Welcome! Jesus Christ is my LORD and Savior! Romans 10:9-10,13; John 3:16
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I am a Natural Born United States Citizen with NO allegiance or citizenship to any nation but my own, and will use this site as a hobby place of sorts to present my own political and religious viewpoints, as a genuine Constitutional Conservative and a genuine Christian Conservative.
Thank you for coming. ------------------------------------------------------------------- In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ 2025
Greg Hunter, formerly of ABC and CNN gives a Christmas 2018 Message which also includes a prominent reminder of Forensic Auditor Testimony before Congress this month that the Clintons only have their LIBRARY listed as a 501c3 Charity. ONLY THE CLINTON LIBRARY. The Clinton Global Initiative and all the other alleged Clinton Charities that collected between 5 to 12 BILLION DOLLARS -- according to two forensic auditors who testified to Congress in December 2018 -- did so FRAUDULENTLY. According to these who reviewed rooms of paper documents from the Clinton's Little Rock Arkansas Law Enforcement seized with warrants business papers...the Clintons ran like they were a Charity when they weren't? That means: Money for Haitian Earthquake relief? Fraud. Money for Charity work in Africa and elsewhere besides the Clinton Library itself? Fraud. In effect, what the forensic auditors told Congress https://www.rt.com/usa/446522-clinton-foundation-foreign-agent-testimony/ was words to the effect that the Clinton Foundation of ANYTHING but the Library is nothing more than Criminal racketeering on a scale of nothing less than Organized Crime? Yup. Guess so. THAT is what NOT having a 501c3 exemption means for the Clintons. It gets worse. "The Clinton Foundation acted as an agent of foreign governments"? The above linked Russia Today reports: Fraud investigators have exposed the Clinton Foundation’s alleged misdeeds in a Congressional hearing, describing it as a de facto “foreign agent” devoted not to charity but to “advancing the personal interests of its principals.” The Clinton Foundation acted as an agent of foreign governments “early in its life and throughout its existence,” according to testimony by former government forensic investigator John Moynihan, which, if true, would not only render it in violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act but also would violate its nonprofit charter, putting it on the hook for a massive quantity of unpaid taxes. The foundation began acting as an agent of foreign governments early in its life and continued doing so throughout its existence, as such, the foundation should have registered under FARA. Moynihan and fellow ex-government investigator Lawrence Doyle shared 6,000 pages of evidence with the IRS over 18 months ago, only to be met with silence.They shared them with the FBI multiple times – ditto. Yet when the pair testified before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, they refused to turn over the documents, stating they did not want to interfere with any ongoing investigations. The committee chairman Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) said witnesses’ reluctance to share all the documents was hardly a “good foundation for truth and transparency,” while Rep. Jody Hice (R-GA) said he felt the duo was “using” the panel for their own benefit. “These are not our facts. They are not your facts. They are the facts of the Clinton Foundation,” said Moynihan, maintaining his interest in the case is purely financial – not political. Testifying on their findings, Doyle highlighted the Foundation’s alleged “misuse of donated public funds,” explaining that it “falsely attested that it received funds and used them for charitable purposes which was, in fact, not the case. Rather the foundation pursued in an array of activities both domestically and abroad,” which included activities “properly characterized as profit-oriented and taxable undertakings of private enterprise, again failing the operational tests of philanthropy referenced above,” referring to the equally non-charitable pursuit of funding the Clinton Presidential Library. John Huber, appointed by former Attorney General Jeff Sessions to investigate the Clinton Foundation after Sessions recused himself from doing so, was conspicuously absent from the hearing, even though his job is to probe Clinton’s approval of the sale of US uranium assets to Russia. Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton also gave testimony, outlining how “it was hard to tell where the Clinton State Department ended and the Clinton Foundation began” – so much so that the King of Bahrain, unable to meet with Clinton as Secretary of State, secured a meeting with the Foundation instead. Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) likened the testimony to “Alice in Wonderland,” claiming yet another investigation of the Clintons was an attempt to distract from the ongoing investigations of Trump. “We have a ruling…saying there is sufficient grounds to go forward with a criminal investigation of the Trump Foundation, not the Clinton Foundation,” he said, adding that the committee had an informant in the Uranium One deal-making process who was unable to present any evidence of wrongdoing. Meanwhile, the FBI has missed a deadline to turn over information on why they raided the home of another Clinton Foundation whistleblower, Nathan Cain, earlier this week. Cain’s lawyer says his client – who reportedly gave the Justice Department documents showing federal officials failed to investigate criminal activity related to the Uranium One deal – was accused of possessing stolen federal property. Source: Russia Today https://www.rt.com/usa/446522-clinton-foundation-foreign-agent-testimony/ ‘Unregistered foreign agent’: Clinton Foundation oversight panel hears explosive testimony Published time: 15 Dec, 2018 04:03
Edited time: 15 Dec, 2018 11:55
In effect, such charges of operating under false pretenses were made both in 2015 https://www.wnd.com/2015/04/wall-street-analyst-uncovers-clinton-foundation-fraud/ and in 2016. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-09-07/clinton-foundation-charity-fraud-epic-proportions-analyst-charges-stunning-takedown The 2014 Clinton Foundation pdf clearly joins the entire family into its financial practices and lists the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation and page 28 of the ff. pdf shows a 501(c) IRS filing in 2014. https://www.clintonfoundation.org/sites/default/files/clinton_foundation_report_public_2014.pdf It's not just about Treason, which is the death penalty because it is a time of war (this applies to Bill, Hillary AND Chelsea who are financially involved in the money-taking from Russia for a $102,350,000 payoff for 20% of US Uranium which it then sells to Iran et al.), it is also about the other money corruption, and that also leads to the pedophilia, alleged human sacrifices (children and other rape victims, allegedly), and so forth...and all that is tied into Bill and Hillary's personal belief system which is a mixture of various forms of Satanism. Some of them being so incredibly idiotic, you would think it be a scene from an Abbott and Costello movie. In the 1990s, Bill Clinton as POTUS affirmed on a certain island trip that he still believed in and practiced voodoo at that time. Some 20 years earlier, for Bill & Hillary's honeymoon, in 1975, Bill and Hillary specifically went to Haiti to engage in direct immersion into voodoo with a witch doctor priest as part of their becoming one flesh marriage spiritualism in which they thrust themselves as emissaries of the Devil (or words to this effect) into the dark arts of Satanism and apparently from the very beginning of their marriage to present day being inwardly very vicious individuals and biographically it could rationally and legally be argued that these two are indeed very hard core Satanists of a sort. In 2016, Hillary would reduce herself, it is alleged, to making voodoo dolls of people...not just members of the Press and members of Congress, which she ADMITS to doing, https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/elections/her-new-book-what-happened-hillary-clinton-blames-many-defeat-n799611 but also of those like Donald Trump and others she also despised. But getting back to Haitian Voodoo binding Bill and Hillary spiritually in 1975. Well 35 years later, the Clintons were a big part of a scam of Haitian Earthquake Relief, in the BILLIONS of $$ and Haitians despise the Clintons to this day for giving them what amounted to between 1 and 3 cents on the dollar of all the Billions that the Clintons as a non-charity organization raised ILLEGALLY as if a charity and ILLEGALLY kept. Billions of dollars raised for Haiti relief, keep 97 to 99%, de jure pay off those you have to, de jure laugh all the way to several various banks in different East Coast states from DC to New York.
An arrest, speedy trial, conviction, and execution of the Clintons by the Federal Government (preferably by January 1 2019 and over by March 1 2019, we can only wish....) seems to be a necessity if the USA is going to re-establish the rule of law domestically, instead of descending into anarchy and self-destruction by non-enforcement of Federal laws that exist now.
As many readers of my blog know, I have previously repeatedly shown that the literary history regarding the New Testament allows me to state that it is a FACT of history that the Gospel of Luke was written between the fall of 49 A.D. and the Spring of 51 A.D. Therefore, Luke’s Gospel is the first in the chronology of the 4 Gospels, and was written in the presence of and with the help of at least half of the Apostles in their careful recollections, and done while Luke assisted the Apostle Paul as he evangelized Corinth of Achaia with the Apostle Peter. The Gospel of John was the other multi-Apostle composed work, but the last Gospel (written very soon after Peter and Paul’s executions in Rome on June 29, 57 A.D.), while Matthew (comprising of Matthew’s witness) and Mark (comprising of Peter’s witnessing while he was at Rome), are the in-between Gospels in the chronological order in which the Gospels came into the world and were “published”, as it were.
