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I am a Natural Born United States Citizen with NO allegiance or citizenship to any nation but my own, and will use this site as a hobby place of sorts to present my own political and religious viewpoints, as a genuine Constitutional Conservative and a genuine Christian Conservative.

Thank you for coming.
In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ

Monday, June 20, 2011

Wake up, America. Obama openly commits Treason and Congress is just stringing along because of Political Correctness rather than upholding and enforcing the Laws of the US Constitution

US Constitution, Article 2, Section 4. The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. 

Retired General Vallely states that he personally knows several CIA analysts who confirmed to him personally that Barack Hussein Obama's Certification of Live Births are indisputably FORGERIES:

He also states that privately, Congress will refuse to stand up to Obama for fear of having the Black Populations of America riot and go nuts if Obama is proven a fraud and impeached (or words to this effect).

 Then there is the fact that Obama has committed Social Security Number fraud, even to the illegally having of multiple Social Security names (beyond any one correction that we can allow for a spelling of the primary  name(s)  typo correction in fairness) for the same number and home address, as well as multiple Social Security numbers. That scandalous information began with a simple background check / vetting of Obama's alleged and now known factually to be Identity Theft and assumed Social Security Number that the Department of Justice under the Bush Administration FAILED to do as part of their responsibility.  The first red flag would have been a pull up like what Susan Daniel's extracted.

Affidavit Regarding Obamas Social Security Numbers - Susan Daniels

But I guess, if someone is "black" and "Leftist", somehow it is "racist" to expect a "required National Security Background Check" to be faithfully and fully executed as one would expect an opposing attorney to dig into the background, regardless of race, color, creed, religion, or sexual persuasion (Obama being an alleged  former bi-sexual while Illinois State senator if various Media reports are to be believed).  His actions to adamantly make the US military into a doo-dah parade exhibition of open homosexuals, even just on it appearance (see "repeal law" details at the white house link below), lends credence to such Media reports.  No true Bible believing Christian can support homosexuality because it is a sin of absolute damnation of that person's soul to Hell.

Then we have the breaking of US laws by Obama and Holder to  order US Law Enforcement through channels to allow a US to Mexico gun smuggling
to arm Mexican gangs
[and Hezbollah Muslims
http://actforamericahouston.wordpress.com/2011/05/05/hizballah-setting-up-operations-in-mexico-near-border/   ] contrary to current US Code / US laws.  

States CBS news: "it turns out ATF not only allowed it - they videotaped it."

Even worse, Obama is acting, right now, in the giving away of our nuclear secrets to Russia (and wanting funding to do so in Section 1228 of the Defense Budget bill) to make their up close and personal spectator event a reality.  Read the White House Document for yourself at this link, and save a pdf copy for future reference.


Limitation on Funds to Provide Russian Federation with Access to U.S. Missile Defense Technology and International Agreements Relating to Missile Defense:
The Administration strongly objects to the following two sections: (1) section 1228 would prohibit the provision to the Russian Federation of a range of missile defense data...

Key words: Provide Russian Federation with...U.S. Missile Defense Technology and...a range of missile DEFENSE data.
A fully public Impeachment Trial on television, focusing on the Obama document and identity frauds, and the giving away (or even the stating of such intent to the giving away) of the most vital nuclear weapons secrets to Russia (compromising the security of the United States)  is all that is needed to Impeach Obama.

Meanwhile, the Liberal Traitors  in Congress will probably do the Ziggy, singing White Light /White Heat

- while they are pining and longing for the sight of the nuclear blast and the true destruction of America, as if they are some spectators watching it happen "to others" on the sidelines, cheering the blasts on.  That is their mental deficiency / insanity, and it isn't always a party or drug-induced attitude..it is a living mental and spiritual sickness which is a part of their very existence in how they live, breathe, think, and insanely believe.   While they chant or cheer the death to America garbage, Obama is acting, right now, in the giving away of our nuclear secrets (and wanting funding to do so in Section 1228 of the Defense Budget bill) to make their up close and personal spectator event a reality.


Limitation on Funds to Provide Russian Federation with Access to U.S. Missile Defense Technology and International Agreements Relating to Missile Defense:
The Administration strongly objects to the following two sections: (1) section 1228 would prohibit the provision to the Russian Federation of a range of missile defense data...

Key words: Provide Russian Federation with...U.S. Missile Defense Technology and...a range of missile DEFENSE data.

Anyone in Congress bother to actually read an open confession of acts of TREASON by Obama and accept their actions and behaviors against the Republic of the United States for what they are?  So what would you rather have  A throwback to some of the 1960s style kind of riots or total annihilation, thanks to Obama?  Well?

Clearly Congress would rather have the Russians incapacitate and nuke America out of existence, rather than suffer the "pooh, pooh" humiliation of being called a few names, and watching local and State Governments in a few dozen places combat the Communists, Anarchists, and racial bigots in the African-American Community refusing to simply be labeled as Americans like the rest of us (while demanding special privileges based on their skin color). 

 So America, this is what Congress, your Congress (filled with some 70 Communist-Socialists controlling the talking points agenda), and others (like cry, cry, cry Speaker of the House Boehner)  would rather have happen than to Impeach Obama on Identity Fraud (i.e., his forged COLBs and stolen Social Security numbers) and overt acts of Treason.


Isaiah 59:
2  But your iniquities have separated between you and your GOD, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.
3  For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, your tongue hath muttered perverseness.
4  None calleth for justice, nor any pleadeth for truth: they trust in vanity, and speak lies; they conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity.

Thomas Jefferson once swore "eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man" in his letter to Benjamin Rush on September 23, 1800.  Even of a legal and peaceful philosophical and inward form of personal character application of this attitude, perhaps the notion of Liberty and freedom from destruction and victimization  is somehow now relegated as being antiquated.  Perhaps the Jews of the Holocaust who perished felt the same way, and only the survivors realized that people like Thomas Jefferson in his above quote were perhaps onto something?

Wake up, America.   

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