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In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Holder and Napolitano both guilty of smuggling guns operation into Mexico


The Washington Post, following the Tactics of Alinsky, sought to blame Republicans like Darryl Issa for not catching the felony acts of the ATF sooner, rather than holding the Department of Justice and Eric Holder in particular, accountable in enforcing US Laws on the books.


Fast and Furious targeted Mexican gun traffickers but was linked to the killing of a U.S. law enforcement officer. Republicans in Congress have criticized the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives over its handling of the operation, with Issa calling it “felony-stupid bad judgment”...
“All of the things [Issa] has been screaming about, he was briefed on,’’ said one source familiar with the session.  ...
 The Washington Post, June 21, 2011

In the Department of Justice own web-page Archives pulled up by me on July 09, 2011... it clearly shows us  that Eric Holder de facto and de jure (by claim)  names Napolitano as a co-conspirator in Gun smuggling Operation of "Fast & Furious".



Attorney General Eric Holder at the Mexico/United States Arms Trafficking Conference

CUERNAVACA, MEXICO ~ Thursday, April 2, 2009

Remarks as prepared for delivery.

First, let me express my thanks to Attorney General Medina Mora and Secretary of Government Gomez Mont for making this conference possible.

This is my first trip to another country as Attorney General. I wanted to come to Mexico to deliver a single message: We stand shoulder-to-shoulder with you in this fight against the narcotics cartels. The United States shares responsibility for this problem and we will take responsibility by joining our Mexican counterparts in every step of this fight.

And, together, we will win – thanks in large part to the courage of my Mexican colleagues here today, who are on the front lines every day, and with whom I am proud to collaborate.

The topic that has been addressed over the past two days could not be more important – the development of an arms trafficking prosecution and enforcement strategy on both sides of the border.

I would like to thank the Mexican and U.S. experts who have worked so hard on this issue. On our side, Secretary Napolitano and I are committed to putting the resources in place to increase our attack on arms trafficking into Mexico.

Last week, our administration launched a major new effort to break the backs of the cartels. My department is committing 100 new ATF personnel to the Southwest border in the next 100 days to supplement our ongoing Project Gunrunner, DEA is adding 16 new positions on the border, as well as mobile enforcement teams, and the FBI is creating a new intelligence group focusing on kidnapping and extortion. DHS is making similar commitments, as Secretary Napolitano will detail.

But as today’s conference has emphasized, the problem of arms trafficking will not be stopped at the border alone. Rather, as our experts emphasized, this is a problem that must be met as part of a comprehensive attack against the cartels – an attack in depth, on both sides of the border, that focuses on the leadership and assets of the cartel. This is the type of full-bore, prosecution-driven approach that the U.S. Department of Justice took to dismantle La Cosa Nostra – once the most powerful organized crime group operating in the United States.

With partners like those we have here today, I am confident that together, we will defeat these narcotics cartels in exactly the same way. I am proud to stand with you, and to join you in this fight. Thank you again for inviting me here.

Quiero que el pueblo Mexicano sepa que mi nación está con ustedes en la lucha contra los narcotraficantes.
México y los Estados Unidos comparten mas que una frontera—compartimos cultura, sangre e intereses comunes. Somos hermanos unidos contra una batalla que ganaremos.
Tenemos que aprender de uno a otro, trabajar juntos y luchar juntos. Si hacemos estas cosas, si nos dedicamos juntos a esta lucha, no tengo duda que tendremos éxito.


"In 2007, then private attorney Eric Holder defended the group that funneled $1.7 million into the Columbian group AUC (Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia)a U.S. designated terrorist organization.  In addition to funding, Chiquita International Brands (CIB) helped the group illegally import over 3,000 AK-47s and 5 million rounds of ammunition into a country ripped apart by drug wars.  And Eric Holder not only defended CIB, he initially argued to the court that CIB had done nothing wrong.  When that did not work, he helped CIB negotiate a relatively small fine and eliminate legal penalties for the CIB employees who facilitated the illicit weapons transactions."
 -- states:
Mary Lewis, Chair  07/09/2011 in a fund-raising e-mail for www.LifeAndLibertyPAC.org

If true, the alleged pattern of behavior and lack of moral character in Eric Holder might allegedly be called "socio-pathic behavior" on his part.

Exchange with Darrl Issa on May 03, 2011    http://youtu.be/4NqH88cSBqI
Neither Eric Holder nor Usurper/Illegal (by way of being unConstitutional as a NON Natural Born Citizen of the US) Obama has any deniability should they simply throw Deputy Attorney General David Ogden "under the bus" to save themselves, as the very announcement of this Gun Smuggling Project was announced AT THE WHITE HOUSE PRESS BRIEFING ROOM.

as that same Deputy Attorney General is on intra-department DOJ record on March 09, 2011 (as was read by Senator Grassley confronting Eric Holder on May 04, 2011) as attempting to prevent the Gun Smuggling and it takes a higher in rank, such as his alleged boss or alleged bosses in the Chain of Command to over-ride Ogden and order the guns to be knowingly smuggled into Mexico.
March 09, 2011 is significant in that Janet Napolitano, Eric Holder's co-conspirator, testified that day before  the Department of Homeland Security Oversight Committee. 
Janet Napolitano lying before the Committee on March 09, 2011 is available at:  http://youtu.be/z7DqOfzWnzI
It is inconceivable that an operation announced FROM the WHITE HOUSE itself, and run by two primary agencies cooperating on this scale would not have been so ordered by someone they deemed as having the authority to order them to cooperate and perform the operation.  It would be above a national Security Advisor, above a Cabinet Member or Czar appointed by a President, and have to be an order issued by someone assuming the position and authority of the Presidency. 
In other words, it is clear, very clear, that Barack Hussein Obama II ordered the gun smuggling into Mexico to create a crisis by which he could ban private gun ownership in the United States.
Obama gave the order, Holder and Napolitano were co-conspirators, even over the objections of any immediate subordinates. 
The tactics of Alinsky and his book "Rules for Radicals"
are daily implemented by the Obama Administration. 
"The end is what you want, the means is how you get it. Whenever we think about social change, the question of means and ends arises. The man of action views the issue of means and ends in pragmatic and strategic terms. He has no other problem; he thinks only of his actual resources and the possibilities of various choices of action. He asks of ends only whether they are achievable and worth the cost; of means, only whether they will work. ... The real arena is corrupt and bloody." p.24

"The third rule of ethics of means and ends is that in war the end justifies almost any means...." p.29

"The tenth rule... is you do what you can with what you have and clothe it with moral garments.... It involves sifting the multiple factors which combine in creating the circumstances at any given time... Who, and how many will support the action?... If weapons are needed, then are appropriated weapons available? " p.36

Why isn't the National Rifle Association and other Gun-owner Lobbyists calling for the absolute necessity of the removal from office of Obama, for high crimes as required by the US Constitution?  

Shhh...skin color and fear of political correctness backlash if they hold Obama as accountable as they would a white man.  If  Bill Clinton had done this, there would have been NO stopping an impeachment of  him for the clearly Criminal Act while in the Presidency.

[[  Update July 11, 2011 video and WND article link


-- end of update.   ]]

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