Old Testament Confirmation in Teman and Toemnin
In the Hebrew of Habakkuk, the significant word that deserves our focused attention is “Teman”, which denotes “south and to the east.” That is, to the same general location of the Kidron as what we have already looked to -- in relation to the Great Two Witnesses and the True Messiah of Israel, YHVeH Messiah Jesus Christ. In the King James Version of Habakkuk 3:3, we read,
“GOD came from Teman,
and the Holy One from Mount Paran. Selah.”
Teman is that which lays to the south of one’s Right Hand. It is likened to a servant who follows at his master’s right hand, but three steps behind. In geography, Teman is in Edom, to the south and to the right hand of Jerusalem, as one faces north: on the eastern bank of the Dead Sea (Jeremiah 49:7,20; Amos 1:12). Obadiah 9 calls Teman “Mount Esau”, “the hill of the firstborn son”.{1} Mount Esau is the location of the hidden city of Petra (“Petra” means the “Rock”, a Messianic identifier).
In Yiddish Food, according to the respectable work of John Cooper, we find that the Ashkenazi dish of Toemnin derives its name from Teman.{2} The Sabbath dish is “covered and hidden,” it is “concealed” for more than an entire day. It undergoes a period of “sleep”, of “rest”. It is “a dish of life” to some, a dish despised “as death itself” to others. The location of the Cross and the tomb of Resurrection, is to us, Toemnin: “it is hidden and concealed” by the ravages of wars --and the ravages of time -- upon the landscape of Jerusalem.
Paran, which accompanies Teman in Habakkuk, deals with the “revealing” of that which is “Teman” or “Toemnin” -- a revealing of that which is covered, having been hidden and concealed. Like the book of Revelation’s title, “Paran” is the “pulling back of a covering” to show what lies within. It is a revelation of that which was covered until now, that which was once hidden and concealed; but now, light having shone forth upon it, so that it is no longer in the state of darkness. Even as YHVeH Messiah taught,
“For not -- is a thing hidden (without a purpose),
which if (were)not (hidden), it may be revealed;
nor came it (first) into being (as) covered,
that it might come into the Light (and be not as a thing still hidden).”
(Mark 4:22 - translation mine)
Again, note the contrast of these two words, of being “hidden” and “revealed” in relation to Messiah’s ministry at the Cross.
‘To the South of one’s right hand’ -- Teman; Crucified (dark)
‘Covered’ -- Toemnin; Dead & Buried (dark)
‘ Revealed’ / ‘Revelation’ -- Paran. Resurrected (light)
Even as the covered Sabbath casserole dish must rest over a very low flame for more than a day, stewing in its own juices to be the tastiest: so too, should this mystery “come to light”, after having stewed for two days -- being two millennia (Psalm 90:4, 2 Peter 3:8), to be the most appreciated. Toemnin is as an allegory of being as a Sabbath food for those -- in these last days -- who would partake of a Sabbath Rest in the work of YHVeH Messiah: whom we know as Jesus the Christ. Amen. For it was on the High Sabbath of the Passover that Christ was crucified; and like the Sabbath casserole, He was hidden and concealed, as though under a lid. He was covered with a great stone in a tomb. The location was Teman -- “south and to the right” (of the Temple of Jerusalem).
Therefore, even as the early Church fathers might say,
"…Salvation is become a physical reality, and the Apostles are (shown to have been) filled with a form of completed knowledge or understanding, and the Passover of YHVeH advances…"
(The Epistle [of Mathetes] to Diognetus, .12 - translation mine)
GOD comes forth from the South and to the right to conquer
The word “Paran” tells us that Messiah, who was dead and buried, and covered up, is alive to be revealed unto all. GOD is not GOD of the dead, but of the living, energetic, and bright shining ones (cf. Matthew 22:31-32).
Unlike their modern day descendants, the people of ancient Israel were cognizant of their Scriptures beyond the five scrolls of the Torah. In the 1st Century A.D., there appears to have been one perspective in which GOD would come down in power from above, after the manner of “Paran”.{3} GOD would then, by means of a great and powerfully shining revelation, roll back the heavens and reality, as if He were rolling up a great Cosmic scroll. In doing so, GOD would then rid Israel of their enemies before the establishment of His Kingdom. But watch which direction He comes from.
