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I am a Natural Born United States Citizen with NO allegiance or citizenship to any nation but my own, and will use this site as a hobby place of sorts to present my own political and religious viewpoints, as a genuine Constitutional Conservative and a genuine Christian Conservative.

Thank you for coming.
In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ

Friday, October 21, 2011

Exposing the Fraud of Herman Cain's 999 Plan - Part 3

 In Part 1, I raised the cry of alarm of the intensified taxation on the poor and others, 999 allows businesses to virtually exempt themselves out of all taxes by the moving of all profits into 999 exemptions of  business "expenses" and "profit-sharing". 

In Part 2,
I gave examples of Poverty and Poor incomes on which someone making only $10,830 now will owe a Federal Income Tax of $974.70 and either an individual or household of 4 making only $22,050 a year will suddenly owe the figure of $1,984.50.  I also addressed how Cain shifts the argument how that State Sales Taxation remaining and a New National Sales Tax on new goods only can actually increase the price of goods by at least 30%, IS a Tax which Cain denies as if Apples and Oranges, and then blow away the Apples and Oranges analogy because these are effectually similar.  Both Apples and Oranges come from deciduous trees, both are a type of fruit, etc. So to say we are discussing alien or dissimilar concepts in analyzing the 999 National Sales Tax as a "Tax" are dissimilar as Apples and Oranges,  is a intentional attempt to lie to your faces on the part of Herman Cain, even though the 999 tax is far more invasive and duplicates itself upon the same product multiple times (or each time it is sold as a new good and changes hands).

When the Internal Revenue Service was created, it began as a 7% tax.  It increased into a monster taxation that went up as high as 70% taxation on top earners.  At the Foxnews Republican Debate, Cain lied and said there was no chance for manipulation down the road to increase that amount on anybody.

 Under the US Constitution and the Law, including two US Supreme Court Cases, what Cain represented was untrue.

In 1810, in Fletcher v. Peck, 10 U.S. (6 Cranch) 87 (1810)  http://supreme.justia.com/us/10/87/case.html    the Supreme Court states  @ 87

“The principle asserted is that one legislature is competent to repeal any act which a former legislature was competent to pass, and that one legislature cannot abridge the powers of a succeeding legislature. The correctness of this principle so far as it respects general legislation cannot be controverted. But if an act be done under a law, a succeeding legislature cannot undo it. The past cannot be recalled by the most absolute power.”

This was view was upheld in Reichelderfer v. Quinn, 287 U.S. 315 (1932) @ 315-316 http://supreme.justia.com/us/287/315/case.html    in which lands that were perpetually set aside in the District of Columbia’s “Rock Creek Park”, by an act of Congress, had a law passed that allowed a fire station to be built upon it, and was so challenged.  Again, any Congress succeeding another Congress can repeal or Amend US Law in accordance with the guidelines within the US Constitution.  Just because one Congress intends something set for perpetuity does not make it so.  However, under the Democrats and Obama since January 2009, even the guidelines and fencing barriers of the US Constitution have been ignored, scorned at, and subverted to the clear implication of Treason.  Cain merely extends and builds upon Obama's Constitutional disdain, it seems to me. 

In October 2011, Cain's tune was "modified" from a position of 999 never being increased by a future Congress to an Obama-similar "blame the victim" mentality.  Herman Cain wrote to this effect, that if Congress increases that amount, it was your own damn fault for allowing those people to be elected to office in the first place -- i.e., he blames the victims of his plan.

In Cain's own words in his own World Net Daily article which he wrote, he states under Claim #2:

"If you don't want the rates raised, don't elect politicians who will raise them."
That was above statement and position by Cain was published on October 16, 2011, and contradicts his circa September 22, 2011 debate absolute that 999 would not see a spike in taxes less than a month earlier.  Flapjacks anyone?
on October 21, 2011 through James Rosen reports a Cain’s latest lie to the American People over 999:  “Stung by criticism that his signature "9-9-9" economic plan would saddle America's poorest citizens with a disproportionate share of the country's tax burden, GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain announced some new features to the plan, even as he insisted they have been included in his campaign literature all along.”  

See also:
"If you are at or below the poverty level, your plan isn't 9-9-9, it's 9-0-9," Cain said. "In other words, you don't pay that middle income tax."

