35 Guests plus a 30,000 acre elitist Democrat ranch owner have
fled the scene where Antonin / Anthony Scalia died, and the Ranch owner and
local police and an unknown Federal Marshall that came on scene after the fact
(the judge's Marshall's being pulled from protective duty hours before the
likely MURDER) and the local judge and the Federal Government intentionally
botched and covered up the cause of death.
My San Antonio reported Houston businessman John
Poindexter who owns the 30,000 acre ranch stated that:
"He was seated near me and I had a chance to observe him.
He was very entertaining. But about 9 p.m. he said, 'it's been a long day and a
long week, I want to get some sleep".
"When Poindexter tried to awaken Scalia about 8:30 the next morning, the judge's door was locked and he did not answer.
"When Poindexter tried to awaken Scalia about 8:30 the next morning, the judge's door was locked and he did not answer.
Three hours later..
."We discovered the judge in bed,
a pillow over his head.
His bed clothes were unwrinkled," said
The Washington Post Reported:
"Presidio County Judge Cinderela Guevara pronounced Scalia dead of natural causes without seeing the body — which is permissible under Texas law — and without ordering an autopsy.
"Presidio County Judge Cinderela Guevara pronounced Scalia dead of natural causes without seeing the body — which is permissible under Texas law — and without ordering an autopsy.
...Guevara acknowledged that she pronounced Scalia dead by phone, without seeing his body.
Instead, she spoke to law enforcement officials at
the scene — who assured her “there were no signs of foul play”
...Guevara also rebutted a report by a Dallas TV station that quoted her as saying that Scalia had died of “myocardial infarction.” In an interview with The Washington Post, she said she meant only that his heart had stopped.
...the U.S. Marshals Service, which provides security for Supreme Court justices, said that Scalia had declined a security detail while at the ranch, so marshals were not present when he died.
...“Everything was in perfect order.
...Guevara also rebutted a report by a Dallas TV station that quoted her as saying that Scalia had died of “myocardial infarction.” In an interview with The Washington Post, she said she meant only that his heart had stopped.
...the U.S. Marshals Service, which provides security for Supreme Court justices, said that Scalia had declined a security detail while at the ranch, so marshals were not present when he died.
...“Everything was in perfect order.
He was in his pajamas, peacefully, in bed,” Poindexter
The Washington Post Reported:
"Two days after Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died
suddenly in remote West Texas, a former D.C. homicide commander is raising
questions about how the death was handled by local and federal authorities.
“As a former homicide commander, I am stunned that no autopsy
ordered for Justice Scalia,” William O.
Ritchie, former head of criminal
investigations for D.C. police....
On Sunday, the U.S. Marshals Service, which provides security
for Supreme Court justices, said that Scalia had declined a security detail
while at the ranch, so marshals were not present when he died. When the
marshals were notified, deputy marshals from the Western District of Texas went
to the scene, the service said in a statement."
The New York Post Reported:
“It’s not unreasonable to ask for an autopsy in this
case, particularly knowing who he is,” retired Brooklyn homicide Detective
Patricia Tufo told The Post.
“He’s not at home. There are no witnesses to his death, and
there was no reported explanation
for why a pillow is over his head,” Tufo said. “So I think under the
circumstances it’s not unreasonable to request an autopsy. Despite the fact
that he has pre-existing ailments and the fact that he’s almost 80 years old,
you want to be sure that it’s not something other than natural causes.”
Bill Ritchie, a retired deputy chief and former head of
criminal investigations for the DC police, said he was dumbstruck when he
learned that no autopsy would be performed.
“I took a look at the report and I almost fell out of my
chair,” Ritchie told The Post from his home in Maryland.
“I used to be an instructor in the homicide school. Every
death investigation you are handling, you consider it a homicide until the
investigation proves otherwise,” Ritchie said.
“How do you know that person wasn’t smothered? How do you know
it’s not a homicide until you conduct an investigation? You have to do your
job. Once you go through that process, you can conclude that this is a
naturally occurring death.”
"Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia ... attended St. Catherine of Siena Church in Great
Falls, Virginia, "because it was one of the few Catholic parishes in the
Washington, D.C., area that still offered a Latin mass."
