Welcome! Jesus Christ is my LORD and Savior! Romans 10:9-10,13; John 3:16

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I am a Natural Born United States Citizen with NO allegiance or citizenship to any nation but my own, and will use this site as a hobby place of sorts to present my own political and religious viewpoints, as a genuine Constitutional Conservative and a genuine Christian Conservative.

Thank you for coming.
In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ

Monday, December 4, 2023

A Seditious Government Projecting Its Own Sins Onto Its Citizens


Samuel Adams, in his Letter to James Warren (February 12, 1779) writes:
"A general Dissolution of Principles & Manners will more surely overthrow the Liberties of America than the whole Force of the Common Enemy.

While the People are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but when once they lose their Virtue they will be ready to surrender their Liberties to the first external or internal Invader.

…If Virtue & Knowledge are diffused among the People, they will never be enslaved. This will be their great Security.  Virtue & Knowledge will forever be an even Balance for Powers & Riches.

I hope our Countrymen will never depart from the Principles & Maxims which have been handed down to us from our wise forefathers. This greatly depends upon the Example of Men of Character & Influence of the present Day.”

And 8 years earlier, Samuel Adams (aka. VINDEX) echoed this same sentiment in a juxtaposed manner also focusing on Virtue with religious moral discipline being the backbone of law and order in his piece for the Boston Gazette, January 21, 1771, saying:

"The constitution and its laws are the basis of the public tranquility – the firmest support of the public authority, and the pledge of the liberty of the citizens: But the constitution is a vain Phantom, and the best laws are useless, if they are not religiously observed. The nation ought then to watch, and the true patriot will watch very attentively, in order to render them equally respected, by those who govern, and the people destined to obey ”

We are no longer a moral nation.  It took the banking powers that inserted themselves in 1913, and all the others that joined them over a century to do it, and now if there are even 2% of us that comprise the goodness and virtuous morality of this nation,  I would be surprised that it isn't 1 in 300 of us or less by now.  And in spite of that low number, our light shines and the darkness fears GOD from whom we are empowered by HIS purity and HIS goodness, not we ourselves.  We live in a time of Lies, where truth is incredibly FEARED by our our Government, the Media, Corporate Institutions, because even the simple truth easily overturns the extreme obviousness of the lies given us, so that a child educated in truth can withstand and overturn their arguments for evil. The penalty now, is loss of job, loss of income, public ridicule,and sometimes imprisonment and various levels of violence including up to murder of the truth-tellers; and all sanctioned by a vile and corrupt Judicial decision and enforcement.


 “A nation that is afraid 

   to let its people 

   judge truth and falsehood

   in an open market

   is a nation that is afraid of its people.”

President John F. Kennedy to his child nephew Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
(Source RFK Jr from his Twitter account, May 8, 2023)

 The C.I.A. has been literally been "authorized" by Congress, Obama, (and friends) as of July 2, 2013, (under the passage of the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012) to wage a Propaganda and Disinformation War  on the Citizens of the United States.

Dr. John Coleman, Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300, 1992, paperback, explains that we have an international level of GOVERNANCE over the United States in place since at least World War I. The book from a very well sourced CIA agent at the time, is an eye-opener, and will take quite a bit of time to really digest, because how we we affected to then, is still in play as to what really is behind the scenes of how we are being affected in the now, and the reason and means we will be destroyed in the near future.

This deep in the CIA understanding from then existing documents, includes a knowledge and understanding how that the top 300 families of the world organization which for the USA is mostly run out of the city of London, the old London, and over-sighted by the royal family conglomerate and its agency of MI6, which producers and those running CBS - NBC - ABC in NYC had to run past MI6 in England for approval, not to mention a lot of our Defense and Intel doing the same, apparently. Coleman even mentions that the special assassinations agency for these super-elites did JFK, which makes more sense than just a top tier of our own Government conspirators.

If this is the case, that MI6 (via GCHQ) and the Royals of England are still manipulating our Government and our laws, then we need only remember that King Charles, while still Prince Charles, in the last couple years  stated that "HE" (insert "Anti-Christ"), to whom every government must give ALL of its powers and resources and ability to make laws and govern at a whim, is waiting for the moment the nations to allow him so that he  will do just that. Under then conditions, in times of non-crisis, no nation in its right mind would be willing. At the COP28 in Dubai, December 1, 2023, King Charles inferred that 7 billion of the 8 billion humans on Earth belong to the Earth, or that they need to die, and be seen as being recycled into the Earth as a sort of bio-mass fuel that will keep the Earth on living. 

His exit line that King Charles wants to be remembered for was:

 "The Earth does not belong to us, we belong to the Earth."

