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I am a Natural Born United States Citizen with NO allegiance or citizenship to any nation but my own, and will use this site as a hobby place of sorts to present my own political and religious viewpoints, as a genuine Constitutional Conservative and a genuine Christian Conservative.

Thank you for coming.
In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Jesse Ventura - Under the Radar. America should weigh what he has to say in making up its collective mind, and respect his patriotism to fight against corruption wherever it may be found..

After disappearing from TruTV's very popular and under-rated Conspiracy Theory, Jesse Ventura resurfaces under the radar on August 23, 2011 on the Gary Null Public Radio Network show.  Like him, don't like him...if you want to take a trip back into the intellectualism we had coming from our US college campuses in the 1970s, and fast forward it to today, the basics and foundations of discontent of which Jesse Ventura argues from is the tuning fork to which you would be running into in years like 1974.  It is a necessary different perspective, as anachronistic some may call it, or as Liberal or too Leftist other would call it.  In a Town Hall or in a National Debate, very often he brings in necessary points of contention / discussion to help make the balanced view.  As a very Conservative Republican whose Party has taking the Progressive Left Turncoat road of Socialism, I often find myself valuing Jesse's views (of late) far more than many Republicans who say one thing, and then co-opt the very principles they claim to have, betraying the Republic, the Constituents who voted for them, and the Party.   Traitors to the Republic and the Republican Party like Senators McCain and Graham and Speaker Boehner ought to be kicked out of the Republican Party and told to become Democratic Socialists, that they are no longer "Republicans" when they vote and argue to destroy the Republic for the sake of "appeasing Obama",  and "taking him at his word."  But that is an entirely different subject for another day.

"63 Documents the Government Doesn't Want You to Read"
 at a Barnes & Noble bookstore in Santa Monica, California on April 11, 2011 

The US Constitution was written for a Judeo-Christian moral people...a RELIGIOUS people who taught he Bible in schools, at home, practiced the principles in all forms of it Government: municipal, town, city, county, State, Federal.   Conservative Christianity is the distinct tradition of our nation by which FREEDOM thrives in the United States of America.  It is a necessary foundation by which we may adjudicate and legislate properly.  When we stray from the One TRUE GOD, and the Bible -- whether you side with Jesse that Christianity is for those who are weak, or with the great Generals of our nation's history and recognize that Christianity and its founder, Jesus Christ the Son of GOD, is the power that binds us together and makes us strong (for which reason the military for hundreds of years has kept the Faith) -- the void of lawlessness that is created allows for tyranny and insanity in the way Government operates.  We have entered into such a time, and the more our Government and Judiciary denounces Christ and GOD the Father, the more we shall slip into tyranny and concealment under the guise of a need for security against the ever increasing outward lawlessness Government accepts or even self-pepetuates.   

In his book, Jesse quotes JFK:

"There is little value in ensuring the survival of our nation
if our traditions do not survive with it. 
And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security 
will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning
to the very limits of official censorship and concealment." – John F. Kennedy

I say, we on the Right and Left can come to an agreeable middle to save this nation. Those who are Obama fanatics, where he can say or do no wrong, are not invited as they have no ability to use higher reason in coming to a decision best for the country, rather than idolatry to a single man or a racist ideal as if Obama more than the USA must be preserved at all costs.

  In the same way the TEA Party needs to kick out the Progressive Republicans for Socialism or Socialist-Communism, so too does the Democratic Party need to kick out its own traitors to the Republic and Democracy, those trying to create an Oligarchal Dictatorship via Obama and insane accelerated debt creation for the sole purpose of bankrupting and destroying America for the ideals of 1960s radicalism in which as younger versions, they made oaths to support Communism and side with those who would destroy us then, and are keeping their promises in power to destroy the USA now.

All of America needs to vote all of these traitors out, demand a special prosecutor appointed in 2013, and prosecute all of the traitors in Congress - the Executive Branch - and Union Leaderships who have intentionally jeopardized this nation by sending it into an intentional financial oblivion, and put them away in prison for decades or for Life without parole or pardon, under hard labor.

Will those on the Left, even Independents like Jesse Ventura,  consent to such an invitation to collectively work to such a goal as to weed out Crony Capitalism and Corruption in the major parties?  That would be the next ramp up stage to the TEA Party counter-revolution to Obama's Islamo- Communism.  That's my input.  

Jesse's above-mentioned book
"63 Documents the Government Doesn't Want You to Read"in 13 hours of audio:

 Jesse covering the JFK Assassination

Jesse on 9/11 at the World Trade Centers

Jesse on the HAARP

Jesse on the 2012 Apocalypse scenario
[which could explain where alot of the dissipating Stimulus money is disappearing to, literally down smoking holes?].

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