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I am a Natural Born United States Citizen with NO allegiance or citizenship to any nation but my own, and will use this site as a hobby place of sorts to present my own political and religious viewpoints, as a genuine Constitutional Conservative and a genuine Christian Conservative.

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In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ

Friday, December 11, 2020

President Trump On Track To Win His Re-Election By SCOTUS Declaration Based On 1997 Foster v. Love 522 U.S. 67 (1997)





 Later this same day, we now learn that it was Chief Justice Roberts who thwarted the Constitution & the responsibility of the US Supreme Court & denied a required 4 Justice acceptance vote to hear the ff. Texas case. A US Supreme Court law Clerk affirmed the ff. testimony:

"Hal, as you know I am a clerk for one of the Justices on SCOTUS. Today was like nothing we have ever seen. The justices are arguing loudly behind closed doors.

The Justices met in a closed and sealed room, as is standard.

Usually it is very calm, however today we could hear screaming all the way down the hall.

They met in person, because they didn't trust telephonic meeting as secure.

Chief Justice Roberts was screaming

"Are you going to be responsible for the rioting if we hear this case?"

"Don't tell me about Bush v. Gore, we weren't dealing with riots then"

"You are forgetting what your role here is Neil, and I don't want to hear from the two junior justices anymore. I will tell you how you will vote."

Justice Clarence Thomas says "This is the end of Democracy, John."

When they left the room, Roberts, the Libs and Kavanugh had big smiles. Alito and Thomas were visibly upset. ACB and Gorsuch didn't seem fazed at all."

This was reported on 12 December 2020 at


 End of update.  Original Post remains as written below:


On November 3, 2020 Donald John Trump was felony thwarted a legal election victory by such massive fraud, it calls for a full overhaul of the US Voting Systems in the United States.  Clear vote flipping & stealing away from President Trump was on a scale of more than 24,000,000 votes and may perhaps have been as high as 36,000,000 - 40,000,000, making President Trump the 1st ever Presidential candidate to ever attain at or near 100,000,000 votes but for unlawful vote rigging by the DNC pollsters, supervisors, Dominion & Smartmatic Algorithm rigged machines using Chinese owned & made Microsoft software, as well as illegal SCYTL internet real time observers with Soros' Tide Foundation et al observers who apparently helped wash votes for Biden as more than 28 States (or so it appears that number now) sent ALL their electronic data votes outside the United States into Spain & Germany to be "tallied" & sent back to the United States again.  Often, voters watching CNN & other CIA Media in real time could watch election steals of 19,000 to 21,000 votes at a time switch away from President Trump to Candidate Joe Biden.  

When November 3, 2020 ended, by one example, President Trump at 1 am November 4, 2020 was ahead by 677,000 votes in Pennsylvania.  Then the Democrats in as many as 8 states closed the polls, called the counting over, and kicked out the Republican observers.  Then the huge boxes of pristine manufactured ballots for Joe Biden arrived, and many Dems vote counters & their bosses & the Dominion & Smartmatic techs who stayed behind closed doors made a mad feed of Biden only votes into the machine for hours and hours, while for days, orders were given in Pennsylvania to BACK-DATE all mail in ballots for Biden to November 3, because ...and it was too this effect...even if they voted Trump, they would be declared as voting Biden, whether they knew it or not, too damn bad if they ever found out about it later.

As of today, December 11,2020, some 40 states have lined up to one side or the other of an Original Jurisdiction lawsuit that Texas has in suing Pennsylvania & other States that say they can change the rules without legislation, and add as many days as it takes to put as many phoney ballots for Biden as it takes to declare him the winner, and illegal votes must be counted they say.

But all Texas has to do is 1 thing -- backed by Republican legislators in Pennsylvania, backed by Republican members of Congress, backed by POTUS Trump enjoining his name & Article III standing to sue -- is to argue only the Federal Election Day tallies themselves count. Nothing after.  And at that point, Trump rightfully & legally wins, & can unleash the prosecution of those who committed Treason from the precincts to the top of the DNC, to those who run Smartmatic (whose CEO was post election 2020 hired by George Soros...how coincidental?) & Dominion, to the Big Techies that ran interference or aided the election fraud, & in 2 years, monopolies like Microsoft, Facebook, Google, Twitter may all be names of the past, & those who ran them in prison as sell-outs and agents of China, et al.  But we'll see.

October 6,1997  the US Supreme Court hear Oral Arguments on Foster v. Love, now 522 U.S. 67 (1997)
The Court decided 9 - 0 that the ONLY day that mattered in election vote casting was on the FEDERAL ELECTION DAY.

Leagle posts the final opinion at:

 Justia posts the final opinion (same) at:  https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/522/67/

But what may interest YOU is the Oral Argument transcript:

"Richard I. Ieyoub Louisiana's system certainly allows for the election of a candidate in October, as opposed to actually electing on Federal Election Day.
Sandra Day O'Connor Well, except the Federal statute fixes the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November as the day for election for the Members of Congress.
Richard I. Ieyoub That's correct, Your Honor, and Louisiana's statutory scheme does, in fact, set a date on the first Tuesday after the first Monday. It does do that. We simply--
Sandra Day O'Connor But the election, if there's a majority vote in the primary, does not occur on that date.
Richard I. Ieyoub --Well, that's correct, Your Honor, and I submit that what we have here is an old statute and new circumstances, in which case I think that we have to look to the legislative purpose and the legislative history, as Chief Justice Taney said, looking, if necessary, to the public history of the times in which the statute was passed, and Justice Holmes saying you can look to the respective minds of Congress.
Anthony M. Kennedy So you accept the proposition that Louisiana law de jure authorizes elections before the Federal election date?
Richard I. Ieyoub That is correct, Your Honor, a person can be elected de jure under Louisiana's scheme, but what we're saying here is that Thurman and Butler wanted to protect the right to choose, and that is protected by Louisiana's statutory scheme. What was important, what is important is, as Hamilton said, the right of the people to choose those whom they... who will govern them, and we allow that. Louisiana's statutory scheme allows that.
Richard I. Ieyoub --Louisiana could do that, Your Honor, but what we're saying here is that Louisiana's open primary scheme in no way really clashes or conflicts with the Federal Election Day statute.
David H. Souter Well, it does conflict, because it has an election on a day other than the day specified by the Federal statute. That's why we're here. Isn't that a clear conflict?
Richard I. Ieyoub No, Your Honor, because I believe that you can't necessarily give a literal interpretation in this particular--
David H. Souter Why not?
Richard I. Ieyoub --Well--
David H. Souter The statute's clear.
Richard I. Ieyoub --simply because I think that it might... it would lead to unreasonable--
David H. Souter What's unreasonable about it? Congress has decided that it wants the election to occur uniformly on a given day in November throughout the United States. "

The ONLY day that mattered in election vote casting in 1997 was on the FEDERAL ELECTION DAY. Will the US Supreme Court so rule the SAME again?  If so, Trump has won yet again.

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