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I am a Natural Born United States Citizen with NO allegiance or citizenship to any nation but my own, and will use this site as a hobby place of sorts to present my own political and religious viewpoints, as a genuine Constitutional Conservative and a genuine Christian Conservative.

Thank you for coming.
In the Year of our LORD Jesus Christ

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Freed Up To Post Again? Yup. Test comment: Origin Of Masonry Was Destroying The Wisdom Of Solomon

 Will Google and US intel placed among them let me post more than just this ff. test, or will I be internet verboten again?  Who knows.  Such is the 1984 idiocy of the current sell-out Treason self-pat on the back US Federal Government as it harasses and manipulates its own citizens and sells out as agencies employed by foreign powers as much as it does to special interests among its own country.  

Since many if not most of what is left of the higher ups in intel are Masons and Luciferians/Devil-worshippers of one sort or another, even though many are anti-semites, their religious origins are actually Jews who denied the wisdom in the writings of Solomon, and destroyed them to harm humanity, rather than to convert them to the One true GOD or to see them in any way physically healed.  Modern Masons are USUALLY no different in that respect of allowing true reality with GOD or physical healing to be to all.

According to Hippolytus, in his fragment on the Song of Songs:

--  King Hezekiah's assigned men were the compilers of the book of Proverbs (cf. Proverbs 25:1); but were also the destroyers of Solomon's writings as well.  Probably about 709 to 701 B.C., but this is only a best guess on the years; however, Masonry starts here in these years with King Hezekiah's men being the first actual occult Masons, in my opinion.

Solomon had composed some 3,000 parables and 5,000 songs...many hundreds of these were about plants and various species of animal life in water, on land, and of the air. 

The wisdom especially contained remedies for healing diseases. Under the pretext that the people looked to the wisdom of Solomon, rather than to GOD to heal their diseases, Hezekiah destroyed the vast majority of Solomon's library of insight he had left behind. --

 the takeaway has to do with the rise of Masonry from the times of Hezekiah, and how and why they attribute themselves has having a Solomon connection.  Their suppression of true knowledge for lies and deception and engaging in occult practices and making certain empowerment knowledge as forbidden knowledge, and losing much of that, gives us the actual date of the creation and rise of Masonry, with the Jews, NOT in the times of Solomon, but in the times of Hezekiah.  


Hippolytus goes on and states that Solomon's Temple, unlike the Temples that followed, was not with its door pointing directly to the East -- (Hippolytus, Fragment on Jeremiah and Ezekiel) -- suggesting that a Masonic re-direction of the Temple happened with the return from Babylonian exile and Herod's Temple.  This redirection differs from certain Temple conclusions of Leen Rittmeyer and Joseph Patrich, where  the facing of the access to the Temple would have been offset. http://www.ldolphin.org/Patriche-Temple.html 


 It seems that Patrich and Rittmeyer have shown the likelihood of the line of sight of the beautiful gate to the Holy Place being from slightly East-Southeast to West- Northwest. I am of a mind that Solomon's temple was probably more offset than these scholars have proposed. Such would be along a line of sight that leads more directly to the true crucifixion site of the Kidron and Hinom Valley juncture (Rev. 11:8), and a line of sight that is inclusive of the (later) true Pentecost upper Room of the Southeast Temple Court subjoining both the southern wall's Royal portico, and the Eastern wall's Portico of Solomon. 


 In closing:

 Prep against the future, get right with GOD and have provisions against thirst and starvation as the New World Order has pledged to kill more than 220,00,000 in the USA alone by 2025, and over 7,500,000,000 by 2030.  Those who took the eugenics bio-weapons, the COVID-19 shots and boosters, are the MAJORITY of that number, 200,000,000 +, expected to be removed.  Who knows how they will kill the other circa 20,000,000 IF they can get away with it, while calling at present that anyone who took the shot merely "committed suicide" and are not eligible for Life Insurance pay-offs on that disqualification, even if the shot was forced, not just coerced.  Uh huh.