The Mark: Scientist Claims Human Microchip Implants Will Become “Not Optional”
Mac SlavoApril 24th, 2014
And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.…Technologies designed specifically to track and monitor human beings have been in development for at least two decades.
Revelations 13:16-17
In the virtual realm, software programs are now capable of watching us in real time, going so far as to make predictions about our future behaviors and sending alerts to the appropriate monitoring station depending on how a computer algorithm flags your activities. That is in and of itself a scary proposition.
What may be even scarier, however, is what’s happening in the physical realm. According to researches working on human-embedded microchips it’s only a matter of time before these systems achieve widespread acceptance.
Chances are you’re carrying a couple of RFID microchips now. And if you are, they’re sending out a 15-digit number that identifies you. That number can be picked up by what’s called an ISO compliant scanner. And they’re everywhere, too.
…Video Report:
It’s not possible to interact with society in a meaningful way by not having a mobile phone. I think human implants are likely to go along a very similar route. It would be such a disadvantage to not have the implant that it essentially becomes not optional.
Your initial reaction to this idea may be
one of disbelief. There’s no way society would accept such a device. Why
would anyone want to implant this in their body?
Consider for a moment where we are right
now. For decades Americans rejected the notion that they would submit to
being tracked or recorded.
Yet, just about every American now carries a
mobile phone. They’re so prevalent, in fact, that many consider it a
“right,” prompting the government to actually provide subsidies to those who can’t afford one on their own.
Embedded in every one of those phones is an
RFID chip that can track our every movement via GPS or cell tower
triangulation. Moreover, those microphones and cameras that come
standard on every phone can be remotely activated by law enforcement
surveillance systems, a capability that has existed since the early
But as intrusive as these devices are, they
are accepted as the norm by billions of people world wide. Not only
that, but no one had to “force” them on us. We are, it seems, the
masters of our own enslavement. And we pay top dollar to have the best
tracking device money can buy!
Granted, one can simply disconnect from
“the grid” by throwing away their cell phone. But, the direction these
new monitoring technologies are moving coupled with continued government
expansion of surveillance suggests that microchip RFID technology will
eventually be non-voluntary.
Michael Snyder of The Truth Wins asks What will you do when you can no longer buy or sell without submitting to biometric identification?
This technology is going to keep spreading, and it is going to become harder and harder to avoid it.
And it is easy to imagine what a tyrannical government could do with this kind of technology. If it wanted to, it could use it to literally track the movements and behavior of everyone.
And one day, this kind of technology will likely be so pervasive that you won’t be able to open a bank account, get a credit card or even buy anything without having either your hand or your face scanned first.
It’s difficult to imagine a populace that will freely submit to such digital bondage. But as has been the case with the degradation of personal privacy and rights in America, be assured it won’t simply become law over night.
First, the technologies will need to be generally accepted by society. It’ll start with real-time consumer based products like Google Glass. The older generations may reject it, but in a couple of years you can bet that tens of millions of kids, teens and younger adults will be roaming the streets while sporting cool shades, interactive web surfing and the capability to record everything around them and upload it to the internet instantly.
Next, as we’re already seeing from early adopters, RFID chips will be voluntarily implanted under our skin for everything from access to high security buildings to grocery store purchases.
Eventually, once the concept is generally accepted by the majority, it will become our new “social security number.”
To gain access to official services, you’ll need to be a verified human. Without verification you won’t even be able to purchase a six pack of beer, let alone get medical care or a driver’s license.
Whether we like it or not this is the future. Every purchase you make and every step you take will be tracked by a tiny 15-digit passive microchip, meaning that the only way to “turn it off” will be to physically remove it from your body.
In essence, we’ll soon live in a world of Always On Monitoring.
Our children and grandchildren – at least most of them – will likely not only submit to implantation, they’ll gladly pay the costs so that they, too, can “interact with society in a meaningful way.”
Hattip Be Informed
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As a bonus, I am enclosing my Revelation Chapter 13 post, which I have colored the text, lightly edited for clarity, and added a comment on verse 16, which steers us away from the implanted microchip to look for a liquified computer circuitry in biometric tatooing appilcations and laser technologies. -- Brianroy
Revelation 13
King James Version (KJV) in aqua Blue
Alternate Word Pictures with Reiterations Version (AWPR) in Yellow
My Comments are in Green
1And I
stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having
seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads
the name of blasphemy. (KJV)
And I stood fast upon the sand [upon
the beach]
the (enclosed) Sea.
