"And in that Day, it will be that the mountains
will rain down YHVeH's Spirit,
as though flowing down forth an intoxicating New Wine;
and the hills will gush forth and flow with fatness;
and all the deep channels of Judah shall flow with Living Waters;
and an overflowing river shall pour forth as a artesian well-spring
from out of the House of YHVeH,
and a refreshing and watering it shall give as it fills (even)
the Valley of the Pierced Tree."
(Joel 3:18, fully amplified from Hebrew, my translation)
It was while reading this prophecy that led me on the inquisitive search for what the Bible truly teaches about the location of the Cross. At the same time that the Living Waters gush forth from the Throne of YHVeH Messiah in the Temple, the mountains will be thick with the Shekinah Mist of YHVeH Spirit. The hills of Jerusalem will be “a very air of intoxication, and a refreshing - restorative one at that.” I was particularly struck by the phrase, "Valley of Shittim", which in the English, is translated as: "the Valley of the Pierced Wood" or "the Valley of the Pierced Tree.” The pierced wood or tree is a direct - inference to the Cross upon which Messiah was crucified.{1}
When the Ark of the Covenant was made, it was constructed of Shittah or Acacia wood. The Hebrew word “Aron”, for “ark”, is used both of the Ark of the Covenant (which carried the 10 Commandments tablets and manna - e.g., Joshua 4:7), and of Joseph’s coffin (Genesis 50:26). To some, the wood itself is a dead thing bearing about dead things; while to others, it is merely symbolic and a direct spiritual connection to eternal life. The one mindful of “dead things,” has his mind on the direct concept of materialism. The other -- correctly ascertains the spiritual connection and representation: (his mind in the heavenlies, while his hands and feet pragmatically operates in the sphere of the earthly).
I believe that the vertical beam of the Cross, to which Messiah’s feet were nailed with stakes, was made of the cedars of Lebanon. The Crossbeam, to which the bends of Messiah’s wrists were pierced, I believe to have been made out of Acacia. However, this is only an unproven theory on my part. If the Cross were made of one sole wood, as “Shittim” implies, it probably refers only to Acacia. Even as there were two tablets of the Law of Moses in the 10 Commandments, so too, is this Acacia wood representative of the two hands of YHVeH Messiah: the one who spoke those Commandments to Moses.
When the Escape-goat of Yom Kippur was tied in the wilderness to receive the sins of Israel, it was tied to the Shittim, also known to us as the Acacia; its head wrapped about with a crown of scarlet wool, and having been jabbed and spit upon (cf. Epistle of Barnabus 7.6 ff.). The shrub thought to have shared the characteristics of the matron, Rachel. At the first, this seems a harsh assessment. Acacia can grow as either a shrub or a tree. It yields a non-tart edible food that is much like the pea pods. Some Acacia bark can even be chewed like gum. In the desert, nomads in need of water, have been known to cut up the roots of the Acacia about 4 to 5 feet from the stump, and chop up 2 to 3 foot sections.{2} The water is then poured out into a water skin or it is sucked out of the root. On some occasions, a clop of dirt is inserted into one end of the root. It is then used as a temporary canteen (for that day), and carried over short distances. Therefore, when Rachel is thought of, she is remembered for as the matron of shepherds, who gave Jacob/Israel the strength to roll away the stone, and grant the sheep a stream of overflowing life-giving waters (Genesis 20:6-9, cf. vv.20, 17).{3} This is an allegory of Messiah: Jacob representing Christ at the resurrection, and the children of Israel and those believers from the nations, are symbolized by the sheep.
