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I am a Natural Born United States Citizen with NO allegiance or citizenship to any nation but my own, and will use this site as a hobby place of sorts to present my own political and religious viewpoints, as a genuine Constitutional Conservative and a genuine Christian Conservative.

Thank you for coming.
In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

An Open Letter On Why You Should NOT Take The Covid-19 Shots Nor Its Boosters


The Nuremberg Laws, 21 US Code 360 at (b)(b)(b) tells us that we should have informed and voluntary choice


 to engage in


which the Covid-19 shots are.  For those who want to know the truth, there is information overload if done all at once.  Our politicians and various major corporations and those above them are on a de-population agenda of 5/6ths of the world population current numbers  GONE by 2050. Some of these are nuts who think they are in contact with Space Aliens and Galactic Federations and that we have bases on Mars and Gannymede and the backside of the moon, as they engage in literal Devil Worship Luciferian Cultism (including Masons) and purge level-headed Christians and Constitutionalists out of Federal and State Government positions of all types.


On February 7, 2022 the Department of Homeland Security made the threat of daring to share ANY information about these medical EXPERIMENT shots is somehow akin to being a domestic terrorist,


while Pfizer is preparing its stock-holders about the loss in profits and dangerousness of its shots


and that any shots it has boosted less than 6 months apart can harm and/or kill its booster recipients.  Lots coming out. 


One site in Australia has linked over 1,000 peer reviewed studies showing that the Covid-19 medical experiment shots are DANGEROUS and known to be far too harmful. https://www.informedchoiceaustralia.com/post/1000-peer-reviewed-studies-questioning-covid-19-vaccine-safety


Sites like Wiley (translating Chinese Medical Papers) can independently be used to validate 100s more. 

Dr Michael Yeadon, former top scientist and former Vice-President at Pfizer, has joined in filing an International Criminal Court Complaint against many of those force rolling out the toxic cocktails in the United Kingdom, Case Number: OTP-CR-473/21.

Pdf of ICC Complaint at:



5G Powered Graphene Based Nano-Tech in the Pfizer Vaccine


Graphene Oxide, which  disrupts “the normal functioning of mitochondria (cellular organelles responsible for providing energy to cells)”


 is scientifically and John Hopkins Hospital medically known to cause often fatal Neurogenerative diseases and extreme psychiatric disorders




Evidence That US Government Targeted Red States With Deadly Batches of Vaccine



A whole lot of discussion needs to take place for INFORMED CONSENT to this Medical Experiment Shot, which Physicians, Big Pharma, the revolving door FDA-Pfizer Board Execs refuse to do, and now the Department of Homeland Security demands that we NOT have.

What should anyone of INFORMED STATUS be able to discuss and know beforehand?  A few starters I will example:


1) It's not a vaccine with a weakened virus. it is a toxic cocktail of nothing other than
harmful ingredients

 2) It is NOT designed to treat or cure you from Covid

 3) Its main ingredient is supposed to be a Trade Secret Graphene Oxide solution

 4) It has a base that has nano-tech heavy metals that magnetize and conduct self assembly within the host. The magnetic frequency is often 10 times or more that of what the human host normal conducts or emits.

 5) The nano-tech metals in the vax slice capillaries and create blood clots

 6) The nano-tech metals self assemble in the human body and create hostile magnetic fields

 7) the nano-tech metals heat up with absorbing cellular waves from 2 G to 6 G and
certain light spectrums and kill surrounding cells of the host.

 8) The magnetic fields at the shot area intensify and turn blood into a jam
consistency so that upon extraction, it retains a semi-solid as if jello rather
than a liquid formation and consistency.

 9) The use of a black light turns the individual into a discoverable glow in the dark
Florescent when all else is pitch black around him or her

 10) The individual who has the Covid shot with nano-tech self-assembly graphene oxide solution is given his or her own ID on a Bluetooth discoverable frequency. A simple cellphone searching for Bluetooth can find anyone who has been legitimately Covid-19 vaxxed.

