Welcome! Jesus Christ is my LORD and Savior! Romans 10:9-10,13; John 3:16
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I am a Natural Born United States Citizen with NO allegiance or citizenship to any nation but my own, and will use this site as a hobby place of sorts to present my own political and religious viewpoints, as a genuine Constitutional Conservative and a genuine Christian Conservative.
Thank you for coming. ------------------------------------------------------------------- In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ 2025
And a thank you Pamela Geller, for your service both to the United States of America and to upholding the precept of defending individuality / human-dignity in your tireless pursuit to try to do the right thing.
Thank you for the years and years you have spent in trying to rightly inform America what it NEEDS (not necessarily wants) to hear, see, read, and know in order to guard its founding principles in the US Constitution against enemies both foreign and domestic, whether they are open or hidden in their agendas to destroy us as a nation and/or individually.
Keep blowing the shofar, keep sounding the alarm. Thanks again.
There are those who will gripe about the above-mentioned book being somehow unscholarly. Unscholarly means unsourced in a bunch of people who comment on commentators who comment on commentators, etc., until you have 8 generations or more of commentary who have taffy-pulled the original source document so out of context it is unrecognizable. Joan Peters went to many original source quotes and documents, and a certain Hebrew University professor threw a snit, and his NY Time article blasting at her book has been cited by anti-Israel Communists and Atheists (including well known apostate Jews who hate their Jewsih identity and Israel). I say, follow the documentation and documents, let them tell the story. Vet those things, and if they stand up, you may find that the author and not her critics is the one left standing afterwards. History, I say, will very likely exonerate her book as a valuable resource as a volume of many valuable references and citations to the issues at hand, and indeed, to some extent since 1984, already has. For these reasons, those who have made themselves familiar with the pseudo-Palestinian Arab gripe issue over the last several decades of what rightfully belongs to Israel, will find that From Time Immemorial, will give you a greater arsenal of many specifics as to why you are right to believe politically and historically the things you may have heretofore simply taken by generalities and by your Biblical faith.
Israel Palestinian Conflict: The Truth About the Peace Process - with Danny Ayalon
Israel Palestinian Conflict: The Truth About the West Bank - with Danny Ayalon
Truth and Origins of the Israeli / Palestinian Conflict - by the David Horowitz Freedom Center
At the Miami Convention of the South Florida Summit in Defense of Israel, with an inter-faith Christian-Jewish gathering to affirm and call for a standing of the US with Israel. Israel's Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs also attended.
The New Testament repeatedly calls the land of Israel as ISRAEL. The LORD Jesus Christ Himself gives eretz Israel (the land of Israel) not only its confirmation by name, but He also sets her true boundaries as far north of their current northern boundaries...boundaries which are supposed to be even with the northern boundaries of the city of Damascus at the Syrian border and the northern boundaries of the city of Sidon at the Mediterranean Sea
In just 9 verses out of Matthew, you can see the New Testament pattern of calling Israel as ISRAEL. This goes back to our earliest extant manuscripts, and remains present even after the attempt by Rome to change its name politically decades after Matthew was written in circa June/July 55/56 A.D. This in effect also quietly testifies that the Gospels were written and well-distributed to all long before any such Roman redsignation ever came about. The true history of Israel as being called ISRAEL has been retained and confirmed in behalf of Israel and the Jews by the nations through the New Testament and its many thousands of manuscripts showing the chain of custody of that very FACT of history and historical ethnic and political designation. F-A-C-T!
Matthew 2:6 And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Juda, art not the least among the princes of Juda: for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel.
Matthew 2:20 Saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and go into the land of Israel: for they are dead which sought the young child's life.
Matthew 2:21 And he arose, and took the young child and his mother, and came into the land of Israel.
Matthew 8:10 When Jesus heard it, he marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.
Again, Jesus also traveled to Tyre and Sidon, now part of Lebannon. These were the bounds of 1st Century Israel, and therefore are still the boundaries of Israel that was intended for modern Israel to have.
Then Jesus went thence, and departed into the coasts of
Tyre and Sidon.
Therefore, all of Judea, from the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aquaba and going north past the Sea of Galilee to the limits of Sidon, directly west of Damascus, is rightfully the Land set aside for the Tribes of Israel, and what the nations of the Earth owe Israel in any Peace Process.
