In the New Testament's Book of Revelation, the Great 2 Witnesses of the Tribulation Period {1} are slain in Jerusalem, in a street spiritually called "Sodom and Egypt". These two witnesses will come in the near future, and they will confirm -- by their deaths -- a very close general proximity of where Jesus suffered His crucifixion.
Therefore, what I teach as being the true location of Christ’s crucifixion will eventually be confirmed by the prophetical and literal deaths of these two great witnesses. They will clearly be known to every nation on Earth, and their identification will be unmistakable. When the deaths of these two Great Witnesses are televised, the precise location of their bodies, lying exposed to public view and in respects to the Temple, will be known -- to within a matter of feet. The media will mark and aerial photograph the very spot, and the nations will demand that they continuously look -- “live from Jerusalem” -- upon their bodies. That Day of their demise will be greatly exalted as a Day of celebration, which must be immediately commemorated with gifts as if it were a “New Christmas” holiday (Revelation 11: 9-10). Let us look at it:
The Two Witnesses
"And I will bring forth to those 2 Witnesses of Me,{2}
and they will prophesy -- having been clothed in sackcloth -- 1,260 days.{3}
This they are: as 2 Olive Trees, and as 2 Lamp stands,{4}
standing before the GOD of the (whole) Earth.
And if anyone acts to execute harm upon them,
fire proceeds out of their mouths, and devours the enemies of them;
and if anyone acts to execute harm upon them,
thus, it is inevitably necessary that he is to be killed.
These have --and hold the right and might of -- Authority to shut the heaven,
in order that it does not rain in the days of their prophecy;
and the right and might of Authority - they do continually possess upon the waters, to turn them into blood; and to touch - strike - and smite the Earth with all plagues, as often as they will it to action, wherever and on whosoever.
And fulfilling their desires, they reach the full end of their Witness.{5}
The Beast, he ascending up out of the Abyss, will make war in their midst,
and will overcome them, and will kill them.
And the bodies of them (will lay) upon the Great City's Plateia,
which is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt, where our LORD --
was indeed -- crucified." (Revelation 11:3-8, w/ Greek word pictures - Translation mine)
In locating the Plateia (or “street of Egypt”) in Jerusalem, “where our LORD was crucified”, we revisit Matthew 13:22 with Jeremiah 46:7-8, and surmise that “Egypt” in Jerusalem deals with the Kidron Valley.
We are required (by Scripture) to first locate this geography of Jerusalem that is called “Egypt”; and then to intersect that location with the geography called “Sodom”. The manner in which the location of “the street of Sodom”, in Jerusalem, is identified as the Hinom valley -- is quickly dispatched with the fact that the Hebrew Ge-Hinom (“Valley of Hinom”) is transliterated in the Greek as Ge-henna (“the Valley of Burning Fires”). Here, the booths of branches were annually burned -- following the Feast of Tabernacles. Here, many tens of thousands of paschal lambs were likely cooked in open fire-pits for the Passover festivals. Here also, in the Valley of Hinom, did the children of Israel abort their fetuses, and burn them as sacrificial offerings in hopes of prosperity from the demons (e.g. Jeremiah 7:31-32). From branches to lambs to children, the Israelis apparently burned them all in the Valley of Hinom.
This part of the valley of Hinom to which we are most concerned, is directly SOUTH of the Temple, and runs in an east-west direction. Therefore, we need only to find the next intersection point: the Hinom valley representing Revelation 11:8’s “Sodom”, which Scripture describes as a place associated with “fire, brimstone (sulfur)… and great smoke as from a furnace” (Genesis 19:24,28).
The Gospel of Paul also points to this location
The book of Hebrews is identified by Irenaeus as being the good news of Paul, and composed by his pupil, Luke (Irenaeus, Against Heresies, 3.1.1.). The inference is that this composition follows Paul’s death in Rome with Peter, on June 29, 57 A.D. Therefore, Hebrews is a pre-70 A.D. composition, with a pre-70 A.D. concept of Jerusalem, written only 27 years following the LORD’s Passion. In this book, Luke (in circa July of 57 A.D.) records the words of Paul, who taught:
"Be not carried about with diverse and strange doctrines. For that the heart be established with grace (is) a good thing --not with meats, which have not profited those who have been obsessed with them.
