Welcome! Jesus Christ is my LORD and Savior! Romans 10:9-10,13; John 3:16

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I am a Natural Born United States Citizen with NO allegiance or citizenship to any nation but my own, and will use this site as a hobby place of sorts to present my own political and religious viewpoints, as a genuine Constitutional Conservative and a genuine Christian Conservative.

Thank you for coming.
In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Resolving Rashi's "Voice of the LORD G-D walking" as a testimony of Jesus

In Genesis 3:8,
"They heard the VOICE of HASHEM G-D walking in the Garden toward the direction of the sun; and the man and his wife hid...."

Rashi comments:
"They heard...I have come for nothing but the simple meaning of Scripture and for aggadah, which resolves the words of Scripture with each word stated in its proper framework, and with its correct meaning.
'they heard the VOICE of the Holy One', Blessed is He, 'WHO was walking in the Garden'...toward the direction of the sun ...in the tenth (hour)."

Judaism says G-D is incorporeal, and invisible...hence, unable to walk in a visible manner. But this is refuted in Genesis 18 and many passages of Tanakh. Rashi knows this and refutes the notion. This is why he sets the commentary of this above verse of Genesis 3:8 up in this way.

Rashi: Genesis 3:8
"They Heard: There are many aggadic mishrashim, and our Rabbis have already arranged them in their proper setting, in Bereishis Rabbah {19:7} and in other. I have come for nothing other but the simple meaning of Scriptures and for aggadah {exegesis of a non-religious ritual nature or interpretation} which resolves the words of Scripture -- with each word stated in its proper framework and with its {properly translated} meaning. "They heard the Voice
{Artscroll /Sapirstein translates as QOL as "sound" in this instance, I concur with the KJV} of the Holy One, Blessed is He, who was WALKING in the Garden"."

Artscroll / Sapirstein comments on the immediate portion above:
"Bereishis Rabbah 19:7". They heard the sound of G-D going in the garden with QOL, "sound", as the subject of MeTHaLaK.

But "going" is expressed by HOLaK, whereas MeTHaLaK means "walking", NOT "going". But a "sound" cannot be said to be walking {hence my point, a Voice/Ambassador/Representative/Messenger can!}; hence its subject must be "G-D". "

In spite of methalak instead of mahalak being written in Genesis 3:8, the action (as supported by Rabbinics publishing via Artscroll) was G-D "walking".

In Deuteronomy 23:14, we translate that G-D "walks" with the same spelling as Gen.3:8; although the JPS translates "goes along". But regarding Isaiah, the Psalms, and Daniel...G-D stands up and He sits down (Isaiah 3:13, Psalm 82:1 with Daniel 7:9).

Regarding Exodus 33:23, Moses was forbidden to look upon the face of G-D, but he was allowed to see G-D's backside in the afterglow. Since Man is designed after the image mold of the Creator who in these and other passages has a face, wooly hair on his head, palms / hands, shoulders, and FEET, and who can sit and stand...and since "angels" and "cherubim" are also considered incorporeal (without physical material substance, being spirit-beings) and can walk...then G-D -- a Being Who is Spirit (John 4:24) -- must also have a spiritual likeness of legs, a rear end, and a back as well, and hence can then certainly walk also (if He so desires).

In the passage of Genesis 18:1 ff., HASHEM appears as a man...HASHEM appears as a man...HASHEM appears as a man to Abraham on the plains of Mamre. He is called "The Holy One" by Rashi. This HASHEM who appears as a man, is accompanied by two angels of Lot's deliverance.

There is absolutely no doubt, over and over, that Rashi views this HASHEM at Mamre -- and His Garden appearance also -- as visible.

Hence, Rashi himself, among the greatest of rabbinic commentators, recognizes the mystery of the VOICE of HASHEM as HASHEM in these two passages by its simple meaning and non-halikah interpretation...even though he cannot quite make the connection.

The VOICE is more than "qol", it is the person called "Logos". He is called the "Angel of HASHEM" as HASHEM, because He alone is HASHEM of Hosts: who can say come here, go there, pick up and carry, etc.

"By the WORD of the L-RD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth."
(Psalm 33:6)

Hebrews 11:3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the WORD of G-D, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

Deuteronomy 13:18 ...thou shalt hearken to the VOICE of YHVeH thy G-D...to do that which is right in the eyes of YHVeH thy G-D.