In other words, not one inch of land is owed to any other peoples that those descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob...including the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and those parts currently allocated as Lebannon mentioned mandatorily ought to be repatriated to the Jews and the various tribes of Israel.
I say that itis the political obligation of the United States to adhere to this NEW boundary which is the boundary they had in antiquity in the New Testament Era. If the Palestinians so-called are to have their own homeland, let the sons and daughters of Edom be repatriated to Edom, to modern Jordan and the EAST Bank of the Jordan River basin be allotted to them as a homeland. Every inch of ancient Israel of the New Testament times and times previous, belongs to the 13 tribes of Israel, and those unwilling to accept this should be evicted. -- Brianroy
Matthew 9:33 And when the devil was cast out, the dumb spake: and the multitudes marvelled, saying, It was never so seen in Israel.
Matthew 10:6 But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
Matthew 10:23 But when they persecute you in this city, flee ye into another: for verily I say unto you, Ye shall not have gone over the cities of Israel, till the Son of man be come.
Matthew 15:24 But He answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
May it be one day be the policy of the United States of America to say: In Earth -- Come Heaven or Hell, I stand with Israel My ally, and GOD's beloved and friend
After disappearing from TruTV's very popular and under-rated Conspiracy Theory, Jesse Ventura resurfaces under the radar on August 23, 2011 on the Gary Null Public Radio Network show. Like him, don't like him...if you want to take a trip back into the intellectualism we had coming from our US college campuses in the 1970s, and fast forward it to today, the basics and foundations of discontent of which Jesse Ventura argues from is the tuning fork to which you would be running into in years like 1974. It is a necessary different perspective, as anachronistic some may call it, or as Liberal or too Leftist other would call it. In a Town Hall or in a National Debate, very often he brings in necessary points of contention / discussion to help make the balanced view. As a very Conservative Republican whose Party has taking the Progressive Left Turncoat road of Socialism, I often find myself valuing Jesse's views (of late) far more than many Republicans who say one thing, and then co-opt the very principles they claim to have, betraying the Republic, the Constituents who voted for them, and the Party. Traitors to the Republic and the Republican Party like Senators McCain and Graham and Speaker Boehner ought to be kicked out of the Republican Party and told to become Democratic Socialists, that they are no longer "Republicans" when they vote and argue to destroy the Republic for the sake of "appeasing Obama", and "taking him at his word." But that is an entirely different subject for another day.
"63 Documents the Government Doesn't Want You to Read"
The US Constitution was written for a Judeo-Christian moral people...a RELIGIOUS people who taught he Bible in schools, at home, practiced the principles in all forms of it Government: municipal, town, city, county, State, Federal. Conservative Christianity is the distinct tradition of our nation by which FREEDOM thrives in the United States of America. It is a necessary foundation by which we may adjudicate and legislate properly. When we stray from the One TRUE GOD, and the Bible -- whether you side with Jesse that Christianity is for those who are weak, or with the great Generals of our nation's history and recognize that Christianity and its founder, Jesus Christ the Son of GOD, is the power that binds us together and makes us strong (for which reason the military for hundreds of years has kept the Faith) -- the void of lawlessness that is created allows for tyranny and insanity in the way Government operates. We have entered into such a time, and the more our Government and Judiciary denounces Christ and GOD the Father, the more we shall slip into tyranny and concealment under the guise of a need for security against the ever increasing outward lawlessness Government accepts or even self-pepetuates.
In his book, Jesse quotes JFK:
"There is little value in ensuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment." – John F. Kennedy
I say, we on the Right and Left can come to an agreeable middle to save this nation. Those who are Obama fanatics, where he can say or do no wrong, are not invited as they have no ability to use higher reason in coming to a decision best for the country, rather than idolatry to a single man or a racist ideal as if Obama more than the USA must be preserved at all costs.
In the same way the TEA Party needs to kick out the Progressive Republicans for Socialism or Socialist-Communism, so too does the Democratic Party need to kick out its own traitors to the Republic and Democracy, those trying to create an Oligarchal Dictatorship via Obama and insane accelerated debt creation for the sole purpose of bankrupting and destroying America for the ideals of 1960s radicalism in which as younger versions, they made oaths to support Communism and side with those who would destroy us then, and are keeping their promises in power to destroy the USA now.
