Welcome! Jesus Christ is my LORD and Savior! Romans 10:9-10,13; John 3:16

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I am a Natural Born United States Citizen with NO allegiance or citizenship to any nation but my own, and will use this site as a hobby place of sorts to present my own political and religious viewpoints, as a genuine Constitutional Conservative and a genuine Christian Conservative.

Thank you for coming.
In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Happy Resurrection Day 2013, also biblically known as "First-fruits" in Leviticus and 1 Corinthians, and more commonly as Easter.

Today, in preparation for Resurrection Day, First-Fruits, often called by the common as Easter, we turn our minds away from the ills of the world and toward Christ and the Life and World to come for those of us who believe into Jesus Christ as our LORD and Savior.

The original Festival of Easter Sunday is titled First Fruits in Leviticus 23,
  1.  Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye be come into the land which I give unto you, and shall reap the harvest thereof, then ye shall bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest unto the priest:   Leviticus 23:10
  2.  But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept.1 Corinthians 15:20
and the Early Church knew it both as a First Harvest Celebration and the Day of the LORD's Resurrection almost without question for the first 300 years, and then less and less for about the next 450 years of Christianity where it was essentially pushed out entirely with (or at least by the time of)  the second council of Nicea of 787. 

However, to pursue along those lines, well, that is (perhaps, and LORD willing) for another topic and posting for another day.

We begin our preparation with a historical reading from the Gospel of Matthew.

Matthew 28 (King James Version)

 1In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre.
 2And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it.
 3His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow:
 4And for fear of him the keepers did shake, and became as dead men.
 5And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified.
 6He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.
 7And go quickly, and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead; and, behold, he goeth before you into Galilee; there shall ye see him: lo, I have told you.
 8And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy; and did run to bring his disciples word.
 9And as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail. And they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him.
 10Then said Jesus unto them, Be not afraid: go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, and there shall they see me.
 11Now when they were going, behold, some of the watch came into the city, and shewed unto the chief priests all the things that were done.
 12And when they were assembled with the elders, and had taken counsel, they gave large money unto the soldiers,
 13Saying, Say ye, His disciples came by night, and stole him away while we slept.
 14And if this come to the governor's ears, we will persuade him, and secure you.
 15So they took the money, and did as they were taught: and this saying is commonly reported among the Jews until this day.
 16Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them.
 17And when they saw him, they worshipped him: but some doubted.
 18And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
 19Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
 20Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

Followed by:

The Resurrection of Jesus: An Historical 4 Gospel Account:

The ff. is a Four Gospel Abridged Historical Account, faithfully translated from the Greek with word pictures: by me, Brianroy.  Thanks.

“And coming toward and into a tract of land, upon which is called Golgotha in the Hebrew, the which is saying -- in interpretation -- ‘the skull cap area’. {1}

[My Comment: The insinuation is a yarmulke. The tomb of David, which was prominent in this land-tract, was like the skullcap upon the head of Jerusalem. In this area, only those kings of Israel that were considered worthy, had their bones interred. Nehemiah 3:16 (and other passages), tell us that there were multiple burial sites for the Kings of the Davidic line here: thus, the name “Golgotha” or “skull-cap”, being an idiom for an area dedicated to the “kings or the skull-caps of the nation of Israel”. Kings were therefore a type of yarmulke in their symbolism.
The tomb of David was a white sepulcher that eerily resembled a skull at certain times of the day. This was hated by the first priests. In effect, David was looked down upon by the first priests of the city as just an ancestral reference whose name, like the Almighty, could be invoked to frighten the common folk into compliance.]

And having crucified Him, sitting down, (the soldiers) guarded Him there. {2}

And the people stood wherever they were at, viewing attentively. {3}

[My Comment:  This last verse translated from Luke 23:35, testifies to the crowded conditions mentioned by Josephus and others, 3,000,000  plus were crammed into an area less than a few square miles. By comparison, Alexandria Egypt was a crowded city with less than a mile in width and four miles in length, being congested daily with just 500,000. The condition in Jerusalem was 6 - 7 times worse in a comparable area of about half that length for three times a year: twice being in excess of 7 days at a time. This feast of Unleavened Bread - the Passover - First Fruits, all part of the same 8 days (a week and one day) of  continuous Observance by ancient Israel's near entire population of men ages 20-60 in Jerusalem, was one of those occasions.   Just the fact that the Romans were able to push their crucifixion through the streets of Jerusalem was practically a feat in itself.]

