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I am a Natural Born United States Citizen with NO allegiance or citizenship to any nation but my own, and will use this site as a hobby place of sorts to present my own political and religious viewpoints, as a genuine Constitutional Conservative and a genuine Christian Conservative.

Thank you for coming.
In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

See I told you so...Obama Unilaterally is emasculating the US Nuclear Stockpile to destroy the USA via any enemies who wish to launch against us. Where the hell is your outrage, America?


Staggering: Obama to Cut Nukes by 80%

RUSH: There are some things happening today that are downright scary.  

The regime, led by Barack Hussein Obama, is weighing options for reducing our US nuclear force, including a reduction of up to 80% in the number of deployed warheads -- 80%.  

Folks, this is staggering.  Meanwhile, the Iranians are nuking up. 

...The Associated Press is reporting that Obama could cut our nuclear weapons arsenal by 80%.  

That is just staggering.  This would amount to unilateral disarmament.  Three hundred nuclear weapons would take us back to levels not seen since 1950.  If we cut our nuclear weapons down to 300, Russia will have five times, 1,550 nuclear warheads.  If we reduce to 300, we will have fewer nuclear warheads than the ChiComs.  The only thing you could say in response to this, "Well, Rush, we don't have anything to fear from the Russians or the Chinese or anybody in the Middle East."  No, of course we don't.  The last time we had 300 warheads was in the fifties and that's when we were making them as fast as our technology and materials would permit us to make 'em.  We weren't stopping at 300.  We kept going.

... Obama's 1983 nuclear freeze article. The New York Times
 had a story on July 4th, 2009. "Obama's Youth Shaped His Nuclear-Free Vision."

 When you read this, it becomes painfully clear that Obama's thinking has not advanced one inch in the last 29 years.

... In 1967, we peaked at 31,255 nuclear warheads. In 1989, we were down to 22,217 warheads. In 2010, we were at 5,113 nuclear warheads. And by 2017 we are scheduled to be at 1,500 warheads -- 1,550. It is that number Obama is suggesting be reduced to 300 warheads -- and before 2017.

[[[ 02/18/2012   Update:  See also the excellent Infowars article
which also links    http://freebeacon.com/nuking-our-nukes/
 Retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney remarked: 
“No sane military leader would condone 300 to 400 warheads for an effective nuclear deterrent strategy,” McInerney told the Washington Free Beacon.  "... Such thinking is very dangerous and will only encourage our adversaries to make bold decisions.”

 And what can you expect will be the result?  One Youtube video tries to answer that question in what format the Republicans should use as a reverse 1964 Lyndon Johnson v. Barry Goldwater approach.

  End of 02/18/2012 update]]]


I reported on this blog of this fact in December of 2010

and it is not only as bad as as low as 300, it can be as low as having one single nuke, and nothing but a bunch of launchers and nuclear capable vessels which are counted by the Obama Administration and his unilaterally imposed START Treaty as nukes as well.

The OBAMA Start Treaty...Famous last words or "Who wrote this Treaty, a dope smoker?":


p. 1  reads:
Committed to … the achievement of the historic goal of freeing humanity from the nuclear threat….
Guided by the principle of indivisible security….

p. 2 reads:

 Taking into account the positive effect on the world  situation of the significant, verifiable reduction in nuclear arsenals at the turn of the 21st century….

Deeply appreciating the contribution of the Republic of  Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, and Ukraine to nuclear  disarmament and to strengthening international peace and security….

p.3 reads:

Article I
1. Each Party shall reduce and limit its strategic offensive arms in accordance with the provisions of this Treaty and shall carry out the other obligations set forth in this Treaty and its Protocol.
2. Definitions of terms used in this Treaty and its Protocol are provided in Part One of the Protocol.

Article II

1. Each Party shall reduce and limit its ICBMs and ICBM  launchers, SLBMs and SLBM launchers, heavy bombers, ICBM  warheads, SLBM warheads, and heavy bomber nuclear armaments,
so that seven years after entry into force of this Treaty and thereafter, the aggregate numbers, as counted in accordance  with Article I11 of this Treaty, do not exceed:
(a) 700, for deployed ICBMs, deployed SLBMs, and deployed
heavy bombers;
(b) 1550, for warheads on deployed ICBMs, warheads on
deployed SLBMs, and nuclear warheads counted for deployed
heavy bombers;
(c) 800, for deployed and non-deployed ICBM launchers,
deployed and non-deployed SLBM launchers, and deployed and
non-deployed heavy bombers.

