Welcome! Jesus Christ is my LORD and Savior! Romans 10:9-10,13; John 3:16
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I am a Natural Born United States Citizen with NO allegiance or citizenship to any nation but my own, and will use this site as a hobby place of sorts to present my own political and religious viewpoints, as a genuine Constitutional Conservative and a genuine Christian Conservative.
Thank you for coming. ------------------------------------------------------------------- In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ 2025
On March 30, 2016, Adan Salazar offered a recap of some explosive facts that were found by following up on notes left behind by a slain United States Federal Law Enforcement officer, Brian Terry, which shows us that the usurper Barack Hussein Obama and then illegal to be in office Attorney General Eric Holder, CONSPIRED in smuggling guns to Al Qaeda and then blaming U.S. Citizens and claiming taking away legal gun rights of U.S. Citizens was justifiable, while NOT telling YOU that the guns were destined for drug cartels and especially operatives of Middle eastern terrorist organizations, especially splinter groups or sub-divisions of AL QAEDA.
"To recap: • Agents with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives from 2006 through 2010 convince straw dealers to sell weapons to suspected arms traffickers who may in turn sell them over to Mexican cartels, ostensibly to track the cartels. • On December 14, 2010 while conducting operations in Nogales, Arizona, Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was shot and died while attempting to arrest five individuals. Two of the guns found at the scene were linked to Fast and Furious. • Smith-Meck claims weapons were sold in Mexico to middle eastern arms dealers in September 2010.A Moroccon DST commander – on 16 October 2010 also reported Fast and Furious weapons were in the kingdom of Morocco en route to arm the rebels in Algeria. • Smith-Meck asserts guns, rifles, grenades, grenade launchers, military grade night vision goggles, black special forces tactical uniforms, as well as military equipment and installations were involved. • Lt. Col Smith-Meck’s research into Terry’s death has led him to suspect a wider weapons transfer scheme may be amidst. • Smith-Meck predicts a mid-May arms transfer. • The retired Marine has been target of harassment and intimidation since looking into the case. Watch the full interview with Lt. Col. Matt Smith-Meck and Kent Terry below:"
Let us also remember that Obama has created other victims on other dates and other occasions, such as Border Agent Brian Terry in the Fast and Furious Eric Holder Department of Justice orchestrated attempt to bring down the Second Amendment by blaming U.S. Citizens for the covert program Obama and Holder ordered. A Fast and Furious labeled program which ran an illegal gun smuggling operation that legally was buying and illegally selling guns from U.S. gun shops and selling them at discounts specifically to violent Mexican drug cartels, criminal enterprises that should be prosecutable against Holder and Obama under R.I.C.O. at some later time -- such as IMPEACHMENT of Obama -- and that this criminal activity was directly responsible in getting Brian Terry shot up on December 14, 2010, from which wounding he died on December 15, 2010; but dying only after Holder was responsible for first issuing a policy of Border Agent disarmament and then also being specifically complicit in supplying the semi-automatic rifle that fired the 7.62 x 39mm bullet that killed Brian Terry. So what of any and all the dead U.S. Citizens who have died as a consequence of illegal gun smuggling to terrorists via criminal organizations, and the hundreds of dead Mexican citizens, people who were killed because of Barack Obama despite their being on two continents thousands of miles apart, and who are to Obama (like astro-turf humans to Nancy Pelosi) merely "bumps in the road", nuisance bodies he and his political machine runs over and as void of humanity as rodents and animals that are road-kill, run over and over until they are flatten and degraded into a forgotten memory (if they are remembered at all by them)? What of Ambassador Stevens and the other 3 U.S. Citizens who died at Ben Ghazi by active conspiracy and collusion with enemies of the United States, now known to be indirectly linked but as a gradual consequence and progression from a secret Fast and Furious gun running to Al Qaeda factions in Western and northern Africa as well as smuggling to known crime syndicates illegally killing U.S. Citizens from Arizona to Texas? These deaths are homicides and murders Obama commits under what might be law enforcement termed and penal code worded as "color of authority", whose scandals and public outcries are minor disturbances and noise...minor disturbances and noise...and are to be dismissed with a "what difference now does it make?" response, as Hillary Clinton remarks over some of those same corpses with cruel callousness, a "we don't give a sh*t" attitude and de facto response. Obama has decided to openly rejoice over the deaths of all Americans who died on 9/11/2001, and those who died on 9/11/2012 and now politically dances in joy for the victories of jihadi Islam he has given them over OUR dead fellow citizens, as though he were an Arab Gaza or West bank terrorist celebrating the deaths of those who died on 9/11/2001 when the attack and destruction of the New York City World Trade Center towers was first broadcast on the news to them. And when Americans are attacked and killed in Europe, or if Christians die by the many tens of thousands in the Middle East, all Obama can do is snuggle up to a Cuban Communist dictator and watch a ball game and "do the wave" or do a dream job where ESPN has Barack do a host spot as if he were one of them.
Jesus, an Historical 4 Gospel account of His movements and words from the Last Supper to the Cross
(Note: Although I originally posted this in
2009, it is so far back into the archives (though worthy of view) that I
thought it would be appropriate for reflection. I hope you will concur. The ff. is
faithfully translated from the Greek with word pictures and reiterations: by Brianroy)
To the Mt. Olivet: (at night), following the Last Supper.
“And having sung a song of praise, 1 and as according to His custom, together -- Jesus, and His disciples who followed along behind 2 -- went out forth into the Mount of Olives. 3 And going forth, Jesus -- and the disciples of Him -- did cross the running-torrent winter-brook in the Kidron (Valley)." 4
[Commentary: The crossing of torrential waters flowing in the Kidron informs us of two things:
1) Jesus and His disciples had to cross by a bridge which was destroyed by 70 A.D.; and
2) There was probably a heavy overcast from south of Jerusalem to northern Samaria, if not also, a ground- saturation from rains at the time.
if it was raining, we are not -- nor would we be -- informed directly
of this in the Bible. We can safely say that, at the very least, it
probably was drizzly, with a possible early morning fog rolling in (that
fog, in turn, would burn off by 7am or 8am that following morning).
:End of Commentary]
"And Jesus said to them,‘All of you will be offended in Me in this night….’ 5 and Jesus accompanies them 6 upon a place called Gethsemane, 7 where a garden was. 8 Then knew also Judas (Iscariot), the (one) betraying Him, the place,
because Jesus had assembled there many times (before) with His
disciples." 9
[Commentary: The Apostles
John, Andrew, Thomas, and Nathaniel -- through the Gospel of John --
accuse Judas of following behind by stealth, at a safe distance, to see
where Jesus and the disciples went. Therefore, by this means, Judas
knew exactly where Christ and His disciples went, following the Last
Supper. There must have been something, which more than just one of the
disciples saw from their vantage point on the way across the bridge, or
had seen from near the narrow path off the road into Gethsemane that
night - at some very near distance away. Perhaps some of these
disciples had called out to Judas, and beckoned him over, only to see
him scurry away. Although John 18:2 may imply this, neither John (the
dictator) -- nor Andrew (the scribe) -- enters it into the record of the
Gospel of John.
Now the Greek suggests that Gethsemane visibly
concealed its occupants from the road. This informs us: that at the
time, there must have been very dense vegetation that was surrounding
the area to which Jesus and His disciples would retreat. Therefore, in a
cold camp, unlit by campfires or torches, concealed by the vegetation,
discovery was impossible at night, unless one knew EXACTLY where to look
for the lone restrictive path, and how to get to this hideaway.