"And YHVeH shall be seen over them,
and His arrow shall go forth as the lightning,
and YHVeH GOD shall blow the trumpet,
and shall go with the whirlwinds of the South." (Zechariah 9:14)
"YHVeH came from Sinai, [Mt. Sinai - from south and east of Jerusalem]
and rose up from Seir unto them;
He shined forth from mount Paran, [a revealing light from the south & east]
and He came from the myriads of the holy ones at the Right Hand
as His fiery hillsides (Heb. - asheda) went out to meet them."
(Deuteronomy 33:2)
In the Scriptures, noteworthy scholars inform us that the Hebraic singular ashed [spelled Alef-Shin-Dalet] (ravine, valley slope) is used only in Numbers 21:15. Its plural 'ashedot' or 'ashdot' is used specifically for the Jordanian River and its regions, including those near and around Mount Pisgah (Deuteronomy 3:17,4:49; Joshua 10:40, 12:8).{4} Clearly, there is a connection for us to look south and east of the Temple. Thus, from the Right Hand (East) and from or with the whirlwinds of the South, GOD comes down and forth, as the valleys and ravines lift up to meet His Coming.{5} GOD descends on Mt. Sinai in Arabia,{6} travels north, then northwest or westward toward Jerusalem. At such a time, GOD will reward the faithful who did not faint, and thrust out into the outer darkness the unfaithful (Zechariah 2:5).{7} All the while, reaffirming that it is in this direction, from the Temple, in which we ought to be looking.
Ezekiel’s vision of the coming Cross in this location
“And the glory of YHVeH went up in the midst of the city,
and stood (as though erected or propped up)
upon the mountain eastward of the city.” (Ezekiel 11:23)
In the Hebrew of the above verse, the Hebrew for “went up” is VeYaAhL (Vav-Yod-Ayin-Lamed), “alah” in the Qal imperfect. Comparison of “alah” in the phonetic should also be made (Alef-Lamed-He and Ayin-Lamed-He). In the Tanakh (Old Testament), alah is often translated as “that which is brought up”, and as “that which is offered up”.{8} The idea conveyed here, is not just that which merely “ascends” or “goes up from”; but “that which is being led away from.” It is a word picture prophesying of Christ being led away to the crucifixion.
The Greek equivalent is “ago’, from which root word “angel” is derived. It is a picking up, of carrying away, and of coming, going, or leading away. That “leading away” in “Alah” is the same experience that Jesus (called Yeshua in the Hebrew) experienced personally, in fulfillment of this prophecy, when He was led away from the midst of the city, from Gabbatha. At Gabbatha, within the walls of Jerusalem at “the Pavement”,{9} Jesus was judged and whipped, and dispatched. The Cross passed from here, through the Siloam Gate, and out to that mount “eastward of the city” (Ezekiel 11:23).
This verse is so important in prophecy, that in Ezekiel 43:1-7, we see how that Tawech (Tav-Vav-Kaf] is reinforced so that it clearly defines how that the entire Temple Mount area, including that which would later become known as “Gabbatha”. Again, “Gabbatha” was that “midst of the city” from which “the Glory of YHVeH” was “led away from.” Tawech is a derivative from a Hebrew root word that means, “to sever”. And, indeed, “after 62 weeks…Messiah the Prince…(was) cut off [severed], but not for Himself”(Daniel 9:23). So, even in Ezekiel, we have a prophecy signifying the manner in which Messiah must die consistent with that of Jesus Christ: as being led away (and rejected out of Jerusalem), then lifted up and killed (in a propped up manner such as a crucifixion).
The glory of GOD points us: EASTWARD.
When the glory of YHVeH “stood” upon the mountain, eastward of the city, the word used here for “stood” in the Hebrew is VaYAMaD (Vav-Yod-Ayin-Mem-Dalet). This word not only means “to stand”, but is also inclusive of “that which is propped up” or “erected”, such as the Cross. Even as the Cross was erected and stood up, being propped by means of a rope and pulley system, so too, does the prophecy point to a “suspension” or SeLaH of GOD’s Glory to the East of the Temple, and in relationship to the Siloam Gate.
In getting to this location, we find that the Kidron torrent river was flowing in John 18:2.
Twice, on the night prior to the Crucifixion, Christ and others crossed this flowing (flash flood runoff) river. That means: that there were at least two wooded bridges that specifically crossed the Kidron from Mt. Moriah to Mt. Olivet in Jerusalem in A.D. 30:
1) in the northeast area by the Temple spanning Olivet to Moriah; and
2) one to the south, spanning Olivet to the Lower city near the Gate of Siloam.
