Welcome! Jesus Christ is my LORD and Savior! Romans 10:9-10,13; John 3:16

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I am a Natural Born United States Citizen with NO allegiance or citizenship to any nation but my own, and will use this site as a hobby place of sorts to present my own political and religious viewpoints, as a genuine Constitutional Conservative and a genuine Christian Conservative.

Thank you for coming.
In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ

Thursday, January 7, 2021

As We As A Nation Descend Into Times Of Evil, A Few Words From Brianroy


 I made the mistake of taking many hundreds of hyper-links & interactions using the news to Twitter.  Noting the 10 pm Pacific & 1 am next day November 4 2020 count of Trump being 677,000 votes ahead in Pennsylvania, the foreign spies & various foreign hires of Twitter took weeks to NOT like that & ban my account.  I got 1984 Newspeak eliminated at a point when I had influence to 2 people from POTUS & people very high in ex-Admin positions from FEMA to Defense Intel & Dept. of State.  

A coup by enemies of the US Constitution has been skillfully effected, and basically they have picked up where they left off in 2016, but with momentum & 4 years of preparation & rest.  

As far as Congress & the US Supreme Court is concerned, the Constitution no longer matters. An FBI bussed in select group of ANTIFA dressed as Trumpers were let in & led the people that accessed the Capitol. We were false flagged, & to show their bravado, Capitol Security & Capitol Police murdered unarmed dressed as Trumpers who did NOT have a hammer & sickle identification by tattoo or other means on them to show they were FBI goon agitators leading the storming of the Capitol.

Expect Biden to step down, & the soon tyranny to escalate to levels worse than the Nazis on their opponents in the 1930s once they assumed power. These Communist-Socialists of Congress & the Deep State & Shadow Gov't are so power hungry, they will use those 500 guillotines they bought from China & shipped around the USA last year. They will strip the US of all ICBMs & MRBMs, give them to China, & say it is part of the Treaty Obama made with Russia that strips the US down to just launchers & bombers & counts those empties as the required nukes we are "allowed" to have. .

We are heading for the most vicious anti-Citizen 4 years any western nation ever had by a corrupt Government on its citizens, that even partial telling is now subject to not just censorship, but retaliation by the new Governance & their proxies. Pick & choose your times & places into the future. NO ONE is coming to save you & votes no longer matter & the judges & Congress just lie & pretend about whatever they want as often as they want & as they are scripted to


The plans for 2017 under Hillary were to involve not only the removal of US ICBM defenses, but to sell off US states & line their own finance accounts.  Russia was to get Alaska, China was to get California-Oregon & Washington State.  If I remember correctly, Aizona, New Mexico, Texas, part of Utah & part of Colorado was to be sold to Mexico on the payment plan.  I forget the other details, but what is left of the US gets put under the control of various foreign proxies  (including foreign troops) & liquidation of more than 60% of the remaining population is supposed to be achieved by mostly vaccination deceptions of the public, but with 500 China made hydraulic guillotines shipped around the USA in 2020, we have to wonder if that is Plan B to the Vaccine massacres of a refusing to be vaccinated to death public.  A fully illegitimate anchor baby Kamala harris, born of alien nationals only, is fully on board with all that, and will be installed according to Joe Biden's own words.  He promised to step down & aside, being a 25th Amendment removable mental case with Alzheimer's issues himself.  He was right about NOT needing any vores to get him elected, as it is all rigged by computers & corrupt people doing the counts now.  He already warned us about his stepping down, and President Trump is too chicken-shit to stop the Coup & the death of the US Constitution that the US Supreme Court's Chief Justice & his co-conspirators in Congress assured.  The US Constitution was murdered by Traitors among us, and we all watched it happen because we didn't know the exact right strategy that should have been used until well after the fact and when it was too late.  

The book of Job tells us that the wicked are reserved to the day of Judgement.  At Day 1290-1291 into the Tribulation Period, the USA is 100% annihilated by nuclear missiles from China, Iran, Russia, & Europe.  The Continental US collapses into the Earth's Mantle, Oceanic & Sea waters rush in & boil effect the planet as it wobbles off its axis, sifts the 100% Earthquake shaking Earth almost flat, disappears all islands fully & well under the waves, and wobbles just a little closer to the sun giving the Earth near unbearable heat for the remaining 3 1/2 years to come & the Great Tribulation.  They will be repaid for their sins of now & in the future by supernatural events that GOD will eventually bring about & they will after that time get the eternal damnation & suffering in the hereafter that they deserve.  Taking that knowledge, pick your times & places, and what you will do and not do.  

Believe into Jesus Christ as your LORD & Savior.  Keep Believing Into Jesus as your LORD & Savior.  Amen.

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