Welcome! Jesus Christ is my LORD and Savior! Romans 10:9-10,13; John 3:16

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I am a Natural Born United States Citizen with NO allegiance or citizenship to any nation but my own, and will use this site as a hobby place of sorts to present my own political and religious viewpoints, as a genuine Constitutional Conservative and a genuine Christian Conservative.

Thank you for coming.
In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Isagogic musings on The Rapture, the Beginning of Time, the Universe and the coming increase in Solar activity

The Rapture of the Church

The [Enochian] Rapture and ff. eschatology - Jack Van Impe

Jimmy Swaggart – The Rapture of the Church

What is the purpose of the Rapture (the removal of those who believe into Jesus Christ from the Earth by means of an instantaneous ressurection transformation followed by an ascension to Heaven)?

Where and when in location do those believers go?

Are there any particular signs or observations or even sciences in the sun and the stars that can point us to even the possibility that such is indeed a coming reality?  In other words, is it really all that inconceivable based on what we know and don't know about the world and the Universe which surrounds us? 

I not only believe in the "Pre-Tribulation" Rapture, as with brothers Jack Van Impe and Swaggart, but I believe and can show that there are two Raptures. There is indeed a pre-tribulation sudden and unseen Rapture, as they and other true born-again Christians believe; but there is also a seen Rapture whose approximate day and hour is by that time known only because of the first unseen unknowable Rapture and the beginning of the Tribulation period.  Thus in regard to a knowable second rapture, which must occur at a specific length of time after the first appearance of the Two Great Witnesses of the Book of Revelation, it will be for this reason (that the Elijahn Rapture is knowable by simply reading Revelation and using a calendar) as to why there is war in Heaven when the saints of that evacuation are on their way to Heaven.

[The ff. yellow colored below from:] 

[T]he War of the Heavens (Revelation 12:7-9; Judges 5:19-22) is fought primarily upon the roadway in the heavens that leads to Heaven.

Came Kings. They fought.
Then the Kings in Canaan fought in Taanach
[in the Valley of Jezreel],
by the water of Megiddo.
The unjust gain of silver, they took not.
From the heavens, fought the stars:
[the angelic hosts]
from their courses, they fought with Sisera.
The torrential river Kishon swept them away.
That ancient torrential river, the torrential river Kishon.
Then from the galloping galloping of His mighty stallions
did the horses beat the hooves.
‘Curse Meroz’, said the Angel of YHVeH, ‘Bitterly curse its inhabitants,
for they did not come to the Divine assistance and help of YHVeH,
to the help of YHVeH (as to be) among the warriors and mighty men.’”

(Judges 5:18-23 -- translation mine)

Truth stranger than Science Fiction?

It appears that the inter-dimensional “window on high” that opens up (Isaiah 24:18) will be directly above the southeast section of Megiddo, over part of the Valley of Jezreel. The inter-dimensional window will be a portal -- like the concept of an interdimensional "worm hole" -- that warps instantaneously, the distance between Heaven and Earth. The Scriptures describe the "in between" / "the inter-dimensional", as though a long winding path or road in the Greek of 1 Thessalonians 4:16.

The time equivalency in our comprehension is that is traversed in anywhere from seconds to 15 minutes to perhaps as much as over half and hour (cf. Revelation 4:1, 8:1). Therefore, we are dealing with three dimensions, as described in Judges 5:18-23.
1) The First dimension is of this present reality that we perceive as Earth and Space.
2) The Second Dimension is some kind of in-between reality unseen and unperceived to those of the First Dimension.
3) The Third Dimension is that of Heaven itself, hence, the title of the “Third Heaven” by Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:2.

Jesus tells us of the battle tactics of that time of the Elijahn Rapture on Day 1290-1291, and the evacuation protocol, saying,

“But in those days, after that Tribulation, [of 1290 days]
the sun shall be darkened, [Joel 2:31, cf. vv. 30,32]
and the moon shall not give her light.
And the stars of Heaven shall fall,

[refers to a literal disappearance of the astronomical stars, as well as the casting down of angelic beings from Heaven to earth. That is, from the third dimension, into the second, and then perhaps also into the first dimension as well. If this last part of my analysis is correct, those angels which follow Satan as of post-Day 1291 will be as having had their “wings clipped” and thereafter be visible to the naked human eye, those dwelling upon the Earth. The technology explosion would then become incomprehensibly fast, so that speculation now is futile.
If this scenario of the clipped fallen angels becoming manifest post-Day-1291 is the case, the “kings of the East” will be angels heading humans, to fight other angels heading humans at Megiddo and elsewhere: becoming the house divided that shall not stand (Matthew 12:25-26).]

and the powers that are in Heaven shall be shaken.

[refers to a literal rippling of cosmic elements, and a bringing of war or a
“shaking” to the presence of “the Powers”; i.e., war in Heaven against GOD
the Father and the Lamb. The reverberation likened to a rippling of walls and floors as if by strikes against the foundation and support columns of a building.]

And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.
And then shall He send His angels,
[His Heavenly Troops and Messengers]
and shall gather His elect from the four winds,
from the uttermost part of the Earth to the uttermost part of Heaven.”