Mediterranean Sea's Aegean Sea @
the island of Patmos]
And behold, look and see; I saw Therion
ascending / coming up out of the (enclosed) Sea
having - possessing 7 heads and 10 [fully developed] horns,
and upon the [fully developed] horns of
Names of Blasphemy
[Names of Libelous Evil - Names of Abusive Profanity
toward GOD].
2And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. (KJV)
And the Therion which I saw - perceived - beheld
was the same as - like unto a Leopard / Panther,
and the feet / paws of it as (that of) a bear,
and the mouth - opening of it as (the) mouth – opening
of a lion.
And the Dragon-Serpent of its own will
gave - bestowed - entrusted
the forceful and miraculous power of it,
and the throne [the manifest dominion seat of power]
of it,
and great authority - power - permission to do or not do
[as it so desired].
3And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. (KJV)
(3) And behold, look and see; I saw one of the heads of it
as having
been slain
[ bloodily
and with great violence,
so that the body is fully limp and pale,
definitely lifeless,
definitely lifeless,
and the blood is as if drained to the outside of it ]
and the death wound / injury of it was ministered to
and miraculously healed;
and the whole Earth was struck with
astonishment and wonder
astonishment and wonder
behind and to the rear of the Therion. (AWPR)
4And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? (KJV)
(4) And
they paid homage - fell down before - respected
and adored
and adored
the Dragon - Serpent
who of his own will
gave - bestowed upon - entrusted
authority - permission - power to do or not do
[as it so desired]
[as it so desired]
to the
and they paid homage - fell down before - respected
and adored
and adored
the Therion, speaking /
'Who is like as / of the same kind as the Therion?
Who is able - capable to make war / a battle of war
means of the production of shaking and
destroying, with the hand]-
destroying, with the hand]-
with it?
5And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. (KJV)
(5) And was
bestowed - given over to it a mouth-opening
speaking /saying
speaking /saying
great things and blasphemies
[vile slander and abusive profanity toward GOD];
was given over - bestowed upon - entrusted to it
authority - permission - power to
act - make - form - produce - bring about
for 42 months
[ 3 and 1/2 years].
[ 3 and 1/2 years].
6And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. (KJV)
(6) And it open-opened the mouth-opening of it
into blasphemy -
profane cursing and denigration
up to and alongside / with GOD
to blaspheme -
curse - denigrate the NAME of Him,
and the Tabernacle -
Tent - Booth (- Dwelling Place) of Him,
and those in Heaven
Tabernacling - Tenting (- Dwelling).
7And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. (KJV)
(7) And was bestowed - given over
to it
to make - form - cause
- bring about - produce war
with - after - in the
midst of
the holy - sacred - set
apart ones / the Saints,
and to prevail -
overcome - conquer - subdue - be
victorious over them:
victorious over them:
and was bestowed -
given over to it
authority - permission
- - power to do or not do
[ as it so desired]
[ as it so desired]
upon /
over every tribe and tongue / language and nation.
8And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. (KJV)
(8) And will fall
prostrate before - show respect and do
obeisance - worship it
obeisance - worship it
all those dwelling in permanent structures upon the Earth
(those) who (were) certainly NOT
written - inscribed - engraved
written - inscribed - engraved
in the Scroll - Volume - Book of Eternal Life of the Lamb
having been slain as a sacrifice from
(the) casting / throwing down of the Foundation / the
Founding of mankind
in the world.
Founding of mankind
in the world.
9If any man have an ear, let him hear. (KJV)
If anyone has-possesses an ear,
let him attentively hear.
let him attentively hear.
10He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints. (KJV)
(10) If anyone has captivity
to lead and gather -
assembling together,
into captivity he goes
secretly - by stealth - out of sight.
If anyone by - before -
in the presence of - or with
a sword - knife will slay - slaughter - kill - put to death,
must needs be - it is
necessary - it is inevitable (that)
he by - before - in the presence of - or with
a sword - knife
be slain - slaughtered - killed - put to death.