We have an altar, whereof they, which serve the Tabernacle, have no right to eat.
For the bodies of those beasts, whose blood is brought into the Sanctuary
by the High Priest for sin, are burned without the Camp.
Wherefore, Jesus also,
that He might sanctify the people with His own blood,
suffered outside this gate. [The gate of burning, the Hinom]
Let us therefore go forth unto Him without the Camp, bearing His reproach."
(Hebrews 13:9-13)
In the Temple rituals, from what appears to be the case, the animals were sacrificed, and the bodies of the lambs were carried to one’s tent / tabernacle / or home in Jerusalem. The ashes of the sacrificial blood that was burnt upon the logs of the altar-fire, were removed from the Temple Mount, by assigned Levitical priests. These men were all 25-50 years old. They used cart and ass or cart and donkey, and traveled west from the Temple Court, and then south into and through the lower city. These Levites normally left the walls of Jerusalem by way of the Dung Gate, to burn the bodies of various sacrificial animals (bullocks, turtle doves, etc.) in the Hinom Valley through the rest of the year. They would then take the ashes, and bury them in the wilds of Judea, in the Dead Sea area, stopping through various Dead Sea Communities for this purpose. The vessels carrying the ashes of the blood of the Temple were separate and not to be mixed with the vessels carrying the ashes of the Hinom Valley. Simon the Cyrene was a Temple Levitical Priest, assigned to the vessels of the Hearth of Fire on the Passover, and was en route back to the Temple, when he was kicked about with the knees into submission by the Romans.
In regards to Kohen charge of burning the bodies of the Temple Sacrifice, the Passover lambs were the exception. The heads of every family gathering (pre-divided into groups of 13) would take the Passover home, and then take what was leftover himself into the Kidron to burn those bodies, being about 240,000 lambs incinerated each First Passover in the Hinom Valley. This lent credence to the Scripture of all Israel being called out by GOD to be a nation of priests (Exodus 19:6; 2 Peter 2:9; cf. - Revelation 1:6, 5:10, 20:6). At the Temple, the Kohen priests would burn the logs and the blood of some 230,000 to 240,000 lambs in the great altar cauldron, which measured some 30 feet across. The logs and blood of the Passover sacrifices are representative of the Cross. So, when Simon the Cyrene left the Temple, carting the Temple ashes of wood and blood, he was already carting the Cross. When he returned, he was chosen to fulfill that religious duty literally. And he was a man considered strong and robust by the Romans, being a powerful looking man between age 25 and 50.
Therefore, on the Passover, we must mentally re-adjust our senses. In A.D. 30, there was in the air the smell of burnt mutton, and the smell of blood. This was the incense of Jerusalem and for many miles round about, as the smoke choked the air like a thin fog of smog during Christ’s Passion. It is likely that Christ suffered not only a lack of oxygen from being crucified, and hyper-ventilated because of a large blood loss...but that he was effectively choking on the smoke from the Hinom as well. One of the signs given in the KJV's Acts 2:19's "signs in the Earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke."
The emphasis is that the crucifixion occurs outside the South-southeastern gate, through which the bodies of those sacrificial beasts were cast out and "burned". The only primary location known for this activity at Jerusalem is the Valley of Ge-Hinom, which is transliterated as 'Gehenna' (γεεννα) in the Greek, and as "hell" in the English.
Outer Darkness: the Plateias in Jerusalem
When GOD returns to Jerusalem to save the final Jewish/Israeli remnant on Day 2625,{6} He finds His people thrust into the “outer darkness” of the city (doomed to destruction). To these, He makes a way of escape by creating a Valley through Mount Olivet, and in effect, hiding them in the Cross. From thence, because of His glorious light and presence, all the nations round about at Jerusalem then find themselves as being thrust into the outer darkness, and doomed to destruction.
In grappling with this concept of being “thrust out into the outer darkness”, we may this concept better by looking in an odd place. When the Two Great Witnesses of the Tribulation are killed in the “street” of Sodom and Egypt, in Jerusalem on Day 1286 ½ in Revelation 11:8, John uses the word “Plateia”.
"And their dead bodies (that of the Two Witnesses, shall lie)
in the STREET [Gr. - Plateias] of the great city,
which is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt;
where also our LORD was crucified.” (Revelation 11:8 - re: KJV)
In this passage of Revelation 11:8, we read, the word for "street" in the Greek as being πλατειας: PLATEIAS. To translate it simply as "a street" only, in this passage, is misleading and lost upon the English language reader.