P. 4

Article I11
1. For the purposes of counting toward the aggregate limit provided for in subparagraph l(a) of Article I1 of this Treaty:
(a) Each deployed ICBM shall be counted as one.
(b) Each deployed SLBM shall be counted as one.
(c) Each deployed heavy bomber shall be counted as one.

2. For the purposes of counting toward the aggregate limit provided for in subparagraph l(b) of Article I1 of this Treaty:
(a) For ICBMs and SLBMs, the number of warheads shall be the number of reentry vehicles emplaced on deployed ICBMs and on deployed SLBMs.
(b) One nuclear warhead shall be counted for each deployed heavy bomber.

3. For the purposes of counting toward the aggregate limit provided for in subparagraph l(c) of Article I1 of this Treaty:
(a) Each deployed launcher of ICBMs shall be counted as one.  [the language without specific clarification, based on 2b above, infers as one nuclear warhead].
(b) Each non-deployed launcher of ICBMs shall be counted as one.  [the language without specific clarification based on 2b above, infers as one nuclear warhead].
(c) Each deployed launcher of SLBMs shall be counted as one.  [the language without specific clarification based on 2 b above, infers as one nuclear warhead].
(d) Each non-deployed launcher of SLBMs shall be counted as one. [the language without specific clarification,  infers as one nuclear warhead].

p. 6
referring to Article III, reads:
6. ICBMs, SLBMs, ICBM launchers, SLBM launchers, and heavy
bombers shall cease to be subject to this Treaty in accordance
with Parts Three and Four of the Protocol to this Treaty.

ICBMs or SLBMs of an existing type shall cease to be subject
to this Treaty if all ICBM or SLBM launchers of a type
intended for such ICBMs or SLBMs have been eliminated or
converted in accordance with Part Three of the Protocol to
this Treaty.

Pay attention to the underlined sentence, because that is all the Russians need to abide by, and nothing else.  It is a Primary "escape clause".  You disarm, and we have no obligations but to monitor your unilateral disarmament.  (Escape Clause 2 is Obama is NOT a US Natural Born Citizen, therefore cannot legally sign a Treaty passed by a Congress and 3/4ths of the States, etc., but why should they challenge a nation wanting to castrate itself?)

In other words, the Russians are given a free hand to interpret this as NOT being subject to limit the
“ICBMs, SLBMs, ICBM launchers, SLBM launchers, and heavy Bombers” that were earlier being counted by the Treaty, in order to reduce the US to a combined number of 700 + 100 deployable missiles and delivery systems with a max number of 750 warheads, because the delivery systems themselves (even WITHOUT nuclear warheads) are counted as if they were nuclear warheads by the language of this treaty.  In other words, one nuclear sub and 8 missiles with 3 war heads each counts as 41 under the Treaty: the 8 launchers themselves count as if  8 under launchers and part of the 1550 warheads, and the missile themselves count as 8 of the 700 and are subtracted away from the 1550 allowable warheads as well…these are part of the  8 launchers and their 8 missiles take away from 700 number and leave 684 available; now add the sub as 1, that is part of the 800 number, and you have 683 left for the combined missiles, launchers, and deploying unit.   Above that 800 number we have 750 warheads to actually deploy, which in the case of one nuke sub of 8 missiles with 3 warheads each, is 24. Take 24 from 750, and you have 726 left by which you might defend the United States with.  So instead of reading 1550 warheads, the Obama Administration will enforce a view of  one US Nuclear sub with 8 missiles and 24 warheads as actually equaling 41.   Again,  this Treaty emasculates the US nuclear arsenal down UNILATERALLY, while the Russians keep theirs, and if they wish, they might destroy a few non-operable launchers and moth-balled long range bombers. The Treaty by the language of Article 3.6 does not even obligate them to do THAT much.

May I ask, was this very poorly written or intentionally anti-American subterfuge actually part of Obama’s infamous Nuke paper he allegedly wrote when he was allegedly attending (although it has never been proven) Columbia University?


Just a month later, in January 2011, I reported in this blog


Russia Today brags of New Russian Missile, while US forbidden by Obama START Signature on counter-development

From Russia Today,


 Essentially, it is Stealth poly-shell technology applied directly to the warheads with a new thermal avoidance technology applied to the guidance system in the warhead itself. 