Greek also suggests that the Garden was down the slope of Olivet, off
the road, under and through bushes and trees. Hence therefore, coming
“upon the place”, Jesus would descend down to a clearing out of even
normal daytime sight from the road. : End of Commentary]
said to them, ‘Sit down upon this [wall], until going aside, I shall
express (My) concerns -- vows -- and give thanks (over) there. 10 Offer humble petitions of coming alongside with prayer (of expressing
your concerns -- vows -- and giving of thanks) so that you will not
enter into the testing of trial and adversity.’" 11
The Greek word for the activity of prayer in this passage is
“proseuchomai”. The word “pros” (‘up to, and alongside’ /’ with’) - is
enhancing and directing the usage of “euchomai”. It is not a word
involving worship of prostration, but rather petitioning a form of
prayer and communication. This type of communion communication appears
to be the same type to which “angels” engage in with the Father, by
inference. : End of Commentary]
------------------ "And
He takes with Him, Peter, and the two sons of Zebedee: James and
John. 12 And He was withdrawn from them about a stone’s throw. 13 And
He began to be utterly astonished and terrified, and deeply distressed.
But He speaks His mind and feelings to them, saying, ‘Deeply grieved
is the soul of Me, unto death. Remain here, and keep awake and alert
with Me.’ 14 And going forward a little (distance), 15 He falls and sets on the knees," 16
The word picture of falling and settling the knees, suggests that
Jesus is either in soft dirt or mud. This is indicative of a recent
surge in the Kidron torrent, and His close proximity to it; or of very
recent rainfall. The wet soft dirt of Gethsemane, unlike the Creation,
is cold and chilling; where as the dirt of the Garden following the
creation of the world was originally hot and wet, and beneficial
(Genesis 2:6). Gethsemane’s dirt represents the cold dead state of man’s
eternal soul without GOD; and the Second Adam, being Christ, is come to
restore man to his first state, in a right relationship with Him. : End
of Commentary.]
"His face upon the ground, 17 expressing concerns -- vows -- and the offering up of thanks, in that if it were to be possible, the time might pass from Him: 18 saying, ‘Father of Me, if it is able to be so, let this cup pass from Me; but not in what manner or way as I will, but rather in what manner or way as You.’ 19 And He was withdrawn from the disciples[upon the road]about a stone’s throw. 20
[An hour passes]
And He comes up alongside the disciples, and finds them sleeping, and he speaks His mind to Peter, saying, ‘Simon, do you sleep? Do you not have the strength and power and ability for (even just) one hour to watch with Me?’21
Stay awake and alert, and will yourself forward, in order that you do not enter into the testing of adversity; for indeed, the spirit (is) eager and willing, but the flesh (is) strengthless.’22 And again, departing, He prayed the same word (He was praying before).23
[A second hour passes]
And coming, again He finds them sleeping, for their eyes were weighed down and heavy, 24 and they could not open the eyes to see or perceive what to answer Him. 25 And once more, departing, a third time did He petition in prayer the same words (He was praying before). 26
[A third hour approaches completion]
And an Angel from Heaven appeared to Him, strengthening Him; 27 and becoming in agony, He prayed more instantly." 28
Notice the comment, “He prayed more instantly.” This tells us that
when Jesus prayed, it was slow and methodical after this effect: He was
careful in what He chose to say while praying. Further, once He prayed,
He was able to ask exactly the same prayer over and over again. That
prayer was not pre-fabricated as a nonsensical utterance, but was
specifically tailored for the concerns and needs of the moment. We are
to follow this example. This form of repetition is perfectly within our
rights. We must be careful in the use of pre-fabricated prayers, when
repeated thousands of times, to which the mind may wander in a sort of
automatic, not focusing on the relationship with the Almighty Himself. :
End of Commentary.]
"Then the sweat of Him, as it were, became as thick clots of blood falling down upon the earth. 29 And rising up from the prayer of petition, coming up to and alongside the disciples of Him, 30 [Peter, James, and John]a third time,31 He finds (them) sleeping from (their) grieving.32 And He said to them, ‘Why do you sleep? Stand up and express your concerns, vows, and offer thanks, in order that you enter not into the testing of trial and adversity.’33
[Minimal response. The disciples are not aroused.]
‘Sleep on down (for) what (time) remains and rest,34 for it is enough! 35 Look, and see! The hour draws near 36 and has come. 37 Rising up, express your concerns -- vows -- and giving of thanks in prayer, in so that it may be that you will not enter into the testing of trial and adversity. 38 Look and see, the Son of Man is betrayed into (the) hands of sinners! 39 Rise up! Let’s go! (For) Behold, the (one) betraying Me approaches and draws near!’" 40
The “look and see” / “beholds” of the Garden are prophetically linked
to the three V’Hineh’s of Joseph’s dream in Genesis 37:7.
1) The binding of sheaves in the field (‘The hour draws near).
2) The crucifixion or the raising of Joseph’s sheaf (‘The Son of man is betrayed).
The gathering in of all the children of Israel (‘Those betraying Me
approach and draw near’), being those that marvel and bend over toward
the raised or crucified sheaf. :End of Commentary.]
"Judas, receiving the 400 - 600 41 and the Suborning Officers 42 of
the First Priests and the Pharisees, comes forth there (down into the
Garden of Gethsemane) with torches and lamps and weapons.43
immediately, while Jesus was yet still speaking (to His disciples),
behold, -- Judas, one of the 12, came from before the front of the First
Priests and the Elders of the People with an abundantly numerous and
disconcerted crowd (armed) with swords and clubs.44 Then
perceiving and knowing all the things coming upon Him, Jesus having gone
forth, said to them, ‘Whom do you strive to find?’ They snapped back judgingly to Him, ‘Jesus the Nazarene!’ And
Judas, he betraying Him, stood also with them. Jesus declares His
mind and heart to them, saying, ‘I AM’. When He told them that, ‘I AM’,
they went away while looking back, and fell to the earth[and into the mud].45 Again then, He interrogated, ‘Whom do you strive to find?’ They then said respectfully, with an intelligent answer and tone, ‘Jesus the Nazarene….’46
[Back to Mount Moriah]
Then the band [of the 400 - 600 armed Levites],and the Ruler of the Thousand, and the Suborning Officers of the Jews, together seized Jesus, and bound[and hooded]Him,
and led Him away: first, up alongside with Annas: because he was
Father-in-law to Caiaphas, who was high priest that year. This
Caiaphas,[being the same one]having advised the Jews, that it is profitable for one man to perish in place of -- and for the sake of -- the people.47
Then the High Priest (Annas) questioned Jesus concerning His disciples, and concerning His teachings. Jesus answered him, ‘I publicly spoke to the world. I always taught in the Synagogue and in the Temple, where Jews always came together, and I spoke nothing in secret. Why do you question Me? Question those having heard what I spoke to them. Look and see, these know what I have said.’ And
as He was saying these things, one of the Suborning Officers --
standing by -- violently struck Jesus with the open palm, saying, ‘Thus,
in such a manner, you answer the High Priest?!’ To him, Jesus answered, ‘If I have spoken evilly, bear witness concerning the evil; but if well, why do you beat Me?’ And
those seizing Jesus so led (Him) away blindfolded, and those holding
Him beating Him (continually) about the face, up to and alongside
Caiaphas, the High Priest48 -- where the first priests and scribes and elders were (now) assembled:49 the attendants and the under-officers remaining outside, in the Court below.50
the First Priests and the elders and the whole* Sanhedrin sought after
false testimony against Jesus, in what manner how they might execute
Him. And found none, even though a great* number of false witnesses
(were) coming forward, (still they) did not find, because their
testimonies were not alike. And coming up alongside[the High
Priest], the false witnesses said: ‘We heard Him say, I will throw down
this Temple made with hands, and through 3 days, another will I build,
not made with hands.’ And: ‘This One said, I am able to destroy the
Temple of GOD, and -- through 3 days -- to rebuild and establish it.’
