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I am a Natural Born United States Citizen with NO allegiance or citizenship to any nation but my own, and will use this site as a hobby place of sorts to present my own political and religious viewpoints, as a genuine Constitutional Conservative and a genuine Christian Conservative.

Thank you for coming.
In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Obama Executive Order: "From Now On, Whities Not As Included in the US Federal Government. Heh,heh,heh,heh."

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release August 18, 2011 Executive Order--Establishing a Coordinated Government-wide Initiative to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in the Federal Workforce



By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to promote the Federal workplace as a model of equal opportunity, diversity, and inclusion, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Policy. Our Nation derives strength from the diversity of its population and from its commitment to equal opportunity for all. We are at our best when we draw on the talents of all parts of our society, and our greatest accomplishments are achieved when diverse perspectives are brought to bear to overcome our greatest challenges.

A commitment to equal opportunity, diversity, and inclusion is critical for the Federal Government as an employer. By law, the Federal Government's recruitment policies should "endeavor to achieve a work force from all segments of society." (5 U.S.C. 2301(b)(1)). As the Nation's largest employer, the Federal Government has a special obligation to lead by example. Attaining a diverse, qualified workforce is one of the cornerstones of the merit-based civil service.

Prior Executive Orders, including but not limited to those listed below, have taken a number of steps to address the leadership role and obligations of the Federal Government as an employer. For example, Executive Order 13171 of October 12, 2000 (Hispanic Employment in the Federal Government), directed executive departments and agencies to implement programs for recruitment and career development of Hispanic employees and established a mechanism for identifying best practices in doing so. Executive Order 13518 of November 9, 2009 (Employment of Veterans in the Federal Government), required the establishment of a Veterans Employment Initiative. Executive Order 13548 of July 26, 2010 (Increasing Federal Employment of Individuals with Disabilities), and its related predecessors, Executive Order 13163 of July 26, 2000 (Increasing the Opportunity for Individuals With Disabilities to be Employed in the Federal Government), and Executive Order 13078 of March 13, 1998 (Increasing Employment of Adults With Disabilities), sought to tap the skills of the millions of Americans living with disabilities.

To realize more fully the goal of using the talents of all segments of society, the Federal Government must continue to challenge itself to enhance its ability to recruit, hire, promote, and retain a more diverse workforce. Further, the Federal Government must create a culture that encourages collaboration, flexibility, and fairness to enable individuals to participate to their full potential.

Wherever possible, the Federal Government must also seek to consolidate compliance efforts established through related or overlapping statutory mandates, directions from Executive Orders, and regulatory requirements. By this order, I am directing executive departments and agencies (agencies) to develop and implement a more comprehensive, integrated, and strategic focus on diversity and inclusion as a key component of their human resources strategies. This approach should include a continuing effort to identify and adopt best practices, implemented in an integrated manner, to promote diversity and remove barriers to equal employment opportunity, consistent with merit system principles and applicable law.

Sec. 2. Government-Wide Diversity and Inclusion Initiative and Strategic Plan. The Director of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the Deputy Director for Management of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), in coordination with the President's Management Council (PMC) and the Chair of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), shall:

(a) establish a coordinated Government-wide initiative to promote diversity and inclusion in the Federal workforce;

(b) within 90 days of the date of this order:

(i) develop and issue a Government-wide Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan (Government-wide Plan), to be updated as appropriate and at a minimum every 4 years, focusing on workforce diversity, workplace inclusion, and agency accountability and leadership. The Government-wide Plan shall highlight comprehensive strategies for agencies to identify and remove barriers to equal employment opportunity that may exist in the Federal Government's recruitment, hiring, promotion, retention, professional development, and training policies and practices;

(ii) review applicable directives to agencies related to the development or submission of agency human capital and other workforce plans and reports in connection with recruitment, hiring, promotion, retention, professional development, and training policies and practices, and develop a strategy for consolidating such agency plans and reports where appropriate and permitted by law; and

(iii) provide guidance to agencies concerning formulation of agency-specific Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plans prepared pursuant to section 3(b) of this order;

(c) identify appropriate practices to improve the effectiveness of each agency's efforts to recruit, hire, promote, retain, develop, and train a diverse and inclusive workforce, consistent with merit system principles and applicable law; and

(d) establish a system for reporting regularly on agencies' progress in implementing their agency-specific Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plans and in meeting the objectives of this order.