And it was then the third hour [being 9 a.m.] when they crucified Him. {4

Then from sixth hour [being 12 p.m. -- noon] the light of day was removed entirely, for the darkness came into being (as night) upon and over all the the Land,  
 [of Israel, even upon the whole Earth]  
until the ninth hour  [until 3 p.m.],
for the sun was as black as the darkness. {5}

Then, in the ninth hour, Jesus emphatically cried out with a loud and commanding voice {6}  

…and the veil of the Temple was rent violently in two,
from top to bottom.

Then Jesus again emphatically cried out with a great
and commanding voice, releasing the wind,

bowing His head and having stopped breathing. {9}

[My Comment:  The night and morning previous, there was rainfall. The clouds had dissipated by the third hour, and there was no wind for six hours. Upon the death of Jesus, not only did His “Spirit” or pneuma depart from His body, but doubly applicable, the “wind” or pneuma was released, as though with a vengeance or authority, as well.]

And the earth trembled with an agitated shaking. {10}

[“ O YHVeH, put on them reverent fear and dread (like clothing) [upon a man],
(and like scrub) [upon a field]. Let the nations know intuitively that they
(are only) mortals. Selah.”
(Psalm 9:20  - AWPR)]

And the centurion standing near, but across, out and off at the opposite of  Him, {11

 guarding Him, {12}

‘Surely this righteous man was the son of GOD.’

Then the soldiers came, and …coming upon Jesus, when they saw and perceived that He was presently at this time dead, they did not break his legs -- as with an axe, in two. {14}

 But still another one of the soldiers with a lance, drove in deep, pierced the side of Him: and all at once (there) came out (of the wound) blood and water. {15}

[Pilate asks Joseph to bury Jesus]

Then after these things, {16}  

Joseph of Arimathea went in, up to, and alongside

 And taking courage asked (what was to become) of the body of

Then…having called near the centurion, he (Pilate) interrogated him19…and fully knowing from the centurion, {20

Pilate asked Joseph of Arimathea, -- then being a concealed disciple of Jesus, through the terror and fright of the Jews -- in order that he might take up and carry away the body of Jesus. {21}

[My Comment:  The testimony of John in the Greek specifically and literally says that Pilate asked Joseph. The testimony of Peter through Mark infers a fearsome inquisitiveness to the effect of: ‘Now that this one has died, you’re not really going to leave the body up there are you? It’s already between the evenings, the preparation time of our observance of Holy Day.’ Therefore, it makes perfect sense for Pilate to turn to Joseph and ask the favor, and may be that he personally issued some money quietly for the linen for Jesus’ burial. Although Pilate’s wife may have wished Jesus ill, I sincerely believe that Pilate did not. However, to say Pilate gave Joseph money to make the linen purchase is simply a 50/50 speculation on my part, based on the reading of the Gospel text.]

And purchasing a linen fabric, and coming, {22

he took the body of Jesus. {23}

Then also came Nicodemus, bearing up and carrying a mixed blend of myrrh and aloes, about 100 (times) 12 ounces. {24

They together, they bore up the body of Jesus, and wrapped Him up in the linen sheeting, and bound it around and fastened it together with the spices, as is customary with Jewish burial. {25}

And in that same tract of land where He was crucified, there was a garden; and in the garden there was a new tomb out of rock, in which no one had ever been placed.
They then put Jesus there through the (time) of the Preparation of the Jews

[until the first three stars were about to appear in the sun setting sky],

because the tomb was near. {26}

And having rolled a very great stone to the door of the memorial cave, he left. Then, was there Mary the Magdalene and the other Mary sitting down before the presence of the grave.
Then upon the next day, the which is in the midst

 of the Preparation, the chief priests and the Pharisees were gathered together up alongside and next to Pilate, saying ‘Lord, we do mindfully so recollect that one, the deceiver, said upon (His) life, ‘’After three days, I will be raised up (a new creation).’’ Set in motion and urge then (for) the grave to be made secure until the third day, lest at any time the disciples of Him come near by night, and by stealth steal Him, that they might say to the people, ‘’He is arisen from the dead’’; and the last deceit will thereby be worse than the first.

