Welcome! Jesus Christ is my LORD and Savior! Romans 10:9-10,13; John 3:16

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I am a Natural Born United States Citizen with NO allegiance or citizenship to any nation but my own, and will use this site as a hobby place of sorts to present my own political and religious viewpoints, as a genuine Constitutional Conservative and a genuine Christian Conservative.

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In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Gospel Team Coverage from the Greek Word Pictures, Part 2

[From the High Priest Caiaphas to the Judgment Hall]

"Then they lead Jesus from Caiaphas (the High Priest) into the Praetorium.58
And the first light was lighting upon the [eastern] skies,59
but the (Council) did not enter the Praetorium themselves
[lest contrariwise they be defiled], so that they might eat the Passover."60

[Outside the Judgment Hall]

"Therefore Pilate went out unto them, and said,
‘What accusation bring you against this Man?’
They answered and said unto him,
‘Unless this One was not an immoral and perniciously evil influence
upon the Community, then not to you (would) we have delivered Him.’
Then Pilate said to them,
‘You take Him, and judge Him according to the Law of You.’
Then the (leaders of the Council of the) Jews said to him,
‘It is not lawful (for us) to put any one to death.’
so that might be fulfilled the word of Jesus, which He said, signifying by what kind of death (by which) He was about to die."61

[Inside the Judgment Hall]
"Then Pilate went into the Praetorium again, and called Jesus, and said to Him,
‘Are You the King of the Jews?’
Answered Jesus,
‘From yourself you say this, or others told you about Me?’
Pilate answered,
‘A Jew, I am not. This nation and kingdom of Yours -- and
the First Priests -- delivered You up to me. What did You do?’62
‘Are You the King of the Jews?’
Jesus answered,
‘You are speaking my mind and feelings on the matter.’63
Pilate asked, ‘What did You do?’
Answered Jesus,
‘My Kingdom is not of this world. If of this world, was My
Kingdom, My servants would have fought, so that I should
not be delivered up to the
[leaders of the] Jews. But (for)
now, My Kingdom is not from here.’
Then Pilate said to Him [skeptically],
‘Really, not a King are You?’
Answered Jesus,
‘You say that King, I am. I, for this, have been born; and for
this, I have come into the world, that I may witness to the True
Reality: every one being of the True Reality hears of Me, the

[Commentary: Jesus explains that Kingship is His birthright, in a manner and behavior that only kings and royal-born should explain it. :End of Commentary.]

Pilate says to Him, ‘What is True Reality?’"64

[Outside the Judgment Hall]
"And having said this, again Pilate went out to the [Council of the] Jews, and tells them,
‘I, not one crime, find in Him.’65
But they insisted, saying,
‘He stirs up the people, teaching throughout all Judea,
beginning from Galilee to here.’
And Pilate, hearing Galilee, asked if the man is a Galilean. And having known that He is from Herod’s jurisdiction, he sent Him up alongside with Herod, who -- in these days -- also being in Jerusalem."

[At Herod’s Royal Quarters in Jerusalem]
"And Herod, seeing Jesus, rejoiced greatly; for through hearing of so many things about Him, he was wishing of a long (time) to see Him. And Herod hoped to see some miracle brought about by Jesus. And using many words, questioned Him. But Jesus answered him nothing. And being humiliated, the First Priests and the scribes stood up and went on a tirade, vehemently accusing Him.
Therefore, Herod and his soldiers, mocking Him, put luxurious clothing around Him, and sent Him back to Pilate."66

[Return to Pilate’s Palace Grounds/Praetorium]
"Pilate, then, calling the first priests and the leaders and the people together, said up to and alongside with them,

‘You brought to me this man, as having perverted the people.
Look and see! I, before the eyes of your faces, examining
both accurately and carefully, found nothing in the Man
neither cause or reasonable justification to speak openly
and down against Him. No less did Herod, for I sent you
up alongside with him, and behold, nothing as weighty as
death is to be done to Him. Having instructed, educated, and
chastised, then, I will need to release Him.’67

