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I am a Natural Born United States Citizen with NO allegiance or citizenship to any nation but my own, and will use this site as a hobby place of sorts to present my own political and religious viewpoints, as a genuine Constitutional Conservative and a genuine Christian Conservative.

Thank you for coming.
In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Letter to my Congressman, and an open letter to Congress - July 27, 2011

My topic is on the UNCONSTITUTIONAL "Super- Congress" aka. Oligarchy/Politburo Committee being pushed to have a 12 member Committee legislate, and make the other 523 members of Congress so moot, that Obama may as well disband both the House of Representatives and Senate altogether. This is Constitutional Treason on the part of those in Congress and the White House pushing this Communist-Socialist re-engineering of the framework of the US Government's Legislative Branch!

RE: The Super-Congress Committee was reported here:


This Super Congress was then confirmed in essence by Speaker Boehner to Rush Limbaugh July 26, 2011 on his radio program here:

It is with great difficulty for me to refrain from the fury and outrage that I have for those like Boehner, and Obama and others who so openly and IMPEACHABLY defy the US Constitution, and want to alter this Republic into a Communist-Socialist framework. Boehner and Reid and others ignore that it takes an Article 5 "2/3rds Congress and 3/4ths of the States" to alter the US Constitution after the manner they seek to illegally use section 4 of the 14th Amendment.

Further, repeatedly, YOU and the rest of Congress ignore that Obama is a usurper failing the Article 2 Natural Born Citizen Requirement by having more than a sole US Citizenship at birth, making everything he does illegal per Marbury v. Madison by being unConstitutional, etc.

Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137 (1803)@180

states that

“a law repugnant to the constitution IS VOID. . . .” and “in declaring what shall be the SUPREME law of the land,

the CONSTITUTION itself is first mentioned;

and not the laws of the United States generally,

but those only which shall be made in PURSUANCE of the constitution, have that rank.”

I demand Boehner be Impeached and Removed, and someone with backbone and Constitutional Conservative values be installed as Speaker instead.

After which, following 333 US 640 (1948) @653 and 533 US 53 (2001) @ 54,62, that Congress demand legal proof admissible into a Court of Law, that Obama proves his Social Security number identity (as his SS# was stolen from someone born in Connecticut in 1890 and used by him since 1979) and US birth (something he will NOT produce into a Court of Law) to US Citizen parents / both parents being US Citizens at the time of his birth (the de facto and de jure legal requirement cf. the Venus, Minor v. Happersett, Perkins v. Elg, etc.)or be Impeached himself for High Crimes.

You may also wish to refer to such attorney blog articles such as:

The above letter was sent to my Congressman minutes prior to this posting.  I post this to deny their office  staffers running interference any deniability that such informative letters were ever sent them.  -- Brianroy

1 comment:

  1. you mentioned on marios blog that obama needed 21 years in us - on orlys site she mentioned a timeline problem - perhaps obama spent more than a year in pakistan - do not remember his age at the time - might be worth looking into