Then Pilate shone forth his words to them,

[having heretofore been suspicious of them, and having kept silent],

‘You now have and hold possession of a custodian guard. Go away and depart in secret, and secure it against (your) enemies and verify all with your sight and observance that it is so. They then, rushed and ran through with violence and made the grave secure against (their) enemies, setting the stone (with) the seal of authenticity (upon) the grave in the midst of the custodian guard. {28}

[My Comment:  Upon arrival, the Pharisees and First Priests have the stone removed, and verify the identity of Jesus, while in the midst (or presence) of the custodial guard. The centurion verifies definitively that indeed their testimony is true. That is, probably the entire council witnesses Jesus’ chest and head with their own eyes. The tomb is closed back up with the great rock, and then sealed with the signet of Pilate. The two Mary’s are chased off from the area; the site is secured to the
council’ satisfaction. The guard will consist of about 20 sentries and one centurion. They will be consistently checked up on at regular intervals without fail ranging from 4 - 8 hours by those who bring meals, and by the Centurion of the Watch who inspects each post in a circuit.  They may have more frequent shorter intervals than even this.  The Chiliarch must also receive regular interval reports by the Centurions of the Watch, and order any post not reporting in investigated immediately by others beside the Centurion of the Watch while bring the Centurion of the Watch on life threatening reprimand. At the first sign of trouble, there would have likely been a trumpet of some sort to sound an alarm, as the Romans used them like Bugles to send orders and announce virtually everything they were doing as a troop.]

Then, the evening watch of the Sabbaths, upon the first rays of light dawning into the one of the Sabbaths [First-fruits], Mary the Magdalene and the other Mary came towards, to gaze and closely look upon the grave. And behold!
A shaking came into being, very great! For (the) Angel of the LORD descending down out of Heaven, and coming up to and alongside (the location) rolled up back and (sending uphill and) away the stone, and sitting down up on top of it.

[My Comment:  The context of the rolling back of the stone appears to be that it was done so forcefully, that the great rock was out of its groove, and tossed a short way up and behind the tomb entrance, yet still over the cave’s perspective. This indicates that the rock was circular, and not squared, like a cork. As the Psalmist said, “But GOD will redeem My soul from the power of the grave, for He shall receive Me. Selah.” (Psalm 49:15 - KJV)]

And then the face of His was the beholding of lightning, and the weight of his glory as white as snow. Then from the intense and quaking fear of him, those guarding were shaken to their very core, and came into being as if they were dead.
From judging discreetly, the Angel then said to the women,

‘Don’t you be frightened out of your wits (also). For I see and know that you
seek Jesus, He having been crucified. He isn’t here, because He was raised up, just as He said. Come here. Look and see the place where the LORD lay down.

Then weeping outside up alongside the tomb, Mary stood; and as she wept, she bent over beside and into the tomb, and beheld two angels sitting down: one up alongside the head, and one up alongside the feet, where the body of Jesus had lain. And say these to her, ‘Woman, why are you crying?’

She responds and says, ‘Because they took up and carried away my LORD,
and I don’t see or know where they placed Him.’
And saying these things, she turns about to where she was looking back, and looks at and gazes at Jesus
[up close, and personal], standing (there), and still does not see and yet know that it is Jesus.

Jesus says to her,
‘Woman, why are you crying? Just who is it that you seek after
and strive to find?”

This question is on the lips of Jesus to you.  Just who is it that you seek after and strive to find? 