Here, in this, is the patience - the patient endurance to
bear up under suffering
and the faith - trust - (means of) fidelity to win over
of the holy - sacred - set apart (ones) / the Saints.
11And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. (KJV)
(11) And behold,
look and see; I saw
another Therion of the same kind
ascending - rising - coming up out of the Earth,
and it had - held - possessed two horns,
one and the same as a lamb,
and spoke at random in what manner or way as a
Dragon - Serpent.
Dragon - Serpent.
12And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. (KJV)
(12) And all the
authority - permission - power to do or
not do [as it so desires]
not do [as it so desires]
of the
first - foremost - chief Therion
it does - makes -
causes - forms - produces - brings about
in the face of -
in the presence of - before it
[the chief Therion].
[the chief Therion].
And it makes - causes - brings about the Earth
and those dwelling in permanent dwellings,
in order that they should fall down - show respect and
obeisance - (and) worship
the first - foremost - chief Therion
of which the death wound - injury of it
was ministered to and healed.
13And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, (KJV)
(13) And it does -
makes - causes - forms - produces -
brings about
brings about
great notable
miracles - miraculous signs of significance
for the purpose thereof.
for the purpose thereof.
Even fire it
makes - produces - causes - brings about
to descend - come
down - go down out of heaven into
the Earth,
the Earth,
in the eye of -
in the face of - in the presence of - before
the men.
the men.
14And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. (KJV)
(14) And it
seductively deceives - causes to wander and go
astray - leads into error
astray - leads into error
those dwelling in permanent dwellings upon the Earth
through the notable miracles - miraculous signs of
significance for the purpose thereof
significance for the purpose thereof
which were
bestowed upon - given over for it
to do - make - cause - perform - produce - bring about
in the face of - in the presence of - before the Therion,
speaking / saying to those dwelling in permanent dwellings
upon the Earth
upon the Earth
to make - produce - bring forth
[ as completed - finished]
[ as completed - finished]
an Image
- a likeness / copy / representation drawn or
impressed from the original
impressed from the original
to the Therion
who has -
possesses the stricken injury - wound by the
strike / blow of the knife - sword
and lived [actively thereafter].
strike / blow of the knife - sword
and lived [actively thereafter].
15And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. (KJV)
(15) And was given over to -
bestowed upon to it
to give over - bestow
a spirit [ of life, breathing / drawing breath]
to the Image - the likeness / copy / representation drawn or
impressed from the original
to the Image - the likeness / copy / representation drawn or
impressed from the original
of the Therion
in order that
the Image of the Therion might also
speak at random,
speak at random,
and might make - produce - cause - bring about as many
as may not
as may not
fall down - show respect and obeisance - worship
up to and alongside the Image of the Therion,
in order that they may be slain - killed - put to death.
16And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: (KJV)
(16) And it brings about - causes - makes all,
the small / little and the great / large,
and the materially rich - prosperous - lacking nothing
and the begging poor - materially helpless - completely
and the free - independent - unconstrained (ones)
and the slaves - servants:
in order that it
may give to - bestow - put upon them
a Stamp - cut Engraving - Mark
upon the right hand [inclusive of the wrist area] of them
or upon
the Forehead of them / or upon the midst of
the eye of them:
the eye of them:
[Note: The implication appears to be as if a laser engraving and almost liquified circuitry upon the eye, and a tattoo upon the wrist, both having a symbolism and active biometric computer feeding off the living body to operate at a very low amperage, while also possessing an advanced variation of the current 666 binary bar-code, in which each label of merchandise you buy possesses three differing bars of thickness and an encoding to help identify the object and aid in pricing. The implication of this verse indicates that a new more advanced 666 version like the implantable chip is coming, but it will take a technological form more advanced than a chip. When liquified circuity and tattooing, as well as liquified circuitry and laser engraving, come together as an experimental technology, WATCH OUT!!!
However, this technology could possibly be held back from being available until after the Enochian Rapture before the Tribulation, and and not in place until after the the Elijahn Rapture 3 1/2 years into the Tribulation, which launches the Great Tribulation Period of the last 3 1/2 years in which the world's population dramatically dwindles to perhaps less than 500,000,000 before Jesus returns to stay, and sets His feet upon the Mount of Olives stops all the killing after Himself slaying those enemies of Him and saving the last remnant of the Jewish people yet alive upon the Earth at that time.
