By Publius Huldah
Our Declaration of Independence
says the Creator God endowed us with Rights, and that the purpose
of government is to “secure” the Rights God gave us.
What does this mean? How does a
government go about “securing” God given rights?
I will show you.
The miracle of our federal
Constitution was that it created a federal government which,
by means of exercising the enumerated powers listed in the Constitution, was
enabled to “secure” our God given Rights in specific ways.
It isn’t the federal government’s job
to secure our God given Rights in all ways, just in the ways appropriate for
the national government of a Federation. Our Rights are to be secured in
other ways by State governments. 1
The federal government is supposed to
secure our right to life by:
- Military
defense (Art. I, § 8, cl. 11-16);
- Laws
against piracy and other felonies on the high seas (Art.
I, § 8, cl. 10);
- Prosecuting traitors (Art
III, § 3);
- Protecting us
from invasion (Art IV, § 4); &
- Restricting immigration (Art.
I, § 9, cl. 1).
It is supposed to secure our
property rights by:
- Establishing a
money system based on gold & silver and by establishing uniform
weights & measures (Art I, § 8, cl 5);
- Punishing counterfeiters (Art
I, § 8, cl 6);
- Establishing bankruptcy
courts (Art I, § 8, cl 4);
- Issuing patents
& copyrights (Art I, § 8, cl 8); and by
- Regulating
trade & commerce so we can produce, sell, & prosper (Art. I,
§ 8, cl.3). The original intent of the interstate commerce clause was to
prohibit the States from imposing taxes & tariffs on articles of
commerce as they were transported thru the States for purposes of buying
& selling. Go HERE for
the Proof.
And it is supposed to secure our
right to liberty by:
- Laws
against slavery (13th Amendment); 2
- Providing fair
trials in federal courts (4th, 5th, 6th, 7th,
and 8th Amendments); and by
- Obeying the
Constitution! The reason our Constitution so strictly limits and
enumerates the powers of the federal government is to secure our
basic right to be left alone to live our lives free from meddlesome and
interfering do-gooders, tyrants, bullies & thieves.
So! THIS is how our
federal Constitution implements that glorious Founding Principle that the
purpose of government is to secure Rights God gave us – and
I just listed for you most of the enumerated powers!
By exercising these enumerated powers,
the federal government protects us from those who seek to take our
Rights from us.
The federal government is never
supposed to “secure” our Right to Life by giving us what we need to
live. That could not be for it would require the federal government
to take other peoples’ God given Property Rights
away from them.
When a government secures God given
Rights by protecting us from those who seek to take our
rights away, we are never put in conflict with each other, because no one has
his hand in anyone else’s pocket.
THIS is why our Declaration of
Independence and Constitution were a Miracle.
But we abandoned this Miracle long ago
when we let the federal government pervert our Constitution and abuse its power
in order to benefit some at the expense of others.
This is what turned us against each other.
So, what should we do?
Reclaim and Restore the
Constitution our Framers gave us!
This is how we do it:
Learn the above; spread the word; and
stop electing candidates who don’t know the lists of enumerated powers and who
don’t sign an oath that they will obey. Hold candidate exams and test the
candidates! Grill them! Make them sweat.
Look for candidates who are willing to
employ beneficial methods of financing 3 such
grossly unconstitutional (and fiscally & morally destructive) programs as
social security and Medicare as they are gradually phased out of existence.
Learn HERE about
the remedy our Framers actually advised when the federal government usurps
powers: Don’t comply – resist – nullify!
Beware of those Pushing
for a Convention.
I have already shown – most
recently HERE –
that what these demagogues are saying is not true; and that the real purpose of
a convention is the imposition of a new constitution.
1 State governments
are to secure our God given Rights in other ways: E.g., they secure our right
to life by prosecuting murderers, drunk drivers, and outlawing abortion &
euthanasia; they secure our rights to our own persons by prosecuting rapists
& kidnappers; and they secure our property rights by prosecuting robbers,
thieves & defrauders. They provide courts for peaceful resolution of
private civil disputes.
2 Our
Declaration of Independence states, as one of our Founding Principles, that
“all men are created equal”. We were faithful to this Principle when we
outlawed titles of nobility (Article I, §§ 9 & 10). But we violated this
Principle when we permitted hereditary black slavery to continue.
3 E.g., vast holdings
of unconstitutionally held federal lands could be sold to fund social security
& Medicare as they are phased out of existence. PH
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