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I am a Natural Born United States Citizen with NO allegiance or citizenship to any nation but my own, and will use this site as a hobby place of sorts to present my own political and religious viewpoints, as a genuine Constitutional Conservative and a genuine Christian Conservative.

Thank you for coming.
In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Happy GOOD FRIDAY!!! The Location Of The Cross of Jesus Crucifixion Is A South-East Of The Temple Certainty



Perhaps it is on THIS DAY that many who do not pay attention to the events before -- during -- after Jesus Crucifixion, somehow now pay some attention.  Unfortunately, billions of people are told a mis-direction, a wrong location in Jerusalem as to WHERE Jesus was crucified in both History and Biblical Prophecy (which includes Gematria for those of us in the know).  

Below, I bring an updated sample of my electronic only shared (thus far) 2006 copyrighted work.  In a time where the Pope and his Vatican support worship the same snake deity as the one who invisibly backs the President of China, and demands an apostasy that we merge the true Faith of Christianity with a schizophrenic pedophile sex-deviant murderer, well THAT needs a rebuke.  Truth in its purest form is the best kind of rebuke, even if it is banned, the words of Jesus in the Beatitudes are also for such a time as this.  Thus, in one action of righteousness for Jesus' name, I pose and answer this GOOD FRIDAY  question:

 Where, in and around Jerusalem, was Jesus crucified?  

 For the past 150 years and more, Satanic influences of unbelievers in positions of Ecclesiastical learning have steered an open and obvious Biblical declaration of that very historical fact, so as to create unbelief into the Resurrection from the stone tombs located near the well we know as En Rogel on the Mount of Olives as a logical consequence.  

 It is all not just about gas lighting believers into a lie of location, but a creation of a straw man presumption they could knock down later.  But FAITH  has overcome that, even if misdirected to the north of Jerusalem, rather than what the Bible clearly and specifically designates as south and to the right. 

 Some works in the 1800s to early 1900s rightly directed us by maps and testimony that Golgotha was on Olivet near where it actually was, but because they weren't part of the Academic Establishment to promote ignorance, these correct to the East of the Temple conclusions did not receive the University sharing they deserved. 

 You have to remember that Universities program how and what to think more than give a proper and learned correct education on  their subjects.  Like the psychiatrist whose livelihood is to keep the patient sick just enough to always keep coming back and provide the Psychiatrist a steady and regular income, so too is MOST University training. 

When discussing Jerusalem's topography, the modern scholar -- either in ignorance or in a Masonic or related anti-Christian conspiracy at the academic level --  almost always inclines that we never mind that the valley depths of Jerusalem and dispersion of siege banks regarding  the Kidron and Hinom  Valley after  70 A.D., and later developments in antiquity in the next centuries since. 

John 18:1 mentions that the Kidron was referred to as a brook, and most Christians in developed societies fail to grasp the significance of that passage in relation to the arrest of Jesus and carry the ability to rationally think and conclude of it also means to the logistics of Jerusalem if 3,000,000 people are going to have Passover and 2 other High Holidays in and around Jerusalem.  By the blank stares most give, you'd think their minds were off on family matters, on sports, on consuming beverages or a meal or something...anything...else, just so their "prolific brain"  [yes, I am mocking here]  would stay in rust shutdown rather than give birth to an idea, let alone a realization of what should be obvious, and checked into, researched on their own.  It seems we have generations of Christians stuck in a "make me feel good, but don't make me think unless you're entertaining me with comedy" mode. 

In the time Christ Jesus had his ministry, there were 3 bridges that we should be aware of.  The Northern Olivet bridge that crossed from the 1st of Olivet's 4 peaks, the Watergate bridge that crossed from the Siloam Gate and Gihon Spring to Olivet's 3 peak, and the Dung Gate bridge that crossed over the Hinom Valley at some point just west of where Judas hung himself while gazing at Jesus on the cross just slightly south of the Water Gate Bridge section of Olivet.  

At this point, many who have refused to dig out the history in their own Bible might pose the following question:  So where is the historic specific location of Jesus crucifixion mentioned? 