The plateia is "the outer darkness":
a) “the echoing chasm”(outside a city);
b) “it is the fork of two highways;
c) it is that open area of two valleys joining; and,
d) it is also an open area’s corners or exalted points, be it a courtyard or park, that acts as a type of embankment or curve to be merged into.
The outer darkness and plateia are represented by “curves”. Darkness is a curvature of the principle of light. The Hebrew word for “righteousness” involves the concept of a perfectly straight line, rod, or beam. The concept of sin is to be curved, not fit as a straight line, to miss the mark due to a veering off. Plateia incorporates into its concept, not only a veering off, but a “dropping off”: such as an embankment that veers off downward, and becomes a ditch or chasm. This is representative of sin, and its end- result. Jesus tells us if those who are in bondage to sins, lead others suffering from the same bondage to the same types of sins, they shall both fall into destruction -- as though into a ditch.{7}
Here, in the angles, corners, and embankments of the Plateia: Judaizing hypocrites pray openly to be seen of men (Matthew 6:5){8}, even after they have robbed their own parents and spent their inheritances. They behaved as if to attract the giving of alms into their hands under false pretenses.{9} Here, in the angles, corners, and embankments of the Plateia: people eat and drink and some even teach (Luke 13:26); and here, the poor and the maimed and the halt and the blind blend into the crowds (Luke 14:21).
So, by its own definition, the "Plateias" must either be within the city of Jerusalem at some court or open area, -- or it must be in the outer darkness of the city, where at least two “highways” or “valleys” meet. Two, because we need a “way” called “Sodom”, and another called “Egypt”, both intersecting -- as defined by Revelation chapter 11. Since Pompey filled the northern chasm up, and the Jews in Herod’s time built a new city called “Bezetha” upon this filled in place;{10} we must rule that this northern area is completely, geographically, and prophetically, as disqualified.
If you were to observe the location of Judas Iscariot’s last act, you would see that it is precisely in a “gonias plateian”, an embankment in the “outer darkness” of Jerusalem. The “gonias plateian” is an exalted place within the Valley, which could be prominently seen. Judas’ hanging served as an anti-thesis to the crucifixion. The Pharisees saw themselves as the “Sons of Light”, as protectors of the Holy Temple and the Faith. Those without were considered as “the Sons of Darkness” and “the children of Belial”. The Dead Sea Scrolls describe the rift within the Pharisaic sect, not the Essene. In this regard, I believe the Dead Sea Scholars scholars have been wrong from day one. The perspectives of the Dead Sea Scrolls are of rifts of those Pharisees who formerly served within the Temple, as being as highly placed as that of Temple Commanders, but who were unable to effect change -- so as to weed out corruption by the ruling establishment. That ruling establishment appears to be inclusive of the “house of Caiaphas”, a Sadducee Galilean “house” (or family tree) that bought and ruled the Sanhedrin and high priesthood through the power of wealth.
Therefore, we can now more clearly comprehend the actions and motivations of Judas Iscariot, as a loyal Galilean and devotee of a faction within the Sanhedrin. This same Judas was the betrayer of Christ. Judas had conspired with “the Sons of Light” against Jesus (Dead Sea Scrol1 QM 1:1ff; Luke 22:3-6), whose identities are described to us as that of being the Temple Commanders and scribes. But, when Judas realized that he was not in an alliance with “the sons of Light” after all, what did he do? He went out into the outer darkness, where Christ hung and quivered. In the outer darkness of the city -- the freezing body of Messiah was shaking violently upon the cross. Judas gazed in great remorse upon the Cross, and by hanging himself; Judas declared by his action (within the first hour or two of Christ’s Passion) that the “sons of darkness” had taken over the Temple within, and cast the true “Son of Light” without.
Christ hung and quivered in the “outer darkness” on a tract of land called “Golgotha”, on a clear and cold breezy day in March. The night rains had (by this time) fully blown through, and Jesus was hung in the one place where most of the 3,000,000 who gathered in Jerusalem and could gaze upon Him. Christ Himself, with His right eye not beaten shut,{11} would also have been able to gaze upon the disciple of Him, across the Valley, hanging limp and lifeless upon the tree, strangled by a cord on a tree limb that extended over the south Hinom embankment.
