In Indonesia, Obama's book "The Audacity of Hope" has this cover to his fellow Muslims.
"Menerjang Harapan: Dari Jakarta Menuju Gedung Putih"
"Assault Hope: From Jakarta to the White House".
Alinsky dedicated his "Rules for Radicals" to Satan.
"Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgement to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins -- or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom -- Lucifer." ----Saul Alinsky
As a disciple of Saul Alinsky in principle, Obama has tried
to become Satan, or at least the ideal Deceiver that Satan is emulated
to be, whether you believe he exists or not.
Who is Obama and what does he believe?
Cathleen Falsani, columnist with the Chicago Sun-Times reveals the core of Obama's religious and political convictions when she interviewed then State Senator Barack Obama from 3:300 - 4:30 p.m. on Saturday March 27, 2004 at the Café Baci, 330 S. Michigan Avenue
Do you believe in sin?
Do you believe in sin?
What is sin?
What is sin?
Being out of alignment with my values.
Being out of alignment with my values.
Obama defines your sin and my sin, and sin on his own part in being out of alignment with Barack Hussein Obama's values.
Just 3 years later, in an unguarded interview, on April 30, 2007, months before Maya began guarding and/or changing her statements, Jodi
Kantor of the NY Times reported:
“My whole family was Muslim,
and most of the people I knew
were Muslim,”
said Maya Soetoro-Ng, Mr. Obama’s younger half sister.”
No ifs, no ands, no buts about this. When it wasn't yet convenient or necessary to cover up Obama's religious identity, including that of his mother's participation, the same mother who bore and reared Maya, we find that even Barack and his mom were included in that statement by Barack's half-sister when she told Jodi Kantor: "My WHOLE FAMILY WAS MUSLIM" states Obama's sister Maya, as relating to April 2007 and all dates previous.
When has Barack ever publicly renounced Islam? He never has.
When has Barack supported Christianity OVER Islam, or viewed Islam as a faith of ignorance as Christians are REQUIRED to do by accepting Christ Jesus as the ONLY WAY (John 14:6) to the rejection of all other faiths that reject the GOD of Israel? Barack never has.
When has Barack elevated Jesus Christ or the Cross or the Bible over the Quran, or when has he ever renounced Mohammed as a liar - a lunatic - a child molester/ pedophile - a murderer - an abomination? He never has.
Christians who join Churches as members are called to formally renounce the works of darkness publicly in Church settings when they join to a Church. They are expected to believe and elevate Christ and the Holy Scriptures of the Bible in their lives, their sharing with others, their conduct.
All other works such as the Quran are to be viewed as ignorance, and works of Satan to deceive people away from the Creator, the LORD and Savior of the World, Jesus Christ. If Obama promotes the Quran, if he denigrates and oppresses the Bible and those who believe into it, he is either Satanic (a ravening wolf in sheep's clothing) or a Muslim or both.
There is absolutely NO DOUBT that Obama, who covers up the Cross (e.g., when he spoke at Georgetown University) and is ashamed of Jesus Christ. There is no doubt that Obama, by his own admission denies the words of Jesus.
Obama believes in his own works, while denying a personal trust into Christ Jesus for his eternal salvation, while striving for what he terms as a "collective salvation".
Detik TVof Jakarta Indonesia
showed Obama's childhood Indonesian home. Most appropriately was the
camera shot fixated on showing the toilet where Obama dumped as a child,
many years before he would grow up and dump on America.
And for just a one second shot at 13 seconds in the video at Jakarta's Detik TV
get to see the very room where with other Muslims, Obama prayed and
worshiped as a Muslim as a boy with his Indonesian Army step-father Lolo
Barack Obama is the first genuine cult personality in the US
Presidency, where a hypnotic idiocy falls upon any who follow him so
that he can do no wrong, no matter how badly he screws things up or how
deeply and clearly he lies and is exposed as a Deceiver.
"They plot and plan, and Allah too plans,
but the best of liars - fakers - bluffers - deceivers is Allah (Surah 8:30).
but the best of liars - fakers - bluffers - deceivers is Allah (Surah 8:30).
In 'The
Chicago Reader" under the headline, "What Makes Obama Run?" Hank De Zutter
on December 7, 1995, states that his information at that time from Barack Obama was that:
His critical boyhood years—from two to ten—were spent neither in white nor black America but in the teeming streets and jungle outskirts of Djakarta.
