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I am a Natural Born United States Citizen with NO allegiance or citizenship to any nation but my own, and will use this site as a hobby place of sorts to present my own political and religious viewpoints, as a genuine Constitutional Conservative and a genuine Christian Conservative.

Thank you for coming.
In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ

Friday, November 1, 2024

On ETs, Inter-dimensional Windows

     Over the past 2 years I have been side-tracked  into the extraterrestrial alien invasion issue.  Since this issue will most likely be the catalyst that engages instantaneous world cooperation and reach across all politics and all religious belief systems to trick the populations of the world to a compliance under the coming Anti-Christ, I figured it would be appropriate if time permits us, to examine the UFO news and UFO social followings more thoroughly.

I was amazed by a lot of the sheer gullibility present in those who are part of the UFO following in the United States.  It appears that far too many of them are convinced that the Science FICTION that makes up the plot in Star Trek movies and television series are as if based on reality, so that "galactic Federations" and the like are to them, the real deal.  And what is more, they are convinced that we are being invaded in our solar system right now by hundreds, if not thousands, of alien spacecraft from other solar systems as well as other galaxies, all using cloaking devices, and basing out at a moon of Saturn, a moon of Jupiter, Mars, and the dark side of the Earth's own moon.  To them, this is no joke. 

     There has been a combination of US and other aircraft engaged in advanced experimental technologies, such as the triangular TR-3b.  Since the mid-1950s there have been televised claims from people saying they have had alien contact, usually with human looking aliens.  There is a claim that somewhere between 30 and 70 alien life forms are visiting this planet and that at least 4 engage in interactions with the Earth's various Governments.  The USA allegedly engages 3 of the hostile alien life forms, allegedly. short greys and tall greys, and reptilians. There are also other extraterrestrial alien forms that may include hostile factions, but are otherwise supposed to be friendly, and some of these are described as square cheek-bone face Nordics.  All of these operate as though they are incapable of empathy.  They can be insulted, pained, and have self-group loyalty, but the human-alien interaction seems to be a matter of course of inquiry or business, the same as would a manifested angel or demon be expected to have, and nothing more than that, apparently.  This means "BEWARE".

    Since President Eisenhower in 1956, we are even alleged to have had USA Earth with Alien Extraterrestrial treaties, with the the hostile to humanity alien life forms.  Prior to the 1500s A.D., when the Vatican is alleged to have sealed off trade passages with alleged Crypto-terrestial or Inner Earth Civilizations, there are alleged trade agreements with other intelligent life forms that may have happened there while the Alien Extra-terrestrials were more akin to invading or intrusive pests who played demi-gods even in ancient Biblical times.

    Again, in recent years, more friendly Nordic extra-terrestrial alien life forms are alleged to have square boned facial structures, to have recently engaged frequently with explorations in the past several years, and are said to have supplied the US Government with many tons of gold to influence a reduction of grey aliens working with the USA Federal Government...allegedly.  

      As for the Crypto-terrestrial or inner Earth life forms, one is claimed to include the term "ant people".   Meanwhile, upon the Earth, the USA has bio-weapon experimental labs around the world doing horrific nightmarish things, these breed real-life nightmare combinations even far worse and more fiendish than the Montauk hybrid laboratory monsters where various animals are hybrid formed so that a hawk and a leopard are combined into a living form and matured.   There are actual bred gargoyles in Central America (especially Guatemala)  and Mexico that are well over 100 lbs, be over 4 feet in height with at least a 8 foot wingspan, and now by video and camera still footage, verified and known to kill and feed off human victims.  In Central Africa, biological experiments have bred 4 to 5 foot high life sized hybrid monsters that have even 8 or 10 spider or crab-like legs, move at speeds of up to 40 plus miles per hour at a run, and there is definite video of these and other creatures in packs of about 15, maybe 20, roaming in the Congo forests.  Yes, I have seen the security camera video and this is a genuine monster release, regardless if it was a secret US bio-weapons lab or some other nation, these literal monsters need to be hunted down with teams of no less than 8 or 10 all using belt fed machine guns, at least 1 flamethrower, and annihilated.