In Luke Chapter 2, we start the Christmas event with the Shepherds in the fields some 4.5 to 6 miles south of Jerusalem in October of 5 B.C.
As to the location of the Bethlehem Jesus was born in, it remains BURIED on a hillside in Israel unto this day, and under alien authority (Fatah pseudo-Palestinian West Bank of Judea) governance and control.
Justin Martyr, in his Apology, 1.34, locates the Bethlehem of Judea in which Messiah was born into the world as specifically being 4 to 4.1 miles south of the what is probably the northern side of the Hinom valley at the southern city wall of Jerusalem in the First Century B.C., when he says:
"And thou, Bethlehem, the land of Judah" etc.
"Now there is a village in the land of the Jews, 35 stadia from Jerusalem, in which Jesus Christ was born, as you can[still]ascertain also from the registers of the taxing made under Cyrenius, your first procurator in Judea."
To the Romans of the era from Christ to that of Justin Martyr, 1 stadia was roughly 606 - 630 feet in our measurements. Therefore, 35 stadia was roughly 4.0 to 4.1 miles from Jerusalem's Old City.
Many historians quickly gloss over the significance of the statement of Justin Martyr, from which those having perspicacity can quite well understand the deeper insight from Justin Martyr’s statement from which I quoted, tells us his testimony is thus:
1) There were still existing meticulously detailed and publicly accessible Roman records in Judea about Judeans and events of Judea inscribed in those records, about a century and a half after their entry.
2) The taxing Bureaucracy were thorough and exacting record keeping Administrators who made sure that not only was Joseph and Mary taxed, but they also got the name of the baby born to them while they were at Bethlehem for the Census. This actually would tie in with Matthew 1:20-21,25 as to how Joseph named Jesus / Yeshua his name, when he had been recorded prior to the 8th day circumcision of the child after that Jesus / Yeshua was born.
3) Cyrenius was called the 1st procurator of Judea.
4) This Bethlehem location, no longer extant, and later replaced with a mistaken Byzantine location some 4 miles further away from Jerusalem, this correct 4 mile away from Jerusalem hometown and birthplace of King David as well as Jesus, was still existing in the second century A.D., as was factually known to have existed in Cyrenius' and Jesus' day (probably by both Roman records, and generational families that lived there, even through two major and disastrous Jewish revolts.
5) The location of this Bethlehem rules out all other nominations for Jesus' birthplace, being 35 stadia from Jerusalem.
Currently, the Bethlehem of Jesus' lies buried and unexcavated under open fields and winding roads north-northeast of the current city of Bethlehem. It is miles outside the boundaries of the modern Bethlehem, and almost half as close to Jerusalem as the one now occupied by Muslim fanatics wishing to destroy a true reality they cannot.
Furthermore, various Christian denominations and sects who are attached to the modern Bethlehem are currently worshipping in the wrong place.
But does any of that take away from the historical reality of Christ, of who He is, what He did in coming to Earth from Heaven to be born among us and what He did at the Cross, or the reality of His dying as our atonement of sins, being raised the 3rd day, ascending to back to Heaven visibly before more than 120 witnesses, et cetera? Absolutely not. The historical record and the true reality of things remain sound, even if people are misled, intentionally or otherwise, as to the specific square footage plots as where Jesus was born, or where Jesus suffered on the Cross (being the Kidron and Hinom Valley Juncture, but still at Jerusalem as the Scripture says – Revelation 11:8)
Luke 2
King James Version (KJV)
King James Version (KJV) in aqua Blue
Alternate Word Pictures with Reiterations Version (AWPR) in Yellow
My Comments are in Green
1 And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed. (KJV)
1) And it came into being then in those days,
(there) went forth out a dogma – decree – command
from near and with the force of Caesar Augustus,
(that) all the (ones) dwelling in permanent dwellings
(were) to be written down – enrolled – registered in writing.
2 (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.)
2) That was the first writing down – enrolling – registration
in writing that came into being.
Acting as ruler – governor – procurator of
Syria: Kureniou/Cyrenius.
[Note: The 5th century Codex Bezae (D) moved the words of Luke 2:2 after this translation, so as to read:
“This coming into existence writing down – enrolling – registration. First governing (the) Syria: Kureniou / Cyrenius.”
