vince and J.H. Vince translated the Greek of
μόνοι γὰρ πάντων αὐτόχθονες ὑμεῖς ἐστε κἀκεῖνοι
"for you and they are the only indigenous peoples in Greece—“
The passage comes from Demosthenes, On the False embassy, 19.261; but it is in 19.260 that we learn that it is the "men of Athens" who are the only indigenous people...not in the specifically mentioned Land of Greece...but in the place or region in which they found themselves at. Hence, the translators infer Greece by the context of the speakers words of implication and apparent intent.
Perhaps it would have better been read to something after this effect:
“…men of Athens…for alone sprung up from the land itself you are in the manner and place of this region [Greece].”
(Demosthenes, English translation by C. A. Vince, M. A. and J. H. Vince, M.A. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann Ltd. 1926).
In his Funeral Speech, 60.4,7 Demosthenes in the English translation from Norman W. DeWitt, Ph.D., and Norman J. DeWitt, Ph.D. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann Ltd. 1949, states:
4] The nobility of birth of these men has been acknowledged from time immemorial by all mankind. For it is possible for them and for each one of their remote ancestors man by man to trace back their being, not only to a physical father, but also to this land of theirs as a whole, a common possession, of which they are acknowledged to be the indigenous children.
For alone of all mankind they settled the very land from which they were born and handed it down to their descendants, so that justly one may assume that those who came as migrants into their cities and are denominated citizens of the same are comparable to adopted children; but these men are citizens of their native land by right of legitimate birth.
7] For the ancestors of this present generation, both their fathers and those who bore the names of these men in time past, by which they are recognized by those of our race, never at any time wronged any man, whether Greek or barbarian, but it was their pride, in addition to all their other good qualities, to be true gentlemen and supremely just, and in defending themselves they accomplished a long list of noble deeds.
Note the pattern:
It is the father, the lineage through the father, and the name of the father that determines one's indigenous or "natural born identity", in conjunction to the land from which they and their father spring from. If the son is not born in the land of his father, he is a foreigner of the land of his foreign father, even when born in a foreign land.
In regard to Barack Hussein Obama, the ancient Greeks would rule that it is impossible for Barack Hussein Obama II to be anything other that an indigenous or natural born KENYAN, and that this is proven by the nationality and location of his forefathers.
Again, Plato seems to place an indigenous stock to that of great-grandchildren born in the that if a third generation is born to the soil, only then can we apply the term native, indigenous, natural born, autochthon. Is there some validation in the Greek for that? Yes.
παλαίχθων palaichthon has also found use in ancient Greek to help us identify and define what a "natural born citizen" is, or at least was, in the mind and interpretations of the Greeks.
παλαίχθων palaichthon means to the effect of: "an ancient or long-standing inhabitant of a country or place", inferring that indigenous is multi or many generations in the nature of the word.
Hence, "natural born" in the sense of how it was understood from the time the Middle Age monks and other duplicate copied, and/or translated the Greek Historians like Herodotus, or great thinkers like Plato, is likely to have been passed on as those who are of the stock of the first national identity and ethnicity of the land through their fathers, and are able to
MULTI-GENERATIONALLY trace such a lineage in the soil through the father.
Even the Minor Attic writer, Hyperides, offers a solution for when a society is multi-cultural:
[7] To do so would, I think, be foolish. Granted, if one is praising men of a different stamp, such as have gathered from diverse places into the city which they inhabit, each contributing his lineage to the common stock, then one must trace their separate ancestry.
But from one who speaks of Athenians, born of their own country and sharing a lineage of unrivalled purity, a eulogy of the descent of each must surely be superfluous.
(Hyperides, Funeral Oration, 6.7;
Minor Attic Orators, vol. 2
English translation by J. O. Burtt, M.A. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann Ltd. 1962).
And we must remember, that when one traces his ancestry in Greece and among the Hebrews in the Bible, it is the father who is prominently counted. In Biblical genealogy, in regard to Luke's, the daughter only matters effectually when she can trace her paternity back, and then pass that tribal and ethnic lineage on to her son. Luke recounts Mary's paternal lineage back to Adam and the time of the prophecy of a unique one of a kind seed of a woman, hence a virgin's preternaturally fertilized egg, bears forth Messiah. Even so, in order to have credibility and legitimacy, the paternal lineages of society were what mattered in determining one's indigenous status, be you a citizen of and in Greece or Israel.
