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In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Barack Obama The Unvetted, the Communist Party USA's 2007 declared "Spiritual Heir".

 Barack Obama The Unvetted:
whom the Communist Party USA proudly called its "spiritual Heir" in 2007

This first part is a republishing of Cliff Kincaid's very important insight as seen at:

America's Survival, Inc.
P.O. Box 146
Owings, MD 20736

  • Shocking New Information! News release: Obama's Communist Mentor Frank Marshall Davis was a Communist and Sex Pervert
  • Special Report: Obama's "Sex Rebel" Communist Mentor -- The "Naked Truth" About Frank Marshall Davis (PDF)
  • Read Excerpts from Davis's "Sex Rebel" Book (PDF)
  • Who was Frank Marshall Davis? (This is a 32-page analysis of the FBI file by Cliff Kincaid and Herbert Romerstein.) PDF
  • The Frank Marshall Davis Network in Hawaii (Andrew Walden examines the remnants of the Davis network in Hawaii). PDF
  • Pages from the FBI File (This 40-page report includes selected pages from the FBI file which document Davis's Communist history and pro-Soviet and anti-white views). PDF
  • FBI File #1 (PDF)
  • FBI File #2 (PDF)
  • FBI File #3 (PDF)
  • FBI File #4 (PDF)
  • FBI File #5 (PDF)
  • FBI File #6 (PDF)
  • The Communist Party of Frank Marshall Davis (PDF)
  • Frank Marshall Davis and the American Committee for Foreign Born (PDF)
  • Frank Marshall Davis Testimony before the Senate (PDF)
  • California Senate Report on Communist Press Networks (including and naming Frank Marshall Davis) (PDF)
  • Excerpts from "Investigation of Un-American Propaganda Activities in the United States" (Includes numerous references to Frank Marshall Davis) (PDF).
  • The Communist Party's Cold War Against Congressional Investigation of Subversion. 1962 House Committee on Un-American Activities Report. 58 pages. (PDF)
  • How We Almost Lost Hawaii to the Reds (from the Saturday Evening Post). (PDF)
  • Excerpt from "The Scope of Soviet Activity in the United States" (Hawaii) (PDF)
  •  --------------------------------------------------------------------
  • I also did a post on the Frank Marshall Davis File 2 years ago, and having read through it, made some notations that summarized about 133 pages of the 600 page FBI file on Frank Marshall Davis as an overview.  It follows below.
  •   http://brianroysinput.blogspot.com/2010/07/frank-marshall-davis-review-of-obamas.html

    Sunday, July 4, 2010

    Frank Marshall Davis, a review of Obama's teenage mentor 1931-1963. 133 plus FBI file pages, etc. summarized.

    The entire 600 pages of the FBI reports on Frank Marshall Davis and other useful information  can be obtained by Accuracy In Media Report editor Cliff Kincaid's website at:  


    I also recommend 



    as starting points for those wishing to do their own expedited and reliable research.



    Beginning with a key Communist mentor of Frank Marshall Davis:

    The Soviet Union archives, now back to being the Russian archives,  in their 1938 Comintern Archives Fond, 495, Opis 74, Delo 467, pp. 29-30, introduces us first to one of Frank Marshall Davis's key mentors,  the Communist Party USA’s Central Committee candidate member William L. Patterson.

    Born in 1891, Chicago, Illinois citizen and Communist William L. Patterson served in the Communist Party USA from 1926 to 1929.

    After Patterson did his stint serving as a delegate to the 6th Congress of the Communists USA in 1928, in 1929, he decided to “join the Revolution” at the source, and transferred his membership from the United States to the Soviet Union (there his Russian Soviet membership stayed active until at least 1938, where the dated Comintern 495.74.46.29-30 record of 1938 ends).

    Patterson operated the Soviet styled "Workers School of Chicago" and renamed it to the “Abraham Lincoln School”. 

    FM Davis would guest lecture there in the early 1944. One lecture for one night per week during the Spring Session.

    In February 1944, FM Davis's lectures included "United Nations on the March", and another was " Africa and the Colonial World". Present was William L. Patterson, who referred to Davis as "a member of the Church", a Communist dues paying member in good or excellent standing (in their codespeak).

    Patterson was a trainer of young Communists, including that of Frank Marshall Davis.