And the First Priests and the elders hurriedly accused (Jesus) of many things,
‘This One we found through turning and twisting out of place
the people of this ethnicity, and dwarfing and reducing the
Tributes to be given to Caesar, saying Himself (that He is)
Christ, an existing king.’68
but (Jesus) answered nothing."69

[Commentary: When Jesus was approached by the Pharisees with the Herodians in Matthew 22:15-22, the Herodians sought to trick Jesus by a coin of Caesar. Had Jesus opposed the coins of Caesar, he would also have opposed the coins of Herod (some of which made Messianic claims through symbolism). The Herodians were Essenes who worked hand in hand with Herod’s secret police to root out and crush seditions, real or imagined. Therefore, to answer nothing while being interrogated, or simply questioned, was a common practice. : End of Commentary.]

"Pilate therefore speaks his mind and feelings to Him, and says,
‘Do You answer nothing? Don’t You hear what they are
witnessing against You?’
And He answered him not, not even up to and alongside with even a single word - so as to (cause) the governor Pilate, to greatly marvel.70
Then, (as) he (was) sitting upon the exalted Tribunal Seat, his wife sent (word) up alongside with him, saying,
‘Not even once to you, and to that Righteous One many things,
for I suffered today, down in a dream through Him.’"71

"Then Pilate took Jesus, and had Him violently whipped [in the Judgment Hall].72
And the soldiers, having twisted into form -- a crown out of thorns, -- and placed it on Head (pressing down and ensuring its setting);73
and (accompanied this by) throwing around Him a seamless garment of purple (also); and laid upon Him words
[so that their breath did breathe out upon His face],74 proclaiming,

'Hail! the King -- of the Jews!!!'

And they
[the 400-600 Romans, took turns, as they] smote Him, giving Him blows with the open palm."

[Commentary: Cyprian, in his Defense against the heresy of Noetus, .18, informs us that Christ was only able to see out one eye while upon the Cross, saying, “…the rulers are ashamed when they see the Director of the Universe upon the Cross closing His eye and giving up the ghost.”
We therefore should keep in mind the violent swelling to the left side of Messiah’s face as a direct result of the Roman open palm strikes to His face, allowing Him only thereafter to see out of His right eye until His death. We should also keep in mind, that Jesus appears to have purposely withheld His miraculous and curative powers during His own Passion. Thus, stripping Himself of even the basest of Heavenly privileges, and in all ways like us. : End of Commentary.]

"Then Pilate went outside (the Judgment Hall) once again, and said to the accusers.
'Behold! (Look and see!). I bring Him out to you,
so that you may know that the end of the matter is (this),
that in Him, I find not (even) one crime!'
Then Jesus came outside, wearing: the thorny wreath, and the seamless garment of purple.
And (Pilate) says to (the First Priests and their officers),
'Behold! The man!'
Then, when the First Priests and their officers saw Him, they cried out, saying, 'Crucifixion!…Crucifixion!!'
Pilate says to them,
'You take Him (away) and crucify (Him);
but as for me, I do not find in Him any crime!'
Then the (leaders of the) Jews answered him, (saying),
'We have a Law of Custom! And according to (this),
the Law of our Custom, He ought to die! Because,
He has brought Himself forth, as the Son of GOD!!'
When Pilate heard this, he was greatly shaken (by the news), and briefly terrified!

[And removing himself with Jesus and the guard-escort], they re-enter the Praetorium [into the Judgment Hall] again. And he says to Jesus,
'From where -- are You (from)?'
But Jesus did not give him an answer. Then Pilate says to Him,
'To me -- You do not speak? --.
Do You not know the authority, that I have,
is that same authority to crucify You;
(and) is also the same authority,
by which I can deliver You, from being crucified?'
Then Jesus answered,
'You would not have Authority -- not against Me --
if it was not being given to you from above.
Therefore: he, delivering Me to you, has the greater sin.'
Out of this (declaration), Pilate searched vigorously (for a technicality by which) to release Him."

[Commentary: He debated with his legal advisors over points of Roman Law on the matter. :End of Commentary.]

