The 10 Commandments
Exodus 20:1-21
King James Version (KJV) in aqua Blue
Alternate Word Pictures with Reiterations Version (AWPR) in Yellow
My Comments are in Green
1 And God spake all these words, saying, (KJV)
1) And GOD [as a commanding Judge]
spoke [in a legal tone and manner]
all these commanding words, saying,
2 I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. (KJV)
2) I (am) YHVeH,
your GOD [your Commanding Judge]
who brought you forth and took you out
from the land of
Mitzrayim - bad drainages [abundant marshlands] - Egypt,
from the house - dwellingplace - temple
of required obedient work performance - of [tyrannical] manual labor
3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me. (KJV)
3) There shall not be to you
another -
another after (to the rear [as if in secret] or at a later time in place of) -
any other
GOD [Commanding Judge]
raised up high so as to be
above - over - against - beside - before Me.
4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. (KJV)
4) You shall not fashion for yourself and follow -
You shall not make for yourself and follow
a hewn into shape image or idol
or any likeness or form
that (is) - which (is) - who (is)
in the heavens
[as though he - she - it were at the top of an upward
stairway or ladder ascending into the heavens or Heaven itself]
above - upward
or that (is) - or which (is) - or who (is)
in the land - in the Earth
instead of or in exchange for [GOD].
5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; (KJV)
5) You shall not descend - wallow - prostrate yourself,
nor bow down to them,
and you shall not labor for - work for - serve them.
For I (am) YHVeH,
your GOD [your Commanding Judge],
a Jealous - a Zealous GOD / a Jealous - a Zealous*
Commanding Judge
attentively and with care
making an inspection - making a visitation - visiting and overseeing
the distortions - the crookedness - the bent or perverted [ways]
of the fathers on [their] children,
yoked upon the third and yoked upon the fourth [generation]
to those that oppose - that despise - that detest - that hate Me.
6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments. (KJV)
6) And doing - making - fashioning - accomplishing
loyal and faithful mercy and lovingkindness
to thousands,
to those loving Me,
and to those
keeping guard over - watching and observing - giving heed to do
My Commandments.
7 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. (KJV)
7) You shall not take - lift up and carry away
the Name of YHVeH
in vain - worthlessly and profanely - lightly or for no reason.
8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. (KJV)
8) Attentively think about and remember
Day, the Sabbath,
[i.e., the miraculous Day sign of the Shabbat (spelled Shin - Beth - Tav)
as seen through the correct esoteric knowledge of Gematria
is revealed as thus:
Shin - El Shaddai ('s)
Beth - House
Tav - Sign
(in the synonymous transposing of letters for phonetics of
the Hebrew language continues as thus)
Sha - Looks at with interest and with favor to (Cf. Genesis 4:4-5)
Ba - (the) Way
T - of the Sign (of the Cross) / of the final End Destination
(which is again the Cross and Yeshua, the Centerpiece of
all time and the reason for the Creation of the Earth,
Humanity, and this Universe in which we now exist
In effect, the Sabbath Day, or the Day of SHa Ba T, since SHaBaT
was made FOR man, teaches us that we are to rest and have
a believing trust into the Cross,
and what Yeshua / Jesus did for us there, in offering Himself up
to take away the sins of the world for all who would trust
and believe into Him. ]
to keep it sacred - sanctified - holy - uncommon and consecrated.
9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: (KJV)
9) Six Days you shall
provide manual labor - required obedient work performance,
and do - make -fashion - accomplish
all your work - business
[any labor from which you benefit from with tangible results].
10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: (KJV)
10) And the 7th Day is a SHaBaT
to YHVeH,
your GOD [your Commanding Judge].
You shall not make - do - perform
all work - business
[any labor from which you benefit from with tangible results]:
you, and your son, and your daughter,
your laborers - your work slaves,
your female servants - your female slaves,
and your quadrupeds - your 4 footed animals - your herds,
and your lodging sojourner
[alien proselyte - foreign convert to the Faith]
who is in your gates
[specifically that open area inside the gate which acts
like a front yard or front court area to the from the main house
or tent hosting the guest(s).]
11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. (KJV)
11) For (in) 6 days YHVeH made - fashioned
the Heavens and the Earth,
the Sea (and) all that (is) in them.
And He rested [as though deposited into one place]
and stopped.
On the 7th Day,
YHVeH above made ready - YHVeH above prepared
(and) blessed the Sabbath Day,
and set it apart, making it sanctified and holy (as clean and pure).
12 Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. (KJV)
12) Heavily esteem and honor your father and your mother
in response (to them) - in answer (to them) in order that
your days may be long - may be prolonged
above the land
[on top of the Earth rather than as buried beneath]
which continuously - that continuously YHVeH is giving
[giving as if placing a gift of honor, love, respect, cherishing,
upon the person or generation receiving it: as though each
generation were receiving a gift of being entrusted with the
land of Israel as a ring upon the hand, or a helmet for fidelity
upon the head, or a royal cloak of honor for warmth.]
