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I am a Natural Born United States Citizen with NO allegiance or citizenship to any nation but my own, and will use this site as a hobby place of sorts to present my own political and religious viewpoints, as a genuine Constitutional Conservative and a genuine Christian Conservative.

Thank you for coming.
In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ

Sunday, August 21, 2016

October 2016 Surprise?

Hillary Clinton is ill.  She has nominated a successor in her Vice Presidential pick, and her only goal is to live long enough with her mental and physically debilitating diseases to win a Presidential election, and if at all possible, to make it to be inaugurated, even if only in the Presidency for just a few days before being gurneyed away, incapacitated.

 In all likelihood, Hillary won't even make it health-wise to January 2016. But it is a let's wait and see based on what is thus far publicly known or publicly knowable via past news reports, et cetera.
    Hillary Clinton has been known  since the 1980s to have had an issue with little to no peripheral vision, so that she has been legally blind to anything not immediately in front of her.  She has also struggled with depth perception, which with her recent medical issues since her December 2012 apparent mild epileptic seizure which allegedly caused her to lose her balance and fall so severely that she required brain surgery, which gave her chronic double vision for the vision that she does have left.

 Hillary has also had what appears to be a mild form of epilepsy since what seems to be 1994, and perhaps even a year earlier, back when she headed up a 500 member Healthcare Commission, back at a time when she hung crack cocaine pipes on the White House Christmas tree in the 1990s while "First Lady", where each crack cocaine pipe was allegedly a new one used one time by her to help her overcome her physical disability even then, growing in numbers with each Christmas if I understand this correctly, during an era as she went about as if co-President of the United States with her husband Bill.  

In late December 2012 if I understand it correctly, Hillary, after a bad fall, underwent brain surgery to attempt to remove a blood clot  and either a benign (not malignant tumor) or perhaps something that may have been the size of a pituitary gland, but as yet there is no direct eyewitness corroboration to such a claim, nor the release of medical documentation as yet to say one way or the other. Hillary Clinton is too sick to run for or be POTUS.  She has been debilitated so physically, that she had to take a jet to travel a measly 20 miles that she could not endure by helicopter because she is medically unfit to ride a helicopter. 

 Further, as to why Hillary and perhaps neither party might ever see January 20 inaugurate any November 2016 electee, there is a faction that includes Kerry, that guided our foreign policies that gave us Iran, as Kerry promised he would do while debating Bush II in 2004. That faction views a viability in having a limited nuclear war with Russia and China, in which if they just have several nukes go off there and here, provoking a limited but not total exchange, they can argue for a UN total transformation of the United States (which "poof" is too uncapable of governing itself and must be under total UN control), and the 10 region world government plan, in which the USA is Region 1 with Canada and Mexico and foreign governed, can be implemented.

This summer of 2016, we have had a U.S. initiated false flag that was a tactical bringing out and exposing and killing off those Turkish anti-jihadi army officers opposed to arming ISIS / Al Qaeda.  Their tactical and asymmetrical annihilation in Turkey was Media promoted as a coup attempt there in Turkey.   Turkey is THE major supplier of ISIS / Al Qaeda logistics on behalf of Obama and is engaging in terrorist war and invasion upon Syria on behalf of Obama and the the United States by way of Obama's pro-jihadi policies.

  While Obama spends several times a day on his Muslim prayer rug and upwards of 5 hours a day hooked on ESPN at the White House, others like Joe Biden and John Brennan and John Kerry dictate incompetence as well as chronic TREASON in behalf of Islam, the New State Religion of the White House that only Brennan and Obama actually religiously practice of the 4 names mentioned here, John Kerry and his Department of State faction, which includes the wild eyed Samantha Powers, has motivated those loyal to party loyalty Democrats over the Constitution NOT purged from the upper officer classes of the Pentagon to move 50 nukes out of Turkey up to Romania, 
 with the goal of bringing these into the Ukraine, and starting a limited nuclear exchange from the Ukraine into Russia, with a like response into the Ukraine. 