The First Greek version of the Codex Siniaticus has a differing word order than what we are now accustomed to in our modern Greek translations. That word order reads:
"This writing down – enrolling - registrationBEGAN TO COME INTO EXISTENCE first - (that is,) before the governing of Syria by Kureniou/ Cyrenius."(translation mine) ]
3 And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city. (KJV)
3) And running and passing through / traveling together
went all / everyone to be
written down – enrolled – registered in writing.
Each one into (his) own (private)
individual city/protected settlement
having ascended up – went up.
4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:) (KJV)
4) Then also Joseph from Galilee --
out of the city - inhabited /protected settlement
of Nazaerth, (went) into Judea,
into the city - inhabited /protected settlement
of David, which is called (by name) Bethlehem through it being
of the House and Family of David –
5 To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. (KJV)
5) To be written down - enrolled - registered in writing
with Miriam / Mary:
the one recollecting,being betrothed to him
(as) a betrothed / engaged
maid –damsel – wife to be
[by means of a contractual promise],
existing as one being
inswelled – heavily pregnant – heavily with child.
6 And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. (KJV)
6) Then it came into being – it happened
in their being – existing there / in that place,
the days (for) the bearing and bringing forth (of) her
were fully past – completed – fulfilled.
7 And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. (KJV)
7) And she bore and brought forth the first-born son of her,
and she enwrapped Him in clothes as in a band about Him,
and reclined – laid Him in the stall – pen – manger,
for that on account of[this reason]– because (there)
certainly not was for them a (dwelling) place (or room)
in the Katalumati / The Inn – the place of loosening
[of belts, sandals, burdens].
8 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. (KJV)
8) And Shepherds were in the range – grazing lands –
fields of the province / region/ country.
The same (persons)
remaining and living in the range – grazing lands – fields
of the province / region/ country,
also observing and keeping a watchful preserving
guard /custody of the night over / upon the flock of them.
9 And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. (KJV)
9) And behold, look and see! An angel of the LORD
Stood near upon and over them,
And the glory – dazzling brightness and radiant splendor
of (the) LORD / of YHVeH
shone – lightened up with brilliant light like a lamp about them;
[Acts 26:13 describes brilliance above the brightness of the sun,
Isaiah 30:26 puts such light as 7 times the brilliance of
the noon-day sun.
The text here says that brilliance lit up and focused in
and around the shepherds,
NOT that the whole world was lit up].
And they feared and trembled with a great terror.
[They feared and shook nervously, greatly frightened,
and were seized with a sudden instinctual fright that inclined
them greatly to run away.]
10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. (KJV)
10) But spoke to them the Angel:
'Do not fear and tremble / do not fear (and run away).
Behold, look and see;
for because I bring and proclaim good news to you;
a great and growing joy[cf. Hebrew 'gadol']
which will be to all the people[of Israel]/
which will be to all the nations
[both of the Gentiles as well as Israel].'
11 For unto youis born this dayin the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. (KJV)
11) Because was born - brought forth to you, today,
a Savior, who is Christ (the) LORD,
in the city - protected settlement of David.
12 And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. (KJV)
12) And this to you,
a sign - an event - a mark - a token of confirmation:
you will search inquire - find / discover a babe
[brephas-before birth and after birth, a baby; one who
is directly dependent upon the mother for nourishment or
breastfeeding for survival. see also v. 11"born this day"]
having been enwrapped about (as) in a band
of swaddling clothes,
placed laying down - set down reclining
in the stall - pen / manger.
13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, (KJV)
13) And unexpectingly suddenly (there) came into being
together with the Angel
a great throng - multitude (a fullness of people all around)
of a Heavenly Angelic Army
praising[giving exhortations of blessing and well speaking]
GOD, and speaking - uttering definite words - saying:
14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. (KJV)
14) 'Glory - Praise with thoughtful recognition and honor duly rendered
in highest places / (the) highest
to GOD,
and upon Earth:
Peace (with Tranquility) -
Peace of mind, body, and spirit with kindness and happiness;
[cf. Hebrew 'Shalom']
in men, pleasing favor / good will
in - among - before men.'
15 And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us. (KJV)
15) And it came into being (just) as the angels
withdrew - departed from them into the Heaven,
and (then) - and (after that) the men, the shepherds
said - spoke up alongside with one another,
[suggests to us that they were at differing points of distances from one
another surrounding the flock/herd they were keeping, and it follows that the
dazzling brilliant light of the Angel of the LORD lit up the flock also]
'Let us indeed - Let us by all meansgo through
unto Bethlehem,
and let us experience the seeing of this spoken word
having occurred,
the which the LORD
made known - declared - revealed to us.'