See also:

  Cain stated to the effect that those individuals earning below the Poverty Line would not pay the Federal Income Tax and it would be a 9-0-9 plan for them.   Oh Goody.  Prices on everything booms an average of 30% on groceries, rent and other costs (including utilities) goes up instantaneously, and the poor (young or old -- White, Black, Hispanic, or what have you) are supposed to do what?  Sigh in relief?

I say, "Read his 999 Plan for yourself.  It is skimpy and subject to interpretation, both now and in the future."   Cain sure talks smooth...but read his plan and compare them to his words on the "stump".

The 999 Brochure issued by the Cain for President group is at
The essence of the plan in detail is to be quoted as thus:


  • When one party is so focused on spending so that the other must focus on cutting, we must unite around economic growth
  • Unite income tax payers with payroll taxpayers so we all pull for low rates
  • Unite those wanting to eliminate deductions with those seeking lower rates.
  • Unite the Flat-Taxers with the Fair-Taxers

Phase One

Our current economic crisis calls for bold action to truly stimulate the economy and Renew America back to its greatness. The 9-9-9 Plan gets Washington D.C. out of the business of picking winners and losers, using the tax code to dole out favors, and dividing the country with class warfare. It is fair, simple, transparent and efficient. It taxes everything once and nothing twice. It taxes the broadest possible base at the lowest possible rates. It is neutral with respect to savings and consumption,capital and labor, imports and exports and whether companies pay dividends or retain earnings.

9% Business Flat Tax

    • Gross income less all purchases from other U.S. located businesses, all capital investment, and net exports.
    • Empowerment Zones will offer deductions for the payroll of those employed in the zone

9% Individual Flat Tax.

    • Gross income less charitable deductions.
    • Empowerment Zones will offer additional deductions for those living and/or working in the zone.

9% National Sales Tax.

    • Unlike a state sales tax, which is an add-on tax that increases the price of goods and services, this is a replacement tax. It replaces taxes that are already embedded in selling prices. By replacing higher marginal rates in the production process with lower marginal rates, marginal production costs actually decline, which will lead to prices being the same or lower, not higher.

Economic Impact

    • According to former Reagan Treasury official Gary Robbins, of Fiscal Associates, the 9-9-9 Plan will expand GDP by $2 trillion, create 6 million new jobs, increase business investment by one third, and increase wages by 10%.

9-9-9 Plan: Summary

  • Removes all payroll taxes and unites all tax payers
  • Provides the least incentive to evade taxes and the fewest opportunities to do so
  • Lifts a $430 billion dead-weight burden on the economy due to compliance, enforcement, collection, etc…
  • Is fair, simple, efficient, neutral, and transparent
  • Ends nearly all deductions and special interest favors
  • Features zero tax on capital gains and repatriated profits
  • Exports leave our shores without the Business Tax or the Sales Tax embedded in their cost, making them world class competitive. Imports are subject to the same taxation as domestically produced goods, leveling the playing field.
  • Lowest marginal rates on production
  • Kills the Death Tax
  • Allows immediate expensing of business investments
  • Eliminates double taxation of dividends
  • Increases capital formation which aids capital availability for small businesses
  • Increased capital per worker drives productivity and wage growth
  • Features a platform to launch properly structured Empowerment Zones to renew our inner cities
  • The pro-growth, pro-job, pro-export economic policies of the 9-9-9 PLAN equals a strong dollar policy

Phase 2 – The Fair Tax

Amidst a backdrop of the economic renewal created by the 9-9-9 Plan, I will begin the process of educating the American people on the benefits of continuing the next step to the Fair Tax.

  • Ultimately replaces individual and corporate income taxes
  • Ends the IRS as we know it and repeals the 16th Amendment"

So where is that "Poverty Level Exemption"?   IT ISN'T THERE!!!

The only ones who suggest the need for a poverty exemption is the Scoring Company "Fiscal Associates, Inc.", 
not Herman. 

It is one phrase by Fiscal Associates, Inc. that writes on page 6 this:  
"Relief for lower income taxpayers will inevitably be part of any tax reform."

It is the Scoring Company “Fiscal Associates, Inc.” in September 2011 that thus makes a presumption that is NOT in the 999 plan, and expects to be followed in spite of the 999 plan. And Herman then pretends that he wrote the exclusion only after coming under heavy criticism and heretofore denying the privilege.  How convenient, Herman.