Judas would have had to crawl out and then dropped from the end of the limb for maximum viewing effect. He probably did not break his neck initially, but strangled himself in the manner that would have mimicked a Sanhedrinal judgment. As a false witness who caused an innocent’s death, the Temple Tradition was that Judas should have been strangled by two men pulling on a cord about his neck in the presence of the Sanhedrin acting as a Beth Din, following a fair religious trial. The first priests, because of their equal guilt, refused to condemn him or even consider the matter.
Upon the earthquake at 3 pm, when Christ died upon the Cross, the body of Judas (which had now hung for at least 4-5 hours by this time), bounced on the rope until the limb snapped, and fell headlong onto a boulder or such below, where his corpse broke in half, and spilled out all his bowels (Acts 1:16-18).
Picture now an analog clock with its two hands. Place the clock’s hands as revolving from the central point of the Kidron and Hinom juncture. This is your compass. Fix the 12 o’clock as north. Set the hourly hand for 3 o’clock. Set the minute hand for the number 7, so that your clock now reads 3:35. You now have the approximate compass position of Christ and Judas, as of 12 noon on March 23, 30 A.D., just before the whole world became as the confusion of night.12
This aspect of the crucifixion has been lost upon the Christian: that those who gazed upon Christ were offered this alternate spectacle of Iscariot across the Valley; and that Jesus too, would have gazed upon His own dead disciple.
1 The Tribulation period is descriptive of the end of the world, as we know it. It is the end of the period of grace, and the beginning of Daniel 9:24-27’s 70th week of years. Each week of years is defined as 7 actual years upon the earth. When Jesus died upon the Cross, He stopped the Judgment clock, and we entered into a period of grace. That last week of years is determined to bring all sins, from the age of Adam to ours: to a finality, to cut it off and to kill it -- therefore judgment and wrath from GOD. This wrath is upon all those who receive not the atonement of the Cross. Mankind is called to ask GOD that He would pass over their unrighteous acts and rebellion toward Him.
The 70th week of 7 years is collectively called “the Tribulation Period”, but it is actually divided into two halves (Daniel 9:27; 12:11,12). The first half is also referred to as the “Tribulation”, while the second half is the “Great Tribulation” and the “Day of the LORD”. In the first 1290 days, there is still a call to believe and trust Jesus and his work of the Cross, that they might be taken up, and away from judgment in the coming Elijahn rapture. At Day 1291, nuclear war strikes America and Russia, an asteroid strikes the Mediterranean, and over the course of the next 1335 days, the world’s population is decreased to possibly only the hundreds of millions. Our current planet population is somewhere close to 7 billion.
2 The Two witnesses are two famous biblical figures who were raptured or snatched up by GOD, as though through a time portal -- from their times to ours. The primary Biblical candidates are Enoch (Genesis 5:23-24), and Elijah (2 Kings 2:7-8,11). However, Josephus tells us that his Temple copy of the Torah, which was captured in the siege of Jerusalem in A.D. 70, indicates that Moses was indeed also “raptured up into Heaven,” and did not perish. -- The Temple Torah was taken to Rome, and placed in Vespasian’s “Palace of Peace” (Josephus, Wars of the Jews, 7.5.7). From here, in Rome, Josephus had full access to the Imprimis or “first” scroll of all Judaism Torah manuscript copies: that one scroll which was “in the first place” as the Source scroll (Josephus, Antiquities, 3.1.7., and 5.1.17.). From this source, Josephus informs us that Moses was clearly raptured into Heaven, like Jesus, from the presence of Joshua, in the location they were then at (Josephus, Antiquities, 4.8.48.).
This being the case, Enoch would then remain in Heaven as a type of the Heavenly Father. Moses and Elijah would then portal through time, even as seen upon the Mount of Transfiguration Matthew 17:1-5); and act as witnesses as a human type of GOD the Son and GOD the Holy Spirit. Moses the meek, possesses the characteristics of Jesus Christ the Messiah; and Elijah, displays the manners and character of GOD the Holy Spirit to the world for 1,260 days in the end-times.