      It goes down hill from there, as it were.  In many ways, we are being information prepared

      In the 1950s, we had a man allegedly given the Formula of what opens access into the frequencies that access history repeat using electricity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kT0Pc_BmVkE&t=965s 

Frequency = 1 over Time 

or F+1/T. 

(cf. 21:00 on hyperlinked video) 


"And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth perplexity 

[A compelling pressing afflicting and plaguing with and among] 

of nations, with distress [i.e., no resources and great doubt as how to proceed];

 the sea and the waves [that which resonates and vibrates] 

roaring;" Luke 21:25 

The Greek word used for waves, Salos, can incorporate anything that causes motion, vibration, waves, tossing, rocking….events such as wind, currents - surf - tide, electro-magnetic forces, earthquakes, and so forth. 

We know that the Earth and the Trees operate as living frequencies, and apparently under stress or Harmonic Divergence, the alteration of the Earth's extremely low bass frequency when it is roaring during an earthquake is in that frequency that opens or accompanies the opening of inter-dimensional windows.  The Earthquake that accompanies an inter-dimensional window opening in the Bible, appears to be that wormhole or gateway to Heaven itself.  Those inter-dimensional windows on high where a UFO enters in and out of our dimension without noise or earthquake, has to do with a different location entirely.  We don't know what is there, though some have speculated theories such as an alternate Earth, as well as alternate dimensions and alternate times such as hundreds of years into our future.  We are yet to know, if we ever do.

      Electricity, according to the hyperlinked video interview, using the formula "Frequency = 1 over TIME  appears to have the ability to do playbacks of history to some degree at 50,000 watts plus. Different waves using different Harmonic Divergence appear to have different results. I don't know how this would affect grounded Star-gates, but the principle must be there. 

     In Bible history, it is revealed that a strong wind can interact and even put to rest the Harmonic Divergence, and by implication perhaps close the Star-gate. 

     The presence of a strong continuous wind was used to put the Harmonic Divergence to rest at Noah's Flood, and the presence of a strong continuous wind was present to bend waters to stand upright and clear a dry path for some 2,000,000 plus Hebrews to pass over safely for many miles (and reading the Psalms) down into the depths and canyon passage through the Red Sea during the Exodus. 

      In my research, I have isolated SHIFTS IN EARTH'S MAGNETIC POLARITY & AXIS to Biblical History in 2348 B.C. Noah's Flood, 1961 B.C.the collapse of the Dead Sea volcanic region and the destruction of Sodom, 1551 B.C. the Exodus from Egypt, 1511 B.C.the entrance of Israel to Canaan and the rolling back of the Jordan River, and the 30 AD. the Crucifixion of Jesus which 3 hour darkness of the sun happening during a full moon.

     Something that is not ready to mind that relates to Bible Prophecy is the shaking of the Earth’s Foundations and the UFO gates of Inter-dimensional Portals that are opening up all around the world. 

 “And it shall come to pass, that … the windows from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth do shake.” Isaiah 24:18 

     The Bible recognizes these inter-dimensional windows or gates up at cloud level.

 “Who are these that fly as a cloud, and as the doves to their windows?” Isaiah 60:8 

     When the Earth was covered with water, in part from waters from another dimension 

 "Thou visitest the earth, and waterest it: thou greatly enrichest it with the river of God, which is full of water...." (Psalm 65:9)

 Then said he unto me, These waters issue out toward the east country, and go down into the desert, and go into the sea: which being brought forth into the sea, the waters shall be healed.

And it shall come to pass, that every thing that liveth, which moveth, whithersoever the rivers shall come, shall live: and there shall be a very great multitude of fish, because these waters shall come thither: for they shall be healed; and every thing shall live whither the river cometh.

(Ezekiel 47:8-9)

to cure the corruption of the Earth,  

we are told that with the shaking of the Earth’s foundations in the days of Noah, for at least 40 days by presumption, these “windows” on high were open and then shut.