  In fact, as I stated before, empowerment zones (once making it to legislation, if it ever gets that far) could be defined as only country club ownership housing zones.  

 If Herman wishes to claim credit for the Scoring Company report, as stated or alluded to on page 8 of the Scoring Card pdf., then all housing mortgages, all rents, all food and gas, the rental value of buildings owned by nonprofit institutions, the output of the nonprofit and government sectors all gets the 9% national sales tax as well as the poor.  Only Consumables as business expenses, i.e., be they perceived or rewarded as executive lunches - meals - catering or furnishing the water cooler (and the like) are to exempt from the (999 Cain proposed) National Sales Tax. 

Now my question to the TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Independents, the Republican Primary Voters, and the whomever Financial Donors to Presidential Campaigns is this: Why in the Hell would you support someone whom is little or no more than Herman "Barack Hussein Obama" Cain of the Republican Party?  Are you really so eager to end the Republic of the United States or aid its demise, by enabling Cain to economically finish off America as an Obama term #2?  

In parts 1 and 2 I have shown how that  Cain has repeatedly lied about 999 not raising taxes on seniors and the poor.  And here in part 3, we see that this is exacerbated not only by the very fact of the existence of an additional self-duplicating National 9% Sales Tax (exactly contrary to his brochure claim) that will not only make them pay that much more for food and gas, but also a Fiscal Scoring Report he claims for himself that will necessarily tack increase of another 9% or more cost increase on their rent also.   The wording is 9% of the "rental" VALUE of the building used BY NON-PROFITS -- and if the wording bounces around because of semantics to cite this as the Non-Profits alone paying 9% on the rental value and all Private and Corporate Property Owners are to pay a 9% annual tax on the property value of current holdings...hence, it was the value of the building is what was meant...and the building is valued at $500,000, that's $45,000 a year in a Cain 999 National Sales Tax, Sherlock.  It's called a Government Ownership of virtually all properties overnight plan that might as well be right out of the Bilderberg Society and the execution plans for the takeover of the New World Order.  It is THAT nefarious / evil.  

Still, as for the Non-Profit (be it a Church, a Synagogue, some Food Bank, or what have you) is either renting or owns (the wording is questionable in the 999 intent here) a $500,000 building, and the rent charged is  $2,000 a month, there will be an additional payment of $2,160 that will be owed to the Federal Government in taxes per year under Cain's 999 plan.  But who does the assessing for tax debt, because it says "rental value"?  What if the IRS says the actual taxable value is $5,000 a month, and you either charge or pay (as the non-profit organization) "market value" at $2,000 a month?  You now owe even twice the original estimate, a whopping $4,500 in new taxes you never owed before, and it probably won't matter if you are a Church or Synagogue or Private Individual -- Cain wishes to usurp the Constitution, and by logic, must utilize the illegal Super-Committee which by claim is presumed to be able to pass this new taxation/revenue measure, and he will necessarily ignore the other 523 members of Congress and the 3/4ths of the States, and expect the Media and everyone else to just go along, the same as they have done for the Usurper of the Presidency, that United Kingdom and Colonies Citizen at birth, Barack Hussein Obama (someone who fails the 100% sole US allegiance of parentage at birth and a US soil birth in order to be a US Natural Born Citizen -- which Obama is NOT, being absent a US Citizen Father, and being 100% absent Court introduced proof of US birth documents as well...having only conjecture referenced by his lawyers). 

 By my reckoning, it seems to me that Cain is virtually indistinguishable from a Democrat Socialist infiltrator with Fascistic proclivities in the 999 plan.  To me, Cain is a Democratic Socialist (a wolf) in Conservative Christian Republican (sheep's) clothing.  Bachmann was right how that Cain's 999 plan is really to be likened to an upside down 666 plan, and that the Devil is in the details. 

Cain's 999 plan is totally unacceptable, because it is a means to indeed not only oppress, but ENSLAVE the poor and many tens of millions of others of our Free Republic into despotism and Government ordered indentured servitude,and it is a moral and civil wrong that must be legally and peacefully be exposed and opposed.    That's my input.

[Last edited on September 22, 2011 circa  :958am -  Pacific]

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