-- Brianroy ]
that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the
beast, or the number of his name. (KJV)
(17) also,
in order that (they) may not have the power or
be able
in order that (they) may not have the power or
be able
to buy or trade - barter - sell
except he may be having - possessing the Mark,
or the Name of the Therion,
or the number of the Name of it.
18Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (KJV)
(18) Here is
Wisdom - deep knowledge and insight:
The (one) having
- possessing
the mind to perceive - recognize - intelligently
let him count - reckon - calculate the number
of the Therion,
of the Therion,
for - because it is the number of a man,
and the number of it (is) 666.
The Alternate Word Pictures with Reiterations (AWPR) translation should be used
as a Bible Study Aid only, and it is recommended that a direct literal
translation or the King James Bible be used for regular and ecclesiastical
purposes, and that the AWPR be used in association only as a Bible study aid so
as to help the reader / user in their Bible Studying to clarify context and
Scriptural Intent. Thanks. -- Brianroy
Commentary and Addendum :
----I have
formalized the word Therion as the designation of the
creature the King James translates as the "Beast",
because I believe it to be a more proper designation. In effect, this
Therion isn't simply a "wild animal" or "beast" in the
usual sense; it is as if a specific "monster creature."
Therefore, in order to be true to the Text, you will see me translate as
Polycarp became John's appointed Bishop in Smyrna, in or about February 70 A.D. months prior to the fall of Jerusalem. In or about 108 - 114 A.D. Bishop Polycarp had young Irenaeus as one of his pupils. Polycarp served directly under the guidance, counseling, instruction, and authority of the Apostle John for some 26 years, and regularly visited him in Ephesus, until John died during the Roman reign of Nerva.
Polycarp became John's appointed Bishop in Smyrna, in or about February 70 A.D. months prior to the fall of Jerusalem. In or about 108 - 114 A.D. Bishop Polycarp had young Irenaeus as one of his pupils. Polycarp served directly under the guidance, counseling, instruction, and authority of the Apostle John for some 26 years, and regularly visited him in Ephesus, until John died during the Roman reign of Nerva.
. -- Brianroy
The Ante-Nicene Fathers, Volume 1.
Editors, Reverend Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson
1885 American Edition Edited by A. Clevland Coxe
Irenaeus, Against Heresies, Book 5
Chapter XXX.—Although certain as to the
number of the name of Antichrist, yet we should come to no rash conclusions as
to the name itself, because this number is capable of being fitted to many
names. Reasons for this point being reserved by the Holy Spirit. Antichrist’s
reign and death.
Such, then, being the state of the case, and this number being found
all the most approved and ancient copies
[ ἐν πᾶσι τοῖς σπουδαίοις καὶ ἀρχαίοις ἀντιγράφοις ]
those men who saw John face to face bearing their testimony; while reason also
leads us to conclude that the number of the name of the Beast [the Therion] according
to the Greek mode of calculation by the [value of] the letters contained in it,
will amount to 600 and 60 and 6; that is, the number of tens shall be equal to
that of the hundreds, and the number of hundreds equal to that of the units
(for that number which [expresses] the digit six being adhered to throughout,
indicates the recapitulations of that apostasy, taken in its full extent, which
occurred at the beginning, during the intermediate periods, and which shall
take place at the end)
These men, therefore, ought to learn [what really is the state of the case],
and go back to the true number of the name, that they be not reckoned among
false prophets. But, knowing the sure number declared by Scripture, that is,
six hundred sixty and six, let them await, in the first place, the division of
the kingdom into ten; then, in the next place, when these kings are reigning,
and beginning to set their affairs in order, and advance their kingdom, [let
them learn] to acknowledge that he who shall come claiming the kingdom for
himself, and shall terrify those men of whom we have been speaking, having a
name containing the aforesaid number, is truly the abomination of desolation.
This, too, the apostle affirms: “When they shall say, Peace and safety, then sudden
destruction shall come upon them.” [ 1 Thess. v.