 “The fountains also of the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain from heaven was restrained;” Genesis 8:2 

“In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.Genesis 7:11 


     We have had many earthquakes in these last years, and I expect a series on so many Earthquakes following this Nineveh Eclipse, that we will enter into Operation Blue-beam, where perhaps even entities within our own Administration will reveal themselves in the Psy-Ops as “shape-shifters”. Basically starting with Press Interviews openly with extended snake eyes transformations and perhaps entire reptilian presentations? I don't know. My concern of major crises deals with the weeks leading up to September 2025, by my understanding at this point.  Could be sooner, could be later, but my focus for Calamity to be avoided and the bringing in of Anti-Christ as the man of Peace, at this time, many months  in advance, appears to be September 2025.  I could easily be wrong on that date approximation.  Easily.

    History has yet to be fully shared in honesty, because we have a past in which the Earth has tilted on its axis several times, which is ignored dishonestly (in my opinion), and the history in which literal world empires and trade existed before Solomon;s day has become suppressed to us.  Herodotus tells us that the pre-Solomon continent was covered in ice, and the migration patterns that we know of  from the time of IO (beginning here, the record of Time begins) affirms this.  Further, we have recently via satellite imagery found that there was an Egyptian like civilization under the Antarctic Ice  and through the information suppressed by the Smithsonian and others, that Egypt from the time of the Hyksos until Solomon, whose real Temple year was circa 1031 B.C., had a literal world empire that included the southern parts of North America (such as the Grand Canyon in Arizona) and that the Hyksos descendants of giants and their Egyptian slave descendants inhabited South and Central and the lower parts of North America until the giants mostly died off by the 1700s A.D. due mostly to disease brought by the new settlers coming in from Europe, as documented in the first Vatican diary passages with the South American giants in the 1500s A.D.

      There is a suppression of information that the Earth has shifted off its axis multiple times in the past 4400 years. Data will be reflected in magnetic polarity changes recorded in the Earth (e.g., Mauch Chunk Formation in Pennsylvania)  that can be properly dated if not mis-translated like the Akkadian day wrongly labeled as a year.  This goes into the analysis of radioactive dating methods not being a consistent measure and the need to account for magnetic polarity reversals that follow nature and real science.  It is bad enough that fresh mollusks on a river bed bottom can be C-14 tested as 4,000 years old days after placement, but science isn't even followed in measuring Helium diffusion in zircons at all, because to do so, demands a YOUNG earth in the thousands of years old.

      The peninsula of Greece suffered a massive volcanic driven Santorini explosion Cataclysm in what seems to be best dated as circa 1398 B.C., when most of Europe was under glaciers, and the Earth had yet to bury Atlantis / Antarctica, under the Ice.  Ceres of Attica (the location later known to us as Athens), married Osiris and she became known as Isis.  It is a matter of history from the ancients that Egypt had old Greece as its colony for hundreds of years.  Isis was called IO after the same manner of speech used in the Sumerian Kings to the cuneiform clays in this sense:  by interpretation, IO means "when the flood washed over, beginning here, the circle of time or history begins."  And so, the clash of giants and so forth would happen  in what appears to be the 900s B.C. if they pertain to the period of the original Hercules.  From the late 1600's B.C., Keme (before it was called Egypt several hndred years later) xported the Anakim, those known as the Giants,  world wide, and in the 1000s B.C., Israel still sailed ships between itself and India, around the horn of Africa and back for King Solomon, but taking years to do so, which is why he attempted to build a port at En Gedi, which GOD destroyed by a preternatural storm as a permanent disapproval.   

 The Bible states

“Seek him that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The Lord is his name.” (Amos 5:8)

Job 9:8-9 declares GOD of the Bible is He that

 Which alone spreadeth out the heavens, and treadeth upon the waves of the sea.  

Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south.

And in Job 38, who speaks to Job out of a whirlwind and after telling Job that HIS angels shouted and HIS cherubim shouted for joy when GOD laid the foundations of the Earth at the Beginning, He asked of Job:  

31 Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?  

32 Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons? 

33 Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth?  (Job 38:31-33)

…. I ask, what are the sweet influences of Pleiades and why would Orion enslave? 

 Do the Mazzaroth affirm star-gates or other constellation visitations (2 Kings 23:5)?  