Even though it will be members of the U.S. military firing into Russia, should we be asking the questions now, should we not be asking if there are or not viable target dates for an unprovoked war with Russia be it to the effect of October 12 - 16 or any other pre-January 21, 2017 date, just for an excuse to stay in and to consolidate MORE power?

When a nation is attacked, it is most essential to take and seize control of all communications and communication networks.  This has been known since the Blitzkrieg tactics of Germany upon Poland in September 1939.  Obama, the Indonesian maternal son and Kenyan paternal son of foreigners, has handed over control of United States communications just slightly over 5 weeks before the November 2016 Presidential election can take place.  Why?  Who benefits?  What happens if the internet and banking and all forms of communications (including radio, television, cell phone), all those  outside a standard landline telephone, if they  come to a screeching halt? 

October Internet censorship in the U.S. kicks into high gear as of October 1, 2016. October 1, 2016.  It is  by that date that the entire civilian side of Internet control of the United States will be no longer in United States control, but in the allegedly in the powers of FOREIGN GOVERNANCE which has no recognition of free speech or free expression or anything to do with the United States constitution.  The citizenry of the U.S. will effectually be invaded and Internet OCCUPIED by hostile Foreign powers by capitulation to them, by a form of legislative unconditional surrender that will allow foreign governance and foreign control and a foreign operated full capability to give all U.S. citizens a massive news blackout and censorship, so that as of October 1, it may be that the entire reach of the United States Internet will be fully neutralized as well as isolated, placed on an Obama given away regular Internet kill switch technology use, with regular brown out memory power and shoddy service at much higher costs as foreign powers want to be paid "their fair share" or twice the current financial costs now paid, for a rottening of service in which any information digitally transferred is at such a low capacity that the servers on every form of telecommunication device are always busy, while select pre-approved codes and code box compliant computers are granted free regular access, as the economy is forced into a meltdown, and news becomes pretty much a person to person, face to face encounter. 

In that scenario, if it is launched, perhaps the only way we would hear of a nuclear war between Russia and the Ukraine is by shortwave radio, smuggled international newspapers, or the discussion of why radioactive clouds up to two weeks duration are floating across the United States, giving a red glowing sky at night and making the grass glow almost purple.  Two Chinese Hydrogen bombs did this effect and the radioactive atmospheric debris crossed from California to New Jersey in June of 1975.  This was duplicated again in October 1976. 

If Hillary drops, especially with a bad reaction to some of the experimental anti-seizure drugs she is taking and having injected into her, likely they'll just say she passed away in her sleep, it will be a rewrite with a Kaine and Elizabeth Warren ticket refiled for November 8, and given a special circumstances waiver.

The way many top Democrats and billionaires are talking amongst themselves, it is alleged that "The fix is in for Kaine..." on the Democrat Party  ticket "...and for Pence." on the Republican ticket to be the either or that lives to see inauguration day. Trump made the mistake of nominating a globalist VP choice and then endorsing Ryan and McCain and being seen as someone who will likely do an accidental airline crash like the warning on the campaign trail in Tennessee (or wherever it was).

In recent days, Trump himself has tried to be Presidential material, and he truly is that.  

But Trump is doing a Kevorkian in suiciding himself to elites eliminating him by having a Mike Pence who salivates as badly as Lyndon Baines Johnson to remove President Kennedy in Dallas in November 1963, should we have an open and fair election come November 8, 2016, because the Communist-Socialists and the Intelligence Community leadership will drop a President-elect Trump and  then call it patriotism...as whatever means they can profit, be it selling out to any other nation or billionaire, to them, the love of money = patriotism.  As if having a TREASONOUS mindset makes it all okay.  Perhaps they will Media blackout and blame the UN for censorship, or perhaps they will just capitulate entirely and beg the U.S.A. to be taken over because of whatever their sales pitch reason is at the time.  That's a wait and see, moment. 

