Welcome! Jesus Christ is my LORD and Savior! Romans 10:9-10,13; John 3:16

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I am a Natural Born United States Citizen with NO allegiance or citizenship to any nation but my own, and will use this site as a hobby place of sorts to present my own political and religious viewpoints, as a genuine Constitutional Conservative and a genuine Christian Conservative.

Thank you for coming.
In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Obama Unilateral Disarmament of the USA to see it obliterated, on track: B-53 bunker buster nukes no longer extant...shredded by Obama's orders.

As I have shown before by the Obama signed unilateral START TREATY with Russia, the Shia Manchurian Barack Hussein Obama is currently and unilaterally shredding our nukes, with a possible plan to reduce the USA to only 1 actual nuke and 1549 (what would be redefined under Obama as nuke equivalents when only) "launchers."

Meanwhile Obama per the specifics of the very Treaty he negotiated with Russia in Russia favor -- Obama  gives Russia our most advanced and in depth state of the art  nuclear missile technology

via the Russian Communist Cold War Asset  -- now Department of Defense Secretary  -- Leon Panetta.

Panetta is actively, nefariously,  and currently,  a co-traitor with Obama against all of us in the USA to see this nation's population suffer an eventual utter annihilation by entirely emasculating our nuclear defenses.   We are now on the fast track toward that goal.

Be informed and be warned.

And put your trust and confidence, not in man, but in GOD through Jesus Christ the LORD.  Amen and Hallelujah!


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