The 4 earliest tribes of Greece from the times of the Cataclysm and in the generations before Ceres/IO married Osiris of Egypt and enjoined Attics with Egypt by becoming benefactor Queen Isis, were: Cecropis (Κεκροπίς), Autochthon (Αὐτόχθων), Actaea (Ἀκταία), and Paralia (Παραλία).
Ceres appears to have been attached to those of the Autochthon tribal origins, and eventually, it was this same lineage that was able to survive another millenia fairly intact because of her and the cemented relationship she has as Queen Isis of Egypt
At or about the time of Egypt pumping money into Athens, establishing commerce, and sharing the wealth of its education with ancient Athens... we see that the name of Autochthon (for whatever reason) first changed to Atthis (Ἀτθίς), and later on Atthis was subsequently later changed to Athenaïs (Ἀθηναΐς). Athenaïs, as you may well know, designates both those of the city and of the ethnic tribal race derived from those who first settled what we now call Athens, having first settled there after the Cataclysm (destruction by water et al.) tidal wave, earthquake, and other destructions of 1551 B.C. I discuss this at:
Refer to the Timeline: Ceres / IO / Isis is likely involved in Egypt from the 1410s - 1390s B.C.
Ceres as Isis is deified in ca. 1271 B.C., about 120 years after the death of her husband Osiris when also her son Horus (aka. Apollo) ascended to the throne of Egypt.
see also:
In Latin, a like term as Autochthon (Αὐτόχθων) is "terrigena": "born of and sprung from the earth" implies a permanency of residence from birth to a single soil and a single people.
Roman historian Cornelius Tacitus infers this in regard to discussing who were the indigenes of Britain:
"Who were the original inhabitants of Britain, whether they were indigenous or foreign, is, as usual among barbarians, little known."
(Cornelius Tacitus, The Life of Cnæus Julius Agricola, 11).
The Latin reads:
Ceterum Britanniam qui mortales initio coluerint, indigenae an advecti, ut inter barbaros, parum compertum.
In regard to the founding of this nation, those who swore legience to it at the beginning from July 4, 1776 to the ratification of the US Constitution, were ruled as "indigenous" by rule of law. And by a correct interpretation of US Law, we must follow those guidelines as to what allows for how a natural born citizen in the United States is defined. The one extreme may argue that a perpetual paternal lineage to the founders must be required, while the other extreme allows what Senator Bayard argued with A.P. Hinman about in regard to Chester A. Arthur...that a man who emigrates to the US and becomes its citizen, and has a son born here, as long as the father naturalizes to the US by the child's 21st birthday, the child born here might be ruled a US NBC. But no matter what lenience we allow, Barack never makes the cut. Even with the ancient Greeks there was an apparent unspoken prerequisite involving both one's socio-awareness and intelligence in civilized societies as to one's own ethnic and national /familial identity among these ancients that seems to have been forgotten and almost lost to us in our own Day.
An indigene is from the Latin, “indigena”: in (in) + gen (to beget).
Someone who is “indigenous, is defined as someone who is born of a particular race that is associated or attached to the country he/she is born in. They are produced and arise naturally in the locale they are brought up in, generally most always by two domestics...but most certainly always by the paternal atachments to the land and peoples. Barack Obama has NO such "natural born" or "indigenous" attachments here in the US...they are in Kenya alone.
In nature, a crossing of a foreign and a domestic produces a Hybrid…it is not an “indigenous” species, so neither is Barack Jr. an indigenous or US natural born citizen, even if he were born in the US (which two high officials in the nation of Kenya, and Nairobi’s own media disputes, citing Kenya as the place where Obama Jr. was born).
Thus, the Obama ancestry and natural born or indigenous attachment follows the father, and Barack Obama (regardless of what his forged short form Birth Certification says) is US Constitutionally INELIGIBLE to the US Presidency, and is guilty of High Crimes and Misdemeanors as a USURPER of the office which he now possesses and/or occupies.
I hope I have helped readers to 'discover" or "rediscover" what "natural born citizen" meant and was understood as by the Founding Father's of the United States of America, some of whom very likely read such Greek works as mentioned and cited above.
Welcome! Jesus Christ is my LORD and Savior! Romans 10:9-10,13; John 3:16
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In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ 2025
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Ancient Greek examples of how "Natural Born Citizens" were at those times defined.
natural born citizen,
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