16 And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger. (KJV)
16) And they came hastily - hurrying quickly,
and diligently sought out and found out
both Miriam / Mary and Yosef / Joseph
and the (newborn) baby
lying down - reclining in the stall - pen / manger.
17 And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child. (KJV)
17) Then experiencing the seeing,
they made known and distinguished -
they publicly spread and made distinctly known
around concerning - about in respect to
the spoken word to them
concerning / about / in respect to this child.
18 And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds. (KJV)
18) And all those attentively hearing - listening
were struck with marvel - astonishment / wondered
concerning - in respect to - about
the random things spoken
by - through - (otherwise having occurred)
without notice by
the Shepherds up alongside with them.
[Comment: Why did the hearers marvel?
Because the hearers were Jews,
and the Shepherds were of the Gentiles,
who in verse 20'epestrephan' / 'converted'to Judaism
because of this Angelic Proclamation.
Luke uses the same word forconversion
in the previous chapter inLuke 1:16,17.
True Heaven sent proclamations will always uphold
and proclaim Yeshua / Jesus as mankind's only means
of true Peace with GOD the Father and amongst ourselves. ]
19 But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart. (KJV)
19) Then Miriam / Mary intensely kept and guarded all the
spoken words / sayings cast together / pondered and
in the heart of her.
20 And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them. (KJV)
20) And the Shepherds converted
[Greek 'epestrephan']
glorifying - giving esteem and honor with recognition
and singing praises to GOD upon / over all things
which they had (intently) listened to / (carefully) heard
and beheld (with the eyes)
even as - inasmuch as was spoken up alongside with them.
21 And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called Jesus, which was so named of the angel before he was conceived in the womb. (KJV)
21) And when were accomplished - completed - fulfilled
8 Days to circumcise the recently born / little child,
also was called forth the name of Him, Jesus / Yeshua;
that called through / under the Angel
before He was grasped and taken together / conceived
in the womb.
22 And when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord; (KJV)
22) And when were accomplished - completed - fulfilled
the days of the cleansing - purification of her,
according to the Law - Statute of Moses,
they took up - brought - carried Him
to Jerusalem
to present - to place near the LORD.
23 (As it is written in the law of the Lord, Every male that openeth the womb shall be called holy to the Lord;) (KJV)
23) As according to (what)
has been written - inscribed - carved
in the Law - Statute of the LORD.
'Every male opening a womb
shall be Holy to the LORD.'
24 And to offer a sacrifice according to that which is said in the law of the Lord, A pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons. (KJV)
24) Also to give - bestow - present -offer a sacrificial offering
[of obedience]according to - in respect to
that said - declared in the Law - Statute of (the) LORD:
'A yoke - a joining of two - a pair of turtledoves,
or two young - nestling doves.' "
Disclaimer: The Alternate Word Pictures with Reiterations (AWPR) translation should be used as a Bible Study Aid only, and it is recommended that a direct literal translation or the King James Bible be used for regular and ecclesiastical purposes, and that the AWPR be used in association only as a Bible study aid so as to help the reader / user in their Bible Studying to clarify context and Scriptural Intent. Thanks. -- Brianroy
Alternate Word Pictures with Reiterations (AWPR) - Translation
Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king,
behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, (KJV)
1) Then Jesus / Yeshua,
having been born in Bethlehem of Judea
in the days of
Herod the king:
Behold, look and see;
Magi from (the) rising sun – from (the) dawn –
from (the) East
(publicly and noticeably) arrived into
Jerusalem, (AWPR)
Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in
the east, and are come to worship him. (KJV)
2) Uttering definite
words – saying:
‘In what place
– Where is He (whom is) brought forth – born
King of the Jews?
For – Because we beheld – saw – observed – watched
luminous body – the star of Him in the East,
and came forth publicly so as to make an appearance
to kiss – to adore – to show respect and falling/ prostrating
- to worship him.