 “And the bodies of them [ the Two Witnesses]
(will lay) upon the Great City’s Plateia,
which is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt, where our LORD — was indeed — crucified.”

Revelation 11:8, Translation mine

In locating the Plateia (or “street of Egypt”) in Jerusalem, “where our LORD was crucified”, we revisit Matthew 13:22 with Jeremiah 46:7-8, and surmise that “Egypt” in Jerusalem deals with the Kidron Valley. 


We are required (by Scripture) to first locate this geography of Jerusalem that is called “Egypt”; and then to intersect that location with the geography called “Sodom”.

  The manner in which the location of “the street of Sodom”, in Jerusalem, is identified as the Hinom valley — is quickly dispatched with the fact that the Hebrew Ge-Hinom (“Valley of Hinom”) is transliterated in the Greek as Ge-henna (“the Valley of Burning Fires”).

This part of the valley of Hinom to which we are most concerned, is directly SOUTH of the Temple, and runs in an east-west direction. 

 Therefore, we need only to find the next intersection point: the Hinom valley representing Revelation 11:8’s “Sodom”, which Scripture describes as a place associated with “fire, brimstone (sulfur)… and great smoke as from a furnace” (Genesis 19:24,28).

 That intersect with the Kidron Valley, a Wadi in the First Century A.D., and formerly much deeper and with bridges that spanned the Kidron between Olivet and the Temple Mount were clearly obviously there, from Gethsemane to the Temple Mount and from just south of the Water gate over to Olivet’s third peak base.

There was also a third from the Dung Gate passage over the Hinom Valley, which road the led west in hundreds of yards intersected with a north-south road, one leading North to and past a second Hinom Valley Bridge West of the Temple for the sheep, and south toward Bethlehem where the hundreds of thousands of sheep were passaged from.

There are other indicators in locating where the two witnesses will die and where Christ was Crucified. King Josiah took the idols brought into the House of YHVeH, took them East into the Kidron Valley, and burned them in the “fields of the Kidron” (2 Kings 23:4). He broke down all the altars and idols of Jerusalem, and beat them to dust. For Josiah, as a type of Christ and forerunner of Messiah, he was also the keeper of the greatest Passover Israel had ever seen from the days of the Judges to those Old Testament  times after him (2 Kings 23:21-23). Christ was the greatest and eternal Passover Sacrifice upon which all humanity in the theology of the Bible is judged by, past, present, future. 


Gematriac Affirmations

In the relationship of Words having the same Numerical value in the Bible -- GEMATRIA --  and the correct art / wisdom (correct knowledge and correct understanding)  of parallel application.  the location of the Cross is also affirmed 


Gematriac insights to Azal [actually, the relationship of Azal in prophecy to its forthcoming valley that shall be created through Olivet’s third peak to the East at the end of the Great Tribulation for Israel’s last few thousand Jews on earth to flee to and through] and the Cross

“And you shall flee into the Valley of My Mountains,
for the Valley of My Mountains shall reach unto Azal.”
(Zechariah 14:5a)

The word Azal (Alef-Tzaddai-Lamed) is valued at 121 in the Hebrew, and the holder of a pil’ly (Pe-Lamed-Alef-Yod), that which is “a remarkable, and wonderful secret.”

That secret concerns an “unripe” (or aphiyl {Alef-Pe-Yod-Lamed}),
“pressed or urged” (alats Alef-Lamed-Tzaddai),
“Oak of the king” (allom melek Alef-Lamed-Mem-Lamed-Kaf)
that is “slender like a lotus tree” (a tse’el Tzaddai-Alef-Lamed).

The Cross also is unripe and slender like the lotus

upon which a King was hung, 

which also acts as a shade tree of sorts to which all the nations press upon (cf. the Cross with Lamentations 4:20). And yet, the Cross, the slender and unripe oak of the King, (revealed by Scripture as the acacia,) which is pressed, and holds a remarkable and wonderful secret.