Perhaps I may better explain this as we begin looking at this after the manner that we call "the Angel of YHVeH" as the G-D of Israel...so are we to call "the VOICE of YHVeH" as the G-D of Israel.

Ask yourself, what is really the difference in the wording here? Malak is used for angel and messenger. Qol is used for Voice and sound. The entire verse of Deuteronony 13:18 reads:

When thou shalt hearken to the VOICE of YHVeH thy G-D, to keep all his commandments which I command thee this day, to do that which is right in the eyes of YHVeH thy G-D.

Notice that the Qol / Voice in the issuing of the commands and commandments: is audible, it is intelligent, it is reasoning. Now take the use of the Greek word "logos", "the (intelligent) word" and "reason(ing)".

In Genesis 3:8, Adam and Eve hear the person of the G-Dhead known as "the Word". After being called YHVeH Elohim in Genesis chapter 2, we next see Him being called "the Voice of YHVeH" thousands of years before He revealed Himself as the Angel of YHVeH to Moses.

If we approach it in this context...then the prophecy of the seed of a virgin holds just as much weight as any and all 613 commandments given at Sinai. The prophecy about the virgin birth never diminishes the coming "Instruction" or "Law" of Moses. neither should any rabbinic sage erroneously turn around and take away from the visitation of G-D in the Garden in Genesis 3, either.

Lesson through John 1 in viewing Exodus and Deuteronomy
In John 1:1-18, we see that emphasis that Jesus/Yeshua is the "Word', the "Logos" of G-D. He is considered the Intellect, Reason, and "VOICE" of G-D the Father to Creation.

In the Torah, we are told of Him. From the Johannine aspect, if we were in Ephesus of Asia in the late 50s, we could be taught of John along these lines out of the Torah. The Voice or "qol" (in the Hebrew) is viewed as an ambassador issuing forth or decreeing the words of the Emperor, and having such authority as second only to the Emperor in seeing those words carried out. Hence, in the case of Jesus, the Son of G-D tells us what G-D the Father states, and shares the Throne of Authority as G-D with the Father, having unto Himself the Tetragrammaton Name reserved only for G-D:

In Deuteronomy 30:20, we read:
"That thou may lovest the L-RD thy G-D,
that thou mayest obey His VOICE,
(and) that thou mayest cleave unto Him [His VOICE]:
for He [the VOICE] (is) thy Life, and the length of thy days...."

"Hearken unto the VOICE of HASHEM,
to keep His Commandments and His Statutes which are written in the Book of the Law...."
(Deuteronomy 30:10)

"And thou shalt return and obey the VOICE of HASHEM,
and do all of His Commandments
which I command thee this day."
(Deuteronomy 30:8)

"And thou shalt return unto HASHEM thy G-D,
and shalt obey His VOICE..."
(Deuteronomy 30:2)

"If thou wilt diligently hearken to the VOICE of HASHEM thy G-D,
and wilt do right in His Sight
(Exodus 15:26)

"Thus shalt thou say to the House of Jacob, and tell the children of Israel...
Now therefore, if you will obey My VOICE indeed,
and keep My Covenant,
then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto Me above all people:
for all the Earth is Mine."
(Exodus 19:3,5) [cf. Jeremiah 7:23ff]

If Jesus/Yeshua is identified as the ambassador "Logos" or "Word" of G-D the Father in the New Testament, He can also be the ambassador "Qol" or "VOICE" of G-D the Father in the Old Testament.

Jesus is more than just a "sound", a "call", an "utterance", or simply a "voice" -- He is G-D from G-D, Light from Light, very G-D of very G-D, begotten and NOT made

The Lesson from Haggai:

The emphasis of our life in service to the L-RD is found in obeying the VOICE of YHVeH through faith (1:12), and NOT through trusting what works of the hands we do as to our righteousness in Him (2:14).

Chapter 1:
12 Then Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, and Joshua the son of Josedech, the high priest, with all the remnant of the people, obeyed the VOICE of the LORD their God, and the words of Haggai the prophet, as the LORD their God had sent him, and the people did fear before the LORD.

VOICE [Qaf - Vav - Lamed] is spelled here (in the Hebrew) the same as in the quotes in Torah I have cited in conjunction with the VOICE of YHVeH as being equivocal to saying "the Angel of YHVeH...both being names for "G-D" after a descriptive no different than El Shaddai (G-D Almighty), and El Roi (G-D who sees all).