When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem
with him. (KJV)
3) Then (paying heed
and) hearing intently – listening (carefully),
Herod the king
was stirred up and agitated / troubled with
great fear and questions,
and all of Jerusalem with
him. (AWPR)
And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people
together, he demanded of them where Christ should be born. (KJV)
4) And gathering –
assembling together
the first / chief
priests and Scribes
[Scribes - includes scribes who copy the Torah, Accountants,
and Civil Servant / Officials that were Recorders, Librarians,
and other
various forms of Book or Document Keepers (including
tax-collectors like Matthew, author of this Gospel).]
of the people,
he asked – inquired – examined from them
where – in what place the Christ was to be born. (AWPR)
And they said unto him, In Bethlehem of Judaea: for thus it is written by the
prophet, (KJV)
5) Then they said
– spoke – replied to him,
‘In Bethlehem of Judea,
for thus – in
this manner or way
it has been
engraved – inscribed – carved – written
through the
prophet, (AWPR)
And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Juda, art not the least among the princes of
Juda: for out of thee shall come a Governor that shall rule my people
Israel. (KJV)
6) ‘And you, Bethlehem, land of Judah,
by no means – not at all
are you least in rank – dignity – importance
in – amongst the leaders – rulers – governors of
for – because out of you will proceed / come forth
a leader – chief – commander – ruler,
someone who will Shepherd the people – nation
of Me, Israel. (AWPR)
Then Herod, when he had privily called the wise men, enquired of them
diligently what time the star appeared. (KJV)
7) At that time then,
Herod in a manner or way concealed from notice –
[and remaining in that state of excessive illumination]
star – luminous body. (AWPR)
And he sent them to Bethlehem, and said, Go and search diligently for the young
child; and when ye have found him, bring me word again, that I may come and
worship him also. (KJV)
8) And causing to go –
sending them
[implies a military escort for part of the journey to ensure
went on the correct road and were certainly on their
way. Herod was in Jerusalem only 4.1 plus miles to the north, where
sending word back to him could be done by one servant sent back on foot, even
walking by lamp or torch by night, in just inside one hour]
into Bethlehem, he said,
‘Having walked and passed – having gone
accurately examine – exactly with
diligence find out –
inquire thoroughly about
regarding the little child.
Then, as soon as – whenever you
find and search out / discover,
announce it to – send word to –
make known to
me, so that I may also come
up alongside with (you)
to worship Him.’(AWPR)
Comment on distance:
Justin, in his Apology, 1.34, says: "And thou, Bethlehem, the land of Judah"
etc. ‘Now there is a village in the land of the Jews, 35 stadia [4.1 miles] from
Jerusalem, in which Jesus Christ was born, as you can [still] ascertain also
from the registers of the taxing made under Cyrenius, your first procurator in
Judea." It appears to me that the
Inn or House to where Jesus was to be located was in this general vicinity at
least a mile closer than the boundaries of modern Bethlehem and in the hills
northeast of the current modern city, as yet unexcavated. That makes
sense that if Bethlehem was so crowded that there was no room, they would be
forced to make the best they could in the outskirts of the city, at a in
Bethlehem point closest to Jerusalem, and yet above the primary dust and smog
(that generally settles upon the first 200 feet of a civilization and makes the
air tan or brownish as one looks down across a valley or plain of it), it seems
to me.
When they had heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the star, which they saw
in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young
child was. (KJV)
9) Then they, having
heard and listened to the king carefully – intently
(continued and) passed through – departed.
And behold, look and see; the luminous body – the star
which they saw – beheld – observed – watched
in the rising sun – in the dawn – in the East
preceded before and led them forth until, coming,
it stood up above / over and upon
where the little child was. (AWPR)
When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. (KJV)
10) Then
seeing – beholding – observing the luminous body / star,
rejoiced with great – abundant
– delight – gladness,
with very
much eagerness.(AWPR)
And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his
mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their
treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense and
myrrh. (KJV)
And coming into the house / building, 1
They saw –
beheld – observed the little child
with Miriam /
Mary the mother of Him.
And falling
down prostrate they adored – showed obeisance to –
worshiped Him.
And opening the
treasures put – set – stored of them,
they brought up
alongside with / next to – near to Him
gratuitous –
generous gifts of
gold and
frankincense and myrrh. (AWPR)
And being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they
departed into their own country another way. (KJV)
And having been addressed
in a very
straight-forward business-like warning – oracle
by a dream that
they should not go back again – return
up alongside
with Herod,
through another
of the same kind of way – highway – route
they departed
back again into
the country –
land – region – territory of them.2(AWPR)
And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph
in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee
into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the
young child to destroy him. (KJV)
Then they, having left – having departed back again:
look and see;
an angel
/ messenger of (the) LORD
shone –
gave light / illumination – appeared
down in a
dream to Joseph, uttering definite words – saying,
‘Rise (from sleep and sluggishness) – Rise up!
take up and seize the little child and the mother of Him,
and hurriedly flee – escape quickly into Egypt;
and be you in that place there
until I shall speak to you:
for Herod is at the point of – is about to look for and strive to find
the little child, to kill – put to death – destroy Him.’