In Exodus 25:10, and again in chapters 36 and 37, we find that GOD turns the Shittim wood into His dwelling place. Just like this example, Christians point to the power of YHVeH at the Cross, -- as though it were also GOD's dwelling place, captured in Time -- but reaching into every nanosecond of all time, to the forevers of eternity. The Acacia teaches us that, like the waters of the root, our life is hid in Christ (Colossians 3:3). When YHVeH Messiah died upon the Cross, the body of our sins -- from our conception to our deaths -- warped through time, to the Cross. Those who believe into Him, their sins entered into Christ Jesus, into His innermost being, and our second death was destroyed, in the all-consuming fire of who He really is (Hebrew 12:29, 1:3), being the same essence and inner substance as the Father. Our sins were not buried in the tomb with Christ, they were consumed -- once and for all -- in Him, at the Cross. At the moment He cried out, “My GOD, My GOD, why hast thou forsaken Me?” (Matthew 27:46){4} -- sin was paid for and consumed, “once (and for all time)” (Hebrews 10:10).
To those of Heaven, beholding, the visage would have probably appeared to the angels (of the next dimension) as miraculous as was the Creation (Job 38:4-7). The Cross would have looked as though it were on fire throughout, with black billowing smoke; a vacuuming effect of shadows and multitudes of human spirits throughout the ages, from Adam to the end of human procreation would have been witnessed as being absorbed into Christ’s chest, into His innermost being, with every sin - vice - and uncleanness burned up within. All this would have been as though it was an alternate reality or dimension, and yet it was not. All sin, for all time -- was consumed within Christ, as if He were the altar of the hearth of fire.
The Great Tree of Shechem, the prophesied Cross
“And Abram passed through the land unto the place of Shechem
of the plain of Moreh…And YHVeH appeared unto Abram, and said,
‘Unto your seed will I give this Land.’
And there, he built an altar unto YHVeH, who appeared unto him.” (Genesis 12:6-7)
As stated earlier above, I believe the vertical beam of the Cross to have been made of Lebanese Cedar wood.
The prophecy of the Cross is also found in Israel’s relationship to the Great Tree of Shechem, from the time of Abram in 1981 B.C., until the death of Absalom in circa 1040 B.C. In Genesis 12:6-7, YHVeH appears to Abram at Shechem (“the shoulder”), in the plain of Moreh (“the Teacher”), while in the presence of this great oak or terebinth tree. It is quite probable that this tree was now about 367 years old, dating back to the receding of the floods of Noah. Either Josephus places an equally old tree at Hebron, or he mis-locates his recollection of this tree. In either case, Josephus cites that a tree, said to have existed since the Flood (that is, the Creation of the world as they knew it) still existed in his day (Josephus, Wars of the Jews, 4.9.7)
The Great tree itself was representative of the very Name of GOD, of EL. EL comes from the Hebraic root word of “ool”, which word picture is best described as “the base of a great tree, which fibers are wrapped and rolled and twisted together in such power, that even the sharpest axe fails against it.”
Ezekiel 31:8-9 lists three types of trees that were in Eden: the cedar, the fir or “pine” tree, and the chestnut. The Great Tree was not a chestnut, whose bark annually peels off. The Great Tree was not a “pine tree”, which sheds its needles and leaks sap, to defile an encampment with “litter”. The Great Tree was a cedar, whose wood was used in the Temple and by the Kohenim at the altar hearth of fire. Called erez ארז in the Hebrew, this wood in Israel and Lebanon often has a red tone, and is pleasantly odorous. It is ideal for beams and paneling, like Sequoia redwood, and such ERe(T)Z was found in Solomon’s great house (I Kings 7:2 ff.), because it is frequently free from knots and defects, and is a natural repellent to bugs and pests.{5}
In Genesis 33:18-20, Abram grandson Jacob returns to this tree, and purchases his inheritance for 100 pieces of money. Here, at the Great Tree, Jacob erects an earthen altar and calls this place: “El Elohe Israel”, translated as, “El, the GOD of Israel.” To what was this tribute made? To the ancient tree, which symbolized EL, the GOD of Israel, and His coming Cross. And when Jacob fled his Father-in-law Laban, and hid the idols of his household, to where did he run and bury them? He ran to this tree, symbolizing the coming cross. It was here that Jacob hid his sins, received forgiveness of sins from GOD, and then went forth in victory as a terror to all the enemies of GOD (Genesis 35:5). Therefore all the sons of Jacob, he who is called Israel, are called out to follow after the example of their father, and be born again -- believing into Christ, YHVeH Messiah, and His atoning work at the Cross.