(Mark 13:24-27, KJV - Commentary mine)

In Gematria, the word “Sisera” סיסרא holds a value of 331. This word is numerically synonymous with Ephraim אפרים, which means “Doubly fruitful”; with Chasabyahu חשביהו, which means “YH has regarded”; and with Yishyahu ישיהו, which translates as “YH will either lend or borrow, with interest.”
In Gematriac synonym, those of Sisera are borrowed or delivered from Sheol שאל. This deliverance is by GOD’s perfect and atoning work of the Cross, and the power of His eternal life and Resurrection (I Peter 3:19-20, 4:6; Matthew 27:62-28:20, 27:52-53).

In effect, Sisera represents the angelic hosts and translated believers, in the “Song of Deborah” of Judges 5.

Further, the Song of Deborah informs us of the initial success of the powers of Darkness in this battle. In Gematria, Kishon קישין holds a value of 470. It is found to be as Kimriyr [Kaf-Mem-Rosh-Yod-Rosh], “an eclipse of blackness, twice intertwined and shriveled back”. They Yedithun ידיתון , “use the hand meant for laud and worship”, to Arar ערר “to demolish and make bare”, by Ashuq עשק “pressing upon, quarreling with, and overflowing violently upon” the Saints and Sons of Light.

They do so along the Telem תלם , “the bank, or ridge of (the Heavenly sky-way), forming an accumulation.” In other words, knowing the Day of the Elijahn Rapture, they lie in wait as a force that is Token תכן, “a fixed and measured out / balanced quantity” of Kenath כנת “Companions and colleagues” thought to get the job of ambushing done. Yet, for all the intensity and fierceness of the battle, it is seen by GOD as but a Shetseph שצף, as but “a small outburst of anger”. This, in spite of the fact, that it appears at the first that the victory is granted unto the powers of darkness, who seriously pounce the Elijahn Rapture translation of believers and their Heavenly Escort.

Now whether it will be participated in by hundreds of fighter or some kind of more technologically advanced warfare aircraft who enter into the temporarily opened up vector warp-stream or inter-dimensional passageway that leads from earth to Heaven, or the battle is fought solely by angelic hosts against angelic hosts and translated/transformed believers, we shall have to wait and see. Isaiah 24:18 speaks of "windows on high are opened", and I take from this that an interdimensional portal or window or worm-hole is meant.
In all likelihood, it will be a combination assault through this "window on high", as indicated by the curse against Meroz (which appears to be telling us) of man-machine-and spirit beings assaulting spirit beings accessing the portal over Megiddo. It is these that those of “Meroz”, the armies and air forces of the Jordanians and Saudis, to which the curse of GOD appears in Ezekiel 35:3-5. Further, we learn in Obadiah 11-14, that in the time Israel needed assistance most, during this battle and invasion of Heaven and the Land of Israel, those of Esau (the so called “Palestinians”), stood in the crossways and laid ambush and slaughtered their Jewish “cousins”. And even, after all this, it is not we -- the saints and angels -- who will be victorious to save (Luke 10:18-20), but YHVeH Himself must intervene to save us and those of Israel’s remnant upon the Earth at this time. For, according to the Scripture,

“YHVeH shall be seen over them,
and His arrow shall go forth as lightning:
and YHVeH GOD shall blow the trumpet,
and shall go with the whirlwinds of the south.
YHVeH of hosts shall defend them…."

(Zechariah 9:14-15a)

"...The LORD shall roar from on high, and utter his voice from his holy habitation; he shall mightily roar upon his habitation; he shall give a shout, as they that tread the grapes, against all the inhabitants of the earth.
A noise shall come even to the ends of the earth; for the LORD hath a controversy with the nations, he will plead with all flesh; he will give them that are wicked to the sword, saith the LORD.
Thus saith the LORD of hosts, Behold, evil shall go forth from nation to nation, and a great whirlwind shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth.
And the slain of the LORD shall be at that day from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth: they shall not be lamented, neither gathered, nor buried; they shall be dung upon the ground."
(Jeremiah 25:30-33)

The battle between Satan and his angels and Christ and his angels and those who are the redeemed believers, must not be taken lightly. It will not be a couple of blows, then a cry for help, and no more pain. Rather, this battle is so fierce, that we who will engage in the battle, must fight with all our existence, so that we love not even our second life unto death. That means a violence threatening those who are eternal with extinction is made by Satan and those who follow him. We are told that in order to overcome, and protect those at the seen or Elijahn Rapture, we must fight (John 18:26) after this manner:
“…they overcame by the blood of the Lamb,
and by the word of their testimony,
and they loved not their lives unto the death.”
(Revelation 12:11) KJV

The key word in Revelation 12:11 is “lives”. Those engaged in the battle had already died once, they are covered in the blood of Jesus, so that it is said, “Where, O death, is thy sting?” (Isaiah 25:8, I Corinthians 15:55). They are given the power and equality to take on angelic beings of great power and stature. They are not discouraged in the battle, for the word of their testimony bears them witness that they are destined to overcome in and through Christ, even as they overcame the world through Christ in their first life here on earth. Therefore, the fanaticism and empowerment of those of us upon the LORD’s side will more than equally match those who fight against the LORD, and fight knowingly that it is their one and only perceived chance, to avoid their sure destruction and doom.