    In April 1944, Patterson boasted at the "Abraham Lincoln School" (formerly the "Workers School) of Frank Marshall Davis as very interested in the Soviet Union and a poet in his own right. The American Communist joined Soviet Union Communist party member called Davis as "very progressive"...meaning that Davis was very hard core, even by American pro-Soviet Union Era Communist standards in 1944. For historians of this period, such a compliment should be frightening; and it highlights Davis' core zeal in his pro-Soviet Communist convictions.

    Frank Marshall Davis was molded and motivated into being a Communist evangelist, sent out by Patterson to recruit non-Communists (especially negroes) into the fold.

    Frank Marshall Davis was a Communist in good standing since 1931, in Atlanta, Georgia, where he was employed as an Associated or United Negro Press journalist.  In Atlanta, he became acquainted with Ben Davis, Jr., who was funded by the Communist Party to defend two negroes in high profile cases in the Atlanta area. Frank Marshall Davis moved to Chicago in 1934, and continued his employment as a newspaperman with the Associated Negro Press (or some variant name of that), where he also served as an Executive ANP Secretary.

    Davis lived in Chicago in 1934 and remained until 1948. 

    In 1944, he was on the sponsoring committee that celebrated "the 20th anniversary of the 'Daily Worker' held at Orchestra Hall" on January 6th.

    In some 600 pages of FBI documents, FM Davis apparently  only once in his file was referred to as having been a Communist from at least 1931. In 1931, Davis was a journalist in Atlanta.    In effect,  FM Davis spent some 14 to 16 years under the surveillance on the Communists in the USA radar, if you will.  Davis, although active as a Communist,  as with most pre-WWII negro Communists, Davis was simply off the grid because the FBI was still developing, growing, and primarily concerned with violent crimes and expanding its law enforcement powers to be interstate pursuing and well armed and trained.  Once the FBI developed, the Davis file began...and that wasn't until 1942.

    In the some 600 pages of Freedom of Information Act  material on Frank Marshall Davis, we next find that
    in 1948, Davis took his wife and moved to Hawaii at the behest of the Central Party ("Mainland") Communists who were seeking to take over the territory of Hawaii, utilizing the ILWU (the International Longshoremen and Warehousemen’s Union) and his Communist Party Leadership in Hawaii connections, Paul Robeson, Harry Bridges, and Jack Hall.

    On July 18, 1948, the FBI was clandestinely informed that the Communist Party USA Central Committee ordered Dwight James Freeman to Hawaii, to chair and operate as head Communist there. His first order of business was to get a Communist pro-Communist Propaganda Newspaper going. On August 8, 1948, the Honolulu Record was in business, with Koji Ariyoshi as its Editor. Ariyoshi hired on Frank Marshall Davis as one of his editorial columnists.

    In the February 23, 1956 issue, p. 8, Davis wrote:

    I told my astonished Islander friends that the white supremacy opinions of Clark Howell were nothing new to me. He had the same rigid beliefs on segregation when I was in Atlanta 25 years ago.”

    In 1950, the FBI informant within the high levels of Hawaii’s Communists reported that upper levels of the Communist Party in Hawaii splintered into groups of three, and went underground. This differed from the slightly larger groups of 4 to 9 in the Los Angeles area, for example. The informant was chairman or head of group number 6, while Frank Marshall Davis was over in and head of group number 10. Davis’ wife Helen was member number 2, and the third member was left unidentified.


    {Of a side note:
    It may be deduced that from Barack Obama himself that Barack Obama’s white grandfather was by late  1960  a member of the Communist Party of Hawaii’s group number 10, via the code word usage that “drinking buddies” that Barack auto-biographical uses to decribe his white grandfather Stanley Dunham and Frank Marshall Davis.  "Drinking Buddies" was not just a literal boozing, but also was used as code for "collaborators of the same Communist cell."}

    Davis kept an office near the airport in a Drown Transfer company building in a section called the Damon Tract, and Frank Marshall Davis was listed in a 05/14/56 internal security FBI report as the President of the by then defunct Hawaii Civil Rights Congress. But his FBI File HN 100-5082 also reports that the unredacted Secretary under Davis controlled the purse strings and actually ran the Hawaii Civil Rights Congress more than Davis did.

    Davis having filed for bankruptcy on April 30, 1956, and was working then as a salesman at the Osborne Company at 1888 Kalakaua Avenue in Honolulu, allegedly “selling calendars and other advertising specialties.” His residence was listed as 47-388 Kam Highway, Kahaluu, Oahu in a report dated 10/19/56 and unclassified on 04/24/97. But by the next updated report, it was stated that Davis had moved from that Kam Hwy residence elsewhere. It was later reported in Davis’ FBI file as being to 2994 Kalihi Street, Honolulu.