"Meanwhile, [as Pilate delayed,] in the Court of Gabbatha, the leaders of the Jews cried out with such words as,
'If you release this One, you are definitely no friend of Caesar!' (and)
'All who produce forth themselves as a king, do so (by) speaking
against Caesar!'
As Pilate still heard these sayings ringing in his ears, (he) retrieved Jesus, and personally led Him out. And Pilate sat down upon the exalted platform's Judgment Seat before the crowd, this Place and its Court being called 'The Pavement', but in the Hebrew tongue, it is called: 'Gabbatha'.
And at about the 6th hour of the Passover Preparation, (Pilate) says to the (leaders of the) Jews, 'Behold, The King of you!'
But they cried out,
'Lift Him up!'
'Raise Him up!'
'Crucify Him!'
Pilate says to them,
'The King of you, I shall crucify?'
Then the First Priests answered alone,
'We have no King…but Caesar!'
[as a result of these words], he certainly gave Him over to them to this end -- in order that He might be crucified."

[Commentary: Because, He had declared Himself to be their King, and they rejected His right to the Throne over them. :End of Commentary.]

[Out of the City to Golgotha]
"Then they [the first priests] took and received Jesus near to themselves,
and taking the lead, led Him away;"

[Commentary: That is, the first priests personally led Jesus captive out of the city, ahead of the Roman guards; as if they were in a parade. :End of Commentary.]

"and bearing up and supporting the Cross at the foot of Him,
He came out and went forth75
into that which is related to and uttered in the Hebrew tongue as GOLGOTHA: in which place they did crucify Him; and with Him, two others (beside), on this side and on that side, and then Jesus -- in the center of their midst.
Then Pilate also wrote a Title, and lay and placed it upon the Cross: it was then, having been written - ‘JESUS the Nazarene, the King of the Judeans.’
Now certainly did this title the many of the Judeans read;"

[Commentary: possibly as they walked past, filing by, and gazing upon Him]

"because the place where Jesus was crucified was so near and close to the City,"
[Commentary: the valleys of Kidron and Hinom served as conduits for the millions to move through and around the city for religious purposes of approaching the Temple.76 The people were not static, but with the sounding of the trumpets and the use of banners, they moved in an orderly fashion. :End of Commentary.]

and it was having been written in Hebrew, Greek, Latin.”77


58 John 18:28
59 Matthew 27:1, Mark 15:1
60 John 18:28
61 John 18:29-32
62 John 18:33-35
63 Matthew 27:11-12
64 John 18:34-38
65 John 18:38, Luke 23:4
66 Luke 23:5-12
67 Luke 23:13-16
68 Luke 23:2 Out of sequence, but this most probably retains the true essence of accusations laid against Him, based on how the Greek reads. If Jesus indeed calls Himself Christ, as the accusation implies, then the First Priests would have claimed to have recently heard it. This utterance was manifest at the trial of “Caiaphas”, to which name is called a “donkey (or jack-ass)” after the Greek “Kantheros”, and “monkey” after the Hebrew Aramaic association. In either case, even the Pharisees may have had little respect for this very rich Galilean Sadducee who bought his way into the High Priesthood, past his own father-in-law.

69 Mark 15:3, Matthew 26:12
70 Mark 15:4-5, Matthew 26:13-14
71 Matthew 27:19

72 The Greek word regarding the whip is εμαστιγωσε (emastigose): mastigoo found in the aorist indicative active. This word comes from μάστιξ (mastix), which is often found as either “a whip” or “the flogging of a whip”. Mastix may also be used as a disease or plague that is layed upon a people as though it were a whip of wood - leather - and iron (or such components). The action of the aorist indicative active tells us that the flogging is not continuous. It does, however, entail the placing of those emotional and psychological trials and torments upon the person during the time of the scourging.