In 1471 B.C., just before the death of Joshua, we read how that the descendents of Abram did gather under the Great Tree, erecting the Tent of Meeting, and placing the Great Tree within the very Sanctuary of YHVeH (Joshua 24:19-28). The Tree represents Messiah on the Cross. And making a Covenant with YHVeH, the children of Israel brought forth a Great Stone, rounded without instrument, and raised it up, erecting it in the shadow of the Great Tree, which was now some 877 years old. In the presence of the Cross, they took a stone, symbolizing death; and raised it up, symbolizing the resurrection.
Stone in Hebrew is spelled Alef-Beth-Nun. Separate Alef, which letter represents the Name of GOD, and you will read Alef-BeN, or “GOD’s Son”. Again, the Cross, as represented by the Great Tree, was central to a restored and right relationship between Israel and GOD.
In Judges 9:37, we find this Great Tree again; but now, having the power of divination granted unto it, and being called “the Tree of Prophecy.” The word “Moreh”, on which plain this tree was located, being spelled backwards as “Haram”, means “sacred”. Haram is defined as the surrendering and giving of devoted service to GOD, or the giving up of something profane to its ruin or destruction. The mount on which this Great Tree rested was called “Ephraim” (doubly fruitful). But rearranged, we see that like Jesus, this Great Tree was one of offence, for Shechem can be rearranged to spell “Makesh” in Hebrew, which means a place of stumbling or falling. This is how we last know of the Great Tree, sometime around 1040 B.C., Absalom, the son of David, passed under this tree on his war mule, while in fighting his father’s armies in his rebellion. This 1308-year-old tree, blown upon by the Spirit of YHVeH, reached down and grabbed Absalom up by his hair, and crucified him by his head, suspending Absalom helpless in its branches by the hair between heaven and earth. David’s general, Joab, then took 3 arrows and pierced the Son of David through the heart (2 Samuel 18:9-15). In the process, thus likening Absalom to Christ: who for the sins of Adam, was pierced through the heart with the arrows of 3 sins (the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life) in our place, upon the Cross.
Thought upon GOD’s love to us through the Cross:
“And let it not be, that I should glory, save in the Cross of our LORD Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.”
(Galatians 6:14)
Into the Cross for Salvation: Then, now, and in the coming Great Tribulation Period
When the nation of Israel sinned against GOD, they sinned also at and through Shittim (Numbers 25:1) because of their unbelief. But when then believed, Shittim became to them the route through which they attained access into the Promised Land (Joshua 2:1, 3:1). The pierced tree and the acacia “bush” are synonymous. These are for us to know that we are to find Salvation and eternal life through the Cross. Even as the Church is to now find its root in Israel, so Israel is to find its root is also to be as the Acacia, that is -- it is to be rooted in YHVeH Messiah, hid in Christ, even as the waters are hid in the Acacia’s root. We find this confirmation, not by looking up, but by looking down.
In Micah 6:5, we read that Balaam's first prophecy against the children of Israel occurs at Shittim (“the pierced tree” or “acacia”), to which he said,
"Come, curse me, Jacob. Come, defy (me) Israel.
How shall I curse (whom) GOD hath not cursed?
or how shall I defy (whom) the LORD hath not defied?
From the tops of the rocks, I see Him, and from the hills, I behold Him.{6}
Lo, the people shall dwell alone, and shall not be reckoned among the nations.
Who can count the dust of Jacob, and the number of the fourth of Israel.
Let me die the death of the Righteous, and let my last end be like his.”