In other words, from 1963 to 1971, Barack stated that he lived in Indonesia.
We already know the amended version has reduced those years to 3 or 4 years since 2004. But now with him having a total of 8 years in Indonesia, beginning with 1963, it now makes more sense that after 5 years in Indonesia, how that his mother denounced her son's US Citizenship and allegiance after his spending 5 years there, and how that Barack naturalized as a Muslim Indonesian Citizen to the rejection and renunciations of all other citizenships.
In November 2011, I noted
Barack was recorded as Barry Soetoro (Soebarkah) -- his adopted
and legal name in Indonesia -- had 4 years residence in Indonesia, and would
visit Hawaii and stay temporarily for up to 3 weeks at a time, and attend
Elementary School as a visitor pending his removal and return after his mother
finished vacationing in Hawaii with her parents. The primary residence
of the mother was with her husband in Indonesia, and the primary residence of
the child was with his mother. Hence, there was no permanence of a US
Domicile at any time for Barry Soetoro / Barack Obama until he was about age 10
or 11 and moved in with his grandparents at that time.
In Jakarta's Media story: Indonesians Pray for Obama to win
US Presidency, Obama
was listed as enrolling as a MUSLIM when spending time in the Catholic
School (probably spent there primarily only for extra-curricular
assistance in learning to speak the language of that nation).
Antara News March 11, 2008 (from: Jakarta, Indonesia)
“…Obama, 46, was enrolled in two
primary schools in Jakarta in the late 1960’s.
‘We are very proud to have one of our
students being a candidate in the United States presidential race’,
Kuwadiyanto, headmaster of SDN (State Elementary School) Besuki, told Deutsche
Presse-Agent ur dpa.
…Teachers, schoolmates and
friends in Indonesia remember the young Obama as a smart student.
The SDN Besuki, now known as SDN
Menteng 01, is located in the posh Menteng residential area, one of the most
affluent parts of Jakarta. Founded in
1934 by the Dutch colonial administration for the children of Dutch colonists
and Indonesian nobility, the school has attracted mostly middle to upper class
students, among them several children and grandchildren of the late dictator,
…Before attending the SD Besuki
school, Obama went to a Catholic school, Franciscus Assisi, where an old
document showed he enrolled as a Muslim, the religion of his stepfather….
“He spent 3 years here in this school,” said
Israela Darmawan, 64, Obama’s 1st grade teacher in 1968. “We recognize him as Barry Soetoro because
he was registered here as Barry Soetoro.”
At the alleged age of 7, Obama was already a year behind in his grades. To make matters worse,
Obama's Mother declares Obama Jr. lost his US Citizenship as of
August 13, 1968
Obama's Mother formally reported on her son so as to
declare Obama Jr. lost his US Citizenship as of August 13, 1968 and denounced
him officially before a Department of State Representative and signed
such official documentation, intending that he had officially become a
permanent Indonesian Citizen, absolved of any claim to a US nationality.
above passport file information on Barack Hussein Obama II's mother reveals
Hussein Obama II
has NO
14th Amendment US Citizenship,
and de
sworn under signed oath by his Mom
to no
longer be a Citizen of the United States
as of
August 13, 1968!!!
(See page 3 of the above Scribd documents. This file appears to have been
updated, and the page numbers may eventually save a download just
in case).
immediate form following the opening letter has the mother sign under oath on
the back page of Form FS-299 of 7-64.
the instructions:
have not (and no other person included or to be included in the passport or
documentation has), since acquiring United States citizenship, been naturalized
as a citizen of a foreign state, taken an oath or made an affirmation or other
formal declaration of allegiance to a foreign state; entered or served in the
armed forces of a foreign state, accepted or performed the duties of any
office, post, or employment under the government of a foreign state or
political subdivisions thereof; voted in a political election in a foreign
state or participated in an election or plebiscite to determine the sovereignty
over foreign territory, made a formal renunciation of nationality either in the
United States or before a diplomatic or consular officer of the United States
in a foreign state; ever sought or claimed the benefits of the nationality of
any foreign state; or been convicted by a court or court martial of competent jurisdiction
of committing any act of treason against, or attempting by force to overthrow,
or bearing arms against, the United States, or conspiring to overthrow, put
down or to destroy by force , the Government of the United States.