And neither in this, was their testimony alike."51
The role of two agreeing witnesses was to be that of executioners who
strangle the victim to death with a cord about the neck of the accused;
each witness pulling on an end until the guilty one was dead of
asphyxiation (Midrash, Sanhedrin 7:3). : End of Commentary.]
"And, standing up in the midst (of the false witnesses), the High Priest questioned Jesus, saying, ‘You do not answer ---nothing? What of these (who) witness against You?’52 But Jesus kept silent. And answering, the High Priest said to Him,
‘I exorcise You, and command You to oath -- by the Living GOD -- so
that You may tell us that if You are the Messiah, the Son of GOD!’53 And Jesus said, ‘I AM!!!’
‘You have spoken My very thoughts and feelings on the matter! Besides, I tell you, from this moment you will see the Son of Man out from the Right (Hand) of the Power, sitting, and coming upon[the Earth]with the clouds of Heaven.’54
the High Priest tore his garments, saying, ‘He blasphemed! Why yet
have we need of witnesses? Look and see! Now you have heard the
blasphemy of Him. We have heard it from His mouth. What seems it to
you?’ And they[the Sanhedrin, upon casting their votes, declared], saying, ‘He is liable of death.’55 Then some began to spit at Him and in His face, and to smother the
face of Him. And the Suborning Officers struck Him with slaps from the
open palm, and others beat Him about with the fists; and (they were)
saying to Him, ‘Prophesy! Prophesy to us, Messiah! Who it is having
struck You!’56 [And as the cock crowed twice, realizing that
dawn was breaking]immediately, having made a Council of chief priests,
and the elders and the scribes and of the whole Sanhedrin, having bound
Jesus, they led Him away to Pontius Pilate, the Governor."57
[From the High Priest Caiaphas to the Judgment Hall]
"Then they lead Jesus from Caiaphas (the High Priest) into the Praetorium.58 And the first light was lighting upon the[eastern]skies,59 but the (Council) did not enter the Praetorium themselves[lest contrariwise they be defiled], so that they might eat the Passover."60
[Outside the Judgment Hall]
"Therefore Pilate went out unto them, and said, ‘What accusation bring you against this Man?’ They answered and said unto him, ‘Unless this One was not an immoral and perniciously evil influence upon the Community, then not to you (would) we have delivered Him.’ Then Pilate said to them, ‘You take Him, and judge Him according to the Law of You.’ Then the (leaders of the Council of the) Jews said to him, ‘It is not lawful (for us) to put any one to death.’ so that might be fulfilled the word of Jesus, which He said, signifying by what kind of death (by which) He was about to die."61
[Inside the Judgment Hall]
"Then Pilate went into the Praetorium again, and called Jesus, and said to Him, ‘Are You the King of the Jews?’ Answered Jesus, ‘From yourself you say this, or others told you about Me?’ Pilate answered, ‘A Jew, I am not. This nation and kingdom of Yours -- and the First Priests -- delivered You up to me. What did You do?’62 ‘Are You the King of the Jews?’ Jesus answered, ‘You are speaking my mind and feelings on the matter.’63 Pilate asked, ‘What did You do?’ Answered Jesus, ‘My Kingdom is not of this world. If of this world, was My Kingdom, My servants would have fought, so that I should not be delivered up to the[leaders of the]Jews. But (for) now, My Kingdom is not from here.’ Then Pilate said to Him[skeptically], ‘Really, not a King are You?’ Answered Jesus, ‘You say that King, I am. I, for this, have been born; and for this, I have come into the world, that I may witness to the True Reality: every one being of the True Reality hears of Me, the Voice.’
Jesus explains that Kingship is His birthright, in a manner and
behavior that only kings and royal-born should explain it. :End of
Pilate says to Him, ‘What is True Reality?’"64
[Outside the Judgment Hall]
"And having said this, again Pilate went out to the[Council of the]Jews, and tells them, ‘I, not one crime, find in Him.’65 But they insisted, saying, ‘He stirs up the people, teaching throughout all Judea, beginning from Galilee to here.’ And
Pilate, hearing Galilee, asked if the man is a Galilean. And having
known that He is from Herod’s jurisdiction, he sent Him up alongside
with Herod, who -- in these days -- also being in Jerusalem."
[At Herod’s Royal Quarters in Jerusalem]
Herod, seeing Jesus, rejoiced greatly; for through hearing of so many
things about Him, he was wishing of a long (time) to see Him. And Herod
hoped to see some miracle brought about by Jesus. And using many
words, questioned Him. But Jesus answered him nothing. And being
humiliated, the First Priests and the scribes stood up and went on a
tirade, vehemently accusing Him. Therefore, Herod and his soldiers, mocking Him, put luxurious clothing around Him, and sent Him back to Pilate."66
[Return to Pilate’s Palace Grounds/Praetorium]
"Pilate, then, calling the first priests and the leaders and the people together, said up to and alongside with them,
‘You brought to me this man, as having perverted the people. Look and see! I, before the eyes of your faces, examining both accurately and carefully, found nothing in the Man neither cause or reasonable justification to speak openly and down against Him. No less did Herod, for I sent you up alongside with him, and behold, nothing as weighty as death is to be done to Him. Having instructed, educated, and chastised, then, I will need to release Him.’67
And the First Priests and the elders hurriedly accused (Jesus) of many things, ‘This One we found through turning and twisting out of place the people of this ethnicity, and dwarfing and reducing the Tributes to be given to Caesar, saying Himself (that He is) Christ, an existing king.’68 but (Jesus) answered nothing."69
When Jesus was approached by the Pharisees with the Herodians in
Matthew 22:15-22, the Herodians sought to trick Jesus by a coin of
Caesar. Had Jesus opposed the coins of Caesar, he would also have
opposed the coins of Herod (some of which made Messianic claims through
symbolism). The Herodians were Essenes who worked hand in hand with
Herod’s secret police to root out and crush seditions, real or imagined.
Therefore, to answer nothing while being interrogated, or simply
questioned, was a common practice. : End of Commentary.]
"Pilate therefore speaks his mind and feelings to Him, and says, ‘Do You answer nothing? Don’t You hear what they are witnessing against You?’ And
He answered him not, not even up to and alongside with even a single
word - so as to (cause) the governor Pilate, to greatly marvel.70 Then, (as) he (was) sitting upon the exalted Tribunal Seat, his wife sent (word) up alongside with him, saying, ‘Not even once to you, and to that Righteous One many things, for I suffered today, down in a dream through Him.’"71
"Then Pilate took Jesus, and had Him violently whipped [in the Judgment Hall].72 And
the soldiers, having twisted into form -- a crown out of thorns, -- and
placed it on Head (pressing down and ensuring its setting);73 and (accompanied this by) throwing around Him a seamless garment of purple (also); and laid upon Him words [so that their breath did breathe out upon His face],74 proclaiming, 'Hail! the King -- of the Jews!!!'
And they[the 400-600 Romans, took turns, as they]smote Him, giving Him blows with the open palm."
Cyprian, in his Defense against the Heresy of Noetus, .18, informs us
that Christ was only able to see out one eye while upon the Cross,
saying, “…the rulers are ashamed when they see the Director of the
Universe upon the Cross closing His eye and giving up the ghost.”
therefore should keep in mind the violent swelling to the left side of
Messiah’s face as a direct result of the Roman open palm strikes to His
face, allowing Him only thereafter to see out of His right eye until His
death. We should also keep in mind, that Jesus appears to have
purposely withheld His miraculous and curative powers during His own
Passion. Thus, stripping Himself of even the basest of Heavenly
privileges, and in all ways like us. : End of Commentary.]
