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I am a Natural Born United States Citizen with NO allegiance or citizenship to any nation but my own, and will use this site as a hobby place of sorts to present my own political and religious viewpoints, as a genuine Constitutional Conservative and a genuine Christian Conservative.

Thank you for coming.
In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Marco Rubio gives a speech to the Senate in vain. Also, my 2012 Budget Plan Proposals DC can start any Budget talks with.

Senator Marco Rubio points out that for 822 days, the US Senate has offered NO BUDGET, and the Democrats don't want one.  Kerry in standing up repeatedly to oppose him in "asking questions" and cast blame, rather than solutions, proves Rubio's points.

Why won't anyone dare even start with suggestions for a 2012 Fiscal year budget?  Then let me start the debate with a few suggestions on where to start. 
   ---My tentative Theoretical Budget Proposal if I were on the Hill, and even though this pragmatic straight talk shows why I would never be voted into Congress, or simply stopped by the Political Machines and Media prostitutes of both major parties, because I would only about doing an honest and forthrightly unapologetic action of "doing what's right for this Country as a Republic in need of rescue from dissolvance and overthrow by the Corrupt and Lazy in Congress."  In other words,  were I there now, these are the 7 points I would probably have slammed the lazy and treasonous guilt-ridden Congressional consciences with, and caused a necessary National Uproar and the debates we need to resolve the Debt Crisis, by introducing real solutions in the below proposals:

1. Defense Spending for 2012 should be capped at $600,000,000,000

 $570,000,000,000 for regular operations budgetary authority, $30,000,000,000 for removal of troops from Afghanistan and last operations while pulling out.

a. Pensions freeze for retirees for 10 years

b. Pension reductions to a $4,000 a month cap regardless of rank

c. Defund the Afghanistan War and pull the troops out

d. Option: Up to $50,000,000,000 of Military Budget may be set aside for discretionary surgical strike spending (being pre-approved by Congress for this contingency) that can be rolled over into the next fiscal year for discretionary covert and surgical strike operations to a maximum fund of $80,000,000,000 in any given year, the surplus used to pay down the National Debt. Congressional Oversight and Intelligence will still need to be informed of the finances used, and pre-authorize use when operations not self-defense contingencies for being fired upon or specific rescue operations to recover personnel.

e. Reduction in top wage earners above$ 120,000 to that wage, and frozen for 5 years

f. Veterans Medical Services salary caps, reducing Administrator and Medical salaries to a cap of $85,000.

g. Reallocate surpluses saved in wages and pensions to Veterans Medical Service expenses, with the goal of increasing services and procedures for military veterans directly wounded while in performance of Military Service or in Military Transport.

2. Building of 4 US Military Oil/Gas Refineries and fuel storage Depots to be located on Atlantic Ocean US Coast,  Gulf of Mexico US Coast, Pacific Alaska US Coast, and Pacific Continental United States Coast.
Each facility will accommodate a storage of 20,000,000 barrels of oil (ca. 110,000,000 gallons), and have a capacity to convert a minimum of at least 50,000 barrels of oil per day. Congress will allocate and set aside a total of $6,000,000,000 per facility, and all 4 facilities must be fully built and operational by January 1, 2015. They will be manned by US Military personnel and a force of no more than 5% Civilian sub-contractors, and require Secret Clearances.

3. Social Security and Welfare

a. Remove all non US Citizens, remove all  non-seniors (exceptions 80-100% disableds) from receiving Social Security Checks and US Federal Government Aid of ANY Type, including Student Loans and Grants. 

b. Recatorgorize Food Stamp and Welfare into its own Government Resource, and prevent any cash out or cash back issuance on food stamp debit cards. 
c. Utilize a database user of card and thumb-print program entered nationwide (into a variation or advanced parallel system comparable to CJIS - the Criminal Justice Information System) to clamp down on massive fraud in the system.
     Thumb prints into national computer identity index for every food stamp and welfare recipient (both primary and claimed beneficiary) with a feedback within 5 minutes or in real-time to prevent fraud, with arrest and prosecution and property recovery on those convicted (with a mandatory 5 years hard labor for each identity fraud duplication) to be served consecutively.  Hence, all recipients will thumb-print on a checkstand scanner and swipe the food-stamp card prior to the ringing up of the first transaction, for time expediency.  If fraud is detected as a multiple user of identity, having 3 or more welfare identities, the system will self-call the local Police who will be dispatched to the location to verify accuracy of thumb-print and identity on scene, and thereafter (if necessary) take into custody if multiple identities / fraud is verified. 

