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I am a Natural Born United States Citizen with NO allegiance or citizenship to any nation but my own, and will use this site as a hobby place of sorts to present my own political and religious viewpoints, as a genuine Constitutional Conservative and a genuine Christian Conservative.

Thank you for coming.
In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

October 24, 2011 Britain votes to hand off Sovereignty to Brussels by a vote of 483 - 111 in the House of Commons.


Voters know the tentacles of the EU intrude into more and more areas of our national life. They are sad and disillusioned about being fobbed off by the political elite. Increasingly, we have become run by Europe. I and millions in this country want to be in Britain and run by Britain. 
 ...I don't think we should underestimate the public. All the evidence shows that two thirds of the public want a say on this issue. I think they are quite capable of making their own minds up and telling us exactly what they think on this issue.
  - Tory MP (Bury North) David Nutall

It's worth repeating, though, that the referendum motion has been put before the House of Commons, not by a group of backbench Eurosceptics, but by the general public – or at least by the 100,000 people who used the new petition mechanism to trigger a parliamentary vote.--  MEP Daniel Hannan


And yet, in spite of that knowledge, MP's like Adam Holloway offer the lamest excuse not to have voted to allow the Citizens of Great Britain the right to decide for themselves if they wished to remain in the European Union, or at least renegotiate their position.

In other words...with my head and my heart, I understand and feel your pain and I agree with you voters...but go screw yourselves, I have been paid off?  This wasn't a "free" vote...hint, hint?  

483 Members of the British Parliament voted to REFUSE to honor a referendum promise made by all three major British Political Parties on Monday, October 24, 2011. 

One, MP Adam Holloway,  is on tape hinting that he was bought off, and resigned a position he held as if to give himself political cover? 

  In effect, the vote of 483 members of the House of Commons was to essentially cast off British Sovereignty and offer the promise to hand it over to Brussels (be it to the European Union Oligarchy or some future singe foreign EU Dictator). 

Britain is now suffering virtually the same Government corruption and betrayal that the USA faced under the Nancy Pelosi - Harry Reid-and Usurper Barack Obama Congress in 2009 to 2010. The difference is, the US Traitors voted for our eventual annihilation by their nefarious support for a British Subject at birth -- the usurper of the US Presidency, Barry Obama, a virulent anti-US Communist-Socialist -- and the British Parliament voted for assimilation and a handing off of their rights to self-determination to unknown other powers.

 111 British Parliamentary Patriots stood their ground and voted for Liberty, and the chance for the people of Great Britain to tell the EU,
"Thanks for inviting us, but no thanks, we can make it on our own."

It is a fact that the USA, Britain, Canada, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand can effectively form their own coalition and be so resource independent, that they can tell the EU and the rest of the world (with the exception of Israel as an ally and trade partner), "Thanks, but no thanks.  We can prosper on our own very much, thank you.  If you wish to trade with us, fine.  If not, that's up to you."   We can scale back very nicely from most of the rest of the world, and keep our international trade based on the US Dollar (which most of the rest of the world is gradually dumping because of Obama and his perfidious sabotage acts against its value anyway).

 Glenn Beck sends the Conservatives who voted against handing off British Sovereignty, and restore British Independence and Dignity, an open letter of support.  I concur. 

We aren't just losing freedom here in the USA, it is happening everywhere in the "Free World".

Be alert and be informed. 

Put your trust and confidence, not in man, but in GOD through Jesus Christ the LORD of Heaven and Earth.

Seek ye the LORD, all ye meek of the earth, which have wrought his judgment; 
seek righteousness, seek meekness:
it may be ye shall be hid             [taken up in the Rapture]

in the day of the LORD's anger.
(Zephaniah 2:3) 


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