Chapter 2:
14 Then answered Haggai, and said, So is this people, and so is this nation before me, saith the LORD; and so is every work of their hands; and that which they offer there is unclean.

14. And Haggai replied and said, "So is this people, and so is this nation before Me, says the Lord; and so is all the work of their hands, and whatever they sacrifice there is contaminated. (Judaica Press)

Rashi comments:
So is this people Just as you err in this, so do you err in many halachot.

[Rashi repeated for the Gentile understanding:] Just as you err in this, so do you err in the ritual law keepings of many laws.

[In other words, Rashi is again just at the brink of getting it, but doesn't quite make the mark. But notice how he affirms the thesis of Paul's arguments in Romans, and leans toward the fact that it is Faith and not works of the Law that holds redemptive power towards righteousness in Him. The same VOICE who spake to Adam in the Garden, spake to and led the remnant of Israel through the prophet Haggai (1:3, 13-14) only 3 months earlier.]

and whatever they will sacrifice there if they do not put their hearts to learning.
[That is, the application of faith / trust, the application of the heart in a right "faithing" and the right retention and practice of that "faithing / trusting" triumphs over the works of doing this and not doing that.
In Romans 11:22, Paul tells us to pursue an Inner Righteousness. The word Paul uses is Chrestotata in the Greek, from which the name "Chrest" was designated to Messiah by Roman historians, and his followers called as "Chrestians". Chrestotes is an inner righteousness of "kindness, graciousness, gentleness, of being mellow". Christians in the First Century were called Chrestians, or "the Gracious Ones', because these characteristics were daily present with them. In Romans 14:17, we find that those who live in "righteousness, peace, and joy in and through the Holy Spirit"...these are they living in the Kingdom of G-D, and v.18, "serves Christ".]

In his commentary to Bamidbar (Numbers) 13:2, Rashi says in the Hebrew: "And Moses consulted the Shekinah, (who) said, 'I told them that it [the Land] is good.'"

The Shekinah is the manifest presence of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity.

Jesus says that we have never heard the Father's Voice nor seen His shape. We have, however, had instances where man has heard and spoke with the pre-Incarnate Son, and heard also the Holy Spirit.

Both Jesus and the Holy Spirit have fulfilled their ministries as both G-D and mediators. Jesus is the mediator between G-D the Father and man, the Holy Spirit apparently is the person of the G-Dhead that directs our attention to Jesus as our deliverance from sin and death.

In effect, the Holy Spirit is likened to the Voice of our Heavenly Mother...the One the Roman Catholics try to disinherit with the pseudo of the "perpetual virgin Mary". The Shekinah isn't just a presence, or light, it is the manifestation of the outward sign of the Holy Spirit...even as "He" would later manifest upon Jesus in thye form of a dove lighting down from Heaven.

Rashi says that the Shekinah speaks...in the Hebrew; and the Rabbis concur in their conclusions that, well, he simply meant 'G-D'. So if the Shekinah speaks, and Rashi isn't banned by the Rabbis for saying thus...what else about this Voice does Rashi say, so as to infer "personhood" upon what might otherwise have been written off as Semantics in the English translations?

The Holy Spirit blew forth as a wind to express His Presence and give strength and vigor to Israel, and parted the Red Sea. And at the proper time, the Right Hand did cover their enemies in that same sea.

The Holy Spirit blew forth and brought the pheasants by the hundreds of millions to Israel. And the Holy Spirit was hovering at the Beginning over the face of the deep, and moved upon the faces of the waters.

Whenever there was life brought forth, both the pre-Incarnate Jesus (the Word) and the Holy Spirit (Wisdom) was there. If life wasn't brought forth, such as when YHVeH Yeshua spoke from the whirlwind unto Job, we needn't expect some sign of the Spirit's presence.

When YHVeH the Son did a likewise whirlwind to Ezekiel as He had done to Job...that prophet, Ezekiel, became indwelt by the person of the Holy Spirit in the same way we New Testament believers have become indwelt by G-D.

In the New Testament, we simply see revealed what was in the Old Testament just somewhat concealed. As we move from Torah to Writings to Prophets in the Tanach, we see this pattern of unfolding insights, revelations, and happenings consistently supporting the New Testament through many legal and prophetical precedents.

But in the end, as Revelation 19:10c informs to this effect, that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit / true-intent of Bible prophecy. Our focus is ever on Him, and the revelation of Him in our hearts, minds, and lives -- unto eternity.

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