See also:
Let me run down a list of summary problems with the refusal to
investigate the very likely foul play MURDER of Anthony Scalia.
1) There were NO PHYSICIANS in attendance.
2) No paramedics called.
3) No fire department with medical training in lieu of
paramedics called.
4) There were no coroners present to examine the
5) There was no judge present to examine the body to verify
the state of the body was as was reported by law enforcement as was the
practice in Texas in rural areas.
Presidio Co. Justice of the Peace, Juanita Bishop,
“It’s for our own good because we need to know the
cause of death [for] a death certificate,” she said in an
interview with Infowars. “If they’re not under medical supervision or medical
care, we usually do request an autopsy because we don’t know why they died.”
“…When I’m called out, I do go see [the body],” she later
added. “That’s what my job is: to go.”
6) There were no photos of the deceased in
the state of where he lay as he was found.
7) There was no examination of the eyes or
nose or mouth or carotid arteries or anywhere of close examination for signs of
unusual bruising or trauma or pin pricks or anything to rule the
death natural causes and no sign of foul play.
8) There was a call made to 2 judges who weren't
interested to drive a few extra miles and examine the body of an important top
Federal Official for themselves, shirking their duties of office.
9) A corrupt and incompetent Sheriff was called,
but even his own ex-employees note that his department guidelines are
effectually something to the effect of :
"the rules and the law are whatever I say
they are". Which means lawlessness and open corruption, not
just incompetence.
10) There was a jackass female who
shouldn't even be on the bench who got a call and felt that a 45 minute drive
was too inconvenient even though it was the middle of the day and clear and
fair weather.
11) We are not provided the name or rank of the agent
or his assignment and relevance to the case. Merely that it was a
Marshall assigned somewhere in the West Texas Area who showed up, and for all
we know, was already a guest or the potential murderer himself. There was
no vetting on who he is or if he has an alibi as legitimate and above
12) The Federal Bureau of Investigation was NOT
called in to examine the body and make out a report substantiating anything.
13) A Supreme Court Justice had died, and
everyone was absolving themselves of all responsibility.
14) The Foreign Usurper pretending he can do anything and has
responsibility when it suits him, and no responsibility when it suits
him, Obama was notified within 2 hours of the discovery of the body,
and his attitude was , "Who gives a sh*t." If it was Al
Sharpton or Kayne West, Obama would have been jumping out of his vibrator up
his backside and demanding a full investigation with no expense spared,
including an autopsy.
15) Texas law calls for the State of Texas to require an
autopsy and the Law of the State of Texas was tossed aside as if there were no
16) By law in Texas, a justice of the Peace was required
to conduct an inquest at the place of inquest or at a reasonable alternative
place. The jackass female judge decided that conducting an inquest by
phone is reasonable? Uh huh. Let me get this right, so in Presidio
County, if she ever shoots and kills
any one she is at odds with, or any
family member of hers, and the local law enforcement officer reports the
crime to her for a ruling of death, she can just rule it a suicide or
death by natural causes, and "poof" end of inquest, because a
"by phone only inquest" is reasonable?
(1) "Autopsy" means a post mortem examination of the
body of a person, including X-rays and an examination of the internal organs
and structures after dissection, to determine the cause of death or the nature
of any pathological changes that may have contributed to the death.
(2) "Inquest" means an investigation into the cause
and circumstances of the death of a person, and a determination, made with or
without a formal court hearing, as to whether the death was caused by an
unlawful act or omission.
(3) "Inquest hearing" means a formal court hearing
held to determine whether the death of a person was caused by an unlawful act
or omission and, if the death was caused by an unlawful act or omission, to
obtain evidence to form the basis of a criminal prosecution.
(4) "Institution" means any place where health care
services are rendered, including a hospital, clinic, health facility, nursing
home, extended-care facility, out-patient facility, foster-care facility, and retirement
(5) "Physician" means a practicing doctor of
medicine or doctor of osteopathic medicine who is licensed by the Texas State
Board of Medical Examiners under Subtitle B, Title 3, Occupations Code.
Amended by Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 529, Sec. 1, eff. Sept.
1, 1987; Subsec. (5) amended by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 72, Sec.
