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I am a Natural Born United States Citizen with NO allegiance or citizenship to any nation but my own, and will use this site as a hobby place of sorts to present my own political and religious viewpoints, as a genuine Constitutional Conservative and a genuine Christian Conservative.

Thank you for coming.
In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ

Thursday, August 18, 2022

A Projection Of The Future That May Be About To Happen And Looks Damn Likely To Happen Soon

 This is my opinion based on real news and an analysis by me.  I have under-estimated the numbers on Chinese troops by as much as a factor of 20 because such a number at the factor of 20 is currently unfathomable to acceptance at this point before the events that seem to be coming upon us.  -- Brian


 A Projection Of The Future That May Be About To Happen And Looks Damn Likely To Happen Soon

 There are credible rumors in the Federal Agencies, unvetted by me but allegedly vetted by those with ability to know by those with right clearance and right location sources, that a Cyber-attack is coming to melt down the banking system.

The scenario is to the effect of "The Russians" utilizing personal computers of right wingers to pass on a virus that causes the Major Banks of the Federal Reserve to go into melt-down.  Talk ranges from mid-September to mid-November for the launch.  In preparation, Walmart and Amazon are among Industry Insiders Winners making dramatic purchase cuts and personnel readjustments in preparation. 

When Right Wingers are False Flagged in the last 4 months of 2022, or it could come later sometime in 2023, regardless of the scenario, 87,000 mostly welfare dumpy looking newly armed unimpressive in appearance IRS Agents are being set to launch on a hit-list of conservatives, allegedly, by the tens of thousands to round up.  They  Criminal Investigators of the IRS actually LOOK like Crisis Actors rather than real agents set up to be provocateurs and cannon fodder, if you will. 

These Conservatives on the IRS hit-list or victims will in turn trigger a single or more incident in which there will institute a national martial law round up of hundreds of thousands, and then millions of US Citizens for no other reason than they are not with the Traitors of the US Constitution, nor are traitors to the Republic of the United States themselves. 

We have 50 Constitutions and 50 potential States to be independent Republics if need be, by design of the Founders, that are to affirm what the national charter by collective assent is supposed to affirm.  

If the round ups are NOT stretched over a period of a year or more, the majority will squash the IRS and Federal  alleged LEO minority, so that the deployment of the IRS will need Public Relations smearing of a few... then a Media Public Relations smearing of a growing many who affirm the US Constitution over a lengthy many months period of time, so as NOT to over-inflame the public, hence a late 2023 or later plan of massive action seems intended. 

 This is a flexible launch time-line that can be layered on one crisis or another, by example - if a mass migration motion due to a lack of water and a banking shutdown is present by January or February 2023, likely after the banking shutdown but before a forced mass migration demand by the Federals for lack of water, no sanitation, claims of disease and infestation, and so on. 

 Likely Banking Crash, 

IRS Persecution of US Citizens, 


Water OUTS and

 Disease Infestation 

will be the introduction of 2023 under the current projection...but time will tell, as we'll see.It depends on how fast the Water Outs come.

Lakes Mead and Powell are drying up to FAILURE



that will prevent them from having a height for hydro-electric power, and such severe rationing, that very little to NO WATER might be drawn under a Martial Law Restriction.


Add to this the shrinking back of essential supplies across the distributions chain and that alone is cause for alarm.

Diesel Gas availability and NO DIESEL OIL to enable trains and Distribution Trucks and even fire engines to run.  It all starts running out  beginning sometime in late August 2022, and Oil Industry claims that there will be no replacement Diesel Oil to be available until February 2023 or beyond.


No diesel oil means that gradually by Christmas 2022, most diesel engines shut down and cannot operate.  No gas station gas, no groceries, no fire-trucks, no diesel trains, and eventually almost no movement by vehicle via Federal Sabotage by DESIGN. 

On another front, invasion by United Nations forces that are primarily Chinese and a giving away of US Western Lands to Chinese occupation. The Chinese CANNOT logistically invade on their own despite many tens of thousands of military troops in Canada on Chinese owned lands, by Canada's permission, and the thousands alleged in Mexico by their consent.  