Whether this allows for hundreds of multiple target retaskings based altitude, trajectory, etc., on a new warhead guidance system containing either  a geo-thermal map reading of  what targets have already been obliterated, or can readjust to avoid missiles and jets based on heat detection within a certain range, we just don't know as yet. 

The point is, the Russians have taken an old system and upgraded its nuclear warheads to a Stealth technology, while a Usurper to the US Presidency has intentionally tied our diplomatic treaty and US National Security hands to clearly aid and abet any foreign power to have not only a First-Strike capability, but to have an unhindered and minimal retaliatory consequence First-Strike capability. 


And from November of 2011,

 the track record extends to other areas of Intelligence betrayal:

Who outed the CIA in Lebanon and Iran? I say we need to look no further than Leon Panetta and Barack Hussein Obama for the guilty parties most directly involved.

US CIA spies have been outed in Lebanon and Iran since June 2011.

Leon Panetta was Director of CIA from
February 13, 2009 – June 30, 2011
He currently serves as the second highest former KGB asset in US history as Secretary of the Department of Defense since July 1, 2011. (Obama being the highest former KGB asset, and Communist mole.)
You need look no further than two people, Leon Panetta and Barack Hussein Obama, as the traitors who exposed our CIA operatives in Lebanon and Iran, and soon many other Muslim or various Communist or Dictator countries around the world (put Venezuela as one of the "next to go" up on the radar).
Trevor Loudon and Cliff Kincaid have revealed that Leon Panetta was a Soviet KGB Asset to paid KGB operatives Hugh and Dorothy DeLacy  in the USA. 

Earlier this year, the White House threw a snit when Congress would not fund the Obama promised unilateral giving of top secret US Missile Technologies to the Russians in their Defense Bill.
"Limitation on Funds to Provide Russian Federation with Access to U.S. Missile Defense Technology and International Agreements Relating to Missile Defense:
The Administration strongly objects to the following two sections: (1) section 1228 would prohibit the provision to the Russian Federation of a range of missile defense data..."

Key words: Provide Russian Federation with...U.S. Missile Defense Technology and...a range of missile DEFENSE data. 

Where is the OUTRAGE and righteous indignation at Obama's open and intentional Nuclear Secrets Betrayal? Not even one Obama Administration senior official, not even one of these, has even a conscience to an overt act that clearly endangers the existence of America, themselves, their families, and every US Citizen they know? 

 On June 16, 2010,
the print media, as usual, and in this case The Washington Times,  under-reported the seriousness of the clearly apparent Communist-Socialist and Shia Muslim Obama Manifesto to Betray the USA:
"The Obama administration is secretly working with Russia to conclude an agreement that many officials fear will limit U.S. missile defenses...
the fact that the limit is contained in the treaty will provide the Russians with political leverage against the United States."

On June 7, 2011, a year later, and 8 months after the START betrayal by Obama with Russia,  it seems that at least on the surface former CIA director R. James Woolsey finally might have let himself realize that  Barack Obama intends to unilaterally strip the United States of its ability to defend or deter a nuclear attack from Russia (or any where else in the world allied with Russia)?  But not quite.

Woolsey wrote:
"...Barack Obama's administration recently threatened to veto the defense budget, citing "serious concerns" over provisions that limit the U.S. missile defense know-how that the White House is permitted to share with Moscow. This is the sort of information that Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, in his earlier days, would have assigned his spies to steal. Through its single-minded pursuit of "resetting" relations with Russia, the Obama administration may simply be willing to hand over this information and, in doing so, weaken U.S. national security.
... the provision that the president's team finds so offensive: Section 1228 requires that no funds can be used to provide the Russian Federation with sensitive U.S. missile defense technology."

"Weaken"? By that one word, instead of "destroy", it is obviously apparent that former director Woolsey is unable to grasp the intense internal desires of Obama (as well as the former KGB asset Leon Panetta) to destroy the USA.   Both Obama and Panetta are ex-KGB moles.  

When Leon Panetta was overwhelmingly appointed Director of CIA, he was never vetted by the Senate.  It was a hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil time of Congressional stupidity and betrayal of the USA.  Panetta had since then, and since being appointed Department of Defense Secretary, the kind of access to the CIA and DOD top secret eyes only files that would be necessary to oust our assets simultaneously in Lebanon and Iran.  Because of the alliance between Iran and Venezuela, it is likely that one of the very next countries to oust our CIA wholesale will be Venezuela, but not necessarily the next.  I would say one of the next three, though, in all likelihood, and then Obama and Panetta's fingerprints will be so apparent, that even the liberal Senators in the US Senate may fell the need to disavow these traitors. 