 I believe I have thoroughly researched the Rapture staying to what the Scripture teaches over what is accepted Tradition, but there are still points of conjecture (such as the possible use of advanced space age military aircraft far more advanced than we are now aware of even potentially being used at a point and location where a prophesied time and place inter-dimensional location is made known to us by the scriptures themselves, as to allow for an inter-dimensional confrontation.... this is but an educated form of speculation on my part, and I am saying so in order that there be no confusion about that).

In the Last Days, Jesus himself teaches of three watches that govern his return, and hence the Bible then itself teaches us of three major Last Days "transformative" events in regard to those that are Christ's (or Saints), two of them involving the Raptures and the Last being the actual return of Christ to set foot on Earth. The "transformative" events are those in which there is a state of resurrection change, and is exclusive of persecutions and deaths. It is the conquering of death, and the deliverance and creation of new bodies out of the bare substances of the old, even if only scattered ashes, and it is done so instantly that it might be described as in nano-seconds. The Enochian Rapture, the Elijahn Rapture, and of his return at the end of the 7 year Tribulation period with his angels and the Saints (those being raptured then are merely teleported like Phillip was from the Ethiopian Eunuch he baptized in Acts 8:39-40).

Acts 8: 39-40
 39 Now when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught Philip away, so that the eunuch saw him no more; and he went on his way rejoicing. 40 But Philip was found at Azotus. And passing through, he preached in all the cities till he came to Caesarea.

In my 3 part Rapture Scriptures posts

I excluded some 20 plus Rapture Scriptures that were not as easily discernable, except through lengthy word study explanation or in some cases a more extensive explanation of allegory that detracted from the theme a little more on a tangent than was practical. It was not the kind of allegorical that could be subject to the kind of “either pagan or Christian” interpretation, such I have touched upon elsewhere.

And as you may discover, that the knowledge of real asteroid dangers such as Apophis
or one its size, may help us discern more about the dangers of events that will follow the seen Elijahn Rapture in the Great Tribulation Period.

There are those who claim and believe themselves to be Christian and disbelieve in the Rapture(s) to their own peril, because to disbelieve the WORD of GOD is to risk damnation. One objection may be that they cannot fathom the concept of Heaven because they cannot see Heaven through a telescope. But I tell them and you, where those who are Raptured are going, is back to the Beginning of Time, because it is to a Universe outside and beyond the constraints of time.

Jeremiah 17:12

“A glorious high throne from the Beginning* is the place of our sanctuary.”

Genesis 1:1

In the Beginning** God created the heaven and the earth.”

*Rishon (the primary word used here) is something or someone that is FIRST in place, time, or rank.  It is derived from the feminine noun of Rishah (found only in Ezekiel 36:11) which is used in the sense of a Beginning of Time, or a Time Beginning thus.  Rishah in turn is derived from Rosh, he who is the head person or first in rank.  In the application of  Jeremiah 17:12, we see that the time is Genesis 1:1, because the source of the person first in rank is GOD Himself in the very next verse of Jeremiah 17:13 which reads: "O LORD, the Hope of all Israel, all that forsake thee shall be ashamed; they that depart from ME shall be written in the Earth, because they have forsaken the LORD, the fountain of Living Waters. "
**Reshith (the primary word used here in Bereshith) is a feminine noun that also finds its definition in being first in place, time, order or rank.  Both these above verses, Jeremiah 17:12 and Genesis 1:1, deal with being in the presence of GOD at or before the Beginning of Time.  

 Therefore, as we see in these two above verses, the end destination of the Raptures is to a point and place above and outside of time, even to Genesis 1:1, where GOD creates the enclosed Universe in which we live, and sets it in motion.   In Genesis 1:1, we might better understand the concept if we can simply know that GOD is able to encapsulate a universe as if it were a oval space between His hands, run all time from Beginning to End within that oval space, and know all things and all events, even His own participation into those events.  And if this happens in a timeless state and a timeless dimension, if we are taken out of that oval and stand before GOD is such a dimension and in a new state of Creation, we effectually have traveled back to a point of Gensis 1:1 as it were.  Or so it seems to me.  Then again, this is a new concept and an isagogic (introductury) musing on my part.  But let's follow with the concept a little further on.

