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In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Democrat Incited Lunatic Shoots At Republican Congress As They Practice For Charity Baseball: Brianroy's Comments And Infowars Guest Blog Feature Alex Jones Asked Be Shared

Today is both Flag Day 2017 and President Trump's 71st Birthday, and instead of peacefully and joyfully recognizing and celebrating both, instead, we have another brain-washed democrat wound up lunatic set off on a killing spree of Republicans 

and dumb-asses in the Media, among the DNC and celebrities celebrating and wishing it would have been MORE carnage than just shot and wounded fellow Americans and a dead Illinois man brainwashed with hate and death until he was lit and set off by the Dems and the Major Media and The Celebrities as self-destructing lunatic. 

President Trump issued a Press release thanking Capitol Police Officers for saving the lives of the members of Congress and killing the rampaging gunman to save many innocent lives.

Republican Congressman Steve Scalise and several others shot by nut-job Democrat with a rifle at an early morning for Charity Washington D.C. baseball practice, were so shot as a direct Media consequence to the National Hype and Promotions to spur violence by venomous and blood-thirsty for deaths of Republicans Mainstream Media, Special Interest Groups funded by George Soros, the Democratic National Committee, and delusional useful idiot celebrities.  

NBC reports that some 22 Republican  members of Congress were at the baseball field, 

but that number may also be inclusive of staffers to the Republican members of Congress themselves as well.  

The evil would be assassin brainwashed in the politics of HATE by the Democrats, the Mainstream Media, Celebrities, and others suffering derangement delusions, specifically targeted Republicans only.  

Washington D.C.’s NBC 4 at the above link reports also that: 
Rep. Jeff Duncan, R-S.C., said he was leaving practice early when he had an interaction with someone who asked him whether the team playing was a Republican or Democrat team.

"I told him they were Republicans. He said, 'OK, thanks,' and turned around. I got in the car and left, and found out later that my Republican colleagues were targeted by an active shooter."

This is NOT the first time Congressmen have been shot, and it is NOT a recent experience only.  In 1954, there was a deadly shooting in the Capitol that most Media will NOT recount or tell you about.  Back then, those that participated were recognized in the Media as TERRORISTS, as evil, as criminal.  Both Democrat and Republican Senators were shot inside the U.S. senate from the balcony by Puerto Rican dip-sh*ts who thought that shooting up the U.S. Senate would force them to grant Puerto Rico statehood. 

To them "it was all just political".  Uh huh.  But they like this most recent screwy brainwashed into violence would be assassin, were criminal and they were rightly labeled "terrorist".  It also appears that the last member of Congress to be shot, on January 8, 2011, U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords (along with 18 constituents, etc.) just also so happened to be done  by another, you guessed it, another  Democrat lunatic.   Will the Mainstream Propaganda Media point this out?  No?  It figures.  

And will the Media CORRECT their "Champions" such as the 'Ready For The Mental Ward And Dismissal From Governorship For Dementia Issues,  Virginia’s Moronic Democrat Governor Terry McAuliffe,' who today was  trying to capitalize on the Democrat lunatic shooting Republican Congressmen?  Apparently not.  Notice that this Governor has no clue as to what he is even saying, when he states:  “We Lose 93 Million Americans a Day to Gun Violence!”     -- Oh “duh”, Governor McAuliffe!

Members of Congress who can legally concealed carry in their home state are forbidden from concealed carry in Washington D.C. under current law.  One member of Congress, Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga, would like to see that changed so that Congress can defend themselves should the need arise again.  