Through Gematria, in the word Azal, we see that Messiah is given to us by GOD, through His Holy Word, a value through the descent of YH (being a yod י of 10) as Ya’ala (Yod-Ayin-Lamed-Alef), which divided means “the wild goat (Yod-Ayin-Lamed) of GOD (א).” 

This is the sacrifice of the Scapegoat, whose life is to be given for the sins of all Israel (cf. Leviticus 16:20-22; John 11:49-53).

 This activity directly links with the Torah’s example of the sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham, in which a ram (or wild goat prophetically) was provided in his place. From this “base” to the non-believer, but “pedestal” to them that believe (the mekownah Mem-Kaf-Vav-Nun-He), there rested Nineveh (Nun-Yod-Nun-Vav-He, “the one of offense”), who in Gematria is “The Son”, i.e., “the perpetuation” (Nun-Yod-Nun) “of VeH” (וה) – the Spirit of GOD.

It was from the west-most portion of this valley of Azal, at the gate of Siloam / the Water Gate, in which the “bereaved” Messiah was “discarded and forsaken” (alman (Alef-Lamed-Mem-Nun), and to which the bride of Jerusalem, by way of a few corrupt rulers forced “widowhood and bereavement” (almon – Alef-Lamed-Mem-Nun) upon the nation of Israel. 

The Cross is a hammenek (He-Mem-Vav-Nun-Kaf), it is “a necklace or ornament ” of faith to the believer, but a chain of bondage to the unbeliever.

The word Azal indeed holds a pil’ly or “wonderful secret”, for it is the combination of the Hebrew letter Alef (א), and the word for “shade” in Hebrew, being “Zal” or “Tsal” (צל). Therefore, GOD’s “shade”, or the “Shade of the Right Hand” as told by Psalm 121:5, is directly and prophetically linked to this passage from Zechariah 14:5.

And what is the “wonderful secret”? “Zal” or “Tsal” is the shortest form of “Tselah” (צלעה ): “a rib”, or “the side” of a person.

 This refers to Adam, to which Christ is the “Second Adam”, whose “rib” (as it were) is to be His Church.

It is through this Valley of the mount of Olives that the river of YHVeH shall flow 9through the then valley of Azal) until it reaches the Jordan, and then will flow both north and south from there (Ezekiel 47:1-8). 

This river from in origin from the Throne of YHVeH: from the throne of YHVeH Father and YHVeH the Lamb (Revelation 22:1). 

Jesus tells us that it shall flow forth from the innermost part of His being (John 7:38). The waters that flow out of the city of Jerusalem will teach us to trust in the Salvation (literally “Yeshua” or “Jesus” in Psalm 78:22) of GOD: Psalm 78:20,22.

 To not acknowledge Jesus as the True Messiah, IN THAT DAY, will be to provoke the immediate wrath of GOD (Psalm 78:21).

“And as they led (Christ) away, they [the Roman guards] laid hold upon one Simon, a Cyrenian, coming out of the country, and they laid the cross on him, that he might bear (it), following behind Jesus.”
(Luke 23:26) KJV

The combined accounts of Matthew 27:32, Mark 15:20c-21, and Luke 23:26, in the Literal Greek to English Translation would read as thus:

“And brings out and leads Him so that He may be crucified;
and after having searched, found a man returning from the wild fields,
a certain Simon,
–who by name and reputation is the father of Alexander and Rufus —
this one they beat about with the knees violently,
in order that he would take up, raise the Cross, and bear it;
which he did take up, bear, and endure
behind the back of Jesus.
” (Translation mine)

The emphasis in this verse is where Simon was coming from: the “country”. The word for “country” in the Greek, is the anarthous noun αγρου, “agrou”; or literally, “a field”. When this usage is examined in relation to Jerusalem, it is directly used of that region which lies south of Jerusalem.

Meanwhile, the Passover rituals clean-ups are happening in and about Jerusalem….

And what was Simon the Cyrenian doing? It is all but a certainty, on the day of Pesach / Passover, that Simon the Cyrenian was carting ashes from the Temple Altar from out of the Temple and the city of Jerusalem (lest they defile the Temple) earlier in the day. Simon was coming north on the Dung Gate road as Jesus was heading east on the Siloam Gate Road, when Simon was kicked about with the knees by the Romans and pressed into service to carry the Cross. Another indicator Golgotha had to be to the EAST.

