On December 3, Barack Hussein Obama reiterated 3 times that he desires a United States without nuclear weapons. Barack Hussein Obama can't see his vision of a nuclear free society enforced on any sovereignty but the United States, and for this reason, it makes Obama the most dangerous risk to the National Security of the United States in the world, bar none!!!
Obama the most vile traitor in United States History, now destined in history and humanity to be more despised than Benedict Arnold ever was, stated:
...I wanted to just come by and join you in marking the 20th anniversary of one of the country’s smartest and most successful national security programs: Nunn-Lugar. And I want to express my gratitude to all of you -- from government, academia, NGOs and our partners from around the world. People in this room conceived it. You built it. You’ve sustained it. And of course, I especially want to acknowledge a leader who helped create it and who now helps guide it as our outstanding Deputy Secretary of Defense -- Ash Carter.
... Sam, as one of the so-called “Four Horsemen” -- which I’d say is a pretty ominous nickname -- (laughter) -- has spoken out for a world without nuclear weapons. And with your Nuclear Threat Initiative, you helped us ratify the New START treaty, rally the world to secure nuclear materials, strengthen the global nonproliferation regime, and create an international fuel bank for peaceful nuclear power.
... Now, I will point out, it was Dick who took me on my first foreign trip as a Senator -- to Russia and Ukraine and Azerbaijan. We were there to see the Cooperative Threat Reduction program in action.
I remember walking through one facility. I started leaning in for a closer look and one of the workers said, don’t touch that orange stuff. It turned out to be TNT. (Laughter.) At another point, the workers were taking apart munitions -- gloves on their hands, masks over their faces -- and I’m thinking, wait a second, why don’t we have masks on? (Laughter.) This is the kind of trip you take with Dick Lugar. (Laughter.)
We're traipsing through nuclear weapons storage sites and junkyards full of old land mines and technicians showing off test tubes where you said, well, what's that? Well, that's anthrax, that's plague. (Laughter.) Shouldn't you keep it in something a little more sturdy than this? (Laughter.) Dick Lugar is standing in the back of the room. (Laughter.) I remember I asked him, I think, have you seen it? He says, yes, yes, I've seen it. I don't get too close now. (Laughter.) That's what it's like traveling with Dick Lugar.
And I had been a strong advocate for CTR before. But visiting those facilities, seeing the work that so many of you do, seeing these old weapons once aimed at us now being turned into scrap truly brought home how important this work was.
...we build on New START and continue to work to reduce our arsenals; where we strengthen the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and prevent the spread of the world’s most deadly weapons; where, over time, we come closer to our ultimate vision -- a world without nuclear weapons.
...After all, even with all your success -— the thousands of missiles destroyed, bombers and submarines eliminated, the warheads that have been deactivated -— we’re nowhere near done. Not by a long shot. And you all know this. There’s still much too much material -— nuclear, chemical, biological -— being stored....
So, I came here in part to say we cannot let our guard down. This needs to be a sustained effort across all your organizations, across our government. We have to keep investing in our people and in new technologies. We have to sustain the partnerships we have, and that includes Russia.
We’re joined by some of our Russian friends today. Russia has said that our current agreement hasn’t kept pace with the changing relationship between our countries. To which we say, let’s update it. Let’s work with Russia as an equal partner. Let’s continue the work that’s so important to the security of both our countries. And I’m optimistic that we can.
...So let me leave you with a story of that first trip Dick and I took together. You may remember this, Dick. I was Ukraine. We went to a facility, an old factory. We walked down these long, dark corridors. We’re ducking our heads, stepping over puddles of -- something -- we’re not sure what it was. (Laughter.) Finally, we came across some women, sitting at a worktable. On it were piles of old artillery shells. And the women were sitting there, taking them apart. By hand. Slowly. (Laughter.) Carefully. (Laughter.) One by one.
It took decades -— and extraordinary sums of money -— to build those arsenals. It’s going to take decades -— and continued investments -— to dismantle them. ... Missile by missile, warhead by warhead, shell by shell, we’re putting a bygone era behind us.