d. Reduce all payments of Social Security and Welfare to a maximum issuance of no more than $2,000 per month.

e. Allow cost of living increase of 10% for any Social Security payments under $1,500 per month, and then freeze at $1,500 for Fiscal year 2012

f. Social Security payroll tax increase of 1% on wage earners January 1, 2013 to be locked in and not increased for a minimum of 10 years.

g.  Goal is to reduce Social Security and Welfare payouts by 25% within 3 years, and pay only those in need.  Multiple Home owners or those possessing assets and real estate above the value of $600,000 are to be disqualified from collecting Social Security as of January 1, 2012 (according to my plan).

4. Income tax rate

a. An across the board 5% tax rate cut for incomes between $30,000 – $100,000

b. An across the board 3% tax rate cut for incomes $100,000.01 and up

c. Exemption deduction, fixed for 5 years @ $8,000 Single or Married filing Separately, $10,000 Head of Household or Married.

5. Corporate Tax Rate to be lowered to 20% for businesses inside the US

For US businesses overseas, the Coporate tax rate for those assets and services is to be given a 40% tariff increase (in order to ship their goods and services INTO the USA) in 2012, followed by an increment of 10% a year for 3 years.  Tariff will be against US Companies and their goods shipping in, regardless of who ships it, not specifically against nations unless they ship as middle men or what have you.   Goal is to bring "Jobs" back into the USA.  Tax incentives to be issued to those US businesses which dismantle foreign assets and build and employ US Citizens on US Soil. 

6.  Any Budget is to have no more than a $400,000,000,000 deficit under ANY Circumstances for fiscal year 2012, with a goal of  no more than $200,000,000,000 in Fiscal year 2013, and a balanced budget in Fiscal year 2014 and thereafter.

7.  There will ABSOLUTELY BE NO RELINQUISHING OF US CONSTITUTIONAL LEGISLATIVE AUTHORITY to either a smaller Congress or Congressional Committee, nor to anyone in either the Executive or Judicial Branches of Government.  Any inclusiveness of such a proposal should bring the charge of Treason against those proposing the Super Congress Oligarchy, regardless of Party affiliation or membership. 
Again, this is just a tentative proposal as a PLACE TO START discussing the issues toward the creation of a sound Fiscal 2012 Budget, and where I think we can go to implement cuts on waste and fraud, etc., to help get us to a sound and fiscally responsible National Budget.  That's my input. 


[[ Update 9:45 pm PST  July 31, 2011

The leadership of both parties and both chambers (the US Senate and the House of Representatives) are doing a victory boast of raising the debt ceiling by $2,200,000,000,000, and lying about how this is enough to fund the US Treasury until after the 2012 election cycle.  Remember this lie of theirs, as they act as if they are a Congressional Mason Coven of Druids.  In actions and deals contrary to the majority desires of their constituents, the leaders of Congress appear to claim NOT JUST  amorality claims in the NOW justifying their deals, and how it is that 2.2 trillion dollars is enough of a raise to the Debt Ceiling; but in all likelihood, it seems to me, in 9 -10 months or less they will again as if in coven both party unison together, come clasping hands and howling in a staged angst, perhaps at that time, doing thus in order to fully transform our Republic prior to the 2012 elections in November 2012, it seems to me.  That appears to be where this is all going.  I can only hope that it is not so, but this bogus Presidency of a non-Constitutional occupant and his anti-Constitutionalist Executive Administration Compulsions and Motus Operandi EVERY DAY of his occupancy of the Office, leaves no other truly rational conclusion other than he has an end-game to destroy the Republic of the United States, and replace it with a Socialist or Communist Dictatorship or Oligarchy, or a combination thereof. 

