Welcome! Jesus Christ is my LORD and Savior! Romans 10:9-10,13; John 3:16

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I am a Natural Born United States Citizen with NO allegiance or citizenship to any nation but my own, and will use this site as a hobby place of sorts to present my own political and religious viewpoints, as a genuine Constitutional Conservative and a genuine Christian Conservative.

Thank you for coming.
In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Before Blogposts Are Banned, A Few Words Of What Lawless Tech & DNC Globalists Intend


This may be the last day or week  or month you will have access to anything on this blog due to they tyrannical censorship agents of China (Google, Apple &tc), those who sold China their Encryption Codes to war on any and all US Citizens. If it lasts through the year 2021, I will be pleasantly surprised.  Screen shot, cut and paste save any articles that you want to read personally, because we are about to enter a period where anything as light as the massacres of Germany, Russia, or China in the 20th Century would be preferable.  Yes, it will be that bad, because we have all been betrayed by a new death cult that calls Globalism its new religion, and Satan himself as their deity that they must give blood to like the cult of Kali, but do it by means of having others do the killing for them as they themselves cut off finances & communications as part of their mob kill of the individual because "Logic is an enemy and Truth is a menace" to them. It will largely be US hating foreigners here on Visa cards & other means that big tech will use, so as to remove any compassion factor.     

Big Tech in the USA sees the United States citizen as its enemies.  As of January 8 2020, they have banned President Trump and ANY leading Republican Conservative or Supporter of President Trump from Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google, Apple, and various other means of communications.  Anyone who dared vote for Trump, the actual number being well over 84,000,000 of us 

-- perhaps more (because we do not know exactly how low the legal votes for Biden were, which could be not just in the low 50 millions but the low 40 or 30 millions due to high tech & DNC poll count thefts & frauds) --

we are all targets for a Orwellian 1984 across the board Newsspeak elimination of websites, or any means of communications now.  Communications cut-offs that will soon include phone & internet services based on how you voted will likely some time this year, sooner than later it seems to me.  And post-January 20 they will begin their medical tyranny, gun control tyranny, religious tyranny against anyone who names Jesus Christ as LORD & Savior or has a Bible with the New Testament in it, and then they will perhaps do bank account confiscations and call it a breathing tax...if you want to keep breathing, they take it, and then you can go homeless, be forcibly invited to death camps, put in a hydraulic guillotine or quick death-vac eliminated to end your life quick or be starved to death, depending on which camp they drag you off to.  There are 500 guillotines in the USA, and the proposed 2025 UN figure for the US goes as low as 80,000,000 at the more extreme, or less than 1/2 the current 320,000,000 + population at 160,000,000 at the less extreme.  How will they achieve 160,000,000 or less US Population in the next 4 years?  Poison water or chem-trail with bio-plagues? Starvation?  Medical applications?  Whatever means they use, they will want to preserve the land and air enough for their winners or those they sell the West of the Rockies lands to, such as China, to allow migration and takeover.  That will be their thinking now, because that's what they have been pushing for over a decade in their own white papers & statements. 

 Information is powerful and there can be no competition as far as those weak-minded techie tyrannicals are concerned.  & I do mean vindictive "too financially  rich for their own good" retards who make the historical Nazis in 1930s Germany morally & mentally superior to them.  That's really low to go, & they are swimming in it. 

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