Sec. 3. Responsibilities of Executive Departments and Agencies. All agencies shall implement the Government-wide Plan prepared pursuant to section 2 of this order, and such other related guidance as issued from time to time by the Director of OPM and Deputy Director for Management of OMB. In addition, the head of each executive department and agency referred to under subsections (1) and (2) of section 901(b) of title 31, United States Code, shall:

(a) designate the agency's Chief Human Capital Officer to be responsible for enhancing employment and promotion opportunities within the agency, in collaboration with the agency's Director of Equal Employment Opportunity and Director of Diversity and Inclusion, if any, and consistent with law and merit system principles, including development and implementation of the agency-specific Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan;

(b) within 120 days of the issuance of the Government-wide Plan or its update under section 2(b)(i) of this order, develop and submit for review to the Director of OPM and the Deputy Director for Management of OMB an agency-specific Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan for recruiting, hiring, training, developing, advancing, promoting, and retaining a diverse workforce consistent with applicable law, the Government-wide Plan, merit system principles, the agency's overall strategic plan, its human capital plan prepared pursuant to Part 250 of title 5 of the Code of Federal Regulations, and other applicable workforce planning strategies and initiatives;

(c) implement the agency-specific Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan after incorporating it into the agency's human capital plan; and

(d) provide information as specified in the reporting requirements developed under section 2(d).

Sec. 4. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:

(i) authority granted to a department or agency or the head thereof, including the authority granted to EEOC by other Executive Orders (including Executive Order 12067) or any agency's authority to establish an independent Diversity and Inclusion Office; or

(ii) functions of the Director of OMB relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.

(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.



August 18, 2011.

While Obama may tour Iowa and other states, hold the white babies and take the photo ops, note the date.  While doing his kissy-kissy publicly, privately he was doing a "F**k you, whities", even as the Black Caucus was hounding him for more wealth spreading and forced white displacement based on their skin color and racist attitudes. 

This is a federal application of Forced Affirmative Action aimed at removing white Conservative males and any born again or Fundamentalist Christians of any type, who dare to openly believe into the Republic of the United States and/or into the Bible and Jesus Christ, and replace them with minority appointments with pro-Marxist or Socialist belief systems.  The difference between this and Communist-Socialist Mark Lloyd running the Federal Communications Commision (FCC), is that the Federal Government WILL implement what they could not immediately force private employers to do in 2009. 

Again, we already had a precursor warning via the FCC Communist-Socialist "Diversity"Czar Mark Lloyd some 2 years ago on "forced diversity" as a means of "pro-active Affirmative Action", but this time, it is racial and religious discrimination that is meant to purge the Executive Branch of Government of Conservatives and genuine (or essentially fundamentalist) Christians.

It's really a shame that since 2009, Glenn Beck picks and chooses what part of the Constitution he wishes to believe, as he continually gives Obama a diversity pass.  He challenges to discuss the topic of the US Constitution or related topics, and then refuses to discuss it.  I know it (demanding publicly on the air to debate the Constitution and then privately refusing to do so on the air or publicly) makes great radio and other media format  Public Relations, but though Beck was on the right track in a round about way previously, he has since jumped on the Obama Train as one who for the sake of skin color and apparent greed as his motive, it seems to me, ignores all the felonious activity and Constitutional violations committed by Barack Hussein Obama II. 
If he should read this, let me write him thus:

or should I say...Mr. Beck?

On August 16, 2011, on your radio program, you claim we need to be able to discuss issues. You rushed to defend Obama's Birth Certificate, but offered NO PROOF.

In April 2011, the copy of the Obama Short Form Certification of Live Birth was to a forgery created by Dr. Ron Polland.

The Long Form is clearly a forgery also.

and many other links at: http://www.wnd.com/eligibility

Where are your facts? Or is it only mocking at GOD by mocking at Truth.