This latter point requires a road leading north on the westward side of Olivet from En Rogel to this bridge. Christ, upon being cast out of Jerusalem, was denied access of the lower city bridge, and had to wade through its frigid running torrent. This is informed us in prophecy found in 2 Kings 6:6. In this, we are shown that both Simon (now bearing up the Cross) and Christ (whom Simon bore up the Cross for) had to cross this stream of the Kidron. {10}
Only one “river” in Jerusalem is ever mentioned concerning the Passover. That torrent-flood runoff stream is Easterly from the Temple: the Kidron. In 2 Kings 23:13, the Mount of Olives is viewed in the context of a northern and southern mount, or a double peaked mount, as it were. Modern geographers will designate this Mount of Olives with 4 peaks. The southern aspect of this mount is known as Lehar HaMaschiyith , the “hill of destruction” or the “destroying mountain”.
While some uses of Maschiyith mean “to pull down” (e.g. Genesis 13:10, and Ezekiel 26:4); it is also translated as “to wound” in Exodus 21:26. Both of these carry Messianic implications: “the pulling down of strongholds” via the Cross, to which Paul alludes to in 2 Corinthians 10:4; and being “wounded for our transgressions” in Isaiah 53:5. Even the bruising of the head, while having His heel bruised in turn, in Genesis 3:15, can be experienced through the Cross in prophecy and Gematria at this location.
The tomb of “the rich man” is in this general location, at the westward base of this 4th peak of Mt. Olivet; for in relation to the Tomb, we see the prophecy of Isaiah, which states:
“[GOD] Who raised the Righteous (One) from the East,
called Him to His foot.” (Isaiah 41:2a)
That is “resurrected the Righteous One from the Eastern hill of Olivet”, and from this direction, GOD the Father “called Him up in the clouds to Heaven” -- Acts 1:9,11.
We are given an overwhelming amount of internal Biblical Evidence that places the Cross and the Tomb in this location South and East of the Temple. So why has this information been ignored, and why hasn’t this area been excavated as of yet? Because, as Paul points out, even when that which is known of GOD is made clear and apparent, men will prefer to hold an alternate version or slant upon the truth, to follow after the lusts of the vanity of their imaginations -- that they may be void of GOD in them (cf. Romans 1:18-23). And as Messiah puts it, “men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil”(John 3:19 - KJV).
1 As indicated in Obadiah 9, Edom (the desert lands of southern Jordan, South of the River Arnon and EAST of the Dead Sea, is the place of origin for the modern Arab Palestinian; showing their claim upon Israel’s land is fraudulent. For further study and documentation, read the eminent Joan Peters in her book, Peters, Joan “From Time Immemorial”, © 1984 Harper & Row, published of late by JKAP in Chicago 2002. Joan Peters is a thorough researcher / author, in regards to Mid-East/Israeli affairs.
2 Cooper, John “Eat & Be Satisfied”, Northvale, N.J.: Aronson, © 1993 This entire section was inspired by the insight of Toemnin/Teman as a covered Sabbath dish.
3 In the First Century A.D., just like today, there was an expectancy of GOD's Spirit to mysteriously fall from the heavens and light upon the faithful in the same miraculous and eventful manner that in those times of antiquity GOD fell or came down upon His prophets and judges to deliver the people of GOD from their oppressors. This notion they gathered from passages and commentaries such as that which might have been gathered about Zechariah 12:8, which reads:
"And in that Day: YHVeH shall protect the inhabitants around Jerusalem;
And it will be that he who is feeble among them in that Day (shall be) like David:
and the House of David (shall be) like GOD, like the ANGEL of YHVeH before them."
(cf. The Hebrew - Greek - English Interlinear Bible (Literal translation), Green, Jay P., sr. (Editor), Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson Publishers, second edition 1986.)
This led to the populist idea among the zealots, such as Judas Iscariot, that when the Kingdom of GOD came with Messiah, the feeble would receive vigor and rejuvenation to be as mighty David in his peak years. In that time, the House of Israel would take pre-eminence among the nations, and dwell as if they were gods. The Greek uses “theoi”, which Herodotus the Greek historian translates as “the disposers” (Herodotus, Histories, 2.52). In other words, the rabbis taught that the destiny of the Jews was to be the masters of this world. Being supermen, meant being GOD-empowered, and that power then being used to subject even GOD’s Kingdom to the human, but Jewish, whim.