3. ]
And Jeremiah does not merely point out his sudden coming, but he even indicates
the tribe from which he shall come, where he says, “We shall hear the voice of
his swift horses from Dan; the whole earth shall be moved by the voice of the
neighing of his galloping horses: he shall also come and devour the earth, and
the fulness thereof, the city also, and they that dwell therein.” [ Jer. viii. 16. ] This, too, is the
reason that this tribe is not reckoned in the Apocalypse along with those which
are saved. [ Rev. vii. 5–7
cf. Judg. xviii. ]
It is therefore more certain, and less hazardous, to await the fulfilment of
the prophecy, than to be making surmises, and casting about for any names that
may present themselves, inasmuch as many names can be found possessing the
number mentioned; and the same question will, after all, remain unsolved. For
if there are many names found possessing this number, it will be asked which
among them shall the coming man bear. It is not through a want of names
containing the number of that name that I say this, but on account of the fear
of God, and zeal for the truth: for the name Evanthas (ΕΥΑΝΘΑΣ) contains the
required number, but I make no allegation regarding it. Then also Lateinos
(ΛΑΤΕΙΝΟΣ) has the number
six hundred and sixty-six; and it is a very probable [solution], this
being the name of the last kingdom [of the four seen by Daniel]. For the Latins
are they who at present bear rule. I will not, however, make any
boast over this. Teitan too, (ΤΕΙΤΑΝ, the first syllable
being written with the two Greek vowels ε and ι, among all the names which are found among us, is
rather worthy of credit. For it has in itself the predicted number, and is
composed of six letters, each syllable containing three letters; and [the word
itself] is ancient, and removed from ordinary use; for among our kings we find
none bearing this name Titan, nor have any of the idols which are worshipped in
public among the Greeks and barbarians this appellation.
Among many persons,
too, this name is accounted divine, so that even the sun is termed “Titan” by
those who do now possess [the rule]. This word, too, contains a certain outward
appearance of vengeance, and of one inflicting merited punishment because he
(Antichrist) pretends that he vindicates the oppressed. And besides this,
it is an ancient name, one worthy of credit, of royal dignity, and still
further, a name belonging to a tyrant. Inasmuch, then, as this name
“Titan” has so much to recommend it, there is a strong degree of
probability, that from among the many [names suggested], we infer, that
perchance he who is to come shall be called “Titan.” We will not, however,
incur the risk of pronouncing positively as to the name of Antichrist; for if
it were necessary that his name should be distinctly revealed in this present
time, it would have been announced by him who beheld the apocalyptic vision.
Chapter XXIX.—All things have been
created for the service of man. The deceits, wickedness, and apostate power of
Antichrist. This was prefigured at the deluge, as afterwards by the persecution
of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.
And there is therefore in this beast, when he comes, a recapitulation made of
all sorts of iniquity and of every deceit, in order that all apostate power,
flowing into and being shut up in him, may be sent into the furnace of fire.
Fittingly, therefore, shall his name possess the number six hundred and
sixty-six, since he sums up in his own person all the commixture of wickedness
which took place previous to the deluge, due to the apostasy of the angels. For
Noah was six hundred years old when the deluge came upon the earth, sweeping
away the rebellious world, for the sake of that most infamous generation which
lived in the times of Noah. And [Antichrist] also sums up every error of
devised idols since the flood, together with the slaying of the prophets and
the cutting off of the just. For that image which was set up by Nebuchadnezzar
had indeed a height of sixty cubits, while the breadth was six cubits; on
account of which Ananias, Azarias, and Misaël, when they did not worship it,
were cast into a furnace of fire, pointing out prophetically, by what happened
to them, the wrath against the righteous which shall arise towards the [time
of the] end. For that image, taken as a whole, was a prefiguring of this
man’s coming, decreeing that he should undoubtedly himself alone be worshipped
by all men. Thus, then, the six hundred years of Noah, in whose time the deluge
occurred because of the apostasy, and the number of the cubits of the image for
which these just men were sent into the fiery furnace, do indicate the number
of the name of that man in whom is concentrated the whole apostasy of six
thousand years, and unrighteousness, and wickedness, and false prophecy, and
deception; for which things’ sake a cataclysm of fire shall also come [upon
the earth].
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