Trump's Vice Presidential pick  is a SELLOUT to GLOBALISM, and Trump has erred badly in selecting a Globalist Henry Kissinger endorsed choice of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)Mike Pence, and then on the heels of that, f**ked up again by a let's cleanup corruption hypocrisy COMPROMISE by endorsing and enabling those who corrupt and destroy the system and also want FOREIGN GOVERNANCE via the TPP Paul Ryan and John McCain...TRUMP is officially now a SELLOUT who has sealed his assassination fate at the hands of the globalists once he gets Mike Pence over the goal line in being elected in November under globalist plan B, if that is what is allowed and selected.  Trump's big fat failure #1 is choosing a VP candidate on his ticket who will REFUSE to follow his lead and look out for Americans first.  Trump's big fat failure #2 was in endorsing globalist sellouts who can't wait to go higher in power to new alien power masters like Quisling in Norway to National Socialist Germany ...come and just have it all, we want to be your slaves.  That is what Pence, McCain, and Ryan and so many traitors really are advocating in their most basic foundation of political platforms taken public by words, votes and actions. 

Gone is quite a lot of the credibility of Trump in his claiming he would stop Islamic Terrorism and fighting ISIS / Al Qaeda by his very first 3 POTUS Candidate endorsement selections: endorsing McCain (best buds with Al Nusrah / Al Qaeda) and Paul "Open Borders to all terrorists and pass the TPP and destroy the Constitution" Ryan, and even his own Globalist VP pick, Mike Pence, who  is now an  Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood Public Relations advocate who will rush to Islamic defense to keep the Islamic terrorists rolling in rather than be called names for properly DEFENDING the United States from INVASION...you know, like the clause in THE CONSTITUTION says is a REQUIREMENT.

Article 4, Section 4
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion...."

The Muslim Brotherhood along WITH OBAMA and with the approval of Pence and Ryan and McCain is bringing in terrorists, the Muslim Brotherhood coordinating from the White House and through various points in the Executive Branch and State and Local Governments, installed and protected by Obama, and from their own writings THEY WRITE THAT they will be using MOSQUES in the United States as Base Camps for terrorism, and Trump is almost there as he compromises and inclinates to just about drop to his knees and turn Henry Kissinger at the Bohemian Grove before the election, when the Muslim Brotherhood is planning a war of CONQUEST through terrorist murders and bombings and what have you within the United States?
Uh huh.  Wake up, Mr. Trump.  Wake the hell up!

In 2017 and beyond, we are about to get the Israeli experience, where the only successful means of combating the Muslim Brotherhood Islamic Terrorists allying with Al Qaeda and ISIS will be the successful destruction of base operations of that Islamic Conquest and Terrorism. Following their own writings, this REQUIRES leveling their specifically designated mosques, preferably with them in it, should ever the time come that they launch their actual guns and bomb and acts of sabotage for mass killings and other forms of terrorism upon the population of the citizens of the United States upon United States soil.
Page 21:
"4- Understanding the role of the Muslim Brother in North America:
The process of settlement is a "Civilization-Jihadist Process" with all the word means.
The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and Allah’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.
Without this level of understanding, we are not up to this challenge and have not prepared ourselves for Jihad yet. It is a Muslim's destiny to perform Jihad and work wherever he is and wherever he lands until the final hour comes, and there is no escape from that destiny except for those who chose to slack. But, would the slackers and the Mujahedeen be equal."
Page 25: "In brief we say: we would like for the Islamic center to become "The House of Dawa"' and "the general center" in deeds first before name. As much as we own and direct these centers at the continent level, we can say we are marching successfully towards the settlement of Dawa' in this country.
Meaning that the "center's" role should be the same as the "mosque's" role during the time of [Mohammed] Allah's prophet, Allah's prayers and peace be upon him, when he marched to "settle" the Dawa' in its first generation in Madina. From the mosque, he drew the Islamic life and provided to the world the most magnificent and fabulous civilization humanity knew [as Islam].
This mandates that, eventually, the region, the branch and the Usra turn into "operations rooms" for planning, direction, monitoring and leadership for the Islamic center in order to be a role model to be followed
[for the eventual subjugation and taking over the nation for Islam]." [Unquote]