All of America needs to vote all of these traitors out, demand a special prosecutor appointed in 2013, and prosecute all of the traitors in Congress - the Executive Branch - and Union Leaderships who have intentionally jeopardized this nation by sending it into an intentional financial oblivion, and put them away in prison for decades or for Life without parole or pardon, under hard labor.
Will those on the Left, even Independents like Jesse Ventura, consent to such an invitation to collectively work to such a goal as to weed out Crony Capitalism and Corruption in the major parties? That would be the next ramp up stage to the TEA Party counter-revolution to Obama's Islamo- Communism. That's my input.
Jesse's above-mentioned book
"63 Documents the Government Doesn't Want You to Read"in 13 hours of audio:
Jesse covering the JFK Assassination
Jesse on 9/11 at the World Trade Centers
Jesse on the HAARP
Jesse on the 2012 Apocalypse scenario
[which could explain where alot of the dissipating Stimulus money is disappearing to, literally down smoking holes?].
Ralph Nader and Judge Napolitano concur accurately on Crony Capitalism and some of the unConstitutionalism in Practice in regards to Obama and those in Congress just shuffling along in lockstep with him.
Hat Tip and thumbs up to Orly Taitz at http://www.orlytaitzesq.com/ for the document images I am re-posting and/or linking (depending on your computer browser's capability).
(Re: Complaints. Pictures not visible in certain Windows browsers or versions of Windows operating systems. One of the benefits of the internet, is that I have a world-wide audience of dozens of nations, but also many operating systems are used to get here. I have discovered that after the first day of operation, not all browser systems will thereafter still see the pictures. Certain supported Internet Explorer versions may simply drop out the actual pictures and display a box; while other browsers such as Firefox and Chrome will continue to display the images. In order to help overcome this, I have posted direct jpg links to where the document pictures were first posted. I humbly apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Thanks. -- Sincerely, Brianroy)
Not only do the Obama's use fake Birth Certificates and a stolen / identity theft SS# for Barack, they almost without question appear to be cheating on their taxes and declared income for tax year 2009. Figures.
Obama and Bauer (Identity Documents for Obama) Fraud upon the Court
The only ones guilty of committing Fraud upon the Citizens
of the United States of America and upon the Court (whether it is Barack
Hussein Obama II’s Birth Certificates or Social Security Number) is Barack
Hussein Obama II and his lawyers under 1), 3), 4), 5) of what defines Fraud
upon the Court as cited in Workman v. Bell, 245 F.3d 849 (6th Circuit 2001) @
852. Only a Fraud will demand a release
only through Public Relations Officers, and not directly from Officers of the
Court (practicing attorneys at law), and not ever allowing any claimed
documents to be introduced into evidence in a Court of Law simply because they
are fraudulent to begin with.
on the Court is conduct:
on the part of an officer of the Court;
2) that is directed to the judicial machinery
that is intentionally false, willfully blind to the truth, or is in reckless
disregard for the truth;
4) that is a positive averment or a
concealment when one is under duty to disclose;
18 § 1028. Fraud and related activity in connection with identification
documents, authentication features, and information
(a)Whoever, in a circumstance described in subsection (c) of this
(1)knowingly and without
lawful authority produces an identification document, authentication feature,
or a false identification document;
(2)knowingly transfers an
identification document, authentication feature, or a false identification
document knowing that such document or feature was stolen or produced without
lawful authority;
(3)knowingly possesses with
intent to use unlawfully or transfer unlawfully five or more identification
documents (other than those issued lawfully for the use of the possessor),
authentication features, or false identification documents;
(4)knowingly possesses an
identification document (other than one issued lawfully for the use of the
possessor), authentication feature, or a false identification document, with
the intent such document or feature be used to defraud the United States;
(5)knowingly produces,
transfers, or possesses a document-making implement or authentication feature
with the intent such document-making implement or authentication feature will
be used in the production of a false identification document or another
document-making implement or authentication feature which will be so used;
(6)knowingly possesses an
identification document or authentication feature that is or appears to be an
identification document or authentication feature of the United States or a
sponsoring entity of an event designated as a special event of national
significance which is stolen or produced without lawful authority knowing that
such document or feature was stolen or produced without such authority;
(7)knowingly transfers,
possesses, or uses, without lawful authority, a means of identification of
another person with the intent to commit, or to aid or abet, or in connection
with, any unlawful activity that constitutes a violation of Federal law, or
that constitutes a felony under any applicable State or local law; or
(8)knowingly traffics in
false or actual authentication features for use in false identification
documents, document-making implements, or means of identification;
shall be punished as
provided in subsection (b) of this section.