End Notes:

1 Matthew 27:33, Mark 15:22, Luke 23:33, John 19:17

2 Matthew 27:35, 36; Mark 15:24

3 Luke 23:35

4 Mark 15:24. Also, the symbolism of a conqueror who captures his enemy, and drags him through the streets, as in a noose, is prophesied as a result of the crucifixion in the Hebrew of Psalm 9:16.
“YHVeH is made known in the Judgment He has made and brought about:
in the work of the bend of His Hands
[.i.e., in His wrists]
are the wicked ensnared
(as in a noose). A Meditation. Selah!”
(Psalm 9:16, AWPR)

And (one) shall say unto Him, ‘What are these wounds in thine hands?
Then He shall answer,
(Those) with which I was wounded (in) the house of my friends.”
(Zechariah 14:6, KJV)

5 Matthew 27:45, Mark 15:33, Luke 23:44-45

6 Matthew 27:46, Mark 15:34, Luke 23:7 The Greek emphasis given by Luke and Mark’s gospel is that the cry was great, and loud, and commanding; not just a query. It goes to experiencing the separation of which the unbeliever has in hell, and why Christ -- without sin -- experienced the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth aspect of sin upon the Cross. By confining Himself to Scripture, YHVeH the Son not only experienced man’s separation from GOD the Father, but was able to offer up the appropriate response to which we believers are called to respond with. We may call GOD into question for activities of withdrawal and ask why. We may not lawfully accuse Him or slander. Jesus simply noted the activity and then demandingly questioned, why? As seen in the Psalms, and as the Son of David, this response is perfectly acceptable with GOD.

7 Luke 23:45, Mark 15:38. Matthew 27:51 places the order of the temple veil, the earthquake, and resurrection in a collective utterance (i.e., vv. 51-53 are to be read as parenthetical).

8 Matthew 27:50

9 John 19:30, Mark 15:37, Luke 23:46

10 Matthew 27:51,54. The biblical writers had a habit of leaving natural events and weather out of their writings. Matthew, in the heart of the capitol, among thousands of hostile witnesses, in 55 A.D., freely speaks of the simultaneous earthquake, the solar anomaly, and the sudden wind that blew fiercely at the time of the crucifixion. When these events happened, it made the senses of the millions watching even more acute, so that when the centurion cried out, ‘Surely this was the son of GOD!’, and the more heard him and paid his words attention. There is no Talmudic teaching to argue or dispute the Gospels or their events from having occurred. If there was any objection, despite the persecutions of the Roman Catholic Church in their sphere of influence, those disputations of Christian history would have survived among the rabbinate. That rabbinical silence is, de facto, an affirmation of the Christian witness.

11 Mark 15:39 - ο παρεστηκως εξ εναντιας αυτου This tells us the positioning of the centurion and the soldiers in relation to the Cross. The soldiers had placed Jesus on one side of the stone fissure which leads up to David’s tomb, while they stood upon the other side. The fissure’s width had to be narrow and easily traversed by a running soldier (e.g. Mark 15:36). The area of crucifixion also had to be leveled out, yet steep round about it: easily defensible.
Only one centurion was needed to prevent access while his troop sat and rested. Why? Perhaps the site was a steep mound, like a high place, easily controllable, accessible by one narrow path no more than 4-5 feet wide. Though upon the Eastern Mount, the western slope of Olives, the Romans held a south-north positioning from Jesus near the Kidron - Hinom Valley Juncture. This will not entirely make sense until the fissure to Azal is excavated, and David’s tomb is found along that fissure. Once that site of David’s former tomb in Jerusalem is found, then the Gospel accounts will make perfect sense.
Having never seen what the Apostles saw, as it relates to Jerusalem’s topography in 30 A.D., accurate visualization is very difficult. Paul through Luke in Hebrews indicates the Romans were to the north, and Christ crucified closer to the south or Hinom gate, through which the blood of animals were to be burned without the camp.

12 Matthew 27:54

13 Mark 15:39, Luke 23:47, Matthew 27:54

14 John 19:32-33

15 John 19:34 The blood and water aspect shows that Jesus heart burst after dying of asphyxiation, and congestive heart failure. What little blood was left in His body was quickly separating. The Gospel of John is telling us that there was probably about a 20 minute interval between Jesus’ death and the piercing. This probably occurred when the soldiers receive the writ from Joseph of Arimathea, bearing Pilate’s order to give the body of Jesus to him, and get rid of the other two by usual means (cf. John 19:38). The spear would have punched through Jesus’ left side, and rode up under the ribcage, straight into the heart. The notion of a right side to left side spear punch is idiocy from those unlearned in small weapons combat. The testimony is to the effect that Jesus went limp leaning to His right. Had He been closer to the ground, a thrust from a six to eight inch blade -- with a quick counter clockwise twist before removal -- would have had the same effect as the lance.
However, the Psalms specifically list the “spears” of the bulls of Bashan “western or Roman” soldiers, as piercing Messiah. The left side must flow forth the Living Waters if Messiah is to sit at the Right Hand of the Father in order for the river of Life to proceed from BOTH the throne of the Father and the Lamb (e.g. Revelation 22:1).

