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I am a Natural Born United States Citizen with NO allegiance or citizenship to any nation but my own, and will use this site as a hobby place of sorts to present my own political and religious viewpoints, as a genuine Constitutional Conservative and a genuine Christian Conservative.

Thank you for coming.
In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Best Guess Of When The Tribulation Period Starts? Mid September 2025

"Men are limited only by Morals and Property."

  John Adams to Mordecai M. Noah, 31 July 1818

 Too many people who call themselves Christians or Conservatives in the Alternative Media, are stuck in the same realm of disbelief in the Faith of believing the Bible as did John Adams.  Their whole world seems to be a freak-out that their wealth in dollars and property will be taken away.  That there will be no goods to sell, no food to eat very soon.  Well, instead of panicking on material stuff, and preparing the best you can and trusting GOD for the rest, they remove GOD and compile their panics with more and more unbelief into Jesus and GOD the Father, even though at times claiming to profess believing into Jesus, when their hysteria about losing wealth and property seems to speak otherwise. 

While John Adams, one of this nation's Founding Fathers whom  himself despised Christianity for himself and if it was an abundantly living faith, such to be shunned amongst most of his close friends and family personally, preferring the Shasta of India over  the Bible, he recognized that for the Society in America, which was then a CHRISTIAN Society, that:

 "the Christian Religion as I understand it is the best and our American Constitutions, while they can be preserved the most conducive to the happiness of the People.—"

From John Adams to Rev. Horace Holly, 22 July 1818

 In effect, many Conservatives and alleged Christians of the Alternative Media are mostly Biblically illiterates who refuse to do research of basics that 12 year olds doing catechisms testing would be as University Level Experts to.  Yes, it is THAT bad.  The Alt Media is operating mostly on a level where reason disbelieves not only miracles, but Bible Prophecy and anything supernatural regarding the Bible.  They may not  immediately agree, or even agree at all, being shown point by point by point with their own quotes, so I will leave it at that.  We are in the age where 

 "... the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

  Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron...."    (1 Timothy 4:1-2)

IF I am correct, and I can only give a best guess based on Bible exegesis that starts from a best guess asteroid impact candidate, which may or may not be so, but very highly likely....

The fall of the USA probably will NOT be until Friday, April 13, 2029, if the Apophis asteroid is the Biblical one that will crash into the Mediterranean Sea on Day 1290-1291 of the Tribulation Period, when AntiChrist enters the Temple and declares "Anochi Elohim" / "I am G-D".

The Apophis asteroid is slated to enter within the orbit that communications satellites at high altitude geostationary transfer orbits have. These are listed by the European Space Agency as being roughly 22,236 miles or 35,786 kilometers as their limit. In contrast, Apophis will enter a lower orbit of 19,000 miles or 30,600 kilometers. Because the moon will be drawn closer to the Earth at this time, the gravitational pull will likely alter the course of Apophis 99942 toward the Earth also, and there will be a Medium Orbit missile launch attempted shoot down / break up of the Asteroid which will fail and send it down like a Chernobyl rock, probably just south of Crete.

If the above is the case, the TRIBULATION PERIOD and the reveal of AntiChrist will NOT happen until mid-September 2025, with the 2 Great Witnesses teleported or stepping through some kind of wormhole in time in Jerusalem 26 1/2 days after the "between the evenings" 7 year Peace Treaty is signed by AntiChrist and others. The United States can have a Depression and rebound, give away states to China, Russia, Mexico, but still be intact enough at say 37 states, just for an example, to still be mystery Babylon and have a rebounded thriving economy at that time.

If we do not live to Sept 2025, there can still be a Enochian Unseen Pre-Tribulation Rapture followed by a seen Mid-Tribulation Elijahn Rapture the sees the 2 Great Witnesses rise from the dead after 3 1/2 days, and visibly ascend into Heaven, 

-- for example, see footnote --

where the Great War and ambush on the twisting trails of the next dimension occur as listed in he Hebrew Prophecy in Judges 5 and that of Revelation 12. But that is for those who want to know some of the rest of the story afterwards, and a different subject. I know Conservatives like to panic a LOT about a FULL SYSTEMS DOWN Crash, but if it ever does, it is temporary and there is a rebound that prophecy seems to limit it to. So DON'T Panic, just prepare for bad times and tough times, and try to be wise in the meantime. Peace.


 The War of the Heavens (Revelation 12:7-9; Judges 5:19-22) is fought primarily upon the roadway in the heavens that leads to Heaven.

Came Kings. They fought.
Then the Kings in Canaan fought in Taanach
[in the Valley of Jezreel],
by the water of Megiddo.
The unjust gain of silver, they took not.
From the heavens, fought the stars:
[the angelic hosts]
from their courses, they fought with Sisera.
The torrential river Kishon swept them away.
That ancient torrential river, the torrential river Kishon.
Then from the galloping galloping of His mighty stallions
did the horses beat the hooves.
‘Curse Meroz’, said the Angel of YHVeH, ‘Bitterly curse its inhabitants,
for they did not come to the Divine assistance and help of YHVeH,
to the help of YHVeH (as to be) among the warriors and mighty men.’”

(Judges 5:18-23 -- translation mine)

 In Gematria, the word “Sisera” סיסרא holds a value of 331. This word is numerically synonymous with Ephraim אפרים, which means “Doubly fruitful”; with Chasabyahu חשביהו, which means “YH has regarded”; and with Yishyahu ישיהו, which translates as “YH will either lend or borrow, with interest.” 

In Gematriac synonym, those of Sisera are borrowed or delivered from Sheol שאל. This deliverance is by GOD’s perfect and atoning work of the Cross, and the power of His eternal life and Resurrection (I Peter 3:19-20, 4:6; Matthew 27:62-28:20, 27:52-53).

In effect, Sisera represents the angelic hosts and translated believers, in the “Song of Deborah” of Judges 5.

Further, the Song of Deborah informs us of the initial success of the powers of Darkness in this battle. 

 In Gematria, Kishon קישין holds a value of 470. It is found to be as Kimriyr [Kaf-Mem-Rosh-Yod-Rosh], “an eclipse of blackness, twice intertwined and shriveled back”. They Yedithun ידיתון , “use the hand meant for laud and worship”, to Arar ערר “to demolish and make bare”, by Ashuq עשק “pressing upon, quarreling with, and overflowing violently upon” the Saints and Sons of Light.

They do so along the Telem תלם , “the bank, or ridge of (the Heavenly sky-way), forming an accumulation.” In other words, knowing the Day of the Elijahn Rapture, they lie in wait as a force that is Token תכן, “a fixed and measured out / balanced quantity” of Kenath כנת “Companions and colleagues” thought to get the job of ambushing done. Yet, for all the intensity and fierceness of the battle, it is seen by GOD as but a Shetseph שצף, as but “a small outburst of anger”. This, in spite of the fact, that it appears at the first that the victory is granted unto the powers of darkness, who seriously pounce the Elijahn Rapture translation of believers and their Heavenly Escort.

We are told that in order to overcome, and protect those at the seen or Elijahn Rapture, we who believe into Jesus, while in the other than Earth dimensions will win, but must fight (John 18:26) after this manner:
“…they overcame by the blood of the Lamb,
and by the word of their testimony,
and they loved not their lives unto the death.”
(Revelation 12:11) KJV 

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