Instead of a legal and peaceful DIVERTING of a coming Terrorism, Trump embraces Globalist TRAITORS who ENABLE them. All Trump has to offer is the same old yada, yada, yada, when he does this and COMPROMISE IS NOT THE ART OF THE DEAL if he flushes all credibility toward legal and peaceful and prosperous CHANGE and a return to upholding the Constitution and even preserving the hope of saving this Republic from total foreign governance right down the toilet. More and more, 2016 is turning into a choice of Hillary Clinton A (the original model) and Hillary Clinton B (a wannabe transvestite and male prostitute Henry Kissinger approved Clinton lite) transforming his alleged convictions right before our eyes by his own choice to betray us all, for whatever selfish reason. 

What a severe disappointment Trump has NOW become to Conservatives and anyone who truly wants to preserve the Constitution and save U.S. National Sovereignty.  But he can still redeem himself, the other candidate being a felonious liar and murderer cannot redeem herself, and intends an open civil war on tens of millions of United States citizens, with death camps and gun confiscations and the works.  Hillary is criminally insane.  To put it mildly, "She is nuts."

On September 20, 2010, at Hillsdale College, Mike Pence said

"A president who slights the Constitution is like a rider who hates his horse: he will be thrown, and the nation along with him.

The president solemnly swears to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution. He does not solemnly swear to ignore, overlook, supplement, or reinterpret it."

Yet that is exactly what Pence does in his actions against Christianity while exalting Islam as a State Religion, allowing Christianity to be persecuted while demanding Islam be embraced and calls himself a Christian while politically converting to Islam. Never mind a co-equal standard, that if you force the 10 Commandments out of the public sector and out of the classroom, you have absolutely NO legal nor moral excuse to insert the Quran or Islam into these areas in place of the 10 Commandments.

Never mind that Islamic Terrorists must be allowed to come in welcomed and that any criticism of them is banned but hatred and criticism and censoring the lawful Christian is perfectly acceptable, and any legislation that protects Christians must have it watered down and be non-protective of Christians so he can sign it as Indiana's State legislation.  Uh huh, Mikey.  Uh huh.  

Further, that betrayal of throwing off the USA and the constitution that Pence spoke of in 2010, is exactly what Pence wants in supporting FOREIGN Governance via the Trans Pacific Partnership. When he found he could not trick the Constitutionalists in the TEA Party activism to follow him as a personality over the Constitution as many have done in following Ted Cruz in 2015 - 2016, he was infuriated. He waved and wagged his pocket Constitution, as if being in the front of his body, wherever he walks forward, he "ha, ha, follows the Constitution." Yet, by his fruits / his actions, one would not bother to call him either a Constitutionalist nor a Christian. 

Obama claims Christianity but persecutes it and exalts Islamic conversion and Islamic terrorism. Pence ought to be equally judged as a liar and a pusher of Satanism in the form of Islam and as a SUBVERSIVE seeking the overthrow and removal of this Constitutional Republic and replacing it with a tyrannical form of something else, be it run from Europe or China.

Unfortunately, even if he works for Trump, he isn't PAID by Trump, so why should he be loyal? Just give the Donald a song and dance of what he WANTS to hear, and like a "John", Trump will be sold the dream that "he is IT". And once the votes are affirmed by Congress in December, I seriously doubt Trump will be anything more than his family's black band on the arm memory, who made a more fatal mistake than Reagan did, and was taken out all the more so quickly by both those whose names we may know and those we probably never will know.

America desperately needs a President Trump, but really, will he or the United States of America as a Republic even be around in 2017?  

The American globalist in regard or disregard of the U.S. Constitution says, "Show me the money."  

The patriot in his heart and actions in regard to the Constitution of this Republic, says, "Semper Fidelis"  "Always faithful."

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