    In May 1957, F.M. Davis filed divorce papers against his wife, calling her a “psychopath with a father fixation”, but eventually dropped the filing when he found out by August that she was pregnant. It is unclear if Davis knew if he or the “mainland musician who was employed in a Waikiki night spot” was the father of the unborn twins until perhaps after their births.  Davis had moved out and was living in the Central YMCA on Atkinson Drive in Honolulu as late as August 7th or 8th, 1957. On February 10, 1958, Davis’ FBI file reports that “his wife gave birth to twin daughters.”

    In the January 14, 1958 FBI report, Davis was still employed by the Osborne Company, but was working out of his residence.

    The law Offices of Bouslog-Symonds, Union Attorneys for both the United Public Workers (UPW) and the International Longshoremen and Warehousemen’s Union (ILWU), represented known Communist seditionists prosecuted in the Hawaii Smith Act cases (re: HN 62-374). When 20 Communists and Communist Sympathizers, plus 1 more secret informant were subpoenaed to appear before the Senate Subcommittee, Davis refused to answer questions about his Communist Party membership, while 18 others plead the Fifth Amendment.

    The FBI file simply summarizes that Davis refused to testify before the Senate Internal Security Sub-Committee in 11/56.

    On December 6, 1956, the Honolulu Advertiser reported that 3 Secret Witnesses and former Communists reported that the islands of Hawaii only had approximately 150 Communists just before the start of the Korean War.

    Relevant to this era is an FBI undercover informant and high Communist member in Hawaii’s testimony:








    OCTOBER 10, 1962

    (Including Index)


    …in the security clubs, the number of people in each"

    one was cut down drastically~

    As a matter of fact, I understand that they ranged maybe from four to eight people, nine people at the most.


    For awhile there, in 1952, I was given a particular assignment, for instance, to bring back to the Communist Party people that had been given a leave from the party due to the Taft-Hartley Act.

    If you will recall, when that was passed, part of it states that you can't be a Communist. So what the party did was to give these people a leave. In other words, cut them off, but the party found out that these people who had been cut off were drifting away from the Communist Party. I was given the assignment to contact these people and to bring them back into the party.


    due to the build-up of pressure against the Communist Party in the United States, that we had to face the possibility of going underground, and that this would be really the beginning, or part of that movement.

    I remember Seattle was mentioned, namely, that I would go to

    Seattle and that I would go underground there.


    [Side note 2:


          In 1955, Obama's mother moved to Seattle with her parents and attended the East Shore Unitarian Church with her parents, which the Chicago Tribune on March 27, 2007, reported was known to be "In the 1950s, ...sometimes known as 'the little Red church on the hill.' "  The testimony of the FBI informant leads us to believe that either Stanley or Madelyn Dunham, or both, were off the grid underground Communists.
    They would move to Hawaii in 1960.

    It is at that time, Stanley Dunham was...it seems to me...assigned to the Hawaiian Communist Party's Cell #10 under the leadership of Frank Marshall Davis, making the Dunhams #4 and #5 to Frank Marshall Davis' Communist Party Cell.    }


    During the Korean War, the actual number of people who dropped out was about 10%, according to the 1956 Senatorial Internal Security Sub-Committee information (HN 62-374 cont’d). The ILWU had by 12/13/56 spent a total of $109,970 of members dues defending Communist subversives prosecuted in Smith Act cases. Closed Communist Party meetings of this period were reported to the sub-committee to have held at the homes of those held in prominence, including those of the ILWU and those who were called “former Communist Party members”. At one point, the ILWU considered purchasing the Honolulu Record and running it as a bi-weekly paper after Davis had left the Honolulu Record. Davis was enthusiastic about returning as a columnist once the ILWU purchased it, and also stated that “Russia feels from experience that socialism is the best way of life for people and that she will, therefore, do everything to help bring it about wherever possible.”
    Davis then affirmed his conviction to the FBI Informant that he, Davis, believed in “the dictatorship of the proletariat”. When challenged by the informant, Davis replied that “socialism cannot be expected to take the same form in every country, but that the customs and traditions of each country must be considered.”

    “Davis went on to declare that whatever form it did take in this country, the socialist countries would be standing by to assist.”

    The FBI attached Frank Marshall Davis in reference and connection to “Soviet Activities in the United States”, and referred those who read his file to the espionage sub-section in the 29 volumes of the Judiciary sub-committee transcripts of the “Scope of Soviet Activity in the United States”.