"Then Pilate went outside (the Judgment Hall) once again, and said to the accusers. 'Behold! (Look and see!). I bring Him out to you, so that you may know that the end of the matter is (this), that in Him, I find not (even) one crime!' Then Jesus came outside, wearing: the thorny wreath, and the seamless garment of purple. And (Pilate) says to (the First Priests and their officers), 'Behold! The man!' Then, when the First Priests and their officers saw Him, they cried out, saying, 'Crucifixion!…Crucifixion!!' Pilate says to them, 'You take Him (away) and crucify (Him); but as for me, I do not find in Him any crime!' Then the (leaders of the) Jews answered him, (saying), 'We have a Law of Custom! And according to (this), the Law of our Custom, He ought to die! Because, He has brought Himself forth, as the Son of GOD!!' When Pilate heard this, he was greatly shaken (by the news), and briefly terrified! [And removing himself with Jesus and the guard-escort], they re-enter the Praetorium [into the Judgment Hall]again. And he says to Jesus, 'From where -- are You (from)?' But Jesus did not give him an answer. Then Pilate says to Him, 'To me -- You do not speak? --. Do You not know the authority, that I have, is that same authority to crucify You; (and) is also the same authority, by which I can deliver You, from being crucified?' Then Jesus answered, 'You would not have Authority -- not against Me -- if it was not being given to you from above. Therefore: he, delivering Me to you, has the greater sin.' Out of this (declaration), Pilate searched vigorously (for a technicality by which) to release Him."
[Commentary: He debated with his legal advisers over points of Roman Law on the matter. :End of Commentary.]
"Meanwhile,[as Pilate delayed,]in the Court of Gabbatha, the leaders of the Jews cried out with such words as, 'If you release this One, you are definitely no friend of Caesar!' (and) 'All who produce forth themselves as a king, do so (by) speaking against Caesar!' As
Pilate still heard these sayings ringing in his ears, (he) retrieved
Jesus, and personally led Him out. And Pilate sat down upon the
exalted platform's Judgment Seat before the crowd, this Place and its
Court being called 'The Pavement', but in the Hebrew tongue, it is
called: 'Gabbatha'. And at about the 6th hour of the Passover
Preparation, (Pilate) says to the (leaders of the) Jews,
'Behold, The King of you!' But they cried out, 'Lift Him up!' 'Raise Him up!' 'Crucify Him!' Pilate says to them, 'The King of you, I shall crucify?' Then the First Priests answered alone, 'We have no King…but Caesar!' Then,[as a result of these words],he certainly gave Him over to them to this end -- in order that He might be crucified."
Because, He had declared Himself to be their King, and they rejected
His right to the Throne over them. :End of Commentary.]
[Out of the City to Golgotha]
"Then they[the first priests]took and received Jesus near to themselves, and taking the lead, led Him away;"
That is, the first priests personally led Jesus captive out of the
city, ahead of the Roman guards; as if they were in a parade. :End of
"and bearing up and supporting the Cross at the foot of Him, He came out and went forth 75
into that which is related to and uttered in the Hebrew tongue as
GOLGOTHA: in which place they did crucify Him; and with Him, two others
(beside), on this side and on that side, and then Jesus -- in the center
of their midst. Then Pilate also wrote a Title, and lay and placed
it upon the Cross: it was then, having been written - ‘JESUS the
Nazarene, the King of the Judeans.’ Now certainly did this title the many of the Judeans read;"
[Commentary: possibly as they walked past, filing by, and gazing upon Him]
"because the place where Jesus was crucified was so near and close to the City,"
the valleys of Kidron and Hinom served as conduits for the millions to
move through and around the city for religious purposes of approaching
the Temple.76
The people were not static, but with the sounding
of the trumpets and the use of banners, they moved in an orderly
fashion. :End of Commentary.]
and it was having been written in Hebrew, Greek, Latin.”77
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- End Notes
1 Matthew 26:30, Mark 14:26
2 Luke 22:39
3 Matthew 26:30, Mark 14:26
4 John 18:1
5 Mark 14:27. For the sake of fluidity, other sayings/discussions, which follow Mark 14:27 - are left off.
6 Matthew 26:36, Mark 14:32
7 Luke 22:40
8 John 18:1
9 John 18:2
10 Matthew 26:36
11 Luke 22:40
12 Mark 14:23, Matthew 26:37
13 Luke 22:41
14 Matthew 26:37-38, Mark 14:33-34
15 Matthew 26:39, Mark 14:35
16 Luke 22:41, Mark 14:35
17 Matthew 24:39, Mark 14:35
18 Mark 14:35
19 Matthew 26:39
20 Luke 22:41
21 Matthew 26:40, Mark 14:37
22 Mark 14:38, Matthew 26:41
23 Mark 14:39
24 Matthew 26:43, Mark 14:40
25 Mark 14:40
26 Matthew 26:44
27 Luke 22:43
28 Luke 22:44
29 Luke 22:44
30 Luke 22:45
31 Mark 14:41
32 Luke 22:45
33 Luke 22:46
34 Matthew 26:45, Mark 14:41
35 Mark 14:41
36 Matthew 26:45
37 Mark 14:41
38 Luke 22:46
39 Mark 14:41
40 Mark 14:42, Matthew 26:46
41 The Greek word “speira” is used in relating a group of 400-600 Romans, or a half-force who are off-watch duty, but under the authority of the Chiliarchos.
The shift is generally a maximum of 1/3 the force, each 1/3 working
twice a day in 4 hour shifts: First Watch (6 am/pm -10 am/pm), Second
Watch (10 am/pm -2 am/pm), Third Watch (2 am/pm - 6 am/pm). The Roman
Legionnaires were divided into these sub-divisions:
a) 8-10 soldiers per decurion (like a corporal and his squad),
8-10 decurions per centurion (that is, 8-10 decurions, each having
their squads of 7-9 more, totaling 80-100 men per centurion);
c) 8-10 centurions (and their forces) per tribune or Chiliarchos (being 640-1010 men per Chiliarchos);
and 6 - 10 Chiliarchos to the general or superior commander of the
Legion. (cf. Josephus, Wars of the Jews, 5.12.2. and 6.2.5.).
totals a Roman Legion to no less than a force of 3,846 to a full
strength of 10,110. The average Legion of the First Century A.D. is
generally reckoned as being about 6,066 men under their general. This
count does not include the carpenters, artisans, slaves, and logistical
support; which adds 25% - 33% against the base number of troops (cf.
Josephus, Wars of the Jews, 3.5.).
The counter
commander of the Roman Chiliarchos (Commander of the 1,000) is the
Temple “strategos”. During the High Festivals, in which over 3,000,000
come up and crowd Jerusalem -- which time this is. Josephus informs
us in Wars of the Jews 6.9.3., that at least 2,700,000 of that number
could legally partake the Passover -- those men with venereal diseases,
and those women in their discharges, could not. The Temple would be
teeming with armed Levites the size of a Roman Legion during the High
Festivals. More than likely, at night, and only upon the high
festivals, there was a minimum presence of well over 1,000 armed Levites
upon the Temple Mount: half being asleep, the other half mostly
dispersed through the streets and alleys of the Upper City, and at the
entry ways to the Temple itself. Whereas, at other times of the year,
the armed Levitical presence probably did not exceed 50, half that
number being the entire defending force from the Court of the Gentiles
on in.