 What of the Mazzaroth who are alleged to be Ursa Major’s “bear watchers or bear guardians” and his sons or ETs?  I say, not even the half is being told what the Bible knows, and far more than what has yet been revealed or touched upon.

       There is an up-and-coming event in which the nations of the world are supposed to unite due to an Extra-Terrestrial (ET) Invasion.  Already, the United States and China and Russia are supposed to have more than 5 of such spacecrafts each in their possession of outside the Earth origins.   

     For those who are Inside The Tribulation Period, who out-live my presence upon the Earth, and somehow read this article, an assist:

One of the whistle-blowers of ET Space Programs, to which the USA claims to have actual ETs on its staff, claims that a sure way to distinguish 

(read this as "a hunter, predator, one seeking to kill those not submitting to Anti-Christ or his governance") 

a non-human entity mimicking a human and/or those humans  possessed by a demon spirit, 

is to subject that one to a Night Vision Infrared Scan, as the spine will glow up and down it.   

Apparently, according to him, demons prefer attaching themselves to the core of the nervous system in humans and that is best found in the spine, and a Night Vision Infrared Scan will bear this out as who the hunter or infiltrator allegedly is.

    For whatever reason, those who involve themselves in seeking out information on ETs are prone to believe that anything an alleged ET will tell them is truthful or the revealed truth to humanity, and will accept it uncritically hook, line, and sinker.  We all need to DISCARD the premise that ETs and other non-human entities are incapable of lying, or should in any way be valued as more truthful than humanity.  In fact, it is to the non-human entity ADVANTAGE to lie, to twist the truth, to deceive humanity for whatever Agenda or end purpose that they have.  So for those who have interacted or will interact with non-human entities in the future, remember that they are NOT your friends and they are NOT someone or something that can be trusted. 

      The consensus of many who follow after ETs as a religion, is that the use of mediums is their primary source of knowledge, apparently followed by those allegedly formerly involved with "Secret Space Programs" as whistleblowers, and thirdly apparently followed by scientific investigators and so on.  

    One prominent French remote viewing or Medium who is a UFO  Folk-celebrity, Eleena Danaan, claims that she meditates a psychic communication with 9 separate ET groups since December 2020.  She claims to contact and receive information from:

 1) The Nine (Not Nordic) 

2) The Anakim: Nibiru – Inanna & Ea (Not Nordic) 

3) Council of Anilam – Annax (Not Nordic) 

4) Intergalactic Federation : The Seeders – J-Ka’at, Tayel, Oona,Coron, Shyr’yka. 

5) The Galactic Federation of Worlds: Excelsior – Denethor, Ardaana, Thor Han… 

From the planet Venus – Val Thor and Jillian…

From the planet Mars – Jen Han…

From the planet Jupiter – Angun (not Nordic)…

From the planet Neptune – Celadion…From Centauri – Mirkak…From Altair – Val Nek…

From the star or star system Sirius – Val Nek…

From the star Pleiades – Shaya, Akvaaru… 

6) Inner Earth – Arkelios (Not Nordic) 

7) The Builders (Lunar vessel pods transmitting messages?)


      GOD, who is a consuming fire, is the Supreme GOD above any and ALL ETs. They ignore Psalm 104:2, Isaiah 40:22, Job 26:7. They cannot name a single beggarly alien group of “gods” that created the Heavens and the Earth as claimed in Genesis 1:1. Who and what created this Universe, and when? The Universe did NOT create itself. 

     Those who falsely put their trust in glorified Carnival Actors are prone to religiously believe into the logic that does not follow, of Pan Spermia, wishing to be "Star Seeds" as if being a child of the Creator was something to not be believed and cast off in preference for a fantasy that has no beginning, but is a mystery embroidery privilege like the French Legion Of Honor stitchery of a single line so boasts to an accepting imagination.  I know of no ET claim that they created a planet, a solar system, a galaxy, and the order it has in space, or that they even know how to hang a moon on nothing and be part of the Order and Pattern that is when you look at the stars and constellations and so forth.