Tonight, in their agreement, both Parties of Congress kept the Legislative language to keep a Super Congress Oligarchy of 12.  It seems to me by being acutely aware of the combination of this Super Congress and the financial figures agreed to, this is what creates the projected time-line that the Communist-Socialists will be made aware of in a matter of seconds, perhaps using their cell phone calculator, perhaps later hearing or reading about it in their spheres of influence and comfort zone groups.  It is all about the Congress de facto announcing (in their open and slightly veiled lingo) of the creation of a future crisis in the language of Legislation now, which  will likely seek to take over on or about April 1, 2012 to May 1, 2012 based on the amount the debt ceiling was raised.  How so?  The US now spends at a rate of almost 4 trillion a year, or about 320 billion dollars a month.  Inflow is about 200 billion a month.  2.2 trillion will therefore dissipate under normal frozen projection in 18 months.  However, based on the frivolous nature of Congress getting excited about new cash to waste, we can look for another crisis in half that time or by May Day 2012 at the latest, May Day being the Communist Holiday...and April 1 being April Fools Day on the American people.  In either case, the Communist-Socialists will probably soon be laughing and saying quips such as "How convenient." 
I can only hope I'm wrong, but the pattern of the Obama Administartion and Congressional Lawlessness increasing at the pace of apathy and reckless it is increasing at, leads me to only question the EXACT timing of WHEN (instead)...NOT "if."
The traitors of the Obama Administration (mostly key executives and various executive staff) and the Congressional Leadership will be joined by the Major Media in any overthrow of the Republic, because it is most often the Major Media who continuously run a cover for the heinous sins of deception and omission of the Obama Administration and of Congressional Leadership in Both Major Parties.   It is clear that the Major Media have no excuse for their fraud and propaganda upon the American public, and perpetuation of fraud in their news cycles, along with their pretentious "oh, I'm so insulted you could even suggest that" hypocrisy. Follow what news they are willing to report and how, and the facts that commentators who have NO CLUE of the facts, report their opinions as if facts by the majority of the time spent in the news cycle.  News in 2011, has become 80-90% editorializing or otherwise called: "propaganda".   Even with just a casual read of the 2009 "10 year projection report table"  put forth by the Obama Administration, the Media needed only to edit a few of the Obama Administration's own words of chastisement against 8 years of George Bush to show and report on the flagrant Obama "blame others and do worse thyself"  hypocrisy and criminally gross misconduct.  But will they be fair and balanced?  No.  It is up to others to figure it out for themselves.  

 By editing out blame the Obama Budget Report attributes to others, and the sure knowledge that they have already eclipsed those 8 years of more appropriate and accountable debts in less than 3 years, it would be so easy to report the contrast.  Again, instead of the media reporting (rather than grossly editorialing the facts / news),  it is up to all of America to themselves sift for the facts, facts that now almost by themselves seem to accuse the Communist-Socialist Obama Administration and the leaders of Congress during those Obama years of Fiscal 2009 following of acting criminally reckless misconduct and producing criminally frivolous waste of taxpayer monies that almost jsutifies the wicked thefts of those like Ponzi rip-off artists like Bernie Madoff..  Let's look at two examples of very minor word edits and how they could just as easily be turned against Obama reckless waste of taxpayer monies. 
For example:

[Note: The Obama projection for 10 years is on page 117 of the ff. pdf link.]


Page 14

Fiscal Irresponsibility

Another manifestation of irresponsibility is

the large budget deficits ... These

deficits, over time, will harm economic growth

and impose burdens on our children and grandchildren.

...[T]he Government spent recklessly

on ... hand-outs for the welloff

and well-connected, mismanaged billions of

dollars in taxpayer money, and failed to honor the

responsibilities we have to future generations.

Massive new programs have routinely been omitted

from the Budget to mask their true cost....

Page 34
Planning for the Future

Over the past ... years [under Obama], fiscal recklessness

replaced fiscal responsibility. Huge tax cuts and

spending increases were undertaken without being

paid for. Large extra-budgetary expenses put

a veneer on our fiscal situation. Special interest driven

spending grew out of control. Long-term

challenges to our country and our fiscal situation

were ignored. Taken together, this has put the

Nation in an even more precarious fiscal position

as we confront this economic crisis.


End of update ]]

{{{Update - August 1, 2011   The House of Representatives voted to absolve its ability to legislate taxation per Article 1.8 of the US Constitution, and give that power to the Super Congress of 12 unelected members of the New Oligarchy.  
     The vote passed the House at 269 - 161.  Even the reporters at Glenn Beck's "The Blaze" join in sugar-coating the vote, and closing their eyes and minds to the reality of what an event this is in US Politics.

It is the vote which once and for all enables "the Cessation",  or should we say the "Fall of the Republic of the United States as a Government" whose beginnings were on July 04, 1776 and whose Constitution written 13 years later was a model and example of the pinnacle of modern Governments.  The Fall was accomplished  by the creation of an Oligarchy "Super Committee" or "Super Congress". 

 The Republic of the United States as of August 01, 2011 is now on "life support" status .

-- End of August 1, 2011 update, abridged on August 8,2011}}

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