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I am a Natural Born United States Citizen with NO allegiance or citizenship to any nation but my own, and will use this site as a hobby place of sorts to present my own political and religious viewpoints, as a genuine Constitutional Conservative and a genuine Christian Conservative.

Thank you for coming.
In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Emergency Alert: Article V Constitutional Convention Can Overthrow US Constitution Any Time Unless States Rescind Participation NOW!!!

Only 6 more states are needed by the Subversives of this nation to Overthrow this nation's Constitution by initiating an Article V Convention under the Trojan Horse guise that it is merely for the calling of a Balanced Budget Amendment or BBA, and they of the anti-Republic Democratic Party Left can activate those 6 already Democrat controlled States to trigger an overthrow of this nation's Constitution by pushing their Democrat Party controlled states easily over the 34 state minimum threshold at almost anytime they want.  

See the interactive map of the John Birch Society on this issue at:

The John Birch Society states:
"The danger in calling such a convention is that based on the precedent of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, an Article V constitutional convention would have the power to make major changes in the Constitution, or even completely rewrite it, including changing the ratification process to make adoption of the revised constitution easier. This danger is referred to as "a runaway convention."

We highly recommend that you view "Change It or Obey It? Why the Constitution Is the Solution," a new 89-minute video presentation....

This video thoroughly debunks the numerous false marketing claims made by Article V convention proponents."

See also:



Any State that is a participant in calling for an Article V Convention for a Balanced Budget Amendment can RESCIND their participation, be they Texas or any of the other 27 now on file.

A Valuable resource of information and must reads regarding the Article V Convention danger are available through Publius Huldah:


One example:  