3 The appearance of the 2 witnesses will be on Day 26 ½ from the circa 3 pm (Jerusalem time) signing of the 7 year Peace treaty which is signed by Israel, the “Palestinians”, representatives of the United Nations, Russia, Greece or Italy, the United States, and the European Union. They will probably show up at about 3 to 5 am that morning, Jerusalem time, upon the Mount of Olives in one of two locations: either the general tract of land where Jesus was crucified, ancient Golgotha; or in or near ancient Gethsemane. I do not believe it likely for them to show up first upon the bare exposed stone amongst the debris of the then “recently demolished Dome of the Rock”, but it is possible.
4 The number two symbolizes: the Two Covenants, Old and New; the Two Churches, Gentile and Jew. The Gentiles or nations of the New, do not and cannot replace the nation of Israel -- they simply join it, as a wild new Olive tree grafted into the great and large ancient one. Nor can the Jew dismiss the nations, as they are invigorated and made alive to an ever greater and greater fruitfulness because of them.
The symbolism of the two Olive trees: in the form of the two witnesses, they represent the Ark of the Covenant’s 2 Witnesses, being Cherubs or Seraphs. That is, those privy to the most holy and inner sanctum of GOD; who are instructed, and who know His will. The Cherubs of Solomon (I Kings 6:23-28) were each 10 cubits or about 17 ½ feet high (according to the more ancient 21 inch cubit, versus the less ancient 18 inch cubit).
5 Moses and Elijah will teleport to every nation upon the Earth (cf. Revelation 11:9-10), and instead of finding receptive audiences, they will be forced to command plagues and devastations upon the peoples they visit. They will have reached a full end of their witness, and ensured the safe in-gathering of all Jews upon the face of the Earth to Israel. Those of the tribes of Israel, who remain among the nations, are swiftly sought out and mercilessly slain. Moses and Elijah will perform miracles that will feed the ingathered nation of Israel, both physically and in the spiritual sense as well.
6 The Tribulation Period is divided into two sets of 3 ½ years. The first 3 ½ years last 1290 days, and the second
3 ½ years last 1335 days beyond, totaling 2625 days from the signing of the Treaty w/ anti-Christ, to the return of the True Messiah. (cf. Daniel 12:11,12)
7 Matthew 15:14. In context: Matthew 15:1-14 informs us that the “Holy Ones”, (the Pharisees), were robbing their parents, and driving them into severe poverty: so that they themselves might selfishly live softly. They considered the mission of protecting the Temple an excuse for starving people so that they may be fat, and well clothed, and live in oversized apartments or houses with fine things. Therefore, this particular sin of the Pharisees is “greed”, the love of money and wealth. Such desires are NOT planted by the Heavenly Father in the heart of the believer (Matthew 15:13). The vow of the Catholic priest to poverty after a fashion, is correct -- though his vow to refrain from marriage, is not. The consequences of soft living through robbery of Temple Treasuries, affected the families of these “Protectors of the Temple Order”, by teaching children the virtue of thievery and self-justification.
8 και οταν προσευχη ουκ εση ωσπερ οι υποκριται
"And/ but when you pray NOT shall (you) be as the hypocrites
οτι φιλουσιν εν ταις συναγωγαις και εν ταις
because they (brotherly) love in the Synagogues and in the
γωνιαις των
Corners (by the High or Prominent Places) of the
Plateian [the wide courts, streets, ways: inclusive of those ways and
valleys which surround city walls]
εστωτες προσευχη οπως αν φανωσι τοις ανθρωποις.
standing up alongside to pray so that may they appear to men.
“And when you pray, expressing your concerns and giving thanks,
you should not be as the actors who pretend brotherly love in the
Synagogues and in the places of prominence: the corners of the
Plateian, standing (up and openly) alongside to pray, so that they
may be seen of men.” (Matthew 6:5, translation mine)
9 Tertullian puts it this way: “Majesty is made a source of gain. Religion goes about the taverns begging” (Tertullian, Apology, .13). The city of Jerusalem was a city of pilgrimages and endless streams of people exercising charity upon the city and its Temple. Where there is an abundance of money, there are often an abundance of beggars.
10 Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, 14.4.1; Wars of the Jews, 5.4.2.