When he arose, he took the young child and his mother by night, and departed
into Egypt: (KJV)
Then he rising up (from sleep and sluggishness)
Took up
and seized – snatched up
little child and the mother of Him by night,
departed back again into Egypt.3
And was there until the death of Herod: that it might be fulfilled which was
spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Out of Egypt have I called my
son. (KJV)
15) And
he was in that place there until
end – completion (death) of Herod,
in order that
would be fulfilled that spoken
under the LORD
through the prophets,
laying down
definite words saying – speaking,
‘Out of Egypt I have called / summoned forth
The Son of Me.’
Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding
wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in
all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time
which he had diligently inquired of the wise men. (KJV)
At that time then, Herod (upon) seeing –beholding that
he was
deluded – deceived – played the fool
under –
by the Magi,
(he) was
provoked into a great wrath – indignation – rage.
sending forth [soldiers on his resulting orders],
He took
away in death – he murdered
All the
male children in Bethlehem,
And in
all the boundaries – frontiers – limits – region of it,
From 2 years and downwards,
According to the Time he
diligently and accurately inquired
From the proximity of
[i.e., that Herod posed to a group presented before
who were also
far enough away to converse in whispers secretly
The Magi.
17) Then was fulfilled that which
was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet, saying, (KJV)
17) Then at that time
was fulfilled – accomplished – completed
definitely uttered / said
under – by – through Jeremiah the
In Rama was there a voice heard, lamentation, and weeping, and great mourning,
Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they are
not. (KJV)
‘A voice – A sound
Shone forth –toned forth
[and would echo in the recurring recollections of
the minds
of those who heard it]
Rama was attentively heard – listened carefully to:
loud wailing and
grievous weeping with tears,
and much (tormented –
sorrowful) bewailing;
Rachel grievously
weeping with tears for the children of her,
And certainly not
willing / certainly not having the
will – desire –
to have called to the
side of – to be aided or comforted
because they
certainly were not.’
Comment: The tomb of Rachel, wife of Jacob, who died in
giving birth to Benjamin (cf. Genesis 35:16-19), was and is located in the
region that is now the city of modern Bethlehem. Benjamin was called
Ben-Oni “son of I / son of me”, which some have mistranslated as “son of my
sorrow”. However, Jacob affirms it was “son of I / son of me” when he
renamed the child as Ben-Yamin “Son at my Right Hand”. Indeed, Jesus /
Yeshua would eventually be known to humanity as “the son at the Right Hand” of
GOD the Father Almighty.
But when Herod was dead, behold, an angel of the Lord appeareth in a dream to
Joseph in Egypt, (KJV)
19) Then Herod
come to his end – having expired / completed / died;
look and see: an Angel of (the) LORD
down in a
dream gives light – shines – appears
to Joseph
in Egypt,
Saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and go into the land of
Israel: for they are dead which sought the young child's life. (KJV)
Speaking with definite words – saying,
‘Rising up (from sleep and sluggishness).
Take up – possess – seize – take along
the little child and the mother of Him,
and pass through into (the) Land of Israel:
for – because those seeking – striving to find
the soul of / the life of the little child
have died (by natural means).’ (AWPR)
And he arose, and took the young child and his mother, and came into the land
of Israel. (KJV)
21) Then
he [Joseph]
took up –
seized and took along – snatched up
little child and the mother of Him,
and came
forth publicly into (the) Land of Israel.
But when he heard that Archelaus did reign in Judaea in the room of his father
Herod, he was afraid to go thither: notwithstanding, being warned of God in a
dream, he turned aside into the parts of Galilee: (KJV)
22) Then,
hearing attentively and hearkening that Archelaus
upon Judea against / in place of – in lieu of /
substitution as a successor of
Herod the
father of him,
he [Joseph]feared and trembled with fright and terror
(so as to
run away) [rather than] to go there in that
Then, down in a dream,
being addressed
a very straight-forward business-like
order - response - warning – oracle,
he [Joseph]
departed back again into the [sea – waters
the] sides – parts – coasts.4
behold, look and see;
heavens to him were opened,
he saw – beheld – observed (it was) the Galilee.