 It wasn't bad enough Obama and his staff proofed and signed a START Treaty that unilaterally strips the USA almost 100% of its nuclear arsenal over the next five years or so, to reduce us down to as little as one single nuclear warhead.   No, that reality with a Leon Panetta as DOD Secretary implementing that program hasn't sunk in yet. 
The specific language of the Treaty, as seen at:
calls for the UNILATERAL disarmament of the US Missile Defenses, and leaves the Russian Missile Stockpiles intact through a loophole given them in Article 3.6 of that same Treaty. So while we strip down and remove our defenses from the ability to more than retaliate and obliterate for a foreign nuclear ICBM attack, the Russians help Iran with ICBM technology and don't have to reduce their stockpiles by a single nuclear warhead...not a one.  They can have both a zero reduction, and build more if they have a mind to, thanks to the Obama 2010 START Treaty @ Article 3.6 legal loop-hole.

Obama was the right hand man (a Chief of Staff in the early 1990s) for Alice Palmer, who herself was sponsored and assisted by another known and registered Communist Soviet agent, Chicago lawyer David S. Canter,
(the same registered and known Soviet agent that recruited Communist David Axelrod),
while she (Palmer) pushed Soviet Bloc propaganda and interests, and worked closely with the Communist Soviet Journal Izvestia...

Who exposed and seeks to dismantle CIA assets and operatives overseas? Look to the traitors already in power: Obama and Panetta.
 And we haven't even addressed how Obama's friends like David Axelrod (also a David S. Canter Soviet Asset) and now Governor Abercrombie  (asset of KGB Leo Szilard)
were also KGB assets in the 1980s and 1990s, as documented by Trevor Loudon. 
It is time for America to get mad...really mad...and to awake out of its trance, and realize how truly inwardly evil and vile Obama and his co-conspirators really are.  They are ideologues that want you dead, and for other nations to do the honors of blasting the USA from the face of the Earth, with no US Nuclear deterrents to stop them.  It is my say, or editorial Input, that this assessment is FACT!  

That's my input.  -- Brianroy

[[[[[ Update March 15, 2012 -   Even the sharing of Conventional Interceptor Missile data  is now being offered to Russia by the Obama Administration on the claim of "appeasement". 

     On March 13,  2012, Reuters   http://news.yahoo.com/exclusive-u-dangles-secret-data-russia-missile-shield-012403936.html   reports 

U.S. dangles secret data for Russia missile shield approval

 WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration is leaving open the possibility of giving Moscow certain secret data on U.S. interceptor missiles due to help protect Europe from any Iranian missile strike.

A deal is being sought by Washington that could include classified data exchange because it is in the U.S. interest to enlist Russia and its radar stations in the missile-defense effort, a Pentagon spokeswoman said Tuesday in written replies to Reuters.
No decision has been made yet on whether the United States would offer data about the interceptors' "velocity at burnout," or VBO, said Air Force Lieutenant Colonel April Cunningham, the spokeswoman, but it is not being ruled out.

 ...VBO is at the heart of what Russia wants as the price for its cooperation, said Riki Ellison, head of the private Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance, who has close ties to missile defense and military officials.
VBO tells how fast an interceptor is going when its rocket-booster motor fuel is spent and the motor burns out.
With VBO and certain other technical data, Moscow could more readily develop countermeasures and strategies to defeat the system and transfer the information to others, Ellison said.

... The sharing of such data might help salve Russian concerns about the layered shield being built in Europe by the United States and its NATO allies, chiefly to fend off the perceived threat from Iranian missiles.

... The Defense Department, in its reply to Reuters, said the sharing of classified U.S. data is subject to an interagency group known as the National Disclosure Policy Committee, which evaluates requests for dealing with other governments.    ...      

  {As if that would stop anything Leon Panetta would or could  flash drive or otherwise give (either directly or indirectly) to  his Russian or other international  counter-part.  As Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta  a now known to be ex-KGB asset while a 1980s Congressman, and a Democratic Marxist - Socialist, has unlimited and unrestricted total access to anything and everything we have under such Administrative Chain of Command, i.e. the ability to independently Administrator Access - possess - and thereafter share (if he so clandestinely chose at any time) the very highest top secret clearance level available  to any serving under him, just as he did at CIA for over 2 years. } 
End of Update ]]]]]]

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