At present, CNN is pushing the narrative that those who shoot Republican Congressmen are not evil nor criminal terrorists who need to be publicly rebuked...no...when a Democrat shoots a Republican, it is just political and doesn't mean anything criminal. These Media people are fomenting and promoting more violence for more viewership, higher ratings, more money in advertising charge revenue, and drooling for blood in the streets to laugh and mock and promote more.  Instead, places like CNN that promote MURDER of fellow U.S. Citizens as if above the law themselves, and CNN which promotes Terrorism and pro-ISIS news and pro-ISIS viewpoints and denigrates any who disagree with being killed or raped or forced into Islamic slavery because they feel they have the right to pressure these things to be as if legal, when they are illegal, then CNN and other media ought to be immediately shut down by the FCC 90 days, then 6 mos, then forever.  

If the Media wants to make Republicans targets, then they had better follow the logical regression hypothetical that if they promote a breakdown of law and justice 

and turn the naturally political man into a wild beast absent of political law restraints, just as is a consequence when they push the break up of the nuclear family which is in itself a natural though smallest political entity (had they ever bothered to read Aristotle's work on Politics), then it follows by their own sowing to the wind to reap the whirlwind,  there will be a day of reckoning upon them in turn.  Imagine a day when NBC, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC all hide in their buildings because anytime they walk out or show a camera with their logo or drive down the highway, "boom, boom, boom!"  And not even high cost armed security guards nor police escorts save their reporters, their cameramen or sound operators from being massacred, perhaps dozens while "live" on national and local television, and all for just what?  Their own seething hatred and a realization when they die and their souls go to hell, that THEY were the evil ones after all.  They had the story backwards.  


FLASHBACK: Tim Kaine, Loretta Lynch Called For Blood & Death In Streets

Top ranking leftists provoke violence

“There’s so much going on here that we clearly see, you know, places where… we can criticize what the administration is doing, but how does the [Democratic] party rebuild?” asked host Mika Brzezinski. “How do you prevent a continuation of the bubble in a situation like this, and how does the party reclaim its reach across the country while fighting these battles?”
“So, the way we get outside the bubble is we take advantage of this tremendous public outcry against the administration,” responded Kaine. “What we’ve got to do is fight in Congress, fight in the courts, fight in the streets, fight online, fight at the ballot box, and now there’s the momentum to be able to do this.”

Kaine’s son, Linwood, apparently heeded his father’s advice and would later be arrested while attempting to disrupt a pro-Trump rally in Minnesota, and is now facing criminal charges.
“When protesters began harassing people gathered at the Minnesota State Capitol, rally participants attempted to block the entrance to the rotunda where the rally was taking place,” reported the Daily Caller. “Protesters then tried to force their way down the stairs, using smoke bombs, mace and fireworks, and causing a need for some rally participants to be treated by paramedics.”
“We love that our three children have their own views and concerns about current political issues,” said Kaine in a statement on the matter. “They fully understand the responsibility to express those concerns peacefully.”
Lynch also used similarly incendiary language in a bizarre one minute video in which she seemed to call upon fellow ‘progressives’ to march, bleed, and die in the streets – also in resistance to the Trump agenda, which has been endorsed and Constitutionally mandated by the American people.

“I know it’s a time of concern for people, who see our rights being assailed, being trampled on and even being rolled back,” she said. “I know that this is difficult, but I remind you that this has never been easy. We have always had to work to move this country forward to achieve the great ideals of our Founding Fathers.”
“It has been people, individuals who have banded together, ordinary people who simply saw what needed to be done and came together and supported those ideals who have made the difference.”
“They’ve marched, they’ve bled and yes, some of them died,” she continued. “This is hard. Every good thing is. We have done this before. We can do this again.”
These are only two examples out of a stunning collection of calls to violence and murder from the intolerant, unhinged leftists in the Democrat party, mainstream media, Hollywood, and the spiderweb of interwoven organizations and cabals like Antifa and Black Lives Matter who have effectively transformed into domestic terrorists in Trump’s America.

...Today’s shooting of a top-ranking Republican Congressman by a homicidal leftist was inches from turning into a slaughter of unthinkable proportions, had it not been for a few brave Americans with guns – a God-given right Democrats work around the clock to take away.


See also:  

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