In Herodotus Histories 2.52, we have the word "theoi" to mean "the disposers", 'because they had disposed and arranged everything in due order.'  However, like an enemy on the battlefield at a point of truce, there may be dialogue and interaction, but it can go South in a split second and you always need to be ready to act accordingly, while maintaining a cordiality and discipline for those moments of truce otherwise.  YOU are in the victor’s position while upon the Earth.  Do NOT waver from that firm conviction and confidence, neither abuse it. 

While it's nice to be hopeful and positive about the future, in the Bible we are warned that the Star-gates will open so that mighty ones (and giants included) 

shall pass through them from the ends of the heavens and punish the Earth in Isaiah 13:3,5 and 24:18-21;

I have commanded my sanctified ones, I have also called my mighty ones/ my giants for mine anger, even them that rejoice in my highness.

The noise of a multitude in the mountains, like as of a great people; a tumultuous noise of the kingdoms of nations gathered together: the Lord of hosts mustereth the host of the battle.

They come from a far country, from the end of heaven, even the Lord, and the weapons of his indignation, to destroy the whole land.

18 And it shall come to pass, that he who fleeth from the noise of the fear shall fall into the pit; and he that cometh up out of the midst of the pit shall be taken in the snare: for the windows from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth do shake.

19 The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is clean dissolved, the earth is moved exceedingly.

20 The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again.

21 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high, and the kings of the earth upon the earth.

 and that this is done by He who created the Earth and the Heavens and placed man specifically upon the Earth (Isaiah 45:12,18).

      What is coming, with the opening of the Star-gates and abundant earthquakes that will be associated with the invasion of actual aliens, some of whom are as IF the gods of ancient Sumeria and Egypt and Babylon, will not be a happy time. It will be a war upon humanity to kill it, or to manipulate packs of human serfs who will help these alien entities hunt down the human resistance, whether these physically resist or spiritually refuse to submit to them. ETs and non-human entities can lie and deceive just as readily and some of these more so by inclination than most humans.

      What is coming, we are warned from the Bible, was written by direction from He who subsumes all 3 tenses of the verb "to be" and who created Time as a measurement for the created. That means us. We are called to seek GOD out, not the ETs.


     Most involved in ET research and hoped for interactions will do so from a mortal disadvantage by NOT believing into Jesus, or attempting to change who the historical Jesus is in their belief system.  As children of the 1st Adam, through faith in the Second Adam, who is the representative and exact reflection of GOD the Father, we are EMPOWERED to overcome ETs by

“… the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.”  (Revelation 12:11)

When people disbelieve the historical and Biblical Jesus, they do so by willing blindness and ignorance and illiteracy.  The Bible has much that affirms UFOs and alien entities, but Paul and logic affirms that THEY are the beggarly elements, not those of us who have the trusting-faith into Jesus, He in whose pre-Incarnate state spoke the Universe into existence, this same Jesus being the EXACT Image and reflection of GOD the Father.

UFOs and Inter-dimensional windows are real, but like in the days of Noah, they are about corruption of faith, corruption of all flesh, and destruction of GOD's Creation on Earth.  We are seeing an ever increase in UFOs and Inter-dimensional portals opening and things passing to and from.  We also have many videos of those who come and go through thin air, or who disappear from hospitals and restaurants as if in the Rapture.  One moment there, next the tray of stuff or the cell-pone they held drops before frightened others.  So much is going on for those who want to see, and if you want to unsee, like with a traumatic experience, you just have to pretend you were dreaming or that it never happened until you do forget.  

    Are ETs just demons or is there something else going on?  To that I am not certain, because there may be a combination of both at play.  Probably is.  But our goal in life needs to be to keep the Faith, having a trusting faith into Jesus and what He did at the Cross.  Have and keep a trusting-faith into Jesus, who imparted a sliver of his spirit into Adam, and by unbelief that spark was snuffed out and by belief in Jesus (who was the pre-incarnate YHVeH of Genesis 2:7 affirms Lamentations 4:20) the GOD-spark is relit and man is preserved from the SECOND Death, which is the spirit-soul plane of existence we have. Man focuses too much on this physical universe of darkness which is enclosed in a greater universe of light, where GOD the Creator chiefly abides. 

    And remember, 

   "whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."

   (Romans 10:13)

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