What is time?  Like a form of measurement or a ruler, "Time" (in and of itself) is a marking unit of measurement in distance and of action.  In Time, both action of motion and its location at any given point, down to the tiniest micro-atomic particles, is recorded.  Time is a means by which GOD reckonsand governs this enclosed Universe from the micro to the macro-cosmic. However, because GOD Himself is Timeless, therefore Time has no purpose other tha for mortality.  And if GOD and Heaven are immortal, and there is no darkness in Heaven because GOD is Light, and there is NO darkness in Him, none (1 John 1:5)...and that GOD is SPIRIT (John 4:24), while we are mortally covered spirits ourselves...then it stands to reason that this Universe cannot be all that is in existence.  In fact, even by our own theories of the "Big Bang" we require the operation of this Universe to be a smaller Universe within a greater Universe of light, where we generally can better perceive that GOD and Heaven are based. And in the various models of claims to how even our solar system or planet was formed (be it the Nebular Hypothesis of 1796, the Chamberlain-Moulton Tidal Theory, the Collision Theory, or the Proto-Plant Hypothesis) there is no room for the creation of souls and spirits, or the implanting of intelligence in animals or human beings.  Just cellular development is magically wished to come into being on its own, as even so there is no explanation for the soul, or emotion, or any reason whatsoever.  It is as if even the ignorant (i.e. agnostic) and anti-GOD (i.e., atheistic) Scientists of today imagined eternity would create a computer on its own if given a long enough period, but so foolishly forget that the computer though obviously designed, still has to have an artificial intelligence and programs installed for it to be effective (let alone the power for it to run on and operate).
Their answers to such challenges?  Usually they are quite mute, or evasive, or they may even attack the questioner for simply bringing it up.
Time is a design for this enclosed Universe within the greater Universe of light. Again, from the perspective of GOD, Time and this entire universe marked by it, has already been lived out from the beginning to the end.  That is why the Bible prophecies are so accurate, because GOD uses the Old and New Testament to tell us not only what was, but what is yet to come as we live it out.  In one sense, it seems that we are merely along for the ride in the chronology, yet in spite of that, we still retain our free will.  We are still able to make clear choices and decisions and discernments without being able to deter the final outcomes pre-recorded in the Scriptures.  Our fates are not sealed until we die, therefore let us choose to believe into the Son of GOD, Jesus Christ / Yeshua the Messiah, and what he did upon the Cross in paying our debts, of dying for us, and for 3 days and 3 nights being in the Earth, and then rising from the dead, ascending to Heaven, and is coming back again, fully alive, fully GOD and fully man.

A few years ago, I made a notation in my Bible that reads:
“The Kingdom of GOD precedes the Institution of the Church, and will outlast it.”
What do I mean by this? Once you also understand where we are in relation to Time and Space with Heaven and Genesis 1:1, you will grasp the concept in its proper context.

It appears to me that "The Institution of the Church" was created for this Universe. Once it is made into the New Heavens and the New Earth (Isaiah 66:22, 2 Peter 3:13), it seems to me that the Church then completes its circle of time, and reverts back into an original state of being the Kingdom of GOD with new members (we humans) to replace and more than compensate the absence of prior members (any angels and cherubs who fall with the cherub called Lucifer / Satan / the Serpent / the Devil / of late renamed Allah the deity of Islam). There is no more gathering out of, but only an eternal inclusion for those elect who at that point -- by the grace of the Father and of our LORD Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit -- remain.

We in the Land of the Living are effectually living as spirits in mortal bodies, recognizing that mortal death is still yet a price we must all pay for being born. And quite often, we spend much of our lives pondering why we were ever born, and what are we doing here?  Many foolishly look away from GOD for the answers, while the wise look to the Son of GOD, Jesus Christ, and His Book (the Holy Bible) and more often than not, seem to find their answers, or at least just enough to grant them great comfort and peace.

We find in the writings of Paul, that the literal Greek to English translation reads: "Every Scripture is GOD-breathed"....2 Timothy 3:16. This is on the same masculine par as that of GOD breathing into the nostrils of Adam in Genesis 2:7,so that he was imparted an eternal soul with the power of highest reason / logos from GOD, the person whom is revealed as YHVeH Messiah in Lamentations 4:20, whom we know to be the Logos, he who is from the Bosom of GOD the Father (John 1:1,18) , the exact image/reflection of the Father (2 Corinthians 4:4).

See also:

Faith is an internal engine, and everyone of us has a G-D shaped spiritual dwelling place within us that needs G-D to come in and dwell (John 14:23,17), in order for us to be made complete, and to light the pilot of eternal life (that lays ever extinguished in those who reject Jesus Christ, the Creator who in His preincarnate state, breathed into the nostrils of Adam, and gave Adam his eternal soul) -- cf. Lamentations 4:20, Genesis 2:7, John 1:3-4.

What do we do in this world while we have time? Do we constructively bring order; find the treasures of the hidden things of G-D in his Creation and in the souls of those around us? Do we tell them of John 3:15-16, and lead them to that eternal living life that is to come to those who believe and trust into Jesus and what he did at the Cross and through his resurrection and ascension? How many non-lit pilot-lights of dead souls in humanity are lit into eternal life because of us, and the sharing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ? These pilots, when lit, become what is described in the literal Greek to English of 2 Peter 1:19 as "a lamp-light shining in a murky place." The flesh and the body inclined to sin after its animal nature, is THAT murky place. As believers, Paul also effectually instructs us in the Greek of the book of Romans that we are called to put the sin nature to sleep, and operate by a trusting faith into Christ.

This Universe enclosed? 

I contend that the Bible clearly informs us that we live within a smaller darkened Universe within a greater Universe filled with Light.

When we read:

Psalms 104:2
"Who coverest thyself with light as with a garment: who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain:"

Isaiah 40:22
"It is He that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:

we are expected to reason with the evidence in Creation the deeper meaning. If we have a curtain, we have something that creates darkness, shields out light, and is itself a boundary.  This is not only true of the Earth's atmosphere, but of the stars and constellations as well. 

In Job 26:7, we see that the ancients knew and recognized the precariousness and unchaotic anti-gravity nature of the Earth in the vast universe of space. It reads: "He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing."