There are many other passages in prophecy and in Hebrew words and Hebrew tradition that indicate East and south and east of the Temple Mount. The location being just north of the well of Rogel, on Olivet. 

 The Siloam Gate of the Gihon Spring is directly tied to Messiah going out this Gate in the Hebrew of Nehemiah. 


"But the Gate of the Fountain  [Gihon]

 repaired SHALLUN 


and he built it, 

and covered it, set up the doors thereof,

the locks thereof, and the bars thereof,

and the wall of the Pool of Siloa(c)h  by the King's Garden,

and unto the stairs that go down from the city of David."     

                                                   (Nehemiah 3:15)  KJV

    In Nehemiah 3:15, what is being said, is that, "He who is called Recompense" - i.e. the Savior  (SHALLUN), is the Son of  "the One who is able to see all"- i.e. GOD the Father (COL-HOZEH), who is in turn the Ruler of the "Height" / "Watchtower"/ or "Watch"- i.e. Heaven (MIZPAH).   

This is another Messianic Title of YHVeH Messiah: “He who is called Salvation” -- “the Son of the Heavenly Father” -- “Ruler of Heaven and Earth”.  

 In the Hebrew, Nehemiah 3:15 is directly related to the Torah's citation of Jacob becoming the builder and ruler of  “Mizpah” (Genesis 31:44-49).  In those verses of Genesis chapter 31, we see that a mound of stones that are built up for a testimonial witness (or Galeed), and was called "MIZPAH": is literally become “the Watchtower of (Heaven)

The “all-seeing One”, unlike the Masons who worship a fallen cherub as their deity, represents GOD the Father.  Thus, the “Ruler of the Mizpah”, the “Ruler of the Stone heap”; i.e., the true “Ruler of the Temple”, the one holding the scales, is the “son of the All-seeing One”: “YHVeH whom ye seek” (Malachi 3:1), who is de facto, “the son of GOD”.

The Masonic all-seeing eye, usually preferring the left over Jesus' open right eye, represents the theft of the one-eye Jesus saw with while on the Cross.  Jesus received 400-600 blows by Roman soldiers that lined up and were given one open hand slap upon Jesus' left side of the face, so that the eye was shut and the face swelled out and puffed out far beyond what could be distinguished for human...being some sort of water puffing out of the skin that was virtually uncontrolled as what happens to a very bad sprain. 

In essence, to those at the very top in Masonry, they know that the all-seeing eye in MASONRY is an intentional mocking of Jesus upon the Cross firstly, and alleged references to other things are merely diversions for their underling masses.  Fabrication and deceit as well as secrecy IN MASONRY  is celebrated, not just upon outsiders, but their own as well.  

The Bible holds secrets to reveal and hold that can be dug and shared, and it celebrates truth that is mined for and shouted as if from the housetops, as it were...but it also advises caution, so that it is shared with those who will also treasure the truth, and not stomp on it, not scorn it, and not trample truth as pigs would do so to pearls or some other treasure given them.  


  Siloach is spelled as שלח, and having a Gematriac value of 338.  The significance of this, is that if a gate is named for Jesus; then for His greatest life event, He had better go out that gate for His crucifixion if He is Messiah.  Every indication of prophecy and history is:  that He does exactly that!

Now, in examining the epigraphy of the Hebraic alphabet prior to 410 B.C., but after Nehemiah's return, in the example of the Letter V from Arsham, we can find remarkable and almost indistinguishable similarities between the Het ח and the Mem ם.  

e.g.  Trevor, John C. “The Dead Sea Scrolls: A Personal Account”, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, © 1965,1977; pp. 140-141. ]

This similarity is  particularly relevant to the Book of Nehemiah, as we are quoting heavily on Nehemiah 3:15 in the above.  If the letter V from Arsham is composed within two generations of Nehemiah, and we see that the Het ח and the Mem ם are virtually indistinguishable, what does that tell us?  It tells us the answer of why, in respect to this “water source”, that we can see linguistically the raison d'être of how the Hebraic Scribal tradition kept the Het (pronouncing “Siloa-CH”), while the Oral Tradition among the people used Mem as the ending consonant (pronouncing  “Siloa-M”).  The written tradition S(h)-L-CH (Shiloach) is retained in the Old Testament; and the Oral Tradition kept S(h)-L-M (Siloam / Shalōm) in the New.  