16 John 19:38

17 Mark 15:43; Matthew 27:57-58; Luke 23:50,52

18 Mark 15:43

19 Mark 15:44

20 Mark 15:45

21 John 19:38

22 Mark 15:46

23 John 19:38

24 John 19:39

25 Mark 15:46, Matthew 27:59, Luke 23:53, John 19:40

26 John 19:41-42

27 Meta… here means “in the midst” of the Preparation, evening-morning. Based on the context: “the next morning” following the Passover sacrifice, even though it is still a holy day. The Passover has already been partaken of, so defilement with Pilate is not an issue. Whether they penalize themselves 7 days or not, the primary concern is to secure the body of Jesus before the disciples gain courage to do so.
Now that the Passover had been taken, the number of people had dwindled dramatically from the very hour of the 3pm sacrifice (Luke 23:48), so that by the next day, and well before the time of First fruits, less than a few thousand beside the Temple guard and Roman patrols would still be remaining in the hills about Jerusalem. Many hundreds of thousands would be leaving in a very short span of time, so that it might not be hard to tamper with the tomb upon the following evening. Therefore, it was imperative to open the tomb, verify the identity of the body, seal it, and guard it. By doing this very act, these first priests verified and sealed the authenticity of the coming Resurrection of Jesus as definitive fact, though unknowingly at the time.

28 Matthew 27:60-66

29 Matthew 28:1-6

30 John 20:11-15 The woman stooped down and was able to look inside the cave-tomb. The entrance was probably at least 3 feet high, with a groove of at least 1 ½ - 2 feet in depth, of sufficient width to allow a man to safely turn about in it without falling down. The platform and floor of the cave had to drop another 3-5 feet below the elevation where the woman was standing, and be back into the cave some 8-10 feet. In all likelihood, there were finger mausoleums -- which were also cut into the back of the cave, curving out of sight, even from the light of the angelic radiance. Because of its proximity to the tomb of King David, and its being on the Mount of Olives, this newly hewn out rock-cave tomb was a very expensive purchase and stone cutting project, and speaks of immense wealth. Whoever owned this cave was not only rich, he was almost like a government treasury unto himself. Perhaps more so than the rich young man of Matthew 20:16-22.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Temporary Posting: Classic Movie

A fictional movie incorporating the historical fact of Jesus' Passion into the story-line.

The one thing people often forget to take into account, that while Christ Jesus indeed died upon the Cross, He indeed rose again from the dead 3 days and nights later on the Leviticus 23 Festival that represents the Resurrection: First-fruits.  It is because the Jews in history factually knew Jesus was raised from the dead, that they never refuted it in their earliest sources, and they REMOVED the celebration lest their entire nation be converted to this new denomination of Judaism.  As a consequence, the Gentiles adopted the Faith, and it took a bit of the tangent it did away from Judaism because there were those of the Pharisees who sought to eliminate Christianity the same way they were snuffing out the denomination of the Sadducee (mostly completed by the early 90s A.D.)

 The entire faith of Christianity did not begin as a unique faith experience until after that Jesus rose again from the dead in A.D. 30.  It must be remembered that the Scriptures testify and and were never refuted by even the most hostile Jews or other witnesses, nor passed down to the succeeding several and more generations to ever refute that Jesus rose from the dead and was seen at one point by over 500 at the same time by those who intimately knew Him in person so as not to be in any way fooled, and that He ascended into Heaven in front of over 120 witnesses, as the Holy Scriptures of the New Testament tell us. 

Regardless of what happens in the world, we are to keep and share the Faith, because Jesus is Faithful, and He is the ONLY Way to the Father (John 14:6). 