(Numbers 23:7-10 - KJV)
In the emboldened above, I wish to show that the LORD is the focus of a dual prophetic application here. The immediate application is indeed, seeing in that present time, the nation of Israel, the descendants Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. But remember, YHVeH is speaking in a prophetical parable through Balaam (Numbers 23:5,7); and we are supposed to be missing the point, because it is a parable spoken too plainly in the plain sense. The underlined emboldened speaks of the LORD, who shall be beheld from the tops of the rocks, looking downward; and from the hills, looking downward. He is not set high in terms of elevation, exalted from the top-most rock. Rather, he is only slightly elevated, looked up to a little, but largely Messiah is crucified in a low place. He is to be beheld in a form of humility (as it were), by those upon the hills looking down upon Him. The Hills represent Jerusalem, and He has descended into the Valley of Jerusalem's Hills. In other words, into Joel's prophecy, the Valley of the Pierced Tree, the Valley in which YHVeH Messiah was crucified.
As the Paschal Lamb of GOD, He fulfills the prophecy of Micah, which says,
“As a Shepherd, feed and nourish your people with the rod and scepter
of your tribe, as the firstborn flock of your possession and
successive heritage, who dwell and tabernacle as alone and as
isolated as a planted vineyard in an open field in the thick of a forest.
As a Shepherd, feed and nourish them in Bashan [the place of spears]
and Gilead [the heaping mounds] as in the ancient times.”
(Micah 7:14, translation mine).
As the people look upon Christ, they find a spiritual food from His flesh and blood, which is to the salvation of their souls. While their bodies remain stationary, to them that believe into Him - their souls are saved and hidden away, as in a secret vineyard in the thick of a forest. The forest is representative of the wood of the Cross. It is the means and the method by which we are “teleported” instantaneously, and beyond interference, away to a place of rest in Him. We become as the firstborn lambs of the flock that are dedicated to the LORD, set aside as His possession. We become as firstborn children, set aside for the LORD’s heritage, as children in the loving and caring family of YHVeH.
Living Waters and YHVeH’s Love: through the Cross
In the Valley of Shittim, the Valley of the Kidron, there flows a spring of "living waters" (an artesian well) of importance to Joel's prophecy. The well is called Siloam in the Greek, but Siloach in the Hebrew. It is this well-spring that GOD Himself will replace with living waters that pour from out of His heart, through the left side of His belly, from His throne, to fill this Valley in the Kingdom Times of our LORD -- times yet to come (Ezekiel 47:1ff; John 7:37-38; Revelation 22:1-2).
And strangely enough, when we look at the whipped body of Christ through the rabbinic teachings of Gematria, we see “GOD’s Love”. For 26 lashes to the back is the same numerical values as YHVeH (or ‘JeHoVaH’ or ‘LORD’), being 10 + 5 + 6 +5; while 13 lashes to the breast is the same numerical value as AHaVaH (or ‘LOVE’), being 1 + 5 + 2 + 5. Therefore becoming symbolically, the 39 lashes upon Christ’s body was “The Love of YHVeH,” or “YHVeH’s Love;” (this being a free translation). So now we see that in Scripture, even the whippings have deep meaning and great significance for us: being the physical demonstration of GOD’s Love (for us).
For as it is written,
“For GOD so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever that believes into Him should not perish, but have eternal life.” (John 3:16 - KJV)
Each hand and arm of Jesus represents branches to Him, our true Vine: one arm to carry the nations (or we Gentiles); and one arm to carry the Jews. Or we may counteract the Mormon position, and say that with one arm He upholds the Angels, and with one arm He carries mankind. The one group He prevents more from having fallen away; while the other, He wholly redeems. We are therefore called to be assembled -- joined together by Christ our head, -- even as there is one GOD, who is above all, in us all, and through us all”. (Irenaeus, Against Heresies 5.17.3; Ignatius, Epistle to the Trallians, .11) And all this happens through the Cross!