Why States Can’t Prevent a Runaway Convention

By Publius Huldah
The danger of an Article V convention (which made James Madison “tremble”, caused Alexander Hamilton “dread”, and Chief Justice John Jay to say that another convention would impose an “extravagant risque”) is this: the delegates to the convention can run away: instead of proposing amendments to our existing Constitution, they can write a completely new Constitution with a new – and easier – mode of ratification. 1
The convention lobby implicitly acknowledges this danger when they say State Legislatures should pass “unfaithful delegate” laws to control delegates. 2
Accordingly, Wyoming passed a delegate law earlier this year which purports to empower the WY Legislature to “immediately recall” any delegate who makes an “unauthorized vote” at the convention, and to charge with a felony any delegate who fails to follow the WY Legislature’s instructions on what he may do at the convention. The Texas delegate law purports to make “invalid” any “unauthorized vote” at the convention, and to empower the TX Legislature to recall any delegate who violates his instructions. But Tennessee takes the cake with its delegate law: Not only does the TN law purport to “void” votes cast at the convention by TN delegates which are outside the instructions or limits placed on the delegates by the TN Legislature – and then to prosecute such delegates for a felony; the TN law also asserts that if all TN delegates vote or “attempt to vote” outside the scope of the instructions or limits, TN’s previously filed applications for an Article V convention are to be treated as “having no effect at all”. Other States have passed similar laws.
Such laws are contrary to our Founding Principles and are based on false assumptions. Accordingly, they are unenforceable and ineffective.
1. Self-evident Rights and the Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence is the Fundamental Act of our Founding.3 It declares that all men are created equal; our rights are bestowed by God; our rights are unalienable; and the purpose of government is to secure the rights God gave us.
The Declaration is not “law” in the ordinary sense – it is higher than law, for it sets forth The Divine Standard which a Constitution – and the laws made pursuant to the Constitution – must meet.
It also declares that a People have the self-evident right to throw off their government and set up a new one. With that Principle firmly in mind, let’s look at our first amendments convention; and then, at State unfaithful delegate laws.
2. The federal convention of 1787
After our Revolution, we operated under our first Constitution, the Articles of Confederation. But there were defects in the Articles, so on Feb. 21, 1787, the Continental Congress called a convention to be held in Philadelphia “for the sole and express purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation”. The States also drafted instructions which purported to restrict delegates to proposing amendments.
But the delegates ignored their instructions and wrote a new Constitution [the one we now have]. In Federalist No. 40 (15th para), Madison invoked the Declaration of Independence and claimed, as justification for what they did,
“…the transcendent and precious right of the people to ‘abolish or alter their governments as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness,’…”
Yet State unfaithful delegate laws claim a power to divest The Representatives of the People – and to criminally prosecute them for exercising – what the Fundamental Act of our Founding declares is a “self-evident” right”!
3. And what if the delegates make their proceedings secret?
The State Legislators who vote for unfaithful delegate laws assume they will be able to know what is going on every minute of every day of the convention.
But Madison’s Journal of the Federal Convention of 1787 (where our present Constitution was drafted) shows that on May 29, 1787,the delegates voted to make their proceedings secret.
If delegates to a convention today vote to make the proceedings secret, the States won’t know what is going on – and can’t stop it. And if delegates vote by secret ballot, the States would NEVER know who did what.
You might think that with cell phones & cameras, it’s impossible to have a secret meeting. But the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), which “induces” State Legislators to push the COS application for an Article V convention, is experienced in conducting secret meetings with State Legislators. WATCH this 6.5 minute video of a Georgia TV crew which attempted to get into a meeting held at a Georgia hotel of ALEC and Georgia Legislators.
ALEC, which supports the COS application for an Article V convention, is funded by the Koch Brothers and other mega-corporations. The Koch Brothers spend vast sums on State politicians (e.g., Texas), to get their support for the COS application. Do the Kochs want an Article V convention so they can get a new Constitution which transforms us from a sovereign nation to a member state of the North American Union? And if there is a convention, will armed guards keep the press out? If delegates have been bought by the Kochs, will they tweet & text to the world what they are up to behind closed doors?
4. State Legislatures are “creatures” of their State Constitutions, and have no “competent authority” to control The Representatives of The People at an Article V convention
 Americans have forgotten a Principle which is the basis of free government: That political power originates with The People. The People create governments by means of constitutions. Since a government is the “creature” of its constitution, it can’t be superior to its Creator, The People.
This is why at the federal convention of 1787, where our present federal Constitution was drafted, our Framers understood that only The People were competent to ratify the new Constitution. George Mason said on July 23, 1787,
“…The [State] Legislatures have no power to ratify it. They are the mere creatures of the State Constitutions, and cannot be greater than their creators…”
Keeping that Principle firmly in mind, let’s look at Article V, US Constitution.
It provides that when two thirds of the State Legislatures (“mere creatures”) apply for it, Congress is to call a convention. At that point, it is out of the State Legislatures’ hands – the bell has tolled, and State Legislatures can’t un-ring it. Congress “calls” the convention (sets it up); but when it assembles, the delegates, as Sovereign Representatives of the People, are not answerable to State Legislatures (which are “mere creatures” of the State Constitution) or to Congress (which is a “mere creature” of the federal Constitution). The delegates actually have the power to eliminate the federal and state governments – and that is precisely what the proposed Constitution for the Newstates of America does.
Delegates to a federal convention called by the federal Congress, to perform the federal function of altering or replacing our federalConstitution, are performing a federal function, not a State function. The delegates don’t represent any government, federal or state. 5They are supposed to represent The People; but in our corrupt time, they are more likely to represent the Koch Brothers (because theyhave the cash).
Dust off your copy of the federal Constitution we already have, read it and defend it. It filled all Europe with “wonder and veneration”. If you don’t do this, we will lose it.
1 The proposed Constitution for the Newstates of America creates a totalitarian dictatorship. The States are dissolved and replaced by regional governments answerable to the new national government. It is ratified by a national referendum [national popular vote] (Art. XII, §1). Other proposed Constitutions are also waiting in the wings for a convention.
The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) claims their model delegate bill “will eliminate the possibility of a ‘runaway convention’ the reason most often cited by scholars for their opposition to an Article V Convention.”
Dr. Alan Keyes spoke of this on the radio some years ago; and I knew he had just handed me the Key to understanding our Constitution.
4 See Federalist No. 22, last para (Hamilton).
The term, “convention of states”, is a misnomer which gives the false impression that States control the convention. In Rob Natelson’s speech on Sep. 16, 2010,  he said he will no longer call it a “constitutional convention”, but will henceforth say, “convention of states” (pg. 2).
This Chart illustrates who has the power to do what at an Article V convention.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

INFOWARS #PatriotChallenge Entry: "Complacency To Action Is Just That." A Fictional Story To Help Patriots Process That Complacency Also Perpetuates Losing What Little You Had Left.