1, eff. May 9, 1989; Subsec. (5) amended by Acts 2001, 77th Leg.,
ch. 1420, Sec. 14.737, eff. Sept. 1, 2001.
49.02. APPLICABILITY. This subchapter applies to the inquest into a
death occurring in a county that does not have a medical examiner's office or
that is not part of a medical examiner's district.
Amended by Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 529, Sec. 1, eff. Sept.
1, 1987.
49.03. POWERS AND DUTIES. The powers granted and duties imposed on a
justice of the peace under this article are independent of the powers and
duties of a law enforcement agency investigating a death.
Amended by Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 529, Sec. 1, eff. Sept.
1, 1987.
Art. 49.04.
peace shall conduct an inquest into the death of a person who dies in the
county served by the justice if:
(1) the person dies in prison under circumstances other than
those described by Section 501.055(b), Government Code, or in jail;
(2) the person dies an unnatural death from a cause other than
a legal execution;
(3) the body or a body part of a person is found,
the cause or circumstances of death are unknown, and:
(A) the person is identified; or
(B) the person is unidentified;
(4) the circumstances of the death indicate that
the death may have been caused by unlawful means;
(5) the person commits suicide or the circumstances of the
death indicate that the death may have been caused by suicide;
(6) the person dies without having been attended
by a physician;
(7) the person dies while attended by a physician who is
unable to certify the cause of death and who requests the justice of the peace
to conduct an inquest; or
(8) the person is a child younger than six years of age and an
inquest is required by Chapter 264, Family Code.
(b) Except as provided by Subsection (c) of this section, a
physician who attends the death of a person and who is unable to certify the
cause of death shall report the death to the justice of the peace of the
precinct where the death occurred and request that the justice conduct an
(c) If a person dies in a hospital or other institution and an
attending physician is unable to certify the cause of death, the superintendent
or general manager of the hospital or institution shall report the death to the
justice of the peace of the precinct where the hospital or institution is
(d) A justice of the peace investigating a death described by
Subsection (a)(3)(B) shall report the death to the missing children and missing
persons information clearinghouse of the Department of Public Safety and the national
crime information center not later than the 10th working day after the date the
investigation began.
Amended by Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 529, Sec. 1, eff. Sept.
1, 1987; Subsec. (a) amended by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 255, Sec.
3, eff. Sept. 1, 1995; amended by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 321,
Sec. 1.105, eff. Sept. 1, 1995; amended by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch.
878, Sec. 2, eff. Sept. 1, 1995; Subsec. (a) amended by and Subsec.
(d) added by Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. 656, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1997; Subsec.
(a) amended by Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch. 785, Sec. 2, eff. Sept. 1, 1999; Subsec.
(a) amended by Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. 826, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 2003 and
Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. 1295, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 2003.
49.041. REOPENING AN INQUEST. A justice of the peace may reopen an
inquest if, based on information provided by a credible person or facts within
the knowledge of the justice of the peace, the justice of the peace determines
that reopening the inquest may reveal a different cause or different
circumstances of death.
Added by Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. 897, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1,
BODY FROM PLACE OF DEATH. (a) A justice of the peace
shall conduct an inquest immediately or as soon as practicable after the
justice receives notification of the death.
(b) A justice of the peace may conduct an inquest:
(1) at the place where the death occurred;
(2) where the body was found; or
(3) at any other place determined to be reasonable
by the justice.
(c) A justice of the peace may direct the removal
of a body from the scene of death or move any part of the physical surroundings
of a body only after a law enforcement agency is notified of the death and a
peace officer has conducted an investigation or, if a
law enforcement agency has not begun an investigation, a reasonable time has
elapsed from the time the law enforcement agency was notified.
(d) A law enforcement agency that is notified of a death
requiring an inquest under Article 49.04 of this code shall begin its investigation
immediately or as soon as practicable after the law enforcement agency receives
notification of the death.
(e) Except in emergency circumstances, a peace officer or
other person conducting a death investigation for a law enforcement agency may
not move the body or any part of the physical surroundings of the place of
death without authorization from a justice of the peace.