While we have apostates denying the LORD Jesus, such as the new Roman Catholic pope kissing a Muslim degenerate's feet,


 violating many passages of Scripture, especially that of command and instruction from the LORD Himself.  This unconscionable and extremely egregious Papal sin of following or doing obeisance to Satan through homage to grovellingly kiss the foot of a Muslim who represents anti-Christ and the lawless venomous hate to persecute and destroy all Christianity and Judaism, is giving hundreds of millions of Roman Catholics the absolutely worst example that prepares them to follow and do obeisance to THE Anti-Christ. 

As born again believers in Christ Jesus, we are not to be hindered by such imbeciles who falsely claim to represent the True Faith and tergiversate (change one's mind to go back [into what pleases the flesh or the world system] and turn renegade) or who in nefarious or perhaps even what some may call brumous / foggy error lead many astray.  in our own responsibility and our own personal faith  to do what is right and sound doctrine as DIRECTLY from the Scripture in application to us today, and to teach the same. 

Our Citizenship, for those of us who are born-again, is firstly now in Heaven in and through Christ Jesus, and our emphasis in life is to be ever true firstly to that most honorable and glorious Citizenship which we obtain exclusively in and through our faith into and personal spiritual relationship with the LORD Jesus Christ, often most communicated with us exclusively through the Holy Bible, His Words to mankind. 

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A Roman soldier, Marcellus, wins Christ's robe as a gambling prize. He then sets forth on a quest to find the truth about the Nazarene's robe-a quest that reaches to the very roots and heart of Christianity and is set against the vividly limned background of ancient Rome. Here is a timeless story of adventure, faith, and romance, a tale of spiritual longing and ultimate redemption.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Gospel of Mark, Chapter 1: 1-22 in KJV and AWPR translations

The Gospel of Mark   - Chapter 1, Verses 1-22

King James Version (KJV)   

Alternate Word Picture with Reiterations (AWPR) 

1 The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God;      (KJV)

1)     Using the First Cause    (The) Beginning
  of the rewarding good news – the rewarding proclamation --
  the rewarding Gospel: 

                 Jesus Christ,  Son of GOD.      (AWPR)

2 As it is written in the prophets, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee.     (KJV)

2)         Just as – Even as     it had been
                    written – engraved – carved – inscribed
                    in the Prophets:
                          ‘Behold, look and see;
                           I send forth (one who will not withdraw from /
                                               one who will not avoid):  [who is]
                          the Messenger / the Angel     of  Me
                          up and alongside  (the) face – countenance of you;
                          who (will / shall)  fully prepare – make ready
                          (as though completely filling a vessel)
                          the Way – the Path – the Highway  of you.     (AWPR)

3 The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.     (KJV)

3)      The voice / sound  - The sounding voice
                  of one crying aloud with a commanding shout
                  in the desert – wilderness,
                       ‘Prepare and make ready
                        the Way of (the) LORD / YHVeH.

                       Straight – Level – True with immediacy,
                       make – produce – cause (to be)
                       the worn away (and trodden) – rubbed out
                       paths of  Him.'       (AWPR)

4 John did baptize in the wilderness, and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins.    (KJV)

       4) (And) It came to be (that) /  (there) Came into being,
John (was) baptizing – immersing in water
in the desert wastelands – deserted wilderness,
and announcing – proclaiming publicly [in a loud voice]
a Baptism of immersion in [running] water of / for
repentance / a change of mind away from evil to moral righteousness
into forgiveness of – remission of – release from
sins – offenses
[either to GOD, against GOD, or in the sight of GOD].

5 And there went out unto him all the land of Judaea, and they of Jerusalem, and were all baptized of him in the river of Jordan, confessing their sins.     (KJV)

       5)  And went forth – proceeded out – went out
up to and alongside him
all the Judean field – country (towns and villages)
and the inhabitants of Jerusalem;
and were baptized – immersed in [running] water
all in the Jordan River by him,
giving out assent – confessing – verbally acknowledging as true
the sins – offenses 
[either to GOD, against GOD, or in the sight of GOD] 
of them.         (AWPR)

 6 And John was clothed with camel's hair, and with a girdle of a skin about his loins; and he did eat locusts and wild honey;    (KJV)
6)      John was then / at that time
          dressed – clothed in (the) hair of a camel
          [long-flowing draped to the ankles sack-cloth]
          and a girdle belt / sashe of leather
          [cf. Revelation 1:13]
          around and about the loin and lower
[5 vertebrae  of the] back region of him;
and eating locusts and honey of the field
[wild honey, often found in tree hollows and rock clefts].