Science is at a loss to explain why we hang in space as a planet, or why we rotate in an even horizontal elliptical orbit around the sun. Why don't the planets maintain a distance and go over the 360 degrees of the sun at some point in time? We are always virtually equatorial, never orbiting where the sun in directly below us or over us and perhaps spin the earth in a north to south or south to north rotation. Nor can Science explain why with the shifting magnetic poles of the sun, where they polarity of the sun fully reverses every 11 years, and then over the next 11 years reverts back again, Science cannot explain why the Earth hangs on nothing and remains in its perfect elliptical orbit that it does. And if they cannot explain the easily observed, how can we say that there is no boundary of darkness and edge to space? As with only the advent of jets able to ascend to the 17 mile boundary of light, where the light upon the earth from the sun and the darkness of space separate, so that we realize now that the blue sky is simply a refraction illusion of the sun's rays upon dust particles; so too, man cannot be cognizant of any space boundary of the universe, armed with a primitive (though state of the art) Hubble telescope looking out into space.

We might do well to grasp the concept that in a darkened room with the wall painted black, if we were to glitter the walls with self illuminating crushed crystals that illuminated only themselves and not anything else, and we were not told how large the room was, nor had seen it in the day time…perhaps we would mistaken a 30 ft. by 30ft. by 30 ft. cube of a room by a ratio of greater than 3 to 1 ratio. So too, I think we almost without question to this day misapply distance and size based on the same kind of distance misjudging in Astronomy and its related Sciences. Astronomical Sciences generally do not focus intently on the depth of space south of the South Pole, but rather, we always seem to look northward and/or generally "up" or in "that Heavenly direction", as if instinctly looking for GOD but never knowing why.

And we have to wonder if by observable means, we can question if we even can see and measure the observable Universe (such as star and galaxy distances) correctly.  Galaxies and Solar systems often take the mathematical shape of elongated discs.  We see shapes in astronomy that appear much like our clouds on earth.  Some like the stratus, some like the cirrocumuls, some like the cirrus, and even severalther forms.  But look out to the horizon in the day time.  Run your eye to the edge of where the skyline touches the horizon and for 10 or 15 degrees upward.  If there are clouds there, and they are broken apart, and you can see their left to right of your view "lengths"... what are the width of the clouds that you see?  What are their individual heights and depths?  What is their actual distances away from you?  By having been to our horizons, we can measure distances we cannot measure in space.  But even the best trained eye will have to admit, at such a distance, with an unfamiliarity as to what the distance to the horizon rally is or how far even the length of the Horizon is in actual distances in our field of view, we cannot fathom the actual heights or depths until the clouds get closer to us, because we are more or less seing them two dimensionally.   By having a surface of the Earth, we have an advantage of aiding measurement we cannot do in astronomy.  Because if even our closest star, be it Proxima Centauri (M5e spectral) or Alpha Centauri (G2 spectral)  is off, then what does that do to our calculations?  How can we even prove by triangulating or sun and planets that these are really just or as far as 4.3 Light Years away?  I say that we cannot.  Not really.  They are just educated guesses based on what we know, and then a whole system of  Science is built on those "guesses".  If those "guesses" are massively wrong, a whole systematic body of sciences built upon those guesses must collapse as well, leaving the nearer more verifiable sciences still standing, however.

Observations of the horizon and astonomy is built on a correlation of understanding not only Triangulation, but curves as well.  Since we do not yet know enough about how light bends, how can we go into the topic of how Time must also likely be constrained to at certain points bend as well?  We can only theorize about both, but suffice these to be put off for another day. 

This Universe of darkness is subject to the dimensional laws of time and space, while the greater Universe beyond has no constraints of “Time” placed upon it.  Even the best minds of the atheists can only call their theories as merely hypotheses, for example Stephen Hawking at: http://www.hawking.org.uk/index.php/lectures/62
The theory of a big bang expansion is better found in the Jewish nuclear physicist Dr. Gerald Schroeder's hypothesis in which as the Universe expands from the Big Bang, so does time accelerate to be more ancient than it is or was. 