This conscription was true only for about 20 years, in
the construction era from circa 25 A.D. to ca. 44 A.D. This began with
“the Samaritan defilement”, in which certain members sneaked in and
dumped corpses upon Temple grounds by night. The conscription number on
the High Holy Days apparently ceased with the death of Herod’s
genealogical line in A.D. 44 - 45. That act of defilement in ca. A.D.
25 remained fresh in the minds of Israelis during the circa 1290 Days of
Christ’s ministry (ca. September 9, 27 A.D. to March 23, 30 A.D.); and
antagonized most all sons of Jacob to hate the Samaritans, ever after
banning them from setting foot on Temple grounds in Jerusalem ever
The Temple Commanders
presided over troops, and the
disconcerted and numerous crowd was actually comprised of a core group
of robbers who were stirring up the common folk in and about Jerusalem.
The Nasi (princes of the Sanhedrin), who were also the Beth Din (the
judges of the House or “Temple”), allied with these murderous “robber
bands”, with whom there was a clear association in later years, when the
Gospels were compiled (the early- mid 50s A.D.). The High Priest was
called the Av Beth Din (the head judge). As the name, “Av” or “Ab”
implies, the high priest was thought after the manner of a “father”, or
in the comparative sense, a godfather. The comparison is appropriate,
as this alliance between the robber bands and select members of the
Sanhedrin began much like the OSS-CIA alliance of the United States
Government with its domestic Mafia Underworld in the 1940s and 1950s.
The literal cloak and dagger First Century Association between the
Sicarii Terrorists and the Sanhedrin that most likely developed ca. 25
A.D., and became open by and transparent by the 50s A.D., is clearly
spelled out (as it were) for us by Josephus (cf.
Antiquities of the Jews, 20.8 -.3, .5-6, .8, .10).
42Suborning Officers in the Greek of John 18:3 is “huperetas”: the “Captains of the 100s and the sergeants or lieutenants of the 50s”, if
you will. The Jews mimicked the Legion structure, but had the
equivalent of first sergeants running groups of 50, and master sergeants
or lieutenants running the 100. This use of 5’s was seen as a perfect
geometrical number by the Greeks, who found that the square root of 5:1
was a divine agent of their deities to man. Its most famous Greek
application is the design of the Parthenon of Athens, Greece; designed
to a 360 degree compass divided into 12. The Legion derived its
structure from that compass to become 6,000 with 500 men in each of the
15 degrees of influence. The Levitical armed presence was thereby
altered, probably with Herod I, from a guard army of 5,000 to a guard
army of 6,000 following this principle. After the Temple construction
was fully completed, this force appears to have been dramatically
reduced by Roman will -- so as to appear to be a token force of perhaps
one “speira” of 400 - 600 Levites during the Festivals from ca. A.D. 49
to 66.
43 John 18:3
44 Matthew 26:47, Mark 14:43, Luke 22:47. Cf., Supra 42.
John 18:4-6 Jesus boldly declares the Name of YHVeH of Exodus 3:14
to those children of Israel who do not know Him. The Greek can be taken
in one of two ways: Jesus’ words “Ego Eimi” either cut the leaders
to the heart so sharply, that in fear they retreated and fell back to
the rear of the crowd, every one falling down to the ground…and into the
mud…. Or, there was a miracle of angelic intercession which occurred
in which the impertinent are cast back over the heads of the crowd. In
either case, the leading accusers of Christ in this mob, end up as
covered almost entirely in mud; and must return in that state before
their leaders and peers.
In the second option of interpretation
cited above, Jesus was taking the NAME unto Himself so forcefully, it
is likened to being in the middle of 700 decibel thunderclap. This
utterance is so powerful, that the very air and earth shakes, and it’s
effect is likened to having the accusers in the front being blown
upwards into the rear of the crowd as if by an explosion: being lifted
up (uphill, and out of the Garden), and then “falling” (Gk. ‘epeson’)
upon the earth, in an age that knew little of explosions. The
reaction would be a temporary dumbfounding and numb to the reality of
what’s happening around them. I am of a mind to accept this
interpretation, even though some might call it “reaching”. I leave it
up to the reader to accept or reject this theory as nothing more than a
theory, and it being either valid or it being not credible. This
miraculous casting away uphill will be duplicated later on the great
stone that will cover the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea. Matthew 28:2
reveals that an Angel of the LORD casts away that stone. Therefore,
just as easily, these haters of Christ were cast away by the unseen
Angel who strengthened Christ in Luke 22:43.]
46 John 18:7
John 18:12-14 Also note, that if Annas was turning 61 during
the last year of his tenure, he was required to step aside, as priestly
service was supposed to end at age 60 for a “High Priest”, and start no
earlier than age 40. This age range, of 40-60, is supposed as the prime
or peak time of a man’s life mentally and spiritually -- while 20-40
is supposed to be the peak of a man’s physical life.
48 John 18:19-24, Luke 22:63-64
49 Mark 14:53
50 Mark 14:54,66; Matthew 26:58; John 18:18.
51 Mark 14:55-59
52 Mark 14:60, Matthew 26:62
53 Matthew 26:63, Mark 14:61
54 Mark 14::62, Matthew 26:64, Luke 22:69
55 Mark 14:63-64, Matthew 26:65-66, Luke 22:71
56 Mark 14:65, Matthew 26:67-68
57 Matthew 27:1-2, Mark 15:1, Luke 23:1
58 John 18:28
59 Matthew 27:1, Mark 15:1
60 John 18:28
61 John 18:29-32
62 John 18:33-35
63 Matthew 27:11-12
64 John 18:34-38
65 John 18:38, Luke 23:4
66 Luke 23:5-12
67 Luke 23:13-16
Luke 23:2 Out of sequence, but this most probably retains the true
essence of accusations laid against Him, based on how the Greek reads.
If Jesus indeed calls Himself Christ, as the accusation implies, then
the First Priests would have claimed to have recently heard it. This
utterance was manifest at the trial of “Caiaphas”, to which name is
called a “donkey (or jack-ass)” after the Greek “Kantheros”, and
“monkey” after the Hebrew Aramaic association. In either case, even the
Pharisees may have had little respect for this very rich Galilean
Sadducee who bought his way into the High Priesthood, past his own
69 Mark 15:3, Matthew 26:12
70 Mark 15:4-5, Matthew 26:13-14
71 Matthew 27:19
72 The Greek word regarding the whip is εμαστιγωσε (emastigose): mastigoo found in the aorist indicative active. This word comes from μάστιξ (mastix), which
is often found as either “a whip” or “the flogging of a whip”. Mastix
may also be used as a disease or plague that is laid upon a people as
though it were a whip of wood - leather - and iron (or such components).
The action of the aorist indicative active tells us that the flogging
is not continuous. It does, however, entail the placing of those
emotional and psychological trials and torments upon the person during
the time of the scourging.
In Isaiah 53:5, when He is
“wounded for our transgressions”, the Hebrew words for “wound” is that
which can “pierce and bore” through. This Hebraic word “Chalal”
is also used for “the flute”, a musical instrument. “Chalal” may also
be used to describe a defilement of that which is, or those, which are,
considered as “Holy unto the LORD”. In turn, that which is Holy
(‘kodesh’) and that which is a Sanctuary (‘mikdash’), says Rabbi
Shlomo Riskin, both derive from two words in Hebrew, “Moked Esh”: “the
altar’s hearth of fire” (Leviticus 6:1) -- [Jerusalem Post,
International Edition, April 25, 2003, p. 31 -- “Weekly Portion” by
Rabbi Shlomo Riskin]. Therefore, Messiah, by being whipped, is offered
up as a Scriptural variant of the burnt sacrifice, based on the
allowances made in Scripture and connected firmly by the Hebrew.
regards to the wounding after the “Chalal” of a flute: when Messiah
spoke of this generation being like the children of the marketplace who
complained after “piping” to someone that they did not dance, and
mourning with someone who did not mourn also with them; there was also a
darker side to this. The meaning had to do with those “children who
mocked the afflicted, those being whipped”. Apparently, it was a form
of entertainment, and they were disappointed when there were those who
neither flinched under the whip, nor cried out.
Further, Isaiah 53:5 says that the “Chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.” The word chastisement here is the Hebrew word “Musar”, which
comes from “Yasar”. Basically, the wounding with stripes -- the
whipping of Messiah -- is prophesied as being brought about as a form of
corrective action against Him. It is prophesied as being a punishment
that is meant to bring about a right behavior. In the case of Christ,
it appears prophecy says that this is Pilate’s true intent. In the
literal sense, “Musar” deals with being bound (in this case by the
hands) down to something, while the punishment is administered. Hence,
the whipping post, and the necessity for Messiah to fulfill this
prophecy in the exact manner that He did.
It must
further be noted, that without the shedding of blood, there can be NO
ATONEMENT of sin (Leviticus 17:11, Hebrews 9:22). In Egypt, the lambs
blood was placed against the very doors of the dwelling-places of the
Jews, that sin might “pass over” them (Exodus 12:7,13). Christ shed His
blood as our Passover sacrifice, and covers us with His blood of
atonement -- once and for all time; because as YHVeH is above and beyond
the bounds and limitations of time, even though as a man does He suffer
within the confines and parameters of Time.
73και οι στρατιωται πλεξαντες στεφανον εξ ακανθων επεθηκαν αυτου τη κεψαλη
“And the soldiers having weaved (knitted, braided)”, hence ‘formed’, “a wreath out of thorns, put (it) on His head.”
The Greek word for “put (it) on” is epethekon. In this sense, it is to lay on (with affliction). (cf. Luke 10:30, and Acts 18:10). In Acts 18:10, it denotes those wanting to get a sure grip of, to “press down and to wound”.
In Luke 10:30, the activity that “no man shall set on thee to hurt
thee…” still communicates a word picture of pressing down to seriously
wound or stab. This act -- in regards to the crown of thorns -- was to
assure that Jesus died for all the maladies of thoughts, and even the
mentally diseased. This is further assurance that all sins are paid
for, both that committed by inaction and thought, as well as by action.
Jesus Christ paid the total price of redemption for them all.
74 και ελεγου
Lego has its origins in laying or lying down. When one gave an
account, what he did was to lay down words before an audience, who
judged as to whether or not his words were true, as if he had laid out a
scroll with his words before them, to be examined. Thus, literally,
the Romans lay upon Christ “words”. Their very breath touches His
face, and rises up into His nostrils; probably almost nose to nose in
closeness or proximity.
75 For the sake of
“train of thought” consistency, I have excluded Simon the Cyrene’s
participation here. Simon is the one who actually carried the Cross
through the Siloam / Water Gate, and to Calvary for Messiah. Messiah
probably was kicked and dragged through the running Kidron, while Simon
and the thieves probably crossed by wooden bridge.
Aboth 5.5 tells us that every year, the festival was a miraculous
event, with the average family pitched in tents; even tents pitched in
the squares within the walls of Jerusalem. The more fortunate would
stay in the home of a Jerusalemite, crammed for space. These that did,
were obligated by custom to offer their hosts the skin of any animals
they would offer for sacrifice in the Temple, as payment (Yoma 12a).
77 John 19:1-20, with word pictures and commentary, translation mine.
The Resurrection of Jesus (A Foreword) In preparation for Resurrection Day, First-Fruits, often
called by the common as Easter, we turn our minds away from the ills of
the world and toward
Christ and the Life and World to come for those of us who believe into
Jesus Christ as our LORD and Savior. The original Festival of Easter Sunday is titled First Fruits in Leviticus 23,
Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye be come
into the land which I give unto you, and shall reap the harvest thereof,
then ye shall bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest unto the priest: Leviticus 23:10
But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept.1 Corinthians 15:20
and the Early Church knew it both as a First Harvest Celebration and the
Day of the LORD's Resurrection almost without question for the first
300 years, and then less and less for about the next 450 years of
Christianity where it was essentially pushed out entirely with (or at least by the time of) the
second council of Nicea of 787. However, to pursue along those lines, well, that is (perhaps, and
LORD willing) for another topic and posting for another day. We begin our preparation with a historical reading from the Gospel of Matthew.
Matthew 28 (King James Version)
the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the
week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre.
behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord
descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door,
and sat upon it.
3His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow:
4And for fear of him the keepers did shake, and became as dead men.
5And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified.
6He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.
go quickly, and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead; and,
behold, he goeth before you into Galilee; there shall ye see him: lo, I
have told you.
8And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy; and did run to bring his disciples word.
as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, All
hail. And they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him.
10Then said Jesus unto them, Be not afraid: go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, and there shall they see me.
when they were going, behold, some of the watch came into the city, and
shewed unto the chief priests all the things that were done.
12And when they were assembled with the elders, and had taken counsel, they gave large money unto the soldiers,
13Saying, Say ye, His disciples came by night, and stole him away while we slept.
14And if this come to the governor's ears, we will persuade him, and secure you.
15So they took the money, and did as they were taught: and this saying is commonly reported among the Jews until this day.
16Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them.
17And when they saw him, they worshipped him: but some doubted.
18And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
19Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I
am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
The Resurrection of Jesus: An Historical 4 Gospel Account:
ff. is a Four Gospel Abridged Historical Account, faithfully translated
from the Greek with word pictures: by me, Brianroy. Thanks.
coming toward and into a tract of land, upon which is called Golgotha
in the Hebrew, the which is saying -- in interpretation -- ‘the skull
cap area’. {1}
[My Comment: The insinuation is a
yarmulke. The tomb of David, which was prominent in this land-tract,
was like the skullcap upon the head of Jerusalem. In this area, only
those kings of Israel that were considered worthy, had their bones
interred. Nehemiah 3:16 (and other passages), tell us that there were
multiple burial sites for the Kings of the Davidic line here: thus, the
name “Golgotha” or “skull-cap”, being an idiom for an area dedicated to
the “kings or the skull-caps of the nation of Israel”. Kings were
therefore a type of yarmulke in their symbolism.
The tomb of
David was a white sepulcher that eerily resembled a skull at certain
times of the day. This was hated by the first priests. In effect,
David was looked down upon by the first priests of the city as just an
ancestral reference whose name, like the Almighty, could be invoked to
frighten the common folk into compliance.]
And having crucified Him, sitting down, (the soldiers) guarded Him there. {2} And the people stood wherever they were at, viewing attentively. {3}
[My Comment: This last verse translated from Luke 23:35, testifies to the crowded conditions mentioned by Josephus and others, 3,000,000
plus were crammed into an area less than a few square miles. By
comparison, Alexandria Egypt was a crowded city with less than a mile in
width and four miles in length, being congested daily with just
500,000. The condition in Jerusalem was 6 - 7 times worse in a
comparable area of about half that length for three times a year: twice
being in excess of 7 days at a time. This feast of Unleavened Bread -
the Passover - First Fruits, all part of the same 8 days (a week and
one day) of continuous Observance by ancient Israel's near entire
population of men ages 20-60 in Jerusalem, was one of those occasions.
Just the fact
that the Romans were able to push their crucifixion through the streets
of Jerusalem was practically a feat in itself.]
And it was then the third hour[being 9 a.m.]when they crucified Him. {4} Then from sixth hour[being 12 p.m. -- noon]the light of day was removed entirely, for the darkness came into being (as night) upon and over all the the Land,
[of Israel, even upon the whole Earth]
until the ninth hour[until 3 p.m.], for the sun was as black as the darkness. {5} Then, in the ninth hour, Jesus emphatically cried out with a loud and commanding voice {6} …and the veil of the Temple was rent violently in two, from top to bottom. {7} Then Jesus again emphatically cried out with a great and commanding voice, releasing the wind, {8} bowing His head and having stopped breathing. {9}
[My Comment: The
night and morning previous, there was rainfall. The clouds had
dissipated by the third hour, and there was no wind for six hours. Upon
the death of Jesus, not only did His “Spirit” or pneuma depart from His
body, but doubly applicable, the “wind” or pneuma was released, as
though with a vengeance or authority, as well.]
And the earth trembled with an agitated shaking. {10} [“ O YHVeH, put on them reverent fear and dread (like clothing)[upon a man], (and like scrub)[upon a field]. Let the nations know intuitively that they (are only) mortals. Selah.” (Psalm 9:20 - AWPR)]
And the centurion standing near, but across, out and off at the opposite of Him, {11} guarding Him, {12} saying, ‘Surely this righteous man was the son of GOD.’ {13} Then
the soldiers came, and …coming upon Jesus, when they saw and perceived
that He was presently at this time dead, they did not break his legs --
as with an axe, in two. {14} But still another one
of the soldiers with a lance, drove in deep, pierced the side of Him:
and all at once (there) came out (of the wound) blood and water. {15}
[Pilate asks Joseph to bury Jesus]
Then after these things, {16} Joseph of Arimathea went in, up to, and alongside Pilate. {17} Andtaking courage asked (what was to become) of the body of Jesus. {18} Then…having called near the centurion, he (Pilate) interrogated him19…and fully knowing from the centurion, {20} Pilate
asked Joseph of Arimathea, -- then being a concealed disciple of Jesus,
through the terror and fright of the Jews -- in order that he might
take up and carry away the body of Jesus. {21}
[My Comment: The
testimony of John in the Greek specifically and literally says that
Pilate asked Joseph. The testimony of Peter through Mark infers a
fearsome inquisitiveness to the effect of: ‘Now that this one has died,
you’re not really going to leave the body up there are you? It’s
already between the evenings, the preparation time of our observance of
Holy Day.’ Therefore, it makes perfect sense for Pilate to turn to
Joseph and ask the favor, and may be that he personally issued some
money quietly for the linen for Jesus’ burial. Although Pilate’s wife
may have wished Jesus ill, I sincerely believe that Pilate did not.
However, to say Pilate gave Joseph money to make the linen purchase is
simply a 50/50 speculation on my part, based on the reading of the
Gospel text.]
And purchasing a linen fabric, and coming, {22} he took the body of Jesus. {23} Then also came Nicodemus, bearing up and carrying a mixed blend of myrrh and aloes, about 100 (times) 12 ounces. {24} They
together, they bore up the body of Jesus, and wrapped Him up in the
linen sheeting, and bound it around and fastened it together with the
spices, as is customary with Jewish burial. {25} And
in that same tract of land where He was crucified, there was a garden;
and in the garden there was a new tomb out of rock, in which no one had
ever been placed. They then put Jesus there through the (time) of the Preparation of the Jews
[until the first three stars were about to appear in the sun setting sky],
because the tomb was near. {26} And
having rolled a very great stone to the door of the memorial cave, he
left. Then, was there Mary the Magdalene and the other Mary sitting
down before the presence of the grave. Then upon the next day, the which is in the midst {27} of
the Preparation, the chief priests and the Pharisees were gathered
together up alongside and next to Pilate, saying ‘Lord, we do mindfully
so recollect that one, the deceiver, said upon (His) life, ‘’After three
days, I will be raised up (a new creation).’’ Set in motion and urge
then (for) the grave to be made secure until the third day, lest at any
time the disciples of Him come near by night, and by stealth steal Him,
that they might say to the people, ‘’He is arisen from the dead’’; and
the last deceit will thereby be worse than the first.
Then Pilate shone forth his words to them,
[having heretofore been suspicious of them, and having kept silent],
now have and hold possession of a custodian guard. Go away and depart
in secret, and secure it against (your) enemies and verify all with your
sight and observance that it is so. They then, rushed and ran through
with violence and made the grave secure against (their) enemies, setting
the stone (with) the seal of authenticity (upon) the grave in the midst
of the custodian guard. {28}
[My Comment: Upon
arrival, the Pharisees and First Priests have the stone removed, and
verify the identity of Jesus, while in the midst (or presence) of the
custodial guard. The centurion verifies definitively that indeed their
testimony is true. That is, probably the entire council witnesses
Jesus’ chest and head with their own eyes. The tomb is closed back up
with the great rock, and then sealed with the signet of Pilate. The
two Mary’s are chased off from the area; the site is secured to the council’
satisfaction. The guard will consist of about 20 sentries and one
centurion. They will be consistently checked up on at regular intervals
without fail ranging from 4 - 8 hours by those who bring meals, and by
the Centurion of the Watch who inspects each post in a circuit. They
may have more frequent shorter intervals than even this. The Chiliarch
must also receive regular interval reports by the Centurions of the
Watch, and order any post not reporting in investigated immediately by
others beside the Centurion of the Watch while bringing forth the Centurion of the Watch to the Chiliarch to give an immediate first-hand report with the expedience of answering for a life threatening reprimand. At the first sign of trouble,
there would have likely been a trumpet of some sort to sound an alarm,
as the Romans used them like Bugles to send orders and announce
virtually everything they were doing as a troop.]
Then, the evening watch of the Sabbaths, upon the first rays of light dawning into the one of the Sabbaths[First-fruits], Mary the Magdalene and the other Mary came towards, to gaze and closely look upon the grave. And behold! A
shaking came into being, very great! For (the) Angel of the LORD
descending down out of Heaven, and coming up to and alongside (the
location) rolled up back and (sending uphill and) away the stone, and
sitting down up on top of it.
[My Comment: The
context of the rolling back of the stone appears to be that it was done
so forcefully, that the great rock was out of its groove, and tossed a
short way up and behind the tomb entrance, yet still over the cave’s
perspective. This indicates that the rock was circular, and not
squared, like a cork. As the Psalmist said, “But GOD will redeem My soul from the power of the grave, for He shall receive Me. Selah.” (Psalm 49:15 - KJV)]
And then the face of His was the beholding of lightning, and the weight of his glory
as white as snow. Then from the intense and quaking fear of him, those
guarding were shaken to their very core, and came into being as if they
were dead. From judging discreetly, the Angel then said to the women,
‘Don’t you be frightened out of your wits (also). For I see and know that you seek
Jesus, He having been crucified. He isn’t here, because He was raised
up, just as He said. Come here. Look and see the place where the LORD
lay down. {29} Then weeping
outside up alongside the tomb, Mary stood; and as she wept, she bent
over beside and into the tomb, and beheld two angels sitting down: one
up alongside the head, and one up alongside the feet, where the body of
Jesus had lain. And say these to her, ‘Woman, why are you crying?’
She responds and says, ‘Because they took up and carried away my LORD, and I don’t see or know where they placed Him.’ And saying these things, she turns about to where she was looking back, and looks at and gazes at Jesus[up close, and personal], standing (there), and still does not see and yet know that it is Jesus.