In 1992, it was a need for 4 billion, but now it is a number that has increased, and we are not told who besides THEIR OWN FAMILIES are expected to be spared and survive.  Nor WHY those are selected, even if genetics and skill sets do not factor.  Useful eaters must also die with the useless ones, according to those like King Charles, apparently.

 At least 4 Billion 'Useless eaters' shall be eliminated...by means of limited wars, epidemics...and starvation. Energy, food, and water shall be kept at subsistence levels for the non-elite starting with the White populations of Western Europe and North America...."
(Dr. John Coleman, Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300, 1992, paperback, p. 164)

The goal of the Committee of 300 is to destroy all means of food production, industries, banking and so forth not steered or controlled by them. There are many hundreds of Companies under the umbrella, names like Nabisco, Pepsico, and many others that are steered and/or controlled ubder the Committe of 300 sphere of -- what is in my opinion -- a final say or top-most of ability to order or over-ride governing influence.

The graphene oxide based Covid-19 excuse injections of toxic chemicals and falsely called a vaccine, with self-assembling nano-technology that causes blood clots and many adverse as well as fatal reactions, such as blood clotting gummy substances that can be 3 feet long and more, can be overcome to some degree with natural substances that avert the kill off of the Commoners planned by the elites. Apple Pectin, Ivermectin, and now eggs we learn, help bind some of the poisoning (and flush it out of the body, removing spike protein poisons) by these non-vaccine but falsely labeled vaccine shots given humanity...more than 600,000,000 doses in the USA alone.

In the Great Reset, in the coming Cyber and Banking meltdown in the next couple years apparently, according to Dr. Coleman, we will be given a combination debit-card Identification card linked to social media as part of the tracking that will tell us what we can or cannot buy, and IF we can or cannot buy, that will link us to the winners of the elites companies only, and can not only take away a person's food, but their auto, their water allowance, their energy, their money, their guns, their lives on an instantaneous basis.

Due to cancellations of Derivative Banking debt numbers, bundled as high as $350,000,000,000 at a  rime during the month of November 2023, there is a real fear of a forced economic domino effect that can force a Great Banking Reset beginning December 15, 2023, as of this writing.

In response to the coming melt-down, a general anti-white race and anti-Christian war by the hijacked -- by the Committee of 300 and the Communist Party of China -- Government of the United States has been set in motion.

 Robert Spencer reported that

"The federal government is
proceeding with plans to build a new FBI headquarters complex
twice the size of the Pentagon building."


The 6,500,000 Square footage Pentagon has 27,000 employees (24,000 military, and 3,000 civilian) on location.

This was also reported elsewhere on February 1, 2023 and dates back to submissions made by the FBI in September of 2022 for the intent they stated to Congress at the time. 


 When the mainstream news magazines like Newsweek got around to reporting of Congressional Approvals in October 2023, the initial price-tag was for about $3,500,000,000 for the 12 miles North-East of central DC location, but realistically, a final price-tag of twice or triple the original budget seems more likely.

So here we are in 2023, and we find that the FBI has put in formal plans to obtain property for a building 2x the size of the Pentagon, to have more than 60,000 employees govern several millions MORE in over-sight, allegedly mostly to be of over-zealous mis-guided teenagers (and foreign citizen, many or mostly illegal alien military age hires) well-armed and powerful like the military, to be their executioners and enforcers in the coming years to implement a license to kill for any reason, including the potential for mere possession of non-elite company eggs in one's possession at a check-point or even a knock or no knock residence entry. THAT is the future planned for us.

“Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt.” –

Samuel Adams, Essay in the Public Advertiser, 1749


The FBI by the most recent building expansion by Congressional approval and design, is to be a DC civilian military against the civilian population in a political war that is inferred on October 2023 by Newsweek to turn against anyone that dares to vote for a previous President of the United States like Trump, among others.  Remember the target practice on pictures of pregnant women? The new FBI will turn it into a reality if you are a believer in the Constitution, a Christian, or simply a MAGA supporter.

The powers that have hijacked the US Federal Government don't need elections anymore. In the 2020 and 2022 Federal Election Fraud and Fraud Results ENFORCEMENT, they proved it.  

Their man chosen by China or the Committee of 300, be it Newsom for China or some Globalist pedophile drug addict, goes in as the 2024 winner with a clickety-clack electronic vote hijack, even were he to LOSE by 74,000,000 votes. The fix is in. 

We have no more free elections, and the NEW FBI projected 2026 and beyond, perhaps sooner / perhaps slightly later (we don't know for sure yet) is the political enforcement that will be 2x the size of the Pentagon in its bureaucracy to prove it!

For now, that's MY input.

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