1 The likeness of entering this Valley (at Jerusalem by Messiah) is seen in the historical anamnesis in the Book of Judges. In Judges 7:22, when the Midianites were defeated by Gideon and the 300, the survivors fled to the “House of Acacia” or “Beth Shittah”, in the East. This location is in the Jordan Valley, near where John the Baptist first baptized by the Yarmuk and Jordan River juncture, before moving southward to Beth Bara. The Ephraimites were called upon by Gideon to enter Beth Bara, and did so. The house of Acacia represents the “ark” and the “cross”. The Ephraimites represent all the race of Israel beside that of Judah, who will be cast into Israel in the last days by a world wide anti-Semitism that is sparked by the nuclear flattening of Damascus, Syria (Isaiah 17:1). They come to faith through sack cloth and ashes, like John the Baptist, at Beth Bara, and are reborn into a New Israel in the Great Tribulation: in those last 3 ½ years before Christ’s return.
2 Air Force Manual 64-3, “Survival - Training Edition, U.S. Air Force” 15 August 1969; p. A1-37
3 In its first mention in Exodus 25:5, Shittim / Acacia wood appears between ram (and other) skins, and oil. When our First Father Adam sinned in the Garden of Eden, He and our First Mother were clothed by GOD in the coats of skins as a covering for sin (Genesis 3:21). The oil that follows the Shittim wood, is oil for lighting (Exodus 25:6). John 1:4 tells us that in Christ was life, and this life was the LIGHT of men.
And as we read the order of things in the Torah here in Exodus 25:3-8, we see the order of all things. In Exodus 25 verse 3, we see that first GOD created His Sanctuary, which we call Heaven, by the representation of gold, silver, and brass. Then we see in Exodus 25 verse 4 that GOD created the angels, the cherubim, and man - through the colors blue, purple, and scarlet, and that man was the last of these, yet destined as the centerpiece, being like unto both angels and cherubim in one form. We then see in Exodus 25 verse 5 that the atonements, which precede the Shittim Wood, which wood, represent the Cross. The Cross then leads to the restoration of man in Exodus 25 verse 6, for the light of eternal life and the anointing of man occurs. The incense, which represents prayer, shows an intimate restoration of communication between man and GOD. In Exodus 25 verse 7, we see how that GOD destines man to be as a priesthood unto Him; and in verse, that this plan is for all eternity, even as GOD is eternal, and is the GOD of the living (for all live unto Him that are His).
4 There is a testimonial found in this quote of Psalm 22:1, that is revealed in the decipherment of Atbash. At bash is the inverting code of the Hebraic alphabet. The first letter and last letter switch places, the second and the second to last letter switch places, and so on. Along with Gematria, this practice also dates back to at least the Babylonian exile. Unlike Gematria, it is less understood, and more tedious. Psalm 22:1 is an Atbash code of 5 sets of trinity, as a testimony of the ordeal of the Cross and Israel’s crucified Messiah.
Translated: “The people cut and oppress, the people cut and oppress;
Righteousness is branded and scarred,
Piety and Truth has been sweated out.
(Let it now) contract, and come to a close.”
5 Cedars are already known in Israel and Lebanon to exceed 40 feet at their base circumference, and 100-120 feet in height (cf. Harris, Theological Word book, p. 70; Tenney, Merrill C., Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1963, 1964 edition, p.662); in order to stand out, the Great Tree of Shechem would have had to dwarf such trees altogether. It would have been a gargantuan type of tree never before seen, whose sheer size promoted awe and worship: perhaps to the effect of branches stretching out 195 feet from side to side; 225 feet in height; and a girth of 70 feet. But this is only personal speculation. I might yet be underestimating its sheer original size.
6 In his exposition of Genesis 15:5, Rashi explains how that GOD took Abram outside, and gave him the vision of being able to “look down” from above. In effect, even before the ram in the thicket (Genesis 22:13), Abram was able to see Messiah’s Day and be glad (cf. John 8:56 with Genesis 15:4,6). Cf. Doron, “Rashi’s Commentary”, p.31.
Welcome! Jesus Christ is my LORD and Savior! Romans 10:9-10,13; John 3:16
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In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ 2025
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