Siloach.  This is the Hebrew word, which appears for the Kidron Valley’s “Lower City” Water Gate and its towers, is also referred to as the “Towers of Siloam.”  It was a double walled gate, with four towers of equal proportions to one another.

[ e.g. Biblical Archaeology Review, Vol. 25, No. 6, Nov/Dec 1999, “Rewriting Jerusalem History” by Hershel Shanks, pp. 20-29.]

  In 29 A.D., one of these towers fell and killed 18 men (Luke 13:4).  .  All of these towers were over 500 years old at the time of the one’s collapse.  The Hebrew language has no Gematriac letter for a value of 500.  Therefore, we then prophetically approach Siloach deducted by the number 18, being now at a value of 320, (338 - 18 = 320).  In this approach, we are thus informed by Messiah about Himself by Gematriac insight, that:

1)    That He is seen as the second Adam.

נער   No’ar.  Valued at 320.  The word means a boy or youth.  Irenaeus reveals that when Adam and Eve were created, they were de facto as youths (Irenaeus, Against Heresies, 3.22.4.).  This tradition he received from Polycarp, who received it from John, who received it from Messiah.  This age of equivocal maturity of Adam and Eve also answers: as to why a boy is given his Bar Mitzvah at 13, and a girl her Bat Mitzvah at age 12.


2)  He lives His life as one unmarried.

  סרס  Caric.  Valued at 320.  It means one who is unmarried, and does not engage in sexual intercourse: living life after the same asexual nature as a eunuch is supposed to.


3) His ministry does not allow Him the leisure of having a home.

  נער Na’ar.  This is the alternate pronunciation of No’ar.  It means “one who is tossed about”, “a wanderer”.  Jesus said, “Foxes have holes (to retreat into), birds of the air have nests (to lodge and rest in), yet the Son of  Adam has no place to lay His head (and call “Home”).”  cf. Matthew 8:20, Luke 9:58.


4)  He is a watcher of the people, but as a guardian, He is not deceived.  But He is also broken, that He might bear their burdens.

  עירם  Iyram.  Valued at 320.  There are several definitions of Iyr: a place that is guarded by watchers; a watcher or guard; a recently broken in and prepared animal (so that he might bear a load).  “Am”, or the “Mem” (by itself), is simply translated as either a people or nation.  The additional definition of the letter “Mem” is “waters”, which can also be used in metaphor and allegory for “people”.  Therefore, a “watcher or guardian of the people, who can discern their innermost thoughts”, is the intent of the word.


5)   He enlarges His people by adding to its number.

     רחבעם   Rechabam/Rehoboam.  Valued at 320.  “He who enlarges a people”/ “a people who have enlarged”.

    We can easily say  that over the past almost 2,000 years mow, that literally hundreds of millions of the nations have been added by trusting faith into Jesus into the Heavenly House of Israel as grafted in ones, from GOD's viewpoint, because by trusting into Jesus they also obtain acceptance from GOD the Father.  The Earthly House of Israel that rejects Jesus, damns itself by voluntary and willing blindness and is rejected by its own rebelliousness, hating also the Father GOD who sent the perfect reflection and representative of Himself, His only begotten Son from GOD's own throne in Heaven.  Gentiles probably outnumber Jewish believers by at least 10,000 to 1 since the Second Century A.D., so the adding to the number of Heavenly Israel as grafted in ones is quite a BIG number, whatever the final tally will be. 



6)  He is a tabernacle and refuge unto those who trust into Him, and a thorn brier hedge to those who are offended in Him.

 שך  Sok / Sak.  Valued at 320.   