Jesus says to her, ‘Woman, why are you crying? Just who is it that you seek after and strive to find?” {30}
This question is on the lips of Jesus to you. Just who is it that you seek after and strive to find?
1 Matthew 27:33, Mark 15:22, Luke 23:33, John 19:17
2 Matthew 27:35, 36; Mark 15:24
3 Luke 23:35
Mark 15:24. Also, the symbolism of a conqueror who captures his enemy,
and drags him through the streets, as in a noose, is prophesied as a
result of the crucifixion in the Hebrew of Psalm 9:16.
“YHVeH is made known in the Judgment He has made and brought about: in the work of the bend of His Hands [.i.e., in His wrists] are the wicked ensnared (as in a noose). A Meditation. Selah!” (Psalm 9:16, AWPR)
“And (one) shall say unto Him, ‘What are these wounds in thine hands? Then He shall answer, (Those) with which I was wounded (in) the house of my friends.” (Zechariah 14:6, KJV)
5 Matthew 27:45, Mark 15:33, Luke 23:44-45
Matthew 27:46, Mark 15:34, Luke 23:7 The Greek emphasis given by
Luke and Mark’s gospel is that the cry was great, and loud, and
commanding; not just a query. It goes to experiencing the separation of
which the unbeliever has in hell, and why Christ -- without sin --
experienced the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth aspect of sin
upon the Cross. By confining Himself to Scripture, YHVeH the Son not
only experienced man’s separation from GOD the Father, but was able to
offer up the appropriate response to which we believers are called to
respond with. We may call GOD into question for activities of
withdrawal and ask why. We may not lawfully accuse Him or slander.
Jesus simply noted the activity and then demandingly questioned, why?
As seen in the Psalms, and as the Son of David, this response is
perfectly acceptable with GOD.
7 Luke
23:45, Mark 15:38. Matthew 27:51 places the order of the temple veil,
the earthquake, and resurrection in a collective utterance (i.e., vv.
51-53 are to be read as parenthetical).
8 Matthew 27:50
9 John 19:30, Mark 15:37, Luke 23:46
Matthew 27:51,54. The biblical writers had a habit of leaving
natural events and weather out of their writings. Matthew, in the heart
of the capitol, among thousands of hostile witnesses, in 55 A.D.,
freely speaks of the simultaneous earthquake, the solar anomaly, and the
sudden wind that blew fiercely at the time of the crucifixion. When
these events happened, it made the senses of the millions watching even
more acute, so that when the centurion cried out,‘Surely this was the son of GOD!’,
and the more heard him and paid his words attention. There is no
Talmudic teaching to argue or dispute the Gospels or their events from
having occurred. If there was any objection, despite the persecutions
of the Roman Catholic Church in their sphere of influence, those
disputations of Christian history would have survived among the
rabbinate. That rabbinical silence is, de facto, an affirmation of the
Christian witness.
11 Mark 15:39 -ο παρεστηκως εξ εναντιας αυτου
This tells us the positioning of the centurion and the soldiers in
relation to the Cross. The soldiers had placed Jesus on one side of
the stone fissure which leads up to David’s tomb, while they stood upon
the other side. The fissure’s width had to be narrow and easily
traversed by a running soldier (e.g. Mark 15:36). The area of
crucifixion also had to be leveled out, yet steep round about it: easily
Only one centurion was needed to prevent access
while his troop sat and rested. Why? Perhaps the site was a steep
mound, like a high place, easily controllable, accessible by one narrow
path no more than 4-5 feet wide. Though upon the Eastern Mount, the
western slope of Olives, the Romans held a south-north positioning from
Jesus near the Kidron - Hinom Valley Juncture. This will not entirely
make sense until the fissure to Azal is excavated, and David’s tomb is
found along that fissure. Once that site of David’s former tomb in
Jerusalem is found, then the Gospel accounts will make perfect sense.
never seen what the Apostles saw, as it relates to Jerusalem’s
topography in 30 A.D., accurate visualization is very difficult. Paul
through Luke in Hebrews indicates the Romans were to the north, and
Christ crucified closer to the south or Hinom gate, through which the
blood of animals were to be burned without the camp.
12 Matthew 27:54
13 Mark 15:39, Luke 23:47, Matthew 27:54
14 John 19:32-33
John 19:34 The blood and water aspect shows that Jesus heart burst
after dying of asphyxiation, and congestive heart failure. What little
blood was left in His body was quickly separating. The Gospel of John
is telling us that there was probably about a 20 minute interval between
Jesus’ death and the piercing. This probably occurred when the
soldiers receive the writ from Joseph of Arimathea, bearing Pilate’s
order to give the body of Jesus to him, and get rid of the other two by
usual means (cf. John 19:38). The spear would have punched through
Jesus’ left side, and rode up under the ribcage, straight into the
heart. The notion of a right side to left side spear punch is idiocy
from those unlearned in small weapons combat. The testimony is to the
effect that Jesus went limp leaning to His right. Had He been closer to
the ground, a thrust from a six to eight inch blade -- with a quick
counter clockwise twist before removal --would have had the same
effect as the lance.
However, the Psalms specifically list the
“spears” of the bulls of Bashan “western or Roman” soldiers, as piercing
Messiah. The left side must flow forth the Living Waters if Messiah is
to sit at the Right Hand of the Father in order for the river of Life
to proceed from BOTH the throne of the Father and the Lamb (e.g.
Revelation 22:1).
16 John 19:38
17 Mark 15:43; Matthew 27:57-58; Luke 23:50,52
18 Mark 15:43
19 Mark 15:44
20 Mark 15:45
21 John 19:38
22 Mark 15:46
23 John 19:38
24 John 19:39
25 Mark 15:46, Matthew 27:59, Luke 23:53, John 19:40
26 John 19:41-42
27Meta… here means “in the midst”
of the Preparation, evening-morning. Based on the context: “the next
morning” following the Passover sacrifice, even though it is still a
holy day. The Passover has already been partaken of, so defilement with
Pilate is not an issue. Whether they penalize themselves 7 days or
not, the primary concern is to secure the body of Jesus before the
disciples gain courage to do so.
Now that the Passover had been
taken, the number of people had dwindled dramatically from the very hour
of the 3pm sacrifice (Luke 23:48), so that by the next day, and well
before the time of First fruits, less than a few thousand beside the
Temple guard and Roman patrols would still be remaining in the hills
about Jerusalem. Many hundreds of thousands would be leaving in a very
short span of time, so that it might not be hard to tamper with the tomb
upon the following evening. Therefore, it was imperative to open the
tomb, verify the identity of the body, seal it, and guard it. By doing
this very act, these first priests verified and sealed the authenticity
of the coming Resurrection of Jesus as definitive fact, though
unknowingly at the time.
28 Matthew 27:60-66
29 Matthew 28:1-6
John 20:11-15 The woman stooped down and was able to look inside
the cave-tomb. The entrance was probably at least 3 feet high, with a
groove of at least 1 ½ - 2 feet in depth, of sufficient width to allow a
man to safely turn about in it without falling down. The platform and
floor of the cave had to drop another 3-5 feet below the elevation where
the woman was standing, and be back into the cave some 8-10 feet. In
all likelihood, there were finger mausoleums -- which were also cut into
the back of the cave, curving out of sight, even from the light of the
angelic radiance. Because of its proximity to the tomb of King David,
and its being on the Mount of Olives, this newly hewn out rock-cave tomb
was a very expensive purchase and stone cutting project, and speaks of
immense wealth. Whoever owned this cave was not only rich, he was
almost like a government treasury unto himself. Perhaps more so than the
rich young man of Matthew 20:16-22.