any of the above-mentioned acts or conditions have been performed by or apply
to the applicant, or to any other person included in the passport or
documentation, the portion of which applies should be struck out , and a
supplementary explanatory statement under oath (or affirmation) by the
person to whom the portion is applicable should be attached and made a part of
this application.}
Dunham wrote Barack Hussein Obama (Soebarkah) and struck his name out to
indicate that he was legally to no longer be a United States Citizen, and the
document stood to apply all relevant passages that could apply to a 7 year old
who lost US Citizenship by naturalization to Indonesia with a renunciation of
his allegiance and renunciation of his citizenship by both he and his mother and
his step-father for him.
his own mother on August 13, 1968, before a Department of State consulate,
denounced her son Barack Hussein Obama as having foreign allegiances and
foreign naturalization to Indonesia, and signed to this effect in form FS-277,
writing and striking his name out.
The Associated Press found Obama’s Muslim dominated
School in Indonesia, to which Obama blew off as attending only during age 7 and
8. On January 24, 2007, The Washington
Post reported that Robert Gibbs stated Obama only attended a Catholic School at
age 6, and that Obama was enrolled there
as a Muslim, but did not understand why that fact was so. Obama vetted this statement of Robert Gibbs,
stating that at ages 7 and 8, he was enrolled in a public (Muslim) School,
which “is probably not going to be endangering in some way the people of
America.” Probably. Probably?
The Washington Post article notes that Obama was in Indonesia attending
school from 1967-1971. So what about
ages 9 and 10?
The Washington Post went on to report that:
“…Obama later transferred to SDN
Menteng 1 _ the elite…elementary school at the center of the controversy. The
school …has exceptionally high standards. It is located in one of the most
affluent parts of Jakarta and attracts mostly middle- to upper-class students,
among them several of former dictator Suharto's grandchildren. Indonesia is home to several of the most
radical Islamic schools in Southeast Asia, some with alleged terrorist links. “
So let me get this right. Obama attends what in the 1960s was converted into an upper class Shia (Iranian sect) Muslim school with the grandchildren of Indonesian Dictator Suharto, in a Third World dictatorship, and we are to expect there was no security and loyalty clearances, no special lists of who could or could not attend, and no Islamic influences upon Obama?
A blogger who lived in Southeast Asia for 20 years, a Mr. Martin, January 23, 2007, the month before Obama announced his intent to [albeit illegally] to run for the US Presidency, states:

is a photo of Besuki Primary School in Menteng. Jakarta, Indonesia.
This is where according to Indonesian reports, Obama first attended
school when he lived on Dempo Street.
...{A} government primary school in Indonesia is not
quite as secular as one in the west might imagine. In fact Islam plays a
very important role in Indonesian schools and a foreigner might be
surprised to find out that religious classes are compulsory for all
Indonesian students.
Indonesian students are required to study religion at school and a
young "Barry Soetoro" being a Muslim would have been required to study
Islam daily in school. He would have been taught to read and write
Arabic, to recite his prayers properly, to read and recite from the
Quran and to study the laws of Islam.
But even Mr. Martin in disbelieving of the information made available in Indonesia that Obama's School was a Madrassah before 1970 in converting into a Muslim School, and himself depends on (as of May 20 2007) only that of a March 1975 and a 1979 School Instructional materials in Indonesia, along with a post-2006 picture on what the school looks like some (or something to the effect of) 36 years after Obama attended -- and after any 1970 remodels might have taken place -- in order to make his assessment as to what the school looked like prior to 1970, when he had only post 1970 rules and procedures and a late 2006 or January 2007 picture of the school as it then existed to work with. Mr. Martin has no pre-1970 material to deny Menteng-1 was a Madrassah, and the Indonesians themselves by inference declare by their careful wording of addressing only that it became a State School 1970 appear to indicate that it was a Muslim School for elites.
Mr. Martin also reported
on January 24, 2007, the month before Obama announced his intent to [albeit illegally] to run for the US Presidency, states:
Classmate Rony Amir describes a young Barry Soetoro as enjoying playing football and marbles and of being a very devout Muslim.