11 Cyprian, Against the Heresy of one Noetus, .18; tells us Christ closed His (one) eye upon the Cross.
After a beating of 400-600 open hand strikes, mainly by right hands against the left side of Messiah’s face, we would expect that whole eye to be bloated and swelled shut -- even hidden. Therefore, from Gabbatha to Golgotha, and until His death, Jesus was only able to see out of His right eye. This vision would also have often been blurred by sweat, blood, and agitation to the optic nerve from all the head trauma He suffered. However, there would have been moments of visual clarity. It was in these moments, whether several minutes at a time or more, that Jesus would have looked over the Valley, and seen Judas’ alternate spectacle / public apology. Satan probably spurred Judas into the act as a purposeful mockery, but the seriousness of the event was never used against Christ or his followers in that way.
12 Genesis 1:2 reads:
“And the Earth was then in a state of existence that no longer exists,
being an empty and barren place of nothingness, desolate, and without any life whatsoever; and the face immediately above the deep was darkness.” (Translation mine)
The Hebrew tells us that “In the Beginning…” the Earth had light upon its face, but not upon its depths. The earth was glowing, but not like a ball of magma. It was created as fully formed, as soft and hot. The word for the deep in Genesis 1:2 is tohum, i.e. “tohu”. While Job, 6:18 describes “tohu” as “a wasteland,” Job 26:7 uses “tohu” as the “dark vast and empty nothingness” upon which the Earth hangs. Tohu has a relationship with the Hebraic “hoshek”, which is “that darkness which is void of all light, promoting a predisposition to insanity and through chaos and the lack of orderliness.”
In the Greek New Testament, “hoshek”, in translation, is used to describe the literal blindness of men, as well as the spiritual. Genesis 1:5 informs us, that “GOD proclaimed the Light (as) Day, and the Darkness He labeled as Night.” The “Hoshek” [He-Shin-Kaf] He labeled as “the adversity (and the heartsick misery of falsehood)”, which a description of the sin nature. That is, before even the creation of the sun and the moon, there was a Day and there was a Night, and “the plan of Salvation”. Day and night created at the first, however, were in a state that no longer exists, nor can be comprehended at this present time. Psalm 104:2,5-6, suggests that the Earth in Genesis 1:2 was covered in light like as with a cloak of the shekinah clouds of GOD’s presence (2 Chronicles 5:13-14). Therefore, GOD covered “adversity (and the heartsick misery of falsehood)”, i.e. the sin nature that was to come, with the cloud of His glorious presence. Here, showing us that in the ages to come, that which is of earth would sin, and He would have to become its covering. This predicts the coming of the Cross from the foundation of the world.
The very word for “evening”, ereb / erev, has some 16 differing definitions to its usage. The rabbis themselves call this word “disorderly” and “chaotic”. Three of the more interesting definitions of “ereb” are:
1) as being a physical impurity;
2) as being swarms or dark clouds of flying insects;
3) as being that worldly pleasure and contentment that is derived from the hustle and bustle of trading and bartering, of purchasing and selling, of intermingling in the marketplace.
All of these are represented by the word “Egypt” in the Bible. But the more interesting aspect is its Gematriac association with Arab, which most appropriately describes the modern sons of Esau: which means “to ambush”, or “to lie in wait” as the crouching lion of sin. The word picture that is brought to mind, is that crouching lion of Cain’s anger and resentment that was ready to pounce Cain in Genesis 4:7.
In Gematria, the letter Ayin ע is interchangeable with the letter Alef א: spelling it now as [Alef-Rosh-Beth]. Rearranged, in the Gematriac analysis, Ereb now becomes Abur [Alef-Beth-Rosh]: “he who infuriates himself by crossing over from simply having wrongful thoughts, to the doing and carrying out wrongful words and acts.” Rearranged, this activity is Baar [Beth-Alef-Rosh]: “destined to be kindled and consumed by fire,” or as the “consummation of foods eaten by cattle” and cast out as dung piles. Therefore, from even before Adam’s creation, the destiny of Adam and his descendants, from Beginning to End, was foreseen and foreknown by the Almighty: from Adam’s rebellion, to YHVeH’s personal sacrifice, to the Lake of Fire and Judgment. And for man to choose “destruction over salvation”, “darkness over light”, is confusion and rebellion of the greatest disorder indeed.
Welcome! Jesus Christ is my LORD and Savior! Romans 10:9-10,13; John 3:16
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In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ 2025
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