In Isaiah 53:5, when He is “wounded for our transgressions”, the Hebrew words for “wound” is that which can “pierce and bore” through. This Hebraic word “Chalal” is also used for “the flute”, a musical instrument. “Chalal” may also be used to describe a defilement of that which is, or those, which are, considered as “Holy unto the LORD”. In turn, that which is Holy (‘kodesh’) and that which is a Sanctuary (‘mikdash’), says Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, both derive from two words in Hebrew, “Moked Esh”: “the altar’s hearth of fire” (Leviticus 6:1) -- [Jerusalem Post, International Edition, April 25, 2003, p. 31 -- “Weekly Portion” by Rabbi Shlomo Riskin]. Therefore, Messiah, by being whipped, is offered up as a Scriptural variant of the burnt sacrifice, based on the allowances made in Scripture and connected firmly by the Hebrew.

In regards to the wounding after the “Chalal” of a flute: when Messiah spoke of this generation being like the children of the marketplace who complained after “piping” to someone that they did not dance, and mourning with someone who did not mourn also with them; there was also a darker side to this. The meaning had to do with those “children who mocked the afflicted, those being whipped”. Apparently, it was a form of entertainment, and they were disappointed when there were those who neither flinched under the whip, nor cried out.

Further, Isaiah 53:5 says that the “Chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.” The word chastisement here is the Hebrew word “Musar”, which comes from “Yasar”. Basically, the wounding with stripes -- the whipping of Messiah -- is prophesied as being brought about as a form of corrective action against Him. It is prophesied as being a punishment that is meant to bring about a right behavior. In the case of Christ, it appears prophecy says that this is Pilate’s true intent. In the literal sense, “Musar” deals with being bound (in this case by the hands) down to something, while the punishment is administered. Hence, the whipping post, and the necessity for Messiah to fulfill this prophecy in the exact manner that He did.

It must further be noted, that without the shedding of blood, there can be NO ATONEMENT of sin (Leviticus 17:11, Hebrews 9:22). In Egypt, the lambs blood was placed against the very doors of the dwelling-places of the Jews, that sin might “pass over” them (Exodus 12:7,13). Christ shed His blood as our Passover sacrifice, and covers us with His blood of atonement -- once and for all time; because as YHVeH is above and beyond the bounds and limitations of time, even though as a man does He suffer within the confines and parameters of Time.

73 και οι στρατιωται πλεξαντες στεφανον εξ ακανθων επεθηκαν αυτου τη κεψαλη

“And the soldiers having weaved (knitted, braided)”, hence ‘formed’, “a wreath out of thorns, put (it) on His head.”

The Greek word for “put (it) on” is epethekon. In this sense, it is to lay on (with affliction). (cf. Luke 10:30, and Acts 18:10). In Acts 18:10, it denotes those wanting to get a sure grip of, to “press down and to wound”. In Luke 10:30, the activity that “no man shall set on thee to hurt thee…” still communicates a word picture of pressing down to seriously wound or stab. This act -- in regards to the crown of thorns -- was to assure that Jesus died for all the maladies of thoughts, and even the mentally diseased. This is further assurance that all sins are paid for, both that committed by inaction and thought, as well as by action. Jesus Christ paid the total price of redemption for them all.

74 και ελεγου Lego has its origins in laying or lying down. When one gave an account, what he did was to lay down words before an audience, who judged as to whether or not his words were true, as if he had laid out a scroll with his words before them, to be examined. Thus, literally, the Romans lay upon Christ “words”. Their very breath touches His face, and rises up into His nostrils; probably almost nose to nose in closeness or proximity.

75 For the sake of “train of thought” consistency, I have excluded Simon the Cyrene’s participation here. Simon is the one who actually carried the Cross through the Siloam / Water Gate, and to Calvary for Messiah. Messiah probably was kicked and dragged through the running Kidron, while Simon and the thieves probably crossed by wooden bridge.
76 Aboth 5.5 tells us that every year, the festival was a miraculous event, with the average family pitched in tents; even tents pitched in the squares within the walls of Jerusalem. The more fortunate would stay in the home of a Jerusalemite, crammed for space. These that did, were obligated by custom to offer their hosts the skin of any animals they would offer for sacrifice in the Temple, as payment (Yoma 12a).
77 John 19:1-20, with word pictures and commentary, translation mine.

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