7 And preached, saying, There cometh one mightier than I after me, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to stoop down and unloose.      (KJV)

7)      And he announced publicly in a loud voice –
          and he proclaimed         ,
          laying down definite words, saying,
                   “Comes forth so as to make a public appearance
                     He more powerfully able to overcome – stronger
                    than me,  of whom I am certainly not
                    sufficient to arrive at – fit –  (or) able
                    to bow the head – bend over and stoop down
                    to untie – unfasten – loosen – unbind
                    the thong  / strap (of ) leather
                    of the sandals of him.”      (AWPR)

8 I indeed have baptized you with water: but he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost.     (KJV)

8)      “I certainly – indeed  baptized – immersed
           yourselves -  (all of) you
           in running – flowing waters;
           He then, will baptize – immerse you in (the) Holy Spirit.”

9 And it came to pass in those days, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and   was baptized of John in Jordan.    (KJV)
9)      And it came into being in those (there) days,
          (that) came forth so as to make a public appearance
          Jesus – Yeshua, from Nazareth of Galilee;
          and was baptized – immersed   
          under – beneath            John into the Jordan.  

10 And straightway coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him:     (KJV)

10)    And straight away – immediately
          [as a direct consequence of]
          going up – ascending up 
from / away from and out of  the running – flowing waters

[Jesus – Yeshua baptized and then ascended in such a way out of the waters that He stood upon the waters of the Jordan as soon as he came up from His Baptism.  He bent over face first and immersed, and ascended straight up out of the waters in a standing position, even as when He would later stand and be seen by many witnesses walking on the Sea of Galilee in the midst of a storm (Matthew 14:22-33; Mark 6:45-51; John 6:15-21);  and totally unaffected by the storm’s effects of great waves upon the Sea at that time, either.   It appears that this was one of several Gospel examples of Creation’s own affirmations of Christ as the Creator as being among humanity, refusing to allow Him to be immersed any longer under its dominion. ]

          He saw – beheld the heavens
being rent [in two] – torn – split – divided with violence
[the clouds immediately – instantaneously departing at a rapid
 and unnatural pace of incredible speed, which we might compare
 a like result as when we observe the clouds pushed back by an
 Atomic Bomb blast, which is circular.  This testimony appears to
 state that as far as the eye could see, from perhaps a line north to
 South, the clouds were suddenly divided wholly and completely from
 East to West and rolled back until they were totally out of sight, if I
 understand the intent correctly.]
And the Spirit, as if though a dove
coming from the heights – descending down upon Him. 

11)    And a Voice [shining forth as a sound in the minds of all]
          came into being out of the heavens,
                   ‘You are the Son,  the [GOD] loved /  the [GOD] cherished /
                    [beheld and perpetually kept as most] prized and precious in
                    spiritual love and affection,
                    in whom I freely resolve to think on in approval – pleasure –
                   acceptance.’       (AWPR)

12 And immediately the spirit driveth him into the wilderness.     (KJV)

12)    And straightly – immediately – instantly
          the Spirit thrusts Him
into the desert wastelands – deserted wilderness
[on the East side of the Jordan].


13 And he was there in the wilderness forty days, tempted of Satan; and was with the wild beasts; and the angels ministered unto him.     (KJV)
    13)    And He was there in the desert wastelands – deserted wilderness
                   40 days being tried and tested [in and through adverse experience]
                   under the Adversary /  by Satan,
                   and was with – in the midst of   the Therion,
                   and the angels served – waited
immediately up alongside in the presence of Him.

14 Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God,      (KJV)
          14)    In the midst of- Amongst  [this event] then was John was
                   given over – the side – delivered over – delivered up
                   [that is, John was arrested and imprisoned by Herod].

                   [And] Jesus / the Salvation,
came forth into Galilee so as to make a public appearance,
announcing – preaching forth – proclaiming publicly
the rewarding Gospel – the rewarding good news
of the Kingdom – of the Royal Dominion
of GOD;     

15 And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.     (KJV)
         15)    And laying down definite words to say,
                             ‘ “The Time” has been fulfilled,’
‘The Kingdom of GOD comes and draws near.
                              Repent - Change your mind and way of thinking
                              [in humility, with regret and sorrow],
                              and believe – trust – have faith
                              in the rewarding good news – the rewarding Gospel.’