    A “Sok” is an interlaced booth or shelter, and is recognized as a Tabernacle (such as exhibited during the Feast of Tabernacles/Booths).  Inside the Tabernacle is refuge, such as with the example of Job 1:9-10, in which that which is within the hedge is a large place.  In Psalm 118:15 we read that it is the voice of Jesus (or “Salvation”) who is within the Tabernacles of the Righteous (ones).  There the people call Him “the Right Hand of YHVeH” (Psalm 118:15-16), who grants them eternal life (v.17).  This Tabernacle is a very “large place” to which the saints are delivered to (Psalm 18:6-19 describes the Elijahn Rapture; John 14:2 reaffirms its largeness).

“Sak” is a briar hedge, of goads and pricks.  It is a barb-mesh so super-sized, so that getting through is considered impossible.         

When Jesus convicted Paul a few miles outside Damascus in Kaukab 

 (Archaeology, Nov/Dec 1996,  “The World of Paul” by Neil Asher Silberman, pp.32, 33),

 He told Paul -- who was then called “Saul” -- that He was like Satan coming against Job, on the outside of the Tabernacle, kicking against the briars, trying to get in (Acts 9:4-5).   

Job also lived in Syria, whose lands included an area in or around Saul’s destination of Damascus.  


7)   He is offered up as a heaping, a shaking, or quivering heap that wavers back and forth as a sheaf of First-fruit grain unto GOD.

  עמרי    Omriy.  Valued at 320.  It means “a heap that is chastised from blows”.  Rearranged, it becomes:  עמיר  Amiyr.  Amiyr is that “bunch, handful, or sheaf (of grain)” waved as the First-fruits wave offering at the altar cauldron of the Temple.  Christ was indeed chastised by blows, until He became as a heap.  Then, He was sent away as the sacrifice of Israel (John 11:49-53), as theFirst-fruits unto GOD” (I Corinthians 15:23. cf. Revelation 14:4). 


8)  He is torn and rent by the scourging, insomuch that as He walks from Gabbatha to Calvary, His body is dripping to pieces: chunks of blood, flesh, and skin just drip off onto the ground.

               פרם  Param.  Valued at 320.  Param means “to tear, and rend” (as to pieces).                                      

רסס  Racac.  Valued at 320.  Racac means “to moisten with drops or drippings, until (it) drips to pieces”.   

The flesh of Messiah was so beaten, that to simply touch some of His flesh, was to see it fall away like flood-soaked drywall.  Therefore, as He was led from Gabbatha, and all the way to Calvary, He lost drippings and chunks of flesh and blood -- all along the Way.  

 The saying, “I’ll have my pound of flesh from him” was a literal happening on the Watergate Road, perhaps several times over, perhaps more.

Therefore, we see that it is out this Gate-- the Gate that protected the Gihon Spring’s outlet, the Gate of Siloam, -- that Jesus must have exited Jerusalem, by way of prophetic fulfillment.  This gate, which protected Jerusalem’s primary water source, and located South-Southeast of the Temple proper, leads directly into the Kidron Valley, just slightly north of the Hinom Valley juncture.

There is so much more that can be said, but suffice for now I will refer to one hyper-link chapter I posted in 2009 without the Hebrew characters, titled:

The location of Christ's Cross: Hidden to the south and right



Anyone who thinks Jesus was crucified NORTH of the Temple is MISTAKEN  Let me just leave it at that.  

It is time that the Church Universal know the truth that the Bible is fully accurate, and there is a conspiracy of unbelief in every generation and at every quarter to deny the Scriptures for whatever nefarious reasons of sin on the part of those in denial.

In 2006 I copyrighted the information I am sharing, but never published outside free sharing of my work product on the internet. 

If the world ever realizes the true location of the Cross and the empowerment of the Faith to eternal salvation, Jerusalem will be such an overnight burdensome stone of contention, that the whole world system will have economic ramifications that will nearly fully alter the state of peaceful profit the West enjoys now…another reason why the unbelieving world that controls religious topic magazines and so many religious discussions fears the truth of the matter on this topic.



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