"Barry was previously quite religious in Islam. His birth father, Barack Hussein Obama
was a Muslim economist from Kenya. Before marrying Ann Dunham, Hussein
Obama was married to a woman from Kenya who had seven children. All
the relatives of Barry's father were very devout Muslims"
"We previously often asked him to the prayer room close to the house." If he was wearing a sarong he looked funny , said Rony Amir, Barry's classmate when he lived on H Ramli street in Menteng, Jakarta."
On Febraury 17, 2007 he reports on an Indonesian writing these words:
"Ayah kandung Obama disebut-sebut seorang Muslim, dan Barack Obama
juga disebutkan pernah memeluk Islam. Setalah tinggal di AS dan diasuh
neneknya, Obama mengaku telah memeluk Kristen. ...."
father was mentioned to be a Muslim and Barack Obama had embraced
Islam. After living in the USA and being taken care of by his
grandmother, Obama claimed to embrace Christianity. ..."
Two months later, on March 6, 2007, Nicholas Kristof at the New York Times reported that Obama “ spent four years as a child in Indonesia and attended schools in the Indonesian language, which he still speaks. … Obama recalled the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer, reciting them with a first-rate accent. … Obama described the call to prayer as “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.”
So we find Obama now spent 4 years as a Muslim. He learned Indonesian and Arabic, and glories
in the sounds of Islam; seeing even the sunset in the Islamic view, and Islam
as a heritage from his Kenyan grandfather.
Jun 14, 2007 of the Toronto Star reported on his visit to
JAKARTA– “Barack Hussein Obama Jr. spent part of his
youth here in Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim nation. The entrance foyer to his elementary school
has a photograph, 2 metres by 1.3 metres, of the hajj, the annual Muslim
pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia. Ten
steps into the crowded rectangular courtyard and you can see his old homeroom,
adjacent to the stairway leading to the second floor mosque, where he studied
had a different name then, Barry Soetoro, after his stepfather.…Three of his
teachers have said he was enrolled as a Muslim. In his autobiography, Dreams
From My Father, he mentions his Qur'an studies here. A classmate of his in Jakarta has said that
Obama used to wear a sarong and accompany his father to the neighbourhood
Kuwadiyanto (he has only one name) and vice-principal Hardi Priyono are amused
by the controversy and the parade of Americans to the school – three members of
the U.S. embassy here and nine visiting reporters, so far.
the majority of its 475 students being Muslim, the biggest religion class is in
the mosque. The day of my visit being a Friday, the girls are wearing the hijab
and the boys the kufi skull cap, and both attend the noon prayers.”
But by this time, Maya was told to cool it and down play her father Lolo's and Barack's Muslim ties.
Come December 22, 2007, and CNN reported Obama “touched on the fact that he
lived in the Muslim country of Indonesia for four years of his childhood. "I didn’t practice [Islam]," ….
Obama didn’t practice? Excuse me, but he wore the kufi skull cap,
did mandatory Friday noon prayers with the other Muslims because he studied the
Koran with them. That’s practicing.
Obama spent at least the ages 7-10 in mandatory learning in School at least 5 days a week to read and write Arabic as well
as Indonesian, and he memorized praising Allah in a long winded Arabic song
beautifying (the false deity of) Allah 96 different ways. That’s called Practicing.
wore a Muslim Sarong and sang that prayer at sunsets (memorizing it deeply into
his soul), and accompanied his step-father at Muslim mosque prayers as well as to communal events as a
Muslim step-child. That’s called
You see by the FRUITS of Barack;s Islamic Proselytizing of Islam and persecuting of Christianity in the Federal Government where his values and moral compass are. You see it in the fact that he has pushed Christmas and Easter out of the White House, banned crosses in his presence, and so forth that he sees himself as a neo-Saladin and demands worship and praise, even if he bows and kisses the ring of a Saudi King the same way Roman Catholics might bow and kiss the ring of their spiritual leaders.
But in the end, the political wild animal / beast / therion of the person of Brack Hussein Obama II all goes back to one core question and answer statement that defines Barack Obama and how he governs...the March 27, 2004 question by Cathleen Falsani and answer by Barack Obama.
What is sin?
What is sin?
Being out of alignment with my values.
Being out of alignment with my values.
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