16 Now as he walked by the sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers.     (KJV)
         16)    Then walking about – walking along (near to – beside)
                   the Sea of Galilee,
                   He beheld and saw Simon,
                   and Andrew, the brother of him,
                   casting off / throwing forth and carrying
                   a small [over the shoulder cast] (circular) net
                   in the sea,  (at or near the shore),
                   because they were fishermen.    (AWPR)

17 And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men. (KJV)
           17)    And the Salvation / Jesus / Yeshua 
spoke / said to them,
          ‘Come (over) here and look behind Me,
           and I will make you fishermen of men.’

[Jesus recruited at Simon and Andrew from the shoreline just west of  Capernaum.  From the angle Simon and Andrew were, when Jesus made this statement, they would have seen what we now call the Mount of Beatitudes just 1 kilometer or 6/10ths of a mile directly behind Jesus.   About 1.5 kilometers or 9/10ths  of a mile west of Capernaum, when the sea is low (such as in a drought that would put a damper in the catches of fish available)  is a mini-peninsula at which I believe Jesus likely found James and John.  However, when the Sea is high, this mini-peninsula is underwater.  But even if they were just on the beach, prior to being pushed back out into the sea, even so from this vantage point, when Jesus / Yeshua would call James and John,  they too, would see the Mount of Beatitudes just 1 kilometer or 6/10ths of a mile directly behind Jesus as well.   


The idea being advanced here appears to be that the sayings and techniques of that related in the Beatitudes (Luke 6:20 - 7:1, Matthew 5:1 - 7:29) and that of parables is the verbal net that the Apostles (and those who would be the evangelists of Christ) are to use in order to catch up people for the LORD.]     


18 And straightway they forsook their nets, and followed him.     (KJV)
          18)   And Straightway – immediately – at once without hesitation
                   letting go of the nets of them,
                   they together accompanied Him / they together followed Him.

19 And when he had gone a little farther thence, he saw James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, who also were in the ship mending their nets.      (KJV)
         19)    And advancing – going forward from those who belong there
                   a small / little (way or distance),
                   He beheld and saw James the Son of Zebedee,
                   and John his brother,
                   and they in the sailboat
                   refitting – recompleting – mending and adjusting back to its
                   appropriate condition, the nets.     (AWPR)

20 And straightway he called them: and they left their father Zebedee in the ship with the hired servants, and went after him.    (KJV)

          20)    And straightway – immediately – at once without hesitation
                   He called forth and summoned them;
                   and quitting – forsaking – abandoning – leaving
                   the father of them, Zebedee, in the sail-boat
                   in the midst of and amongst the
                   [often disinterested and sometimes unfaithful]  hired servants,
                   they went away – departed – withdrew and went apart
                   behind the back / after Him. ).    (AWPR)

21 And they went into Capernaum; and straightway on the sabbath day he entered into the synagogue, and taught.      (KJV)
          21)    And went along, going in [from the outskirts] into Capernaum,
                   and straightway – immediately – at once without hesitation
                   on the Sabbaths, coming and entering into the Synagogue,
                   He taught – tutored – instructed  (by word of mouth).   (AWPR)

22 And they were astonished at his doctrine: for he taught them as one that had authority, and not as the scribes.     (KJV)

          22)    And they were out of their senses as if struck by a blow – they
                    were astonished – they were amazed beyond sensibility
                    over / upon the Teaching – Instruction
                   (with its precepts and doctrine)  of Him,
                    for He was teaching – instructing – giving
                    precepts and doctrines in what manner or way of
                    having – holding – possessing
                    power – authority without hindrance;
                    and certainly not in what way or manner as the Scribes. 

Disclaimer:  The Alternate Word Pictures with Reiterations (AWPR) translation should be used as a Bible Study Aid only, and it is recommended that a direct literal translation or the King James Bible be used for regular and ecclesiastical purposes, and that the AWPR be used in association only as a Bible study aid so as to help the reader / user in their Bible Studying to clarify context and Scriptural Intent.     Thanks.  -- Brianroy