13 Thou shalt not kill. (KJV)
13) You shall not murder, intentionally manslaughter, recklessly
slay or kill (with malice aforethought).
14 Thou shalt not commit adultery. (KJV)
14) You shall not commit adultery - You shall not have sexual relations
with whom / who is not your spouse.
15 Thou shalt not steal. (KJV)
15) You shall not steal - kidnap - burglarize.
16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. (KJV)
16) You shall not answer - testify - afflict - humble - oppress
a friend - a companion - a neighbor - one with whom you
associate with
as a lying - false - deceiving witness /
as a seducing witness leading astray.
17 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's. (KJV)
17) You shall not desire - delight in and lust after - covet
your friend's - your companion's - your neighbor's
You shall not desire - delight in and lust after - covet
your friend's - your companion's - your neighbor's
wife [or "woman"],
nor his laborer - his work servant - his work slave,
nor his female slave - female servant,
nor his ox or bull,
nor his donkey or his ass,
nor all or anything who is - which is
your friend's - your companion's - your neighbor's.
18 And all the people saw the thunderings, and the lightnings, and the noise of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking: and when the people saw it, they removed, and stood afar off. (KJV)
18) And all the people saw and beheld
while looking at and inspecting:
the voices - the sounds - the noises - the thunderclaps
with the flaming torch pillars of fire
[that stretched straight up into the heavens:
"the mountain burning with fire into the heart of
the heavens" - Deuteronomy 4:11];
and the sound of the ram's horn;
and the mount - hill - mountain smoking
[as a furnace chunneling up with thick dark smoke ,
even as the country of Sodom was in Genesis 19:28].
And the people saw and beheld
while looking at and inspecting,
and they were sifted and shaking with [uncontrollable]
And they stood [as if propped up and in a standing place]
remotely - far away - (separately and) at a (good) distance.
19 And they said unto Moses, Speak thou with us, and we will hear: but let not God speak with us, lest we die. (KJV)
19) And they said to Moses,**
'You declare - command - speak with us,
and we will listen intently and hear;
and (do) not let GOD [the Commanding Judge]
declare - command - speak with us,
lest we (physically) die!'
20 And Moses said unto the people, Fear not: for God is come to prove you, and that his fear may be before your faces, that ye sin not. (KJV)
20) And said Moses to the people,
'Do not be fearing
[to the point of being poured out and demoralized];
for because in order that - on account of
to test and prove (what kind of quality [you are]),
GOD [the Commanding Judge]
has come - has entered [ into this dimension] - has arrived
so that His fear may be upon your faces
that you may not - that you might not
miss and fall short - sin
[and be found guilty of a bad quality,
to be fully rejected in the testing of you].
21 And the people stood afar off, and Moses drew near unto the thick darkness where God was. (KJV)
21) And the people stood
[as if propped up and in a standing place]
remotely - far away - (separately) at a (good) distance;
and Moses drew near and approached the thick darkness
[as "the mountain burned with fire to the heart of the
heavens" - Deuteronomy 4:11]
where GOD was there, then at that time.
Disclaimer: The Alternate Word Pictures with Reiterations (AWPR) translation, translation mine, should be used as a Bible Study Aid only, so as to help the reader / user in their Bible Studying to clarify context and Scriptural Intent, and to get a fuller or more complete context and understanding into the English from out of the ancient Hebrew in which this Old Testament passage was first written. Thanks. -- Brianroy
* - Verse 5
GOD tells
Moses that HE, YHVeH, is a Jealous GOD. The word
for "Jealous" is QaNaH, and is also
translated as “zealous”. As a noun in the first 5 books
of the Bible (the Torah, the Pentateuch), QaNaH is used of GOD
in the sense of His holding property rights over His people. That
is, the people who GOD redeems are His Property and belong to Him (for which
reason the Apostles often referred to themselves as His slaves as well as being
His children by faith through Christ Jesus). Alternatively, in
relation with the Biblical Theology GOD gives in His ONLY Holy Book, the Holy
Bible (Old and New Testaments), QaNaH alternatively can be
used and translated in relation to purchasing or
buying. Clearly this is synonymous to the very act of
Salvation. GOD the WORD, temporarily and in their flesh, redeemed
His people Israel in the Exodus; and when YHVeH later incarnated into the
person we come to know as Jesus Christ, Yeshua H’Messhiach, GOD the Son, just
before He yielded up His Spirit at the Cross, YHVeH Messhiach declared what has
been translated for us in the New Testament as “tetelestai” – “Paid
in full”. All who believe into Yeshua / Jesus with
trusting faith and what He did at the Cross, do have all sins bought and paid
for by this Jealous / Zealous GOD, YHVeH, He who spoke with Moses at the cleft
in the Rock.
the Apostle Paul repeatedly reminds us that in Christ, we are bought with a
Gematria, QaNaH holds a value of 151: this NAME of GOD also
shows us His identity.