(A)the production or transfer of an identification document,
authentication feature, or false identification document that is or appears to
(i)an identification
document or authentication feature issued by or under the authority of the
United States; or
(ii)a birth certificate, or
a driver’s license or personal identification card...
(5)the term “false authentication feature” means an authentication
feature that—
(C)appears to be genuine, but is not;
(7)the term “means of identification” means any name or number that
may be used, alone or in conjunction with any other information, to identify a
specific individual, including any—
(A)name, social security
number, date of birth, official State or government issued driver’s license or
identification number, alien registration number, government passport number,
employer or taxpayer identification number;
What is it that Robert Bauer of Perkins Coie offered
the Court NO EVIDENCE but referrals for the Court to simply look at newspapers and partisan (Socialist Democratic source links) the one time he even referred to any substantiation of the Obama Short Form (or any form) Birth Certificate at all in Hollister
v. Soetoro Civil Action No. 1:08-cv-02254-JR? The Short then, and the Long Form Birth Documents for Obama being fraudulent, arecertainly NOT the
documents a practicing attorney would dare introduce into evidence, and if legitimate Bauer had the full legal authority
to introduce them into evidence while IN COURT.
No, rather, matter of factly at a minimum by appearance, Bauer (and the Law Firm Perkins Coie by extension) apparently and
quite successfully hung his hat on getting away with committing legally defined
FRAUD upon the Court. (Cf. emboldened sections of 18 USC 1028 above).
v. Soetoro Civil Action No. 1:08-cv-02254-JR quote:
“1 President Obama has publicly produced a
certified copy of a birth certificate showing that he was born on August 4,
1961, in Honolulu Hawaii. See, e.g., Factcheck.org,
“Born in the U.S.A.: The truth about Obama’s birth certificate,” available at http://www.factcheck.org/elections-2008/born_in_the_usa.html (concluding that the birth
certificate is genuine, and noting a contemporaneous birth announcement
published in a Honolulu newspaper). Hawaii officials have publicly verified
that they have President Obama’s “original birth certificate on record in
accordance with state policies and procedures.” See “Certified,”
Honolulu Star Bulletin, Oct. 31, 2008. This Court can
take judicial notice ofthese public news
reports. See The Washington Post v. Robinson,935 F.2d 282, 291 (D.C. Cir.
1991); Agee v. Muskie, 629 F.2d 80, 81 n.1, 90 (D.C. Cir. 1980).”
In fact, if push comes to shove, Perkins Coie will throw Judith L. Corey of Perkins Coie, assigned with being liason with the Hawaii Dept. of Heatlh
http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/rss_viewer/birth-certificate-correspondence.pdfunder the bus. Obama Attorney Robert Bauer (by the clearly premeditated design behind the above pdf link docs released by the White House) has his fail girl, even as Obama always has someone else to blame or take the fall for the sake of his political expediency. In Obama's case, he can always blame Loretta Fuddy or her predecessor Dr. Neal Palifox, or his predecessor at the Hawaii Department of Health.
Obama and Bauer are afraid to take this issue of just how much of an identity fraud he and his co-conspirators legally are committing on in a Court Trial. They don't want people reading up on the Law, they want people like those of the Media who will drop to their knees for Obama. Don't believe it? Just check out his more recent ego needs statements to a partisans-only-are-invited crowd in North Carolina.
What does Obama say? "If you LOVE ME you gotta...."
I don't love you Obama, and we don't gotta anything, except expose you for the felonious criminal and usurper you are (and do so legally and peacefully).