(f) A person not authorized by law to move the body of a
decedent or any part of the physical surroundings of the body commits an
offense if the person tampers with a body that is subject to an inquest under
Article 49.04 of this code or any part of the physical surroundings
of the body. An offense under this section is punishable by a fine
in an amount not to exceed $500.
Amended by Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 529, Sec. 1, eff. Sept.
1, 1987.
49.06. HINDERING AN INQUEST. (a) A person commits an
offense if the person intentionally or knowingly hinders the entrance of a
justice of the peace to a premises where a death occurred or a body is found.
(b) An offense under this article is a Class B misdemeanor.
Amended by Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 529, Sec. 1, eff. Sept.
1, 1987.
physician or other person who has possession of a body or body part of a person
whose death requires an inquest under Article 49.04 of this code shall immediately notify the justice of
the peace who serves the precinct in which the body or body part was found.
(b) A peace officer who has been notified of the death of a
person whose death requires an inquest under Article 49.04 of this code shall immediately notify the justice of
the peace who serves the precinct in which the body or body part was found.
(c)(1) If the justice of the peace who serves the
precinct in which the body or body part was found is not available to conduct
an inquest, a person required to give notice under this article shall notify
the nearest available justice of the peace serving the county in which the body
or body part was found, and that justice of the peace shall conduct the
(2) If no justice of the peace serving the county in which the
body or body part was found is available to conduct an inquest, a person
required to give notice under this article shall notify the county judge, and
the county judge shall initiate the inquest. The county judge may
exercise any power and perform any duty otherwise granted to or imposed under
this subchapter on the justice of the peace serving the county in which the
body or body part was found, except that not later than the fifth day after the
day on which the inquest is initiated, the county judge shall transfer all
information obtained by the judge to the justice of the peace in whose precinct
the body or body part was found for final disposition of the matter.
(d) A person commits an offense if the person is required by
this article to give notice and intentionally or knowingly fails to give the
notice. An offense under this subsection is a Class C misdemeanor .
Amended by Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 529, Sec. 1, eff. Sept.
1, 1987; Subsec. (d) amended by Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. 656, Sec.
2, eff. Sept. 1, 1997; Subsec. (c) amended by Acts 2001, 77th Leg.,
ch. 229, Sec. 1, eff. May 22, 2001; Subsecs. (a) to (c) amended by
Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. 826, Sec. 2, eff. Sept. 1, 2003; Acts
2003, 78th Leg., ch. 1295, Sec. 2, eff. Sept. 1, 2003.
17) There was an airport by which the Federal
Bureau of Investigation and the United States Marshall Service could have flown
in on the 30,000 acre ranch. 3 Gulf Streams were on it, and allegedly but
unconfirmed as yet) one owned by former Vice-President Dick Cheney.
18) The Ranch owner, a former C.I.A. sheep-dipped Green
Beret from Vietnam who operates as a likely Intelligence Front at the Corporate
level, and a devout Obama supporter who received an out of the way newly
created medal for him
-- Obama should have given him the Afghanistan chicken
shit medal he ordered created for those who run away from Islamic enemies while
in battle.
19) Ranch owner Poindexter insists that his
guest list of 35 others who should be suspects until ruled otherwise, that
list he insists should be kept back as private, as if it were an issue of
National Security, as if the death of a Swing to Majority Vote Conservative
Supreme Court Justice were not some kind of National Security issue.
20) Justice Scalia was at a facility using GUNS, near
the fully open and unguarded U.S. Mexico border where any
foreign hostile could have penetrated security there and at the
ranch and no U.S. Marshal or personal security
was assigned to protect him? Not even by the owner at his own
21) Justice Scalia was transported to a select
Funeral home in El Paso, denied a non-invasive official examination and fluid
withdrawal by medical professionals for a toxicology examination and for signs
of foul play. No, instead, the man is shuffled to a funeral home that
drains his bodily fluids straight down the drain into the local sewer without
fear of improperly disposing of biological material hospitals would be fined
for, and fulfill a service of aiding in the cover up of the condition of the
body by embalming and cosmetically altering the physical bruising and blemishes
of Justice Scalia, refusing to take pictures or report in any way on anything
they have seen in regard to the body.