    The FBI file lists that in 1957 Davis “championed the policies of Soviet Russia;” often demonstrating this with dozens of FM Davis own writings in a side by side comparison of Soviet policies with FM Davis simply mirroring and self-adapting the Party Propaganda to suit his own areas of interest.

    The final edition of the Honolulu Record Publishing Company Ltd. was on July 3, 1958, where after it became owned, operated, and run by the ILWU. The paper shut down, and the ILWU began issuing weekly publications in after June 1959, but still ran its offices as the new “Hawaiian Reporter”, pending a de facto publication start.

    Frank Marshall Davis utilized the offices of a new ILWU weekly newspaper, The Hawaiian Reporter, to accept “business messages and telephone calls.” Davis’ conduct in the offices was self-confessedly reported by Davis as being that of a “haole (Caucasian) hater”, and the ILWU top brass disapproved of such language and conduct in their offices, and in his column submissions.

    By July of 1959, Davis left the Osborne Company and was employed by the (Honolulu of ) Wright Company of Syracuse, New York in outside sales. With a falling out with the ILWU top brass, he was forced to move his business messaging and telephone calls to his home.

    The FBI file reported that Davis appeared to have ceased in at least his obvious Communist Party activities and affiliations. But
    by December 1959, Davis was a sponsor for the “American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born” (ACPFB).   According to the FBI file quote of a 1973 Time Magazine article and actual pamphlet from the organization, the “American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born” was established first in 1933, and 40 years later, Frank Marshall Davis's name was featured prominently on the inside cover of the pamphlets they handed out as one of its 63 most prominent (partial list, hence principal) sponsors. The ACPFB argued that the laws should be changed so as to allow any illegal alien resident legality as a US Citizen by simply living on US Soil for 10 years. 

    {Thus, all enemy alien spies, terrorists, and anyone in the world could then legally become US Citizens by simply living on US soil for 10 years, and demand they are US Citizens without ever having allegiance or interest in the furtherance of US Sovereignty, safety, sanctity, interests, or what-have-you.  These are Communist goals of creating anarchy within the enemy to Communism's political system so as to bring about its eventual collapse, and speed up the process of enabling that collapse.  Barack Obama in June 2010 repeated these goals when he spoke on Immigration, as I previously posted,  of Americans being Americans by faith, and not by blood or birth.  Obama was at that time espousing Communist Frank Marshall Davis and the goals of one of Davis' Communist Front Organizations...the ACPFB. That is why a look at Davis helps us understand some of the dynamics of Obama's Communist-Socialism reformulated for the American masses in our current times. } 

    In the last week of November 1959, Frank Marshall Davis lamented that the Mainland Communists warned him that a move to Hawaii would make him “lethargic” in regards for Communism. While stating that such was not the case with him, “he guessed that the people were right inasmuch as he believed all the individuals in Hawaii who were formerly connected with the progressive movement were in such a state.”

    On July 21, 1960, the FBI informants reported that Davis had expressed interest to being active in the local Hawaiian chapter of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People). He was “met with a rebuff because of his former connections with the Communist Party and front organizations in Honolulu.” (Internal Security Report dated 07/25/60, p.2)

    The FBI Internal Security Report of July 31, 1961, stated that Mrs. Davis was selling Avon door to door, and Frank Marshall Davis spent his nights “babysitting”, and was expressing a hope of “emigrating to Ghana.” The report also stated that they saw no obvious Communist affiliations by Davis.

    Hence, we may state that Davis could have simply been associating off the radar, as it were.  But as was the case earlier on in his life as a young adult, it did not necessarily mean he was truly "inactive" as he himself professed he was not "lethargic" in his zeal or activities...only those around him were.  We may state that therefore Davis was working within his safe zones, and kept to comrades, keeping a very low profile and being very clandestine.

    In an August 22, 1963, Internal Security update, Frank Marshall Davis was to meet with two FBI / US Internal Security Agents at "Kapiolani Park" at 11:30 am on the 26th,  to determine if he could be placed on the inactive list and removed from surveillances.  Davis was cordial  except on the subject of his Communist Party membership, clearly lied pretending and stating that there had never been a Communist Party in Hawaii, ever, and said he was motivated on issues of racial equality as his platform rather than International Politics (said the Internal Security report of the interview on 08/26/1963). 
    Davis said "that he would consort with the devil to gain his ends".

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