Dr. Gerald Schroeder, Genesis & the Big Bang Theory

Dr. Gerald Schroeder, The Science of GOD

  But there's a problem, as Stephen Hawking notes, of microwave radiation.  This goes back to the data of an everywhere at once Microwave or Cosmic Ray distribution as evidenced by the C.O.B.E. Satellite data.
The G-D Factor: Creation testifies it was Designed and Created by a Creator, even in Observations of Astronomical Science
The above pdf. tells us about the 1990 Cosmic Background Explorer Satelitte, C.O.B.E., and the background radiation of the entire sphere of the northern heavens -- as seen from the North Galactic Pole -- which showed an average temperature of 2.735 degrees centigrade above Absolute Zero. The spectrum curve was less that 1% across the entire range of observed frequencies. That is, the universe was like some giant Cosmic radiator. There was no pond rippling big bang. The echoes of history tell us that the Universe was created in a "poof" / "everywhere all at once" and in an even distribution fashion... exactly like the ancient Bible Scriptures which tell us that G-D stretched the Heavens like a curtain, and it was there. The COBE used the milky way galaxy as a mean center for its Daily Microwave Radiometer (DMR) readings. DMRs are those wavelengths which are able to be filtered out from our own galaxy's emissions. There are 3 known DMRs, and the COBE used all 3.
 In 1993, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (courtesy of NASA) revealed a 365 day condensed DMR picture of the North Galactic Pole Sphere, and this is where the "radiator" picture comes in. It was at this meeting that the American Astronomical Society officially said the fluctuation was not as high as 1%, but only .03% or three-one hundredths of one percent. They also settled on a final number of 2.726 Centegrade above Absolute Zero (over its previous 2.735).
Therefore, we can say that the Creation, even the Universe itself, scientifically testifies that it was simultaneously created everywhere at once by G-D in a macro-cosmic action.  And if that is the case, Creation must always occur and be able to grow within a greater sphere or Universe of operation, be it an acorn into a tree, a sperm into an animal, etc.  This is what Creation tells us.  As we follow the juxtaposed logic as it applies to Time, we must also apply it as but a mechanism unique and specific to this smaller Universe within the greater Universe filled with light.  We are in the dark, behind the curtain, unable to even grasp how to measure outer space and tell where the boundaries of Light are (a condition of ignorance we are expected to have) as shown in Jeremiah 31: 37
Thus saith the LORD; If heaven above can be measured, and the foundations of the earth searched out beneath, I will also cast off all the seed of Israel for all that they have done, saith the LORD.

Though it may be possible to eventually search out the Earth beneath enough to discover the foundations as a result of the coming continental collapse of the United States in the lower 48 after being nuked by what was formerly NATO, along with Russia, and a nuclear armed Iran (and perhaps other nations), so that perhaps by satellite for a brief  period of time (perhaps hours, perhaps days, that the foundations of the Earth shall be seen...yet is is now, and always will be impossible for man to measure the Universe, which will ROLL BACK LIKE A SCROLL during the Great Tribulation: 

Isaiah 34:4
And all the host of heaven shall be dissolved, and the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll: and all their host shall fall down, as the leaf falleth off from the vine, and as a falling fig from the fig tree.

Revelation 6:13-14
And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.

Time and again, the Bible is proven to be true, and its critics as illiterate, ignorant, or just plain wrong; although sometimes those answers aren't available for many centuries, eventually the Bible is exonerated as too accurate to be composed by purely human intelligence. GOD inspires the words, and guides the writing of his Book, even if we are flawed in keeping absolute perfection. Still, for those who wish to know, more than sufficiency in the answers are still discovered by faith and His will for the timing (while other answers just are, and for the moment in time in which we or they live, to be taken on faith until the more perfect day when the Saints can ask the LORD directly and be taught by Him, sitting at his feet and asking the LORD their questions - Isaiah 54:13, Deuteronomy 33:3).

But for those left behind in the first Rapture, the Enochian Evacuation (as it were), things won't be as desirable on Earth as if mankind were simply to go along as if nothing had happened.  There will be 144,000 Jewish virgin men (and possibly women?) who will announce what had happened, as well as the Two Great Witnesses of Revelation Chapter 11 who will bring the plagues of Exodus Egypt and the fires from Heaven upon their enemies trying to sudue or destroy them as they teleport nation to nation, making the proclamations and warnings of GOD as the prophets of GOD to the nations.  

So when I say it won't be desirable, let me just use one example of the crushing physical pressures that will be experienced, that dealing with the sun).  Signs of which, we are already talking about even outside the Bible references in Science as possibly being introduced to us as a part of the next solar cycle.  But I will include some biblical referencing here, regardless.
The Erev Hypothesis and the coming solar tsunamis
The Erev Hypothesis. The abstract goes to the effect that the contrariness to the laws of observable sciences (such as gravity) can be contradicted or disrupted for periods of short durations, so as to suspend those laws within a means of controlled chaos...albeit, temporarily.

Erev simply means evening in the Hebrew, "And evening and morning", etc. But it also has 13 - 15 other meanings attributed to it. One of these is "disorder" or "controlled chaos" if you will.

The Erev Hypothesis is explored through the notion that spikes in the paleomagnetic pole reversals

upon Earth occurred daily in the first 7 days of Creation to the Earth’s benefit, with disastrous consequences in circa 2348 B.C. (Noachian deluge), possibly in circa 1961 B.C. (Sodomic Epic and misdated Holocene shifts), in 1551 B.C. (the Exodus' Red Sea and Sinai events), and in 1511 B.C. (the reversal of the Jordan and the sun appearing to stand still for a day).  It may be, that events such as the Holocene shifts of land masses and the parting of the Red Sea, or the bending of the heavens upon Mt. Sinai, will be re-witnessed as accurate event happenings by the ancients by modern man.

On other planets, we know there is at least theoretically a tie-in between electro-magnetic polarity, volcanology, and surface formations such as plains, hills, and valleys. A more recent public example was the NASA verification of this through the MESSENGER satellite. http://messenger.jhuapl.edu/news_room/telecon4.html

In the solar example linked earlier, the sun is said to reverse its magnetic poles every 11 years. Sun spots, we are learning, are often a by-product of this shifting.