22) Justice Scalia we are told, with no substantiation or
proof, is stated by the mainstream media that he had a will
saying he wanted to be cremated contrary to the State Burial that would be
provided him at no cost were he to die in office by Government protocol?
23) Obama, hating Scalia's guts, uninterested in
any inquiry into who killed Justice Scalia or how he was killed, refuses to
attend Justice Scalia's funeral because he disrespects both the man and the
office of who and what a Supreme Court Justice is if they are not a treasonous
rewrite the Constitution from a Sovietized communist anti-American view traitor
like himself, as Sotomayor, as Kagan, as Ginsburg are.
Like the
assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas in November 1963;
and like the September 2012 set-up for murder and ordered stand down
to ensure the death of United States Ambassador Stevens and what proved to
be 3 other U.S. Citizens with him; and now with the death of Antonin
Scalia on the night of Friday February 12, 2016, being killed and
laid out pristinely in "UNWRINKLED bed clothes", pillow over
his eyes or face or what have you, those who are guilty demand to
fully get away for their participation in the act.
As Hillary Clinton laughing jokes about killing (not just Qaddafi).
"We came. We saw. He died! Ha ha ha ha."
[ Update: February 19, 2016
"The funeral Mass for Associate Justice Antonin Scalia will be celebrated on Saturday, February 20, at 11 a.m. at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, 400 Michigan Avenue, NE. The Mass will be open to friends and family members.
"The funeral Mass for Associate Justice Antonin Scalia will be celebrated on Saturday, February 20, at 11 a.m. at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, 400 Michigan Avenue, NE. The Mass will be open to friends and family members.
There will be a private burial."
This appears to indicate that initial Media reports that
Justice Scalia would be cremated were either inaccurate or that the family
accepted a free full burial with honors at Federal expense as I pointed out in
point 22 was the more likely wish Justice Scalia would have had.
Timeline discrepency in favor of White House Interference in calling Democrat to rule by phone without viewing the body.
End of Update]
Timeline discrepency in favor of White House Interference in calling Democrat to rule by phone without viewing the body.
February 18th, 2016
"It was at 11:15am when Poindexter entered into Scalia’s
room with a friend of Scalia’s from Washington and found Scalia “completely
reposed” in bed.
Poindexter said that “no doubt,” Scalia died from “natural
According to Chief Deputy Joel Nuñez, the Sheriff’s Department
double-checked their logs and the only call they received from Cibolo was from
Pointdexter requesting the phone number for the US Marshal’s Service."
[In other words, it is Poindexter who really called it "natural
causes", not the Sheriff or the Marshals nor the Border Patrol]
...Poindexter couldn’t reach marshals after calling offices in
Alpine, San Antonio, El Paso, and Washington, DC, because those offices are
normally closed on weekends. He then called Sheriff Danny Dominguez to request
his help. Dominguez contacted the Marshals directly and then headed to the
ranch. He was the first responder to arrive and saw Scalia in bed. It looked to
him that there was no foul play, according to Dominguez.
A few U.S. Marshals later arrived, as did two Border Patrol
...Dominguez then called Guevara, who pronounced Scalia’s time
of death at 1:52pm by telephone."
It was reported that Obama was notified TWO HOURS after the
body was found.
Did the White House call
Guevara and coax that Democrat to do a over the phone? 1:15 p.m. is 2 hours.
Did the just "look at the body from a
distance" become the only means by which death was declared at the
scene, as Poindexter and Sheriff Danny
Dominguez claim?
How did Poindexter have all these Marshal phone numbers "in Alpine, San Antonio, El Paso, and Washington, DC" at his finger tips rather than a card that Judge Scalia would have kept on him or a 24/7 number of contact if Judge Scalia had to sign any kind of medical waiver just to attend Poindexter's Ranch and been REQUIRED to provide as a live pick-up emergency cell number to contact in case of emergency regarding Judge Scalia?
Did the few U.S.
marshals who arrived later along with two Border Patrol agents also stand down
and merely take Poindexter's word for it without examining the body or the
scene and once again repeat the "look at the body from a distance away,
nothing to see here" scenario by presumption that a proper check of the
body was ever done?
And exactly when
will their logs say THEY arrived? Hmmn?
End of Update]
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