... A future where we know the security and peace of a world without nuclear weapons. [Even though China and various Communist and Muslim powers will NEVER agree to it, let's see them armed and us disarmed so we can throw away our Security and our Sovereignty, okay?]
Let's refresh about the Obama START Treaty, because, as he said, his goal was alleged to be the ultimate vision -- a world without nuclear weapons. The details of his START TREATY were posted at:
page 1
Committed to … the achievement of the historic goal of freeing humanity from the nuclear threat….Guided by the principle of indivisible security….
By the USA having no nukes, even if the rest of the world does, is to Obama, "indivisible security." That means he operates in a world of mental insanity and depravity, so that when we hear or read his words, we must decode key positive words of POLICY intent to the negative, and negative POLICY intent to the positive, based on his Marxist-Leninist and Shia Muslim ideologies he held forth in his college years as who he was in his core belief systems. Obama in college issued a paper in which he advocated a world without nukes, but he first wants to unilaterally do it to the United States in practice, figuring he can always move to Kenya if the world blows the USA up (which is why he, through Vice-president Biden, drafted a clause that restores his prior Kenyan Citizenship held from Birth to age 23, and allows him to run for President of Kenya in 2020). Concurrently, Obama claims a United States Citizenship, never a "natural born" one as the U.S. Constitution requires...and now has a Kenyan National Citizenship while in the U.S. Presidency. Go figure.
p. 2
Taking into account the positive effect on the world situation of the significant, verifiable reduction in nuclear arsenals at the turn of the 21st century….
Deeply appreciating the contribution of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, and Ukraine to nuclear disarmament and to strengthening international peace and security….
Article I
1. Each Party shall reduce and limit its strategic offensive arms in accordance with the provisions of this Treaty and shall carry out the other obligations set forth in this Treaty and its Protocol.
2. Definitions of terms used in this Treaty and its Protocol are provided in Part One of the Protocol.
Article II
1. Each Party shall reduce and limit its ICBMs and ICBM launchers, SLBMs and SLBM launchers, heavy bombers, ICBM warheads, SLBM warheads, and heavy bomber nuclear armaments,
so that seven years after entry into force of this Treaty and thereafter, the aggregate numbers, as counted in accordance with Article I11 of this Treaty, do not exceed:
(a) 700, for deployed ICBMs, deployed SLBMs, and deployed heavy bombers;
(b) 1550, for warheads on deployed ICBMs, warheads on
deployed SLBMs, and nuclear warheads counted for deployed
heavy bombers;
(c) 800, for deployed and non-deployed ICBM launchers,
deployed and non-deployed SLBM launchers, and deployed and
non-deployed heavy bombers.
P. 4
Article I11
1. For the purposes of counting toward the aggregate limit provided for in subparagraph l(a) of Article I1 of this Treaty:
(a) Each deployed ICBM shall be counted as one.
(b) Each deployed SLBM shall be counted as one.
(c) Each deployed heavy bomber shall be counted as one.
2. For the purposes of counting toward the aggregate limit provided for in subparagraph l(b) of Article I1 of this Treaty:
(a) For ICBMs and SLBMs, the number of warheads shall be the number of reentry vehicles emplaced on deployed ICBMs and on deployed SLBMs.
(b) One nuclear warhead shall be counted for each deployed heavy bomber.
3. For the purposes of counting toward the aggregate limit provided for in subparagraph l(c) of Article I1 of this Treaty:
(a) Each deployed launcher of ICBMs shall be counted as one. [the language without specific clarification, based on 2b above, infers as one nuclear warhead].
(b) Each non-deployed launcher of ICBMs shall be counted as one. [the language without specific clarification based on 2b above, infers as one nuclear warhead].
(c) Each deployed launcher of SLBMs shall be counted as one. [the language without specific clarification based on 2 b above, infers as one nuclear warhead].
(d) Each non-deployed launcher of SLBMs shall be counted as one. [the language without specific clarification, infers as one nuclear warhead].
p. 6
referring to Article III, reads:
6. ICBMs, SLBMs, ICBM launchers, SLBM launchers, and heavy bombers shall cease to be subject to this Treaty in accordance
with Parts Three and Four of the Protocol to this Treaty.