The Joint Chief of Staff, General Milley has already committed treason in October 30  2020 against President Trump in making a personal alliance against his Commander in Chief with the Chinese counterpart.  After putting a live mobile Minuteman III nuclear missile in Washington DC and threatening his own nuclear protocols that could blast any US base or city that would by arms support President Trump on January 6, 2021...on January 8, 2021 Milley reported to his Chinese masters what he did and apparently affirmed his own personal promises to them as independently representing the US Government IN PLACE OF OUR OWN PRESIDENT and the US Department of State.  

Under Milley, we have a surge in Chinese Army Infiltrators into the stolen election Federal Governance under the names of Biden-Harris, where no less than 35,000,000 votes were fraudulently awarded Biden (as well as millions of Trump votes destroyed or refused to be counted).

 Because the tactic of traditional invasion is passe', a realization of invitation invasion as the only practical solution, as described by Henry Kissinger some 50 years ago, is likely how the handover of US Lands in the West to China, as the US recedes to former boundaries  the Louisiana Purchase and points East in its initial shrinkage.

US Military bases will likely be the primary conversion locations set up be Milley and his Chinese masters, as it is easy to discreetly fly in those troops under a United Nations Flag as Rest in Peace keeping "assistance".  It is estimated that a first wave of 100,000 Chinese Military could take over active US bases in America's West before the end of 2023, but this may be put off to immediately after a sham 2024 election that is already entirely pre-programmed and decided in numbers just waiting to be loaded with actual names of candidates and locations.  CHINA is already slated to run our up and coming FEMA Camps as UN "rest in Peace" peacekeepers.  

The current treaty we have with 15,000 Russians to run the FEMA Camps with US Army co-existence will be transferred to the CHINESE. In case you didn't know it, there are HUNDREDS of active Chinese agents interlocked with Obama-Biden US Intel elite who are ready to go and kill US Citizens at the word. An open example of just mere appearance infiltration can be seen by a look at how there are currently, right now, 20 Chinese Communist Party members with the CIA director in the Carnegie Endowment getting so chummy that they obviously -- according to Media like Philip Lenczycki, Daily Caller, August 14, 2022


are being passed classified and top secret from him. It gets worse. The Chinese Communist Party, like the infiltration of Foreign Allegiance Muslims under Obama from 2009-2017, in 2021-2022, the Chinese Military and Chinese Intelligence now have HUNDREDS of agents peppered throughout the Federal Government inserting CHINA input. There are many tens of thousands more Chinese Military who occupy positions in US Industry and Retail as well as their own businesses who have stealthily assumed roles and positions feigning innocence, ready to sabotage and who knows what at a moment's notice. They are here by green cards, tourism passport entries, and US Intel placement (apparently).

Through Milley, in 2023 or just beyond, Over 100,000 Chinese MILITARY are allegedly supposed to run the extermination camps ON US SOIL with maybe 1 to a handful of US Army stay-behinds who might work in a segregated part of the base where they even have a wall that prevents them from viewing the goings on. 

At present the US Army Weather Warfare plan appears to 

dry up Lakes Mead and Powell, 

force a mandatory lack of water martial law based evacuation, 

 (what seems now in August 2022 to be an evacuation beginning with Arizona as sometime from March 2023 and beyond)

and disappear millions in the confusion of a forced evacuation from the West and Southwest USA States process

 to hide the dirty deeds and the actual numbers of the dead they intend to exterminate.


 The US Army at the top and in its Weather Warfare Units has the means to order a reverse of the Western US drought by weather warfare technology, especially re hydrating the atmosphere with massive precipitation into the Southwest, but would rather exterminate upwards of 20,000,000 US citizen patriots who dare believe into the US Constitution as being on their enemies list instead. 

They will NOT do so as long as Milley remains active as head of the Joint Chiefs in the Pentagon.  Milley and all China loyalists need to be forced OUT of the US Military on Dishonorable Discharges and Criminal Prosecutions of TREASON immediately after, if it is possible.  

The oath to defend the US from enemies both foreign and domestic has fallen so much so, only a preternatural intervention by GOD Almighty can even temporarily save the United States of America, even for just a few years more, it seems to me.


“Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt.” – Samuel Adams, Essay in the Public Advertiser, 1749

Keep the Faith and be not afraid to pray...

 GOD help us!

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