And he came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth: that it might be fulfilled
which was spoken by the prophets, He shall be called a Nazarene. (KJV)
23) And
having come forth publicly,
He dwelt
in a permanent dwelling / he resided
Into a
city – protected settlement called Nazareth;
So as to
accomplish – make full – complete – fulfill
spoken – foretold through the prophet:
‘He shall be summoned forth / called Nazarene.”
Disclaimer: The Alternate Word Pictures with Reiterations
(AWPR) translation should be used as a Bible Study Aid only, and it is
recommended that a direct literal translation or the King James Bible be used
for regular and ecclesiastical purposes, and that the AWPR be used in
association only as a Bible study aid so as to help the reader / user in their
Bible Studying to clarify context and Scriptural
Intent. THE AWPR is my translation carefully done from the Koine Greek Scriptural Texts. Thanks. -- Brianroy
1. The
events of the Magi arriving is AFTER the events listed in Luke Chapter 2.
Finding Mary and Jesus the angelically announced Messiah in a manure filled
stall, it is not a stretch in any way that the Shepherds (who possibly were
raising their flocks primarily in the valley of Achor, south of Jericho –
Isaiah 65:9-10, before proceeding round about to Jerusalem through the south
via Bethlehem) could easily have used sheep as payment for someone or the Inn
itself to take Miriam and her baby in out of doors. Judaism often places
an emphasis of the relationship of child and mother, and of common
decency. A trade (for example) of 7 fat sheep for eating, and perhaps a
lamb without spot or blemish for trade or sacrifice for the Temple would have
been more than sufficient payment. There is absolutely no justification
for any relocation of the event to Nazareth or anywhere else. In fact,
the events of both the Shepherds and the visit by the Magi would have preceded
the actual day of circumcision of the little child Jesus, meaning the visits by
the Shepherds in Luke 2 (written in A.D. 50) and that of the Magi in Matthew 2
(written between June of A.D. 55 and the early fall of A.D. 56 at the latest),
both were completed within the first 8 days of Jesus birth.
2. The Highway to Israel from Babylonia
would have been via: Accad, Mari, Tadmor, Damascus, Capernaum, Jericho,
Jerusalem, and points along that route.
exit taken by the Magi away from Herod, would likely have been south from
Bethlehem to the road that passed from Kadesh Barnea (around the southern part
of the Dead Sea traveling East then North through Edom on the King's Highway)
to Rabboth-Bene-Ammon, then due east to Dumah, and from Dumah to Babylonia.
3. “Departed back again” is the most
accurate translation possible for the Koine Greek Word of this verse, which is “anechoresen”
– the aorist indicative active of anachoreo. This means
that Joseph, although of the House of David, was a Jew who was previously
living in Egypt and for some time had made his home and livelihood there.
Most likely that home was in Alexandria, and the use of the aorist indicative
active of anachoreo in the way it is presented in this verse suggests that is
where Mary also had spent some time as the wife of Joseph upon her marriage to
him. It also gives cause for a working hypothesis as to part of the
reason why Mark took his Gospel to Alexandria after the death of the Apostle
Peter on June 29, 57 A.D., and founded what would be the Coptic Church before
his own death in the 8th year of Nero in A.D. 62 (just 5 years after that of
Peter’s death in Rome). There must have been some sort of familiarity and
testimony that joined Joseph by family and (Mary and the LORD Jesus to that
city later, albeit briefly) as a city of refuge away from and out of Herod’s
jurisdiction and influence.
4. Joseph, it seems to me, most
clearly took the little child / baby Jesus and the mother of Him out of Egypt
by ship back to Israel. They probably first embarked to Joppa, heard the
news of Archelaus, and then took the journey to the next stop of Caesarea (Song
of Solomon 2:1) on the coast of Samaria and entered through the plain of
Sharon. Prophecy related to Sharon in the Old Testament informs us that
Joseph then would have proceeded by land up to Mount Carmel (Isaiah 35:1-2)
before turning aside to Galilee, so as to appear to enter it from an origin in
the north and avert suspicion as having actually come from the south.