ICBMs or SLBMs of an existing type shall cease to be subject
to this Treaty if all ICBM or SLBM launchers of a type
intended for such ICBMs or SLBMs have been eliminated or
converted in accordance with Part Three of the Protocol to
this Treaty.
Pay attention to the underlined sentence, because that is all the Russians needed to abide by, and nothing else. It was their Primary "escape clause", and they used it.
As Obama stated on December 3, 2012, while we disarmed our nukes, all the Russians continued to disarm was their old unstable artillery shells. NO OTHER EXAMPLE was used. Not even an attempt to destroy Anthrax or other Chemical Weapons of Mass Destruction. It was a joke upon the very American people and nation he is actively seeking and conspiring to destroy from within AND without.
In other words, the Russians were given a free hand to interpret Obama’s START Treaty as their NOT being subject to limit the “ICBMs, SLBMs, ICBM launchers, SLBM launchers, and heavy Bombers” that were earlier being counted by the Treaty, in order to allow the USA under an illegal and unconstitutional Obama to unilaterally reduce the US to a combined number of 700 + 100 deployable missiles and delivery systems with a max number of 750 warheads, because the delivery systems themselves (even WITHOUT nuclear warheads) are counted as if they were nuclear warheads by the language of this treaty.
In other words, one nuclear sub and 8 missiles with 3 war heads each counts as 41 under the Treaty: the 8 launchers themselves count as if 8 under launchers and part of the 1550 warheads, and the missile themselves count as 8 of the 700 and are subtracted away from the 1550 allowable warheads as well…these are part of the 8 launchers and their 8 missiles take away from 700 number and leave 684 available; now add the sub as 1, that is part of the 800 number, and you have 683 left for the combined missiles, launchers, and deploying unit. Above that 800 number we have 750 warheads to actually deploy, which in the case of one nuke sub of 8 missiles with 3 warheads each, is 24. Take 24 from 750, and you have 726 left by which you might defend the United States with. So instead of reading 1550 warheads, the Obama Administration will enforce a view of one US Nuclear sub with 8 missiles and 24 warheads as actually equaling 41.
Again, this Treaty was crafted by the Obama Administration with Obama to intentionally more quickly emasculate the US nuclear arsenal down UNILATERALLY, while the Russians kept theirs via the language of Article 3.6 of the Obama START Treaty.
Meanwhile... Obama prepares to incite a war with or to attack Syria on behalf of Al Qaeda, in order to garner its support as a new ally, even after shipping them between 30-40 million pounds of working weapons from Libya's arsenals and being repaid with an assassination of a U.S. Ambassador and a first loyalty alliance with Iran.
It is uncertain if Assad is really killing off Al Qaeda with 40,000 civilian casualties, or if the majority of the civilian casualties are actually assassinations by Al Qaeda assassination squads purging Christians and any who do not immediately supply them with food, shelter, sex, or whatever else they desire as they move about and evade legitimate Syrian Military and Police Forces.
According to Doug Hagmann, courtesy of the Canada Free Press, (according to one lone Intelligence source allegedly an insider of the events that transpired) Ben Ghazi was allegedly all about an arms smuggling alliance with Al Qaeda, and an Iranian use of Al Qaeda in Ben Ghazi as a retaliation for a C.I.A. detention Iranian Assets assigned to Libya.
On December 5, 2012, DEBKAfile (a reliable Israeli News Intelligence source)
The USS Eisenhower Strike Group transited the Suez Canal from the Persian Gulf Saturday, Dec. 1, sailing up to the Syrian coast Tuesday in a heavy storm, with 8 fighter bomber squadrons of Air Wing Seven on its decks and 8,000 sailors, airmen and Marines.
The USS Eisenhower group joins the USS Iwo Jima Amphibious Ready Group which carries 2,500 Marines.
The USS Eisenhower group joins the USS Iwo Jima Amphibious Ready Group which carries 2,500 Marines.
warships, including the three Iwo Jima amphibious
craft, a guided missile cruiser and 10 destroyers and frigates.
Four of these vessels are armed with Aegis missile interceptors.
Ralph Nader now states that Obama is much worse than Bush ever was.
'No kidding!'

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