In the years 1645 to 1715 A.D., the Earth was in the midst of a period now referred to by modern "pop climatologists" as the "mini-Ice Age", which is said to have extended from ca. 1400 to 1850 A.D.
 In these years, Europe is said to be known for its excessively frigid weather.  The normal warm Carribean to Atlantic current flows seemed to have been interrupted, so that all of the rivers in Ireland and Britain regulrly froze solid, and even the coastlines of the Mediterranean seemed to offer no genuine relief from frigid artic blasts, and rivers freezing along its northern coastlines and down the boot of Italy.  But the years 1645 to 1715 A.D. are special, because for those entire 70 years, it seems that there were virtually NO sunspots in the Sun, and there were (as a result)  vastly elevated levels of Carbon-14 radiation in those very same years of  1645 to 1715 A.D.  The absence of solar spots on the surface of the sun indicates that the normal polarity reversal of the sun's poles from north to south (over the course of 11 years) and then back again (from south to north over the next 11 years) suggests that the cycle during these years had apparently either temporarily ceased or at the very least, had been seriously retarded.   Less than 300 years after this occurrence ceased, the questions need to be asked, "Could the activity of the sun enter into another cycle in which an increase in solar phenomenon will once again affect the Earth in a reverse direction?  In other words, could the sun enter into a phase of a what the ancient Greeks as well as the witness of the Bible believed would be a burning of even the very elements of the earth by fervent heat?  Heat that instead of modern technology, or pollution by man, would derive from anciently predictable solar activity?  Could this be what the Mayans actually predicted in their calendar, an intense solar activity cycle for what is allegedly said to begin in December of 2012?  An activity so hot, that to the Mayans calculations, it could even be so bad as to possibly end life on Earth according to their calculations based on observable cycles to one extreme (of cold or Artic-like weather), calculated and predicted for the other extreme?"

In the application to the Earth, it appears that the waning of the paleo-magnetic life-force of the Earth is potentially a greater cause for global warming than any other factor...including sulfur dioxides and ozone depletion.

The solar winds shearing the Earth’s Electro-Magnetic shield will be accompanied by an increase in solar flare activity, filled heavily with x-rays and other disruptive forces.  

 A quick review of various solar flares, including recent specific examples,

are relevant as background data to keep in mind in its relation to electromagnetic shear of the Earth electro-magnetic sphere and defenses that GOD gave us in the design of the Earth. 

The most common denominator and pragmatic industry applications in summary of these immediately above links that we can have in walking away with this data, is this :
the more technology dependent we become, the more vulnerable we are to being pushed back to the technological backwardness of the 1800s.

 states that:
In 1989, a solar storm took down the power grid in Quebec, Canada, leaving about six million people without power for several hours.  The largest solar storm ever recorded was in 1859 when communications infrastructure was limited to telegraphs. The 1859 solar storm hit telegraph offices around the world and caused a giant aurora visible as far south as the Caribbean Islands.

 states that:
"The worst storms often come in the waning years after the solar maximum. The most recent solar max ended in 2001; November 2003 marked the strongest x-ray flare ever observed."

Add 11 years to this, and you will see that the next cycle runs from 2012 to 2014.  In fact, NASA Scientists state that it is their fear that the next wave of solar activity from 2012 to 2014 may be serious enough not only to seriously disrupt modern electrical technology, but will even stop toilets from flushing!
The article in MP3 audio by its author is @:

Even in the most basic of science for any person can grasp is that X-rays need lead to stop them.  When you go to a dentist, they give you a lead apron.  In the decades past, the operator who x-rayed your body stood behind a clearly manifest lead shield wall and pushed a button.
In the past 150 years...or so it is believed...the Earth has already moved 10 percent into the same kind of total magnetic pole reversals as seen in the sun, and documented by the Ulysses satellite.

Sunspots and blackouts are in direct correlation to these pole disruptions and reversals, and we can tie such to the 30 A.D. sackcloth sun, and another to come in these last days, sometime perhaps between 2012 and 2042. No one knows for sure.  In its most disruptive phase, walls of water could quite conceivably stand once again as they did in the Red Sea in 1551 B.C., perhaps to depths of over 70 feet, creating pathways for 10 or 12 hour durations or more  before collapsing upon themselves and being restored to as they were.   Through mega-disruptions in the earth's poles, the laws of gravity as sustained and promoted from Earth-Sun-Moon are altered. Such documentations of magnetic pole shifts have been reported as observable in minute geologic sample borings up to 400 meters in depth, but have been clearly miscalculated as to the dates these shifts occurred. For example:
But as the writers of that pdf state in the opening of p. 5, "Time cannot be estimated except very crudely...."   This is not just on two strata close together, but I dare say on all 5 observable levels of these magnetic pole reversals in strata samples mis-listed as millions of years apart, I would interpret as perhaps being the same magnetic polarity shifts of : 2348 B.C., 1961 B.C., 1551 B.C. , 1511 B.C., and 30 AD.

30 A.D. would be the event of the Cross, where a full moon of blood red light under a clear sky of withdrawn stars and a black sun was observed from noon to 3pm when Jesus hung upon the Cross.