Did you know that NOT once or ever has any Obama attorney dared to introduce either the Short or Long Form alleged Birth Certificates into a Court of Law as evidence, even AFTER the alleged April 2011 flight to Hawaii by Perkins Coie attorneys, and the pdf. Public relations release of an obvious fraud. Not even Perkins Coie dares submit an intentional fraudulent or manufactured document into a court of law, despite that technically under Bute v. Illinois 333 US 640 (1948) @ 653 and Nguyen v, INS 533 US 53 (2001) @ 54,62 he is actually required to produce if these two cases are argued for that before the judge. Instead, on just one occasion, his Perkins Coie attorney goes, ah, Snopes and Factcheck published a copy on the web. Guess what, it is the same short form template forgery that we now know in August 2011 that Snopes and even the White House linked to Dr. Polland's jpg. Dr, Neal Palifox, Director of Health in Hawaii who was supposed to reveal the actual birth certificate in January 2011, when he discovered there was and is no Obama certificate in Hawaii, resigned almost immediately over the embarrassment. And just 3 months later came the "do whatever forgery it takes to shut Donald Trump up" pdf file of the White House that was probably dome for around $2,000 as I list in my last link to my blogposts below.

Question: Are you yourself not committing a blind "seig heil" trust in Obama's words, and a grabbing onto his coat-tail, hoping by unsupported faith that he is reliable...while at the same time you say others "should do your own homework?" On Obama's eligibility, and failure to follow the Constitution in his personal qualifications as well as in political acts, I would say yes. But you say, because you are made a little uncomfortable (perhaps convicted by GOD the Holy Spirit?) that WE should GET OVER IT? It is not, nor has it ever been about race. Ideology (especially political and religious): yes; about the Law and the US Constitution being followed: yes; about race: no.

My first at length culmination of my "homework" was with:

It wasn't all 100%, but it was 95-98% there. One of the very few mistakes I made there, for example, Lujan's article III standing I have since learned in June 2011's Bond v. etc. means that I cannot personally sue or have standing unless I am UNLAWFULLY arrested and obtain like injury. I have, however left the paper as it was, because this whole process, like with that experienced by the Founding Fathers, is a learning curve.

We have done our homework, and you belittle the true Patriots who demand that the US Constitution be followed while you do, what? A ride along because you have some affirmative action prejudice based on Obama's skin color? What if he were all white, and his father was a British National, and a UK Government employed Economics Advisor to senior members of Parliament? What would you say then. Was Obama, who by preponderance of the evidence outside a Court of Law, was born somewhere other than in the USA, so then a US natural Born Citizen under that hypothetical? No? The same applies in 1961 for his United Kingdom and Colonies citizenship which he acquired at birth, especially if he was born in a British Colony as the media and Government of Kenya (the original Birthers since June of 2004 to 2010 and to present still) contend.

You should also be aware that Obama uses a stolen Social Security Number as his tax ID number, and that John Brennan extremely likely obtained his position as Deputy Chief of Counter-terrorism via a Quid Pro Quo for stealing Obama's previous passports out of the US Department of State in March of 2008.

Obama had to, because he lost any chance of a Social Security Number as a US Citizen, when his mother denounced him before the US Consul on August 13, 1968 as an indefinite Indonesian Citizen, etc.


If you would like to discuss the issues with two recognized authorities on the subject for your radio program, or just to feel out the subject,

Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq.
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, ste 100, Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688

Mario Apuzzo, Esq.,
185 Gatzmer Ave, Jamesburg NJ 08831

When you stop laughing out of ignorance, take up the challenge, read up and then talk to these two attorneys and ask the questions.

You will also wish to talk to Joseph Farah at WND http://www.wnd.com/Contact

and former UN Amabassador, Alan Keyes alan@loyaltoliberty.com

Do like you demand of the audience...'do your own damn homework!"  Your words, sir...YOUR words.  And IF you have any respect for the US Constitution besides the First Amendment, then please study up, and talk to and invite the above guests.  They will respect the rules of courtesy that I will not feel obliged to in regards to you or your co-hosts once you become intentionally insulting or once the conversation heats up by you or Stu taking the low road for that one (or one more) zing you will very likely feel compelled to do in trying to deride the messenger once you start losing the debate, or perhaps before you even start the interview.     
Thank you for your time,


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