151, He is QOLaYaH (Qoph-Vav-Lamed-Yod-He) – “the Voice of YHVeH”,
who alternatively identified as “the Word of YHVeH.”
151, He is ELY’AM (Alef-Lamed-Yod-Ayin-Mem) - (the) GOD of
the People. Under the parallel door of transliteration substitution of
the "I' for 'Y", we read this as ELIAM. This
opens another parallel door of knowledge, because the Scripture identifies a
man by the name of Eliam who was the father of Bath Sheba, the daughter of
Sheba (a black woman who was the mother of a child with King David that gave
Israel its King Solomon); and this Eliam, the Scripture also calls, Amiel, by
using a transliteration substitution of the Hebrew letter Ayin for the Hebrew
letter of Alef, and Alef for Ayin. AMIEL (Ayin – Mem – Yod – Alef –
Lamed): the People of GOD, is alternatively translated as
"My kinsman is EL" or "My kinsman is [my] GOD".
Through AMIEL, we see: the "father" of the bride, the bride
which represents the Church; we see the role of the Groom, the Husband to
be, who is Christ Jesus, Yeshua H'Messhiach; and we see the role of one who is a
"brother" or "near kinsman" who is also Christ. In
effect, Scripture assigns a role of Trinity to Christ in His relationship to
the Church, to those who would be or are "the People of GOD"; as well
as being the (whom I believe to be 'elevated to") second person of
the Trinity, as GOD the Son.
is He who forms the light, and creates darkness; who makes peace, and creates
calamity (or evil).” (Isaiah 45:7) Why? Because at
151, He is NaQA (Nun – Qof – Alef) – “Clean and Pure”. In the
Aramaic, this spelling is pronounced as NeQEe.
When NaQA is
rearranged, it points us to His Scourging, His walk to and time upon the Cross,
in which at 151, He was caused to groan, NA’aQ (Nun – Alef
– Qof), which is a rearranging or disorder of what is already
pure. In the Beginning, GOD created Light (which represents
purity and order), and GOD also created Evening – Erev, which is a darkness and
disorder. When GOD created the Darkness at the Beginning, He
foreknew that Man whom He would create, would rearrange what was orderly and
fall away. And in knowing this, He also took to Himself the
Redemption of Man upon Himself even before Man was created, and after the value
of 151, subsumed Ma’APeL (Mem-Alef-Pe-Lamed), he subsumed the
darkness of man’s own desires in which man’s will would (rebelliously) be set
in place, as though man’s desires were the setting of a sun creating
darkness, or a territory in dark (canyon or heavily overcast) shadows
void of daylight.
At 151,
GOD who is the Jealous / Zealous GOD, is He who rides the SUPaH (Samekh
– Alef – Pe – He), the storm clouds of the Tempest (Ezekiel
1:4ff., Job 38:1).
At 151,
YHVeH who is the Jealous / Zealous GOD, is the One who by an exhale
breath, an EPhA (Alef- Pe- Ayin) created the
Universe and its constellations, whose existence out of EPA(h),
what was as "worthless" or nothing, are as though
small models almost without weight in the Hand of the Almighty
(Isaiah 40:12-25).
At 151,
YHVeH is YiSMaKYaHU, the sustainer of all things by the will of His
power as His name, “YH will sustain” implies.
At 151,
we also see that in the End of Days, YHVeH will ASIP / ASYPh (Alef –
Samekh – Yod – Pe), He will gather in His
crops. The crops of YHVeH as revealed by Gematria in 151 are
those who are the AMIEL (Ayin – Mem – Yod – Alef – Lamed): the
People of GOD. Who, in the End Times He will
rapture: He will cause them to be put to CHiPaZON (Chet – Pe
– Zayin – Vav – Nun), a hasty flight or a (snatching up and) going away in
** - verse 19
Moses was taken by the people of Israel, who probably averaged between 5' to 5' 4" tall , to be both a giant at 8'9" tall
and their champion, the biggest and tallest among them who would
go up to GOD and intervene in behalf of Israel.
Centuries later after these above events, in the Land of Israel, when the more than 7' tall King Saul had his turn to be champion, because he too stood head and shoulders above the rest of those of the tribes of Israel, he at 7 feet plus faced THE literal Goliath at 11 feet 6 1/2 inches tall, or something to the effect of someone at least 4 feet taller than he was. At that time, placing King Saul at 7 plus feet would almost have been like unto the placing of Robert Pershing Wadlow next to his father for size comparatives. Robert, by the way, achieved the height of 8'9" and for a time was the same height as Moses, but Robert died after obtaining a couple inches more. Below is Robert and his father in 1940.
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