In effect, World War II and German National Socialism was GOD’s object lesson to the Jews. This was because, in an attempt to name and claim by "faith", the leaders of the Jews at Jerusalem, those of the Sanhedrin (the ancient governing religious body politic of the Jews) called themselves "NASI" or "princes". It was for a warning upon the modern descendant of Jacob that GOD allowed an enemy to rise up and be “princes” and “rulers” called Nasi, though spelled n- a-"Z"-i. However, the eyes and ears were again shut to the obvious warning from GOD in not straying after the sins of these ancestors who are denounced in a manner like Korah, Datham, Abiram, and the prophet Balaam are in the Scriptures.
4 Harris, “The Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament”, p.176
5 Isaiah 40:3-5
6 Galatians 4:25 clearly identifies Mt. Sinai as being in Arabia.
7 There will be Hebrew bodies piled high in Jerusalem’s Kidron and Hinom Valleys by the many tens of thousands, as every last Jew on earth (at that time) fights for their existence. These will also be piled as high as the horses bridle (cf. Zechariah 12:11; Revelation 14:20, 16:16). The return of Messiah, that there be flesh saved, regards His mission to the Jews, not the nations (Matthew 24:22, cf. vv. 16-22 in context; and Mark 13:20, cf. vv. 13-20 in context). The city of Jerusalem is besieged by the armies of anti-Christ in one-third, being westerly; and by the armies of the Asiatic warlords in one-third to the north and east. It is held from the Temple by one-third via the Jewish remnant, who for 45 days are hanging on for dear life from days 2580-2625, but are now being butchered in the valleys of Hinom and the Kidron, cut off from all escape (cf. Revelation 16:12, 16,19; Zechariah 12:3-9; Daniel 12:11-12; Jeremiah 31:38-40; Joel 3:14-17; etc.).
8 cf. Harris, Archer, Waltke “The Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament”, Chicago: Moody, © 1980, 12th print, Vol. 2, p.666; Vo. 1, pp.41-46. ; Zodhiates, Spiros “The Complete Word Study Old Testament”, Chattanooga: AMG, © 1994, p. 2349. In regards to textual criticism, compare the Hebrew extensively in Gematriac phonetics extensively with the Greek “aggelos” and “ago”.
9 Notice: that Jerusalem’s use of “the Pavement,” is almost like that of what we could visualize as like unto a Colonial Square of Cobblestones. It is an expression that the rest of Jerusalem’s streets are NOT founded in stones, like many of the Roman main arteries; and that the streets were dirt and rock of the mountain itself. The only exception to this will be that of the Temple itself; but even within the Courts of the Gentiles, the pave stones were covered in a layer of dirt, to ease the securing of animal excrements, in order that the Temple be not defiled. This is demonstrated when Jesus, while at Solomon’s Porch, stoops down and writes (probably the Hebrew word for Falsehood: Sheqar רקש) in the dirt in John 8:6,8 -- (followed underneath by the names of the accusers, from oldest to youngest).
10 The tree or “cross” of 2 Kings 6:6 being cast into a river, is taught in miracle of the floating axe-head, as Irenaeus relates:
“And the man of GOD said, ‘Where did it fall?’ And he showed him the place. And he cut down a tree, and cast it in there, and the iron floated."
[That is, he cut down a tree and cast it into a river, --2 Kings 6:6 -- signifying that Christ had to carry His cross through the cold Kidron brook following a recent rain, and during runoff. This was a sign that through death, as through the Jordan, Christ will bear the souls of all men who believe, aloft to Heaven with Him. It is also a greater depth understanding to the bark (Heb. “eitz”) that was cast into Marah, and made the bitter waters sweet. This shows that the coming Cross of YHVeH is the only means by which one can attain the Living Waters of YHVeH, and hence, eternal life. For the laws and statutes were “uplifted” (Heb.- “nisahu”) as upon the coming Cross, and “tested” in the uplifting. (Exodus 15:23-24). Cf. Riskin, Shlomo - Jerusalem Post International, “Weekly Portion”, February 6, 2004 p.31]
This was a sign that souls should be taken up and away, being borne aloft through the instrumentality of wood, upon which he suffered, who can lead those souls that follow up and away and aloft that follow His ascension.
This event was also an indication of the fact, that when the holy soul of Christ descended [into Ge-Hinom], many souls ascended and were seen in their bodies. [Matthew 27:52]. For just as the wood, which is the lighter body, was submerged in the water; but the iron, the heavier one, floated: so when the WORD of GOD became one with flesh, by a physical and hypostatic union, the heavier and terrestrial having been rendered immortal by the Divine Nature, was taken up and borne into Heaven, after the Resurrection.” (Irenaeus, Fragments .28)
Roberts, “The Ante Nicene Fathers”.
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In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ 2025
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