This is an INFOWARS  #PatriotChallenge  Entry. 

 This is my original creative work product, created by me in this past hour.  

Complacency To Action Is Just That.

  I stood there, with nowhere to run, and nowhere to go.  I peered through my front window, standing back in the shadows and darkness, in shock and in dread.  The helicopter could be heard swirling about my residence overhead, moving close until the very whoop-whoop-whoop was as if it would fall on top of my head and the pressure of the very air changed, and then slowly moved away, but always to come back and move away again.   Overzealous men clad in body armor with blue helmets and foreign uniforms that I did NOT recognize ran in para-military fashion to and fro, positioning themselves, pointing their handguns, shotguns, and rifles toward where I was, as though not quite seeing me.  As I peered through the front window, I saw that it was ME they were coming for.  Me. 

8,000,000 foreign soldiers and aliens made up this new Global United Nations police force (that in the last 90 days has overwhelmed this once sovereign land), and has now sent over 30 of their boots on the ground and one helicopter against me.  And what’s with these rug cleaning and painter’s trucks following behind these foreign army troops as if part of their group?  Why are all these guys here? 

Why?  What was my crime?  I dared to vocalize for the way it used to be, when, before the Article V Convention farce that was for a full Communistic Totalitarian Overthrow of the United States, that the United States still had the Bill of Rights.  Before Google took full control of the Internet and all telecommunications as the sole provider and based its new rules authority in Shanghai China, locking it down from access to all but its chosen select, destroying many tens of millions of jobs, and seizing all electronic bank accounts as asset forfeiture in the name of the New Society, just last month…before that happened I shared my reminiscence of the fact of what is history now, of when just months ago it was still permissible to have a freedom to voice a personal opinion or view; of when it was still permissible to believe in my own religious faith; of when it was NOT unlawful to proclaim historical fact, that there was even a George Washington or a United States Constitution, something that is outlawed as a lie now, as if outlawing it changes the reality of what once was, and recreates a new society with a new reality without wiping clean those of us who actually DO remember.   

Vocalizing opposition and trying to persuade only, as I had done, was NOT enough.  Tens of thousands of patriots to that Constitutional Republic that was taken from us, selectively fought, but failed in the end because they neither did it collectively, nor did they take out the heads of those who betrayed us, be they the movers and shakers of the political, the industrial and technological and banking, or the neo-New Society Communist educational or what have you.  The leaders, the leaders and those they appointed to carry it out, or to train and advise.  I should have picked my own select group of potential targets, and I should have selectively taken the initiative to take them out as targets of opportunity…with no cell phones, no gps giveaways, and changes of getaway methods and routes with pre-established safe zones to get to, along and altered appearances with 4 changes down.

But here I am, moving over to cover, with just a simple firearm for home defense, and….

What’s this strange microwave feeling of heat?  On my head.   Now also on my back?   And now also on my chest?  Oh no….



Click.  “Door is breached!  Team 1!  Go! Go! Go!”

“Brrrrrahhhht!” “Brrrrrahhhht!”  “Bam, bam, bam!”

Click 2:  “This is Team 1!  Not only is Target is down, but all former co-residents as well.   Location ready for the asset forfeiture janitorial and maintenance team to roll up and make entry.  Location will be available for Agenda 2050 migration rehabilitation in 14 hours.  Team 1 moving to next target location.  Team 1 out!”


Post-Infowars Patriot Challenge Entry... A Resource Addition: 

For those who would like information about Article V Convention, please look at the works of Publius Huldah at: