Welcome! Jesus Christ is my LORD and Savior! Romans 10:9-10,13; John 3:16

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I am a Natural Born United States Citizen with NO allegiance or citizenship to any nation but my own, and will use this site as a hobby place of sorts to present my own political and religious viewpoints, as a genuine Constitutional Conservative and a genuine Christian Conservative.

Thank you for coming.
In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

"AGENDA 21": "Be informed and be reasonably concerned."

I have hesitated somewhat to go down this path of blogging a warning about Agenda 21, as it is more vague and depends on one being able to step back and see the big picture or larger view, than specifics here and there which are like complete sections of a jigsaw puzzle (such as when you puzzle piece a flower bed or a small rooftop), but it doesn't tell you that the puzzle is that of a field next to a Swiss villa with a view of the Matterhorn, with a barn, a field, a flower bed and sheep, and a row of people being gunned down in the picturesque pasture with a UN flag prominent off the vehicle that is machine-gunning some 20 people to death, the blood and flesh caught blowing off their bodies, one head having only the lower jaw and below left as the upper head explodes as if a bursting water melon as it is shot with a shotgun at a gun range.

The question is, Given enough information, can you see that there is a pattern of world governance and control at work, and recognize how alarmingly dangerous that pattern suggests the growing world governance has become over the past 40 plus years?       When Science Fiction no longer is fiction, but a nightmare reality scenario...what then?

Let me start with a simple Behavior Control Drug film taken in 2005, under the Bush Administration, inside the  Pentagon, in B Section, Ring C, room 232.

Since 2005, the Pentagon has had an anti-religious behavioral control vaccine.  These can be mass issue inside flu and other vaccine shots.

The vaccine is being discussed in terms of overseas vaccinations...but who is to say that the drug has not already been used on the American public so as to mesmerize them toward compliance to Obama and the Communist-Socialist takeover of America?  Independent reliable tests need to be run...and investigations need to be made for alien components added to America's vaccines, since many are now being made unregulated and overseas,such as the last 20,000,000 doses of the European H1N1 vaccine issued here in the USA under Obama, unregulated and untested by the FDA. 

Barbara Fisher, http://www.NVIC.org , National Vaccine Information Center
 --- On Government coerced vaccinations

This plays into AGENDA 21: 

{Please check the very informative post  with links on the subject at

a UN based ultra-behavior - will -thought process control / oppression of the individual will and of the masses that is sold on the premise of pro-environmentalism and intentional misrepresentation of the Public Relations Sales Pitch definition for a more sinister clinical / scientific one, as if all humanity were vermin or hampsters (if you will).

 Agenda 21 passes far beyond nuisance laws and ordinances, and enters into the abuse of power often on its face.  Is your property discharging clean water from drainpipe?  Then you could be fined or regulated under AGENDA 21 as a bio-hazard, because "all properties 'will be considered a source of clear water discharges....' "

Once a drain pipe and a natural rainstorm can get you in trouble, how is it that a simple runoff from a hose or a discharge of water from your property soil when it rains (and having runoff go into the city sewer) opening you to be subject to fines or property confiscation that far behind?  Under such encroaching AGENDA 21 policies to help divest you of property ownership, the individual is always guilty, and never the State which seizes  the property.  Regulations are never apply to the State or the elites (often among the most gross offenders, such as Al Gore in his "carbon footprint" gross polluter consumer hypocrisies)  under AGENDA 21.   
 Do you dare have a garden and grow food? Then you are a National Security Threat who can be defined up to $1,000,000 and have your property confiscated if you dare not have
"an electronic statement with the date of, and the names and addresses of all parties to, each prior sale, purchase, or trade, and any other information as appropriate"
"...every food producer [including home consumer gardens] must have a written food safety plan describing likely hazards and preventative controls they have implemented and must abide by "minimum standards related to fertilizer use, nutrients, hygiene, packaging, temperature controls, animal encroachment, and water."

Read more: Lose your property for growing food? http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=92002#ixzz1RJY9wISp

And that is only two of many hundreds of AGENDA 21's influences / attempts to control and crush the individual being made manifest in local, county, state, and national encroachments upon individual life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness (which includes the right of the individual to own his own home and land). 

The illegal Obama Administration through Czars Cass Sunstein and John Holdren, the Environmental Protection Agency, and by unConstitutional  Fiat Powers in misapplication of authority NOT given in Executive Orders, is already implementing AGENDA 21. But since the owners and lead journalists and editors very often have membership in the Council of Foreign Relations, you will NOT see such notice paid by the major Media, and they will ridicule and try to crush anyone that might.  That includes any who question a knowingly unConstitutionally appointed and unqualified Barack Obama (who is knowingly NOT a United States Natural Born Citizen) whom they backed and helped install. 

There seems to be a general overall scheme of the Obama Administration, but it is as if a jigsaw picture we are not allowed to see, and an overall view we are unable to step back far enough to fully see and instantaneously and immediately recognize...but the general or gist of the matter, seems obvious.  It seems to me, that it is as if Obama and his handlers have 3 options for the USA...1) that THEY overthrow the USA for Islam (which demands submission) or 2) that THEY to see it obliterated.  If it submits, to install Islam as a national religion of the State and 3) that THEY (such as Obama, Czars Sunstein & Holdren et al.)  install AGENDA 21 as its "sustainable development" of Government with a socio-political State of Islamo-Fascistic Communism as the means of governance, driven by a small economic engine of State Capitalism subservient to alien governments and powers, such as an overseas collective or oligarchy.

AGENDA 21 unleashed is a full dictatorship and control freak program unleashed, where you are made into roboton individuals whose will is whatever the State and its hierarchy tells you what your will is.  It is all about creating a mythical human experiment of absolute control into physical reality, without realizing the inevitable result is to annihilate the human race withing a generation or tow from implementation.  But GOD has given us the Bible, and told us what the end shall be, and that He will deliver His own...and to NOT follow Satan and those who follow him (who will implement AGENDA 21 or something like it in Europe, but it needn't necessarily be implemented here in the United States).  

Many of the fears of AGENDA 21 are warranted, although on the surface the language of the original charter seems almost harmless...there are NO BOUNDARIES or Laws of Constraint to those that would further the eco-global industrialization of a globally behaviorally controlled one world society (which is the goal of various elitists in the Bilderburgers, the Council of Foreign Relations, the International Monetary Fund, the Federal Reserve, and other almost cult-like elitist group-alliances).

The implementation of AGENDA 21 crosses political parties, and has its stealth advocates in the Republican Campaign.  If Bill Clinton endorses the Republican candidate, such as Mitt Romney, this should immediately set off alarm bells and a red flag upon the candidate.  One of personal concern to me, is Republican Presidential Candidate Herman Cain, a former member of the Federal Reserve, who, for example, cannot be trusted because as he said in his first debate, he would simply "do whatever the experts told" him to do in any given situation, rather than access the situation and have intelligence and leadership within himself to decide what should or should not be done.  Those experts, as he calls them, could be those having foreign allegiances such as to these international groups or other nations, and such an idiotic drone-follower statement as such as Cain made ought to immediately disqualify him, along with the second answer of worry that America has no right to audit the Federal Reserve, and to not ever look and take his word for it nothing is going on there.  Sorry, that doesn't wash.  I would like to think that an Allen West running for President would be a better thinker and leader, but in the past few months, it is clear that the Black Caucus and Washington DC is slowing co-opting Representative West from needed hard-line positions, and is slowly corrupting his values and seeming to compromise his campaign promises.  For that, I am disappointed. 

According to the Bible, it seems that the dark side of AGENDA 21 will manifest into a reality during  the 7 year Tribulation Period,and be European power-based.  But aside from the Scripture references, those who are not born again, who will decide to endure and go through the Tribulation Period (by a rejection of Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior and Deliver) and not be a party physically transformed snatched away / hidden in the Enochian (unseen) Rapture (which precedes the seen Elijahn Rapture by at least 3 1/2 years)...you may wish to be more "up" on the Global Scheme to Defraud you, and willingly manifest by many Governments through entities such as the Bilderbergers, the Council of Foreign Relations (which includes the entire mainstream Media), etc. 

If nothing else...at least be aware of the actual AGENDA 21 "sustainable development" /"lab rat oppression or destruction of all who seek to be individuals" program which exists.  It may very well not be benign or harmless, and even more "toxic" than those who oppose it represent in the above videos.  If that is the case...at least be informed about the potential and even likely danger AGENDA 21 poses to America and all humanity.   Thanks.  

[Edited on July 06, 2011]

{{Update  July 10,2011
link to Agenda 21 report with details and video, revealing security breaches upon private citizens via  Utility "Smart Meters" that can transmit wireless data that criminals ALSO can intercept and use against you to rob your residence, etc." 
        :  end of update  }}

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