Such a paleo-magnetic shift and manipulation extending far out beyond the Van Allen belts may well be explained in this way as end-time happenings also in Luke 21:25 through the Greek (numbered to Strong's):

And there shall be signs in the sun,
and in the moon,
and in the stars;

and upon the earth
[A compelling pressing afflicting and plaguing with and among] G4928

of nations,
with distress

[I.e., no resources and great doubt as how to proceed];G640

the sea G2281 and
The waves  
[that which resonates and vibrates] G4535

roaring; [G2278]
Luke 21:25

The notion appears to allow for the possibility or even probability of something we have never seen nor conceived of before:  it is the idea of sun echo after the fact or a result of a solar wind and wave of flares tsunami.  The perplexity upon the nervous system is both outwardly physical by the elements of a blast of x-ray and gamma washing through with the force of feeling like one is hit by a resonating and vibrating walls or pulsations of waves, and the emotional and psychological trauma of being unable to grasp how to deal with the event. 

Salos (Strong's Greek  #4535 –  translated as “waves”) can incorporate anything that causes motion, vibration, waves, tossing, rocking….events such as wind, currents - surf - tide, electro-magnetic forces, earthquakes, and so forth. Therefore, waves from the sun and stars will involve electrified tingling and like being stuck in an x-ray machine that won’t turn off for minutes, or perhaps hours; while waves from the sea will intensify into hypercanes (past sustained tornado speeds 200 - 280 mph to speeds of up to 400 mph); and the Earth will chronically shake so much, that man will generally prefer to live in fields and tents for fear of walls or buildings collapsing upon them.  

We are still yet rediscover the hypercane monster storms of the past with winds that modern man cannot yet comprehend, nor has made adjustment for as well.  Hypercanes, again, are geologically verified ancient super-hurricanes which perhaps had winds in excess of 400 mph. In 2008, the subject resurfaced in regard to strata in the southern US Gulf coastal region.
And if Hypercanes once existed in the Gulf of Mexico, why could they not return with the right increase in solar activity; and return not only in the Atlantic and Carribean regions, but also be made manifest across the regions of the Pacific Ocean as well?  I say that man in the very near future will have to build with multiple mega-disaster scenarios in mind, from 10.0 and above earthquakes, to structures to withstand storms and winds in excess of 400 mph.  That may mean that in order to have glass windows, they will end up being layers encased in layered steel reinforced Concrete walls, in a landscaped bunker format (such as a rolling mound lawn or a flat 2-3 ft soil cropping a vegetable garden over the bunker format), and both the exposed glass and the walls of the sides to measure at least two feet or more thick, and never be built above a height of 30 ft again except as military structures.  Sewage and other underground tubing (such as gas) would have to then be converted to flex-hose technology as well, and an entire ifrastructure transformation of the nations would also have to follow suit.  However, because of the costs and the time and effort, such a societal transformation will not occur, even if the hypercanes and excessively powerful earthquakes come...even such quakes that make mountains and hills skip miles away from where they previously were (as I have shown in another post), as was experienced some 3,500 plus years ago by the ancients in the Sinai or surrounding region of the Middle East.
I do think, based on the information and a weighing of the probabilities versus possibilities,that it will be discovered in a relatively short time, however, perhaps within the next 15 months or a little better, that in order to maintain electronics, lead casings of at least a minimum thickness will be absolutely mandatory on all wirings, connectors, and circuitry.  Regular radioactive solar wave bombardments will generally fry and make useless those who are in the sunny side of the Earth and in the range area affected in the regions struck by the solar waves.   Our electronics, currently without lead casings in generality (except more often in the military), though “environmentally unfriendly” will in the future absolutely require be a necessary encasement of ALL electronic circuitry and cables in lead.  I estimate that the absolute MINIMUM THICKNESS for consumer use circuitry in the coming years, including the first half of the 7 year Tribulation may require  hard lead encasements that will be 1.2 to 1.5 mm, with double that for Commercial and Military use; and the cables to be generally .75 - .80 of one millimeter soft (soft like soldering) lead encased around the pre-encased cables (so as to prevent grounding).  I estimate a realization for this will not come about until after catastophes have already struck and major power outages are counted in days at a time, not seconds or minutes or even hours.  In other words, probably starting in 2013, IF the predicted solar activity sparks up and interferes with modern technology as expected.  Governments and any electronic technology based corporations that builds anything with electric wiring or circuity would be wise to purchase and stock up on lead NOW.  The may also need to be a market to patent a process in which  the lead is softened like a spool of soldering lead, but also maintains high protective properties.   After which layer, then under such advancements as a soft and flexible lead encasement directly around the wiring, a greater thickness of vinyl plastic encasement will need to be introduced around the wiring to protect the environment itself from lead poisoning. 

However, the call is for mankind to believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and believe into Him as your LORD and Savior, trusting in his atonement for you at the Cross, and trusting in His Resurrection from death, ascension into Heaven, and the granting of eternal life to you by just having faith / trust into Him in what He has done and is doing and will do for you, because GOD loves you, even while you were yet hostile in sin, and not wanting you to perish but to make that right choice of TRUST into Him...so that whosoever will may find eternal life, and not truly perish, whenever that day in which our own life ends on Earth in this mortal form may be.  If before the day of the Rapture, still instantaneously in soul and spirit absent from the body and present with the LORD (2 Corinthians 5:1-8), to live in unfathomable joy and love in the presence of Almighty GOD ever more.  Amen. 

Jimmy Swaggart – I’ll Fly away

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