 11) The Moderna vax has Trypanosoma Cruzi parasite and the Pfizer has a undetermined squid like microscopic spider hybrid variant yet to be told us, These grow upon thawing of the vax and eat their host.

 12) The vax is stored at -94 degrees Fahrenheit because it is a weaponized bio-tech that automatically goes into attack mode, self assembling metals to create magnetic fields and growing parasitic organisms only upon thawing and warming to normal
human bio-temperatures(be it 98.6 Fahrenheit or near to this temperature).

13) The vax infects the human host with viral particles that eventually create a state of viral shedding that infects other people so that the one who gets the shot IS the contagion by those who designed the Trojan Horse vax itself.

 14) Those who get the shot are supposed to abstain from sex for 60 days because of viral shedding that they do

 15) The viral shedding kills testosterone and the ability to produce sperm in men, and
in women, sterility and or miscarriage is also a well known side effect of the vax.

 16) The Vax often immediately attack the fatty tissue of the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys and brain, creating immediate severe health crises in even top athletes and
athletic professionals in as little as 4 hours, giving them life-remaining disability status of as much as 100%, the same as if they were struck down with Anthrax or some other violent bio-weapon strain.

 17) The vax is not a vax but alters both RNA and DNA while inserting the kidney and liver gene pool of one or both of 2 unborn baby aborted fetal cell strains of a kidney and liver in the injected human host.
The cell strain of the kidney of the Pfizer variant is said by its own email (released via a Veritas whistleblower) employee to have what they termed as some kind of immortal cancerous replication where it ever grows its own cell replication and it is unknown if it ever stops. They put THAT in the Pfizer shot?

 18) Moderna uses SM-102 in Chloroform in its vax, the Material Safety Data Sheet listing it as a FATAL ingredient where a drop on human skin can kill and that it is NOT for either human or veterinary research, let alone use for the same.

 19) The vax contains activatable PEG-lipids that can become a turned on battery inside the host and when mixed with the heavy metals, frequency electrocute the host if turned on from its current passive neutral state into a positive charge.

 20) The vax was never tested for safety. The animal trials are the human animal trials under the guise of Emergency Use Authorization. Humans are now less than human...they are lab experiments on an extinction level event scale.

 21) Treatments like daily Apple Pectin doses used in removing radioactive Cesium-137 in Fukushima contaminated Japanese Citizens is the same treatment needed to remove Graphene Oxide in those contaminated by the Covid-19 shots.

You can get apple pectin at your local Walmart or drug store.  It is that easy to start the 6 to 12 month detox to help flush out the medical experiment toxicity ASAP.

 22) Treatments like Ivermectin and other drugs are needed in those who get the Covid-19 shots to remove living parasites intentionally injected in them by Moderna (Trypanosoma Cruzi) and Pfizer (a yet to be determined microscopic
squid-like hybrid).


We can continue on how the shot destroys parts of your DNA helix, makes children sterile or DNA altered in ways that are so egregious it never should have been given them, but the point is there. 

The toxic cocktail medical experiment shots are now known to be give instant debilitating heart disease and parasites (on average at this time) to more than 3% of its victims, is Insurance Actuary Rated in the United States as directly KILLING over 100,000 extra people a month so that we have now over 3,000,000 dead since this all started directly from the shots alone...a scandal yet to be rolled out on the public and is suppressed  to the point of murders, sometimes within days, of Physicians video exposing this before their releases are suppressed.


Anyone who wants to BE INFORMED can find all the scientific papers, various informed Dr. and various whistleblower video interviews, and news articles on the above. If you want to be active, then put a list together for the above...add to it.

Or if you want an all-in approach, you can start with:
C0r0n @ 2Inspect
Science Direct
Aggregate (Chinese White Papers) translated at Wiley
Journal of Electronic Materials
Natural News
Stew Peters Show interview 09/29/21 w/ Dr.Carrie Medej (see photos at 4:36 and 5:56) and various Karen Kingston interviews

