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I am a Natural Born United States Citizen with NO allegiance or citizenship to any nation but my own, and will use this site as a hobby place of sorts to present my own political and religious viewpoints, as a genuine Constitutional Conservative and a genuine Christian Conservative.

Thank you for coming.
In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Something to watch out for. #1 An Iranian partnership in Russian Natural Gas Exporting to Europe, nullyifying all sanctions against Iran by a new leverage : direct pipelined energy supplies.

Currently Russia is THE major supplier of Natural Gas to Continental Europe


Major Gas Pipelines of the Former Soviet Union and Capacity of Export Pipelines

The future of Europe in the next  5 - 10 years, appears to include a dependance not only on Russian Natural Gas fuel supplies for its Eco-survival and convenience, but will also very likely incorporate an Iranian linkage into the port of  Baku on the Caspian Sea as a minimum intrusion and cost to link up Iranian exports into a joint Russian Pipeline that already supplies Europe and reaches as far north as Baumgarten Germany. 

RE:  map at the link:   http://www.eegas.com/southstream1.htm

An Iranian Pipeline linkage to Baku will nullify all threats to future mainland European participation in blockades to that nation, and if Obama had his way, he would ask Congress for a free hand on its purse-strings to pay for the pipeline (being that much a traitor to US interests, US fiscal responsibility, as well as being a Fraud in Chief illegally occupying the US Presidency).

 This pipeline region of nations  may also be the relevant region of the Confederacy which will be headed by Anti-Christ (if the Anti-Christ proves to be a self deifying Muslim). But that is another topic. 

While Europe moves ahead in its natural gas developments that will also put itself under the mercy of Russia more and more, as well as whatever special partnerships the Russians will have -- such as with Iran, a nation bent on proselytizing the world for Islam or bathing it in a nuclear world war and in blood as part of a doctrinal requirement of their Shia Islamic Faith in a coming Mahdi -- the United States needs competent leadership in the US Department of State and in the Executive Office that recognizes both the dangers, and sees the solutions for United States Energy Independence as soon as possible.  The solutions are immediate and effectual in a first Presidential term and doable within 3 years of the next Presidency:  build and initiate into operation the  Keystone Pipeline Project, 
open up responsible and Eco-friendly drilling of US Reserves in Utah and Alaska and along the Continental US, approving Appalachian capture and recapturing of dormant supplies,  making business friendly and Eco-friendly cooperations with Gas and Oil to get America working to drive down costs across the economy and even allow the US to become an energy exporter nation to